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Folk Hero Kedys, allegedly, found dead‎

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:40 PM

Folk Hero Kedys, allegedly, found dead‎

Folk hero Kedys, allegedly, found dead


The folk hero Drasius Kedys, who allegedly had shot two people in Kaunas and was on the run since then, was found dead some 30 km from Kaunas on 18 April. Media reports that his relatives identified the body. The Acting General Prosecutor Raimondas Petrauskas said to LNK TV news that the found body could be that of Drasius Kedys, but he gave 90 per cent.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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Drasius Kedys - Double homicide on elite pedophiles?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:40 PM
I said a prayer for him tonight.

I wish there were an International media effort to to rescue his Daughter, its my understanding she is again in the hands of pedophiles.

Not many people hit on this the first time around and I doubt anyone will care about the death of a Man who I think gave these scumbags the final surprise of their miserable evil lives

It looks like he was last in London or Spain and his body shows up in Lithuania again? I smell b.s no I mean B.S.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by samhouston1886

I said a prayer for him tonight.

I wish there were an International media effort to to rescue his Daughter, its my understanding she is again in the hands of pedophiles.

Not many people hit on this the first time around and I doubt anyone will care about the death of a Man who I think gave these scumbags the final surprise of their miserable evil lives

It looks like he was last in London or Spain and his body shows up in Lithuania again? I smell b.s no I mean B.S.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Im Lithuanian and I hear about this every day. I can tell you that his daughter is safe - court desided that mother cant take care of her at this moment when the case of mother selling her daughter to pedophiles isn't finished. Drasius Kedys sister is taking care of her temporarily.
The pedophile Usas is under high security (WTF!!!!) and he will probably get away with few hundred litas fine (!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Its crazy in our country, every institution is corrupt and everything is easily covered up even though everyone KNOWS that ITS BULL# (that Usas didn't touch Kedys daughter and so on)... People are protesting every week without any results...
You can easily see how everything is so fcked up here, every day new versions, idiotic explanations in behalf of pedofiles, there's even a TV show which supports pedophiles and every week they speak on TV and tell how poor they are because of "false" accusations!!! It makes EVERYONE angry.
When Drasius Kedys body was found his family wasn't even informed!!!!!! They found out only when they read news on internet!!!!!!!!!!! "Experts" say that Kedys was drunk then he vomited and choked to death because of vomiting !!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! They think we're idiots!!!!!!! Family members clearly said that they saw signs of violence on his body and those "experts" tell that he died by himself!!!!!!! They even say they found gun near him with which he killed Furmanavicius (pedophile judge) and a woman who also sold her daughter to pedophiles! But it's getting clear that he didn't even kill them, pedos did it because Furmanavicius was about to give away tapes which showed high officials making orgies with small children... This information was from former VSD agent (Lithuanian State Security Department) K. Vilkauskas.
And yes, i bet this will be covered up 100% like the death of VSD agent V. Pociunas when he asked questions which shoudn't be asked and one day he was sent to Belarus where he "felt dizzy and fell out of balcony by himself". His wife still seeks the truth without any results - but thats another story...

[edit on 22-4-2010 by CMEPTb]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by CMEPTb

Thank you for the update, I am so happy to know she is safe.

I am so troubled to hear that he may have not even killed these scumbags.
It would mean he was truly innocent AND a Martyr.

May he rest in Peace.

The World can not forget this Man, please Know that I will do my part to spread the word in America.

In our country this is quite common as well, our Politicians enjoy the same sick activities.

Tell your Countrymen that there are people in America that know the tale of Drasius Kedys

The good people of the world need to stick together like the scum do.
We will not survive if we do not.

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