To continue.
Much to my dismay, I have found very little about this Kentucky Connection. I will share what little I have gleaned from the web, 99% of what I found
simply referred to Mammoth Cave as the purported entrance to the mythical Agartha, of which we will discuss in due time, or referenced the map from
In discussing peoples of Hollow Earth, the reports are the people grow larger than on Earth. That makes my tiny Kentucky Mammoth cave discovery,
Six Foot Red Headed Mummy Found In Mammoth Cave
"[s]omewhere between 1811 and 1813 (different authors vary on the date) a group of miners were working in the Kentucky Caves, particularly in Short
Cave. A worker was digging into the clay when he hit upon a large flat rock. When the rock was removed a crypt containing a mummy was discovered.
...It was determined that the mummy had been a woman, nearly six foot tall. The woman had been wrapped in two deer skins that were decorated with leaf
and vine patterns. The body was in nearly perfect condition even though researchers didn't see it until over 60 years after its discovery. The mummy
had red hair in an unusual hair style. The hair was cut to about an eighth of an inch long, except on the back of the head, near the neck, where the
hair was about two inches long.
The most astounding fact about the Fawn Hoof Mummy was that it had been prepared and embalmed in much the same way as used by the Egyptians. The
hands, ears, fingers and much of the rest of the body was dried, but had been preserved very well.
So how, or why, did the Smithsonian Institution lose this precious find? Could it be that new information provided the mummy challenged their ideas
about our pre-history and any interactions the ancient Egyptians may have had with the Americas? "
What a very intriguing discovery, only to be....LOST by the Smithsonian? Could this unusual Kentucky Mummy have been one of the inhabitants of that
mythical Hollow earth?
There is one group who, as I type this tale, are planning an Expedition to Hollow Earth. this is the most exciting news I have heard in some time.
Here is a little bit about the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition.
Voyage To Hollow Earth
"Would you be interested in a once-in-a-life-time chance to discover Our Hollow Earth first hand? We invite you to join us now on an expedition to
Our Hollow Earth!
To Join the Expedition, click here.
This proposed expedition would like to conduct some scientific observations in the Arctic that is hoped will resolve once and for all whether the
hollow earth theory has any validity. The indigenous Eskimos believe there is a hole in the Arctic Ocean. Observations of several Arctic explorers
of mirages of land in the Arctic indicate that the most plausible location for a north polar opening that leads into the interior of the earth is
located at 87.7 N Latitude, 142.2 E Longitude. To check out this theory, a group of hollow earth believers and scientists would like to charter a
Russian Nuclear Icebreaker into the Arctic sea.
Steve Currey, our expedition organizer, discovered May 1, 2006 he had brain cancer with 6 tumors, and on May 22 was advised it was incurable. He
passed away July 26 and his funeral was August 1, 2006 in Provo, Utah. The Currey family has cancelled their involvement in our hollow earth
expedition and have returned expedition members monies. We are most SAD to hear this fateful news.
With the passing of Steve Currey, expedition members have regrouped and chosen new expedition leadership.
Our Expedition organizer is now Dr. Brooks Agnew, physicist.
You can listen to him on his Internet radio program at"
You should read more about this exciting expedition at the link. It is exciting because there is actually a group determined to test the theory.
The Official North Pole Expedition Website, Click Here!
"he discovery that the earth is hollow would forever shatter our long-held beliefs about how planets are formed. More importantly, however,
discovering life beneath the earth’s crust could potentially provide us with new tools that would allow life on the surface to regain environmental
balance, harmony, and possibly even peace. These prospects make the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition the greatest expedition in the history of the
Dr. Agnew has also conducted scientific research to support his theory, which can and should be look at if you have followed this tale thus far.
Dr. Agnew's Hollow Earth Science!
"It is strongly believed that the scientific data collected on this Expedition will be invaluable to understanding the true structure of the Earth.
If the oceanic depression can be located and measured, it will be the geological discovery of the millennia. If the Aurora Borealis can be affirmed to
originate from the inner Earth, the entire field of planetary physics may be rewritten. If the Earth can be proven to be hollow, the Expedition may be
the most profound discovery since the Earth was discovered to revolve around the sun.
Not only are these scientific discoveries possible, but they are demanded by tens of millions of enthusiasts who have been supporting this Expedition
with their letters, votes, voices, and purchases of conferences, books and films on the subject. This is by far the most exciting Expedition ever
attempted on Earth."
I know, with all the excitement over Kentucky Connections and North pole Expeditions, I have not mention how Little Green Men play into the Hollow
Earth Theory.
To conclude our tale, I will leave you with the story of two green people who are rumored to have come from the Hollow earth itself! Enjoy this old
'fairy tale'.
Little Green People
"n Suffolk, at St Mary's of the Wolf Pits (Woolpit), a boy and his sister with green tinged skin were said to have been found at the mouth of the
old wolf pits. When first discovered they were both extremely frightened, and no one could understand their speech. They were eventually taken to the
home of Sir Richard de Caine at Wilkes...
...When she had learnt how to speak English, she related the story of how they had come to be at the entrance to the pits. She said they had come from
a land where there is no sun, but light such as at our twilight all the time. She and her brother were following their flocks, when they chanced upon
a cavern. They entered this cavern and heard the sound of bells and were so enchanted by the sweet music, that they stayed exploring until they came
to the cavern's entrance."
Was the little green girl describing Hollow Earth?
If you enjoy this topic as much as I do, and want to further explore Hollow Earth Theory, I leave you these links to further your adventure. And in
your explorations, if you discover any hollow Earth connections of your own, or anything else that catches your fancy, please share with the rest of
us. This thread is for everyone to add to and enjoy.
I have merely brushed the surface of Hollow earth, hopefully whetting your appetite to explore further this ages old myth of an inner Eden right
beneath our feet. If no else discovers and posts about the myriad of connections to the Hollow Earth theory I did not touch upon, I promise to return
and explore even more avenues of thought in the always entertaining arena of Hollow Earth theories.
Thank you for taking the time to explore the surface of our Hollow Earth together.
[edit on 21-4-2010 by hotbakedtater]