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Glenn Beck the Prophet: ‘God is giving me a plan’

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:46 PM
Ah just reinforcing the right v left paradigm... Sigh! These guys are all just two sides to the same coin they are all owned by the same people and it is thier job to perpetuate the left v right. It is the slight of hand to keep us distracted while the elite and politically connected rob us blind and impose more controls on us.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by 12GaugePermissionSlip
For one thing Ted Turner is a conservative and won't even have MSNBC on his cable network, Comcast.

Do you think that's really true that he's a conservative? I'd always heard Turner described as a Liberal, here are some things from his wiki page that make it sound like he's not a right winger:

Turner once called observers of Ash Wednesday "Jesus freaks"

Turner also received attention when he asserted on PBS's Charlie Rose television program that if steps aren't taken to address global warming, "Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals."

In 1998, Turner pledged to donate $1 billion of his then $3 billion to United Nations causes, and created the United Nations Foundation

Turner also said he advocated drastically cutting the U.S. military budget and Americans having no more than 2 children in the interview.

Turner created CNN in 1980

A proponent of Obama’s healthcare bill, Turner has said: “We’re the only first world country that doesn’t have universal healthcare and it’s a disgrace.”

Categories include: Georgia (U.S. state) Democrats

The only thing that goes against this seems to be that in his younger days he was a member of the "Young Republicans"

I don't think I can buy that he's a Conservative, he sounds pretty Liberal to me, I don't think I could even buy that he was a Centrist.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 05:16 PM
God talks to me too. He told me that Glenn Beck is a crybaby, whiner and thinks he's a moron. God also want Mr Beck to stop trying to gain favor with other morons by bringing up his holy name just to make money and gain ratings.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Hey, I talk to God all the time whaaa, I just think he is not listening lately, either that or I am not listening well enough.

I find people that use this to denigrate people are going to find that you are barking up the wrong tree.

God helps those that help themselves. I do not impose my viewpoints of God on others, I usually never bring up my beliefs. I do not belong to ANY church. I do not belong to ANY organized religion.

Those that TRY to impart their convictions of God on others are wrong.

That is about as far as I am going to go on that aspect.

My religion, your religion, my lack of religion, your lack of religion, or any variance thereof should NOT be a factor in any discussion of politics.

BUT, to try and demonize another's beliefs of God and their viewpoints of political standings is idiocy.

Whaaa say you?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:18 PM
So the other morning I was enjoying my cup of coffee and talking to a friend who, like Beck, happens to be a Mormon.

He said: "Mormons don't drink cofffee."
I replied: "That's too bad."
He asked: "Well tell me what's so great about drinking coffee anyway?"
I replied: "For starters, it prevents you from being a Mormon."

On to Topic:

Invoking the name of GOD while proselytizing the GOP ain't nothing new.
Palin has been spouting the God and Guns mantra from day one. Perhaps Beck's imaginary friend will whisper in his ear on live TV one night and he'll go Godzilla on National TV, right before they go to a Snuggie Commercial.

And because art often imitates life: (Great title.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:20 PM
OP......That is one annoying video. LIAR! LIAR! I hate that song. Everytime the singer yells LIAR! I'm reminded of Beavis.

I've listened to beck for 10 years now and the dude has been dead right almost every time. Is almost freaky how he can call it before it happens.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by whaaa

God's just running around handing out plans to TV personalities now?

Reminds me of a great story about my Dad. My Dad is a fundamentalist Christian who is a little on the nutty side, one day he came to us and said that God told him to drive to the ocean and that a whale was gonna cough up a treasure chest on the beach that he could use to start a church

I'm still waiting for my gold doubloons

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

But the thing is Palin actually attends a church instead of finding excuses about not being able to choose one. Your argument rings hollow.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

At least he doesn't attend a Marxist whitey hating church like Obama did for 20 years.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by prionace glauca
reply to post by kinda kurious

But the thing is Palin actually attends a church instead of finding excuses about not being able to choose one. Your argument rings hollow.

Oh thank you...I love this video...witchcraft....

Didn't help her campaign much did it? And to think...this woman had a chance to put her finger on the nuclear trigger. She may yet.

Now there's a reason to pray!!

God help us!!

[edit on 21-4-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

God helps those that help themselves. I do not impose my viewpoints of God on others, I usually never bring up my beliefs. I do not belong to ANY church. I do not belong to ANY organized religion.

Those that TRY to impart their convictions of God on others are wrong.

Looks to me like you tried to impart a belief about God in the same sentance as you denounce it! You can't hope to control the contexts, it's too big an issue - you'd become a control freak to even try. It may convince a few people to adopt such standards, but it's mostly just bashing your head against a wall & making people upset in the process.
Religion is tied to politics in institution and behind-the-scenes, it's unavoidable.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by 12GaugePermissionSlip

Just because Fox has more viewers the MSNBC doesn't mean that they are better

You COMPLETELY missed my point. Let me spell it out for you- MSNBC blasts anyone on FoxNews, just as Avis blasted Hertz or any other third tier company blasts the leading company- it's their attempt to win leadership. Of course, in the case of MSNBC, no one worth their salt takes them seriously. It is nothing more than a group of misfits that would NEVER make it on any other network. Any network that has an open chat session to the Whitehouse to take their orders from (as Brzezinski does) cannot be considered a NEWS channel. It is nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the Obama Cabal.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:18 PM
I think Glenn Beck is a character that actually scares the senses out of some people. I really don't think hw speaks for alot of people. Recently the owner of fox (Mr. Murdock) was asked to name one Democrat working for Fox news. He couldn't do it and stumbled over the question for about a minute or so.

I honestly feel more informed watching Jon Stewart. Great Response last night to Fox's anti-jon Stewart segment on O'Reilly. He makes my stomach upset, too. Honestly, if these guys believed half of the stuff they are reporting as fact, i can not imagine how they would be able to sleep at night. I just ain't buying it.

Glenn Beck is beyond propaganda, venturing into near messiah complex who's ego, logic, and paranoia may make interestin TV and ratings for fox noise. Even the scripted and off the cuff out there statements of their morning crew is boldly opinionated. Slivers of true information here and there to still call it "news".

Come to think of it.....

Most news lately seems to be about other news, or opinionated commontary. Even Nancy Grace. That lady is so judgemental and reports on the sickest of crimes. usually detailling how he or she did it or could have done it before any arrests or body.. Profits. Ratings.

Are the producers and writers of these shows like vultures?
300+ million Americans to report news on.
Let's find the few baby killers and burn trillions of calories, thousands of man hours, hundreds of hours of airtime and news coverage ....


Jon Paulson makes 3.7 BILLION DOLLARS in ONE YEAR with shady dealings with Goldman Sachs and the scheme they played.
Exxon Mobile profits from American Wars, makes 35 Billion in profits last year and pays the USA NOTHING!!! NO TAXES!!! ZIP!!
What was news back when they were doing it?

If i were a journalist i would be ashamed of myself.
Truth may be the real information is under marshal law, in some degree.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

I think Glenn Beck is a character that actually scares the senses out of some people

I hope you don't mean that. Glen Beck is nothing more than an entertainer. Even those considered conservatives, and I certainly consider myself one, don't take him seriously. In fact, Bill O'Reilly, Hannity, Olbermann, Madow, and most of the other cable network shows that have the show named after the person, are nothing but entertainment, aimed at their particular segment of the political spectrum. Furthermore, I don't think Beck believes 90% of what he says- he's just saying it for shock value. You have to admit- it seems to bring in the ratings.
Personally, I don't watch any of that type of show because nothing is gained in terms of real knowledge. They are the 21st century snake oil salesmen/women.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:32 PM
I think anytime another network blasts people like Beck at every chance they get are prove what the real content of their character is.

My grandfather use to say, "A man will tell you his true intentions if you listen close enough"

So youll use religion as a way to Bash someone and discredit them, in the same breath that theyll say "Even if Obama is a Muslim it shouldnt matter its the content of his character and his heart"

Hypocrisy at work eh?

I swear the liberal left is like an ex I had, tell me not to do something then go do it themselves, when they are called out on it, they throw a fit , call you names then scream and cry about how its justified....and when that doesnt work they storm off...

Its my opinion that anytime a single person has such a huge target on them from every other news agency and the Administration themselves, then the man MUST be doing something right....

He proposes a return to our constitution and to our REPUBLIC rights, and its a bad thing? He calls out the lies and misdirection of not only the administration but other politicians and thats a bad thing?

He tells people to turn to their religious beliefs and the core foundations of who and what they are, to do the right thing, and thats a bad thing?

im sorry i see nothing wrong with this.....would you have us stay blind and zombie shuffle our way to our own social imprisonment? Cause thats what the Gov run media outlets the president choses to work with would have us do.......


People who spend so much time targeting glenn and trying to get as much dirt on him as they can in an effort to deface him TELL ON THEMSELVES....

Pssssssssst your agendas are showing

[edit on 21-4-2010 by ManBehindTheMask]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:44 PM
I was not going to watch a video commentation of mr. Beck and come to an immediate conclusion on the man. I decided to do some research on him and his statements and all I can say is, wow!

I have never heard of anyone like this guy before in my life. We don't have people like this in Bolivia, especially not on television or radio. I can now understand why the Americans can believe the propaganda that we on the outside clearly see. If Bolivians had people like this on television with such high viewing numbers we would probably be a military dictatorship again.

How does he get the misconception that anyone who supports social justice a Soviet Communist or a Nazi? That sounds like someone put a propaganda puppet on the television, there's a reason for this just like how the same network spewed war rhetoric against Iraq before the US invaded. What is their upcoming purpose? It sounds like a they are establishing a similar platform like they did just before the collapse of the Weimar Republic.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by UndeniableDeath
I was not going to watch a video commentation of mr. Beck and come to an immediate conclusion on the man. I decided to do some research on him and his statements and all I can say is, wow!

I have never heard of anyone like this guy before in my life. We don't have people like this in Bolivia, especially not on television or radio. I can now understand why the Americans can believe the propaganda that we on the outside clearly see. If Bolivians had people like this on television with such high viewing numbers we would probably be a military dictatorship again.

How does he get the misconception that anyone who supports social justice a Soviet Communist or a Nazi? That sounds like someone put a propaganda puppet on the television, there's a reason for this just like how the same network spewed war rhetoric against Iraq before the US invaded. What is their upcoming purpose? It sounds like a they are establishing a similar platform like they did just before the collapse of the Weimar Republic.

I hate to break it to you, it wasn't just one network that was spewing Iraq war rhetoric. But you are in a nation whose media is controlled so you don't get to experience what the other side perpetuates. You know it was CNN that broke out with massive ground-breaking coverage from the front lines in both Iraq wars implanting their microphone mouths to cover the play by play like John Madden. Might help to google John Madden to get a better understanding of my analogy.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by UndeniableDeath

Same for the ADL, if they just stuck to attacking racists, I would have no beef, but it seems they can't stick to their stated missions.

My friend, don't worry about Beck and his effect upon Americans. His viewership runs around 3 million, less than 1% of the US population. If this country turns to chaos, it won't be because of people like Beck, but rather people like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, who have stepped upon the US Constitution, held close door meetings to keep Americans from finding out what legislation they are passing, and have completely shut out the opposition from any negotiations. Given that they only won by a few percentage points, almost half of the country feels completely disenfranchised. THAT is the ticking time bomb, not Beck or any other TV clown.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

I think Glenn Beck is a character that actually scares the senses out of some people

I hope you don't mean that. Glen Beck is nothing more than an entertainer. .

I won't quote your whole post there, but your a credit to conservatives, although i don't like labels.

I gave ya a star for that contribution, just cause it was ... some damn good truths. Well said. A little more optimistic than my current view of politics, but refreshing comentary none the less.

I think what i was trying to say in a non-abrasive manner was ...

I think people who believe Glenn Beck and watch his show are literally becoming stupider and doing themselves a great disservice. I don't know who or what Glenn Beck is a credit to.

It's like WWE journalism.
One Glenn Beck goes in.
One Glenn Beck comes out.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:44 PM

Glenn Beck the Prophet: ‘God is giving me a plan’

I applaud Glenn Becks honesty. Finally he reveals his true beliefs. He worships Rupert Murdoch as some kind of deity and thinks what he says is divine providence.

I bet his children are called Rupert, Sky and Fox.

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