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Are Ugly People The New Facist Victims?

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:35 AM
Beautiful people in the media are everywhere.
Close your eyes and listen to the words coming forth from their willing mouths and what is discerned?
No matter.... how many ugly persons you would not want to go to bed with if you were beautiful and could pick and choose, are in the media?
This is understandable , if we a re in a pet shop we coo over the cute little doggie, and shuffle from the ugly kitten.
But what of the consequences?
Are Beautiful , sexy, pretty, average looking people, more of intrinsic value than physically ugly human beings?
If so if not why are the uglys gettting phased out, and if say a thousand years on we have bred out physically repellant people, what world will we have?
A better world or a worse world?
This thread was started to debate a reality of why does one associate beauty with goodness or desirability?
In women this may be self expolanatory or not, but with men it is curious?
Is it all about what glitters is gold or are ugly people ugly due to sin?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Dr Conspire

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - Plato

2 line

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by TheDon
reply to post by Dr Conspire

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - Plato

2 line

But be if the only behoder is beautiful?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Dr Conspire
If so if not why are the uglys gettting phased out, and if say a thousand years on we have bred out physically repellant people, what world will we have?
A better world or a worse world?

You would think that would happen over time, but you're forgetting one crucial element. Men will have sex with almost anyone (anything?) given beer and the opportunity. Especially if no one has to know

If you could only chose one partner to mate with for life, then you'd probably see less "ugly" people.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus

Originally posted by Dr Conspire
If so if not why are the uglys gettting phased out, and if say a thousand years on we have bred out physically repellant people, what world will we have?
A better world or a worse world?

You would think that would happen over time, but you're forgetting one crucial element. Men will have sex with almost anyone (anything?) given beer and the opportunity. Especially if no one has to know

If you could only chose one partner to mate with for life, then you'd probably see less "ugly" people.

Very witty fer sure.
But ok to start the obvious, Adolf Hitler was less than sexy as a male I can see that, but something in his Physhce (oops ) made him darkly appealing to the masses both physically atractive and not.
Are Beautiful and nice looking humans spiritually superior to Ugly coaarse looking humans?
Do our natures get revealed by our physical appearances ,or is it all just smoking mirrors?
No one can doubt that the human species are getting more sexy and physically attractive as the decades roll by.
But the crux is are we getting more kind and loving?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 02:52 AM
Like others have said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When I see someone, of course I see their physical appearance, but more so than that, I focus much more on their vibes they are giving off.

Sometimes physically attractive girls give off the most vile and disgusting vibes, while people who some might think is "ugly," might have the nicest vibe ever.


posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by SolarE-Souljah
Like others have said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When I see someone, of course I see their physical appearance, but more so than that, I focus much more on their vibes they are giving off.

Sometimes physically attractive girls give off the most vile and disgusting vibes, while people who some might think is "ugly," might have the nicest vibe ever.


Well wheteher you are saying this as a man or a woman I guess is irrelevent, but vibes are just the same as looks?
Hitler and stalin gave out the strongest vibes, thats why they controlled those with machine guns and tanks.
My point is specifically related, the physical, sexual realm.
I have had friends who have been the most self serving and despicable in relation to the opposite sex , yet have attracted the most beautiful and sexy physical specimens, and hey they have not been ugly physically.
But if I conclude beauty attracts by deceit, hey I may be right, that is the uncomfortable theme intended for this thread and , I guess its one that many find challenging

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Dr Conspire

If so if not why are the uglys gettting phased out, and if say a thousand years on we have bred out physically repellant people, what world will we have?

I attest that we would have the same world. Peoples perception would just evolve more to find new ugly people.

As stated before, Ugliness is a relative term. We have the need (as humans) for an identity, and we don't want to share an identity with people we don't like, so we would call them ugly. The term would just evolve, even to (what we would believe now to be) great extremes.


''Her nose is huge! Disgusting.'' - Even if her nose isnt really big, the slightest thing that is different from the accusers nose, no matter how beautiful, would be exploited and demeaned.

Hope that makes sense?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by TheDon
reply to post by Dr Conspire

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - Plato

I thought it was.."beauty is in the eye of the BEERHOLDER"

Well..being a female..I usually find big men attractive..where most other girls want muscular, well built really is in the eye of the beholder..i'll take a big, chubby man any day..

[edit on 21-4-2010 by Yummy Freelunch]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:13 AM
One of my pet annoyances is the reality that we base our preception of what is good and what is bad based on what the mdeia tells us. Before the advent of media our preception of beautiful was something different then it is today.

Frankly, I'm slightly bitter that 150 years ago I would have been considered a goddess and today I'm classified by our SiTc generation as "ugly".

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:16 AM
I actually think there are more ugly people in the media, commercials, acting, etc. Just look at the Nationwide ins nerd, the ugly fat guy from
Danny devito, Joe pesce, errr, there's plenty more just don't wanna make this wayyyyyyyyyy too long!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:45 AM
Facist? Is that like racist, but about your face? Cause if so, I am a FACIST for sure. I used to think I was a racist, because I found all the blacks, browns, yellows, reds, stupid and ugly. But then I quickly realized that most of the whites are also stupid and ugly. Actions and behavior have a lot to do with your perceptions of beauty, so stupidity MAKES you ugly. I found a lot of black chicks, brown chicks, yellow chicks were really HOT, and very nice. Some of the guys actually were good looking too, and really not so stupid. So I realized it wasn't any particular RACE I didn't like, it was the STUGS. (STupid and UGly).

Only some of us are smart, good looking, or dripping with charisma. If you are lucky, like me, you have all three. Attractive people are looked up to more, get better jobs, get paid more, are trusted and listened to more, than the STUGS. Sorry, stugs, all of US feel the same way. Your race doesn't really matter at all. It's your brains, charisma, and looks.

If you are super smart, but have no charisma or looks, you figure this out REAL quick, and become a big behind the scenes player. Bill Gates is a perfect example.

If you are beautiful but dumb as a brick, the stugs will fall all over you for a while, but you will end up falling apart eventually, as the stupidity begins to shine through. Think of that beauty queen chick with the retarded answers to third grade questions. I want to see a picture of her say ten years from now, I'm sure I will laugh.

If you are dripping with charisma, but have no brains or looks, you will end up crazy, or ruined after leading lots of people down a stupid pathway. Hitler springs to mind. So does Obama.

So you really need at least SOME of all three attributes. If you only have one, pray it is brains cause that's the only one that really counts. Otherwise you will end up on the lower levels, sorry. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Of course all of these attributes simply lead to pure EVIL unless you possess the most important thing, and that is INTEGRITY. Someone with brains but not a shred of integrity or morality, will rocket to the top, thanks to all the stugs, and the integrity of their competition preventing the competitors from going all out, end justifies the means, take no prisoners, etc. Looks or charisma being overwhelmed by brains. Kissinger is a perfect example.

But we need a lower class to step and fetch for us. If everyone was beautiful, beauty would have no meaning. It is a different league, and most of you are not in it. But we need there to be a big minor league, and you all breed like rats. Thanks, stugs! Now shut up and go get me a cup of coffee.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by CaptChaos]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

I actually think there are more ugly people in the media

Those "ugly" people are always used for comedic effect.

I actually believe our obsession with "beauty" is a symptom of something really bad with our species.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:18 AM
Well the media has conditioned us over time to feel a certain way about average or unattractive people...

-They are clowns to laughed at they are not stand alone people with human feelings or emotions. I guess they don't "feel" pain because they are not acknoledged as REAL people.

-They are evil or negative.(look at most of the villians on tv.The producers have it so that the actors that play them (at most of the time) are chosen to be unattractive.

-Less than human and don't deserve the same human respect or standards vs a good looking person.

-Nasty or unclean.Who do they put on ads for drug prevention,disease control, and birth control other than black faces? ugly people. Its also racism in these ads too.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Dr Conspire

What! That's a ridiculous example. I DARE you to show me an ugly kitten! There's no such thing. And by the way, us ugly people will always outnumber the beautiful people by at least 100 to 1.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:36 AM
I think a lot of it is social pressure.

IE there's a comment back up there about sleeping with anyone, esp. if 'no one has to know.'

Society has closed itself down to the reality that what is INSIDE is valuable, and true. This is not a good mindset to promote because it undermines consumerism.

There are beautiful people, and there are ugly people, but mostly there are beautiful and ugly sheep.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by hadriana]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:49 AM
A funny think I noticed since I am older now, is that ugly people will find each other and breed, so they won't phase out for that reason alone.

Also, I have known people who are really good looking, but when they get together, they create really ugly children. Then the ugliest couple produce a gorgeous child.

Sometimes it's really obvious in the good looking couple, who's had a nose job or other cosmetic work done, in the offspring! Ooooops!

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:28 PM
Lets not kid ourselves, given the opportunity we would all sleep with someone who was physically amazing and wonderful to behold but at the end of the day compatible personalities are essential.
I dont think "Uglys" are getting bred out, I cant help but think everyone’s getting some. Except me >.>

Ugly is an ugly word - The Kinsey report.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Dr Conspire

I think a part of it could be natural selection in regards to the more feminine, the more attractive to the masculine and more proper to carry the seed, family, generation and blood line. Vice versa with women and more so. I mainly blame society for the world's issues regarding mirror perfection.

As beautiful people are more pleasing to the eye and due to society grasping for what is pleasing, beautiful, attractive and aesthetically appealing, people and such contributing attributes are desired. If beautiful people ruled the world you say? I don't particularly know and there are many beautiful people that are more confident and intelligent than their counterparts due to high self esteem and other such factors. Then on the other hand you have the airheads that are beautiful but dumber than a box of rocks and vice versa with those less attractive or ugly.

You would have to somehow ratio the beautiful people to a same amount of ugly people, possibly the global population and then determine which group was more confident, intelligent and fit for ruling the planet compared to each other. It's a good question but society and our media is all about supermodels and hunks made of steel and platinum fibrous muscles.

I too love something beautiful especially a well pieced together woman or landscape. Who doesn't?

Edit: It also lies in opposites. Due to the natural structure of our brain and acquired tastes we recognize attributes of opposites. Due to there being ugly people we desire beautiful people based on our personal taste in what we consider to be beautiful or ugly. If there was only beautiful people would we really recognize or even know ugliness? Without light would we know dark?

And it does fall into the eye of the beholder because I know many women I'm attracted to when others are not in any way and wonder whats wrong with me. lol There's a lot to it...

[edit on 21-4-2010 by Crossfate]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Dr Conspire

The ugly people are the ones who look at themselves as better then the next just because their outside image is appealing to others. THe truelly beautiful people are CARRYING THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT WITHIN THEM no mater how there exterior presents to others. It is all how one can see basically.

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