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posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 01:23 PM
i need an other members opinions???
1.what will happen to ATS/ATSNN in the 20 years from now. important will it be to any of the ATSNN reporter all around the world.
3.and is there any new law about to anyone to become a new member a must PAY then can becoming a member

4.are we gonna help other member even we know where they are e;g trapped in a war country,or in disaster place.must we inform to each other a near member to help them any of the moderator will be change from time to time,let says next year we decide to chose one of our friend from AFRICA,ASIA,RUSSIA or anyone on this earth that we think the person suite the title of supreme moderator.
and the responsible that person must handle.

because i think this all will take place start from the DOWN UNDER,then to the rest of all over the world in 20years from now

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 02:07 AM
Not sure but if an asteroid hits this month we may have to try contacting John Titor about the rest...

posted on Jun, 5 2004 @ 02:40 AM
unholyeneterprise speakum with tongue of wisdom about Gondwanalandum.

On one of the good questions posed above, the tendency (not the preferred position) most observed at ATS has been to assert superiority of American culture over that of people in wartorn countries. If that helps, then a lot of folks at ATS have been real helpful.

I don't think there is going to be paid subscription membership to ATS, but if there is, be thankful you got in beforehand.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:36 PM
Wow, when you think about that concept it really throws up lots of new social dilemas.
A community grows here like any other, so whats to say that in 20 yrs with advances in technology that your more comfortable speaking to your chums, who all are into the same kinda stuff cause after all they chose the place to talk as you did, on the net rather than next door or wherever. What then, when wars or global disasters put you into their living rooms. Or your country is at war with theirs. Your anonymous net friend is still the same person.... maybe the community will come together and create aid packages for members, or like the author stated despatch the nearest member to physically help.
Cool... a society where you can chose who gets in and who doesn't.....could this be the closest mankind will get to Utopia. Lots of cyberspace communities all attracting like minded people who just get on well. Perhaps after long enough your loyalties will lie with your chosen society over your birth place.... then we could create cyber armies and attack all the goons in say.....rival forums or forums with views opposite to our own....elite hacker units...counter hacker defense units......real world trackers to go out and find their servers....ok I've gone too far, just sounds like the world we have.:bash:

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:57 PM
1.what will happen to ATS/ATSNN in the 20 years from now.

A: 20 Years from now, we'll be in bunkers pirating the internet to spread our message, while the New World Order is goose-stepping above.... important will it be to any of the ATSNN reporter all around the world.

A: Unfortunately, not very, as we'll all be either imprisoned, killed, or "reconditioned"...

3.and is there any new law about to anyone to become a new member a must PAY then can becoming a member

A: See the answer to number one....

4.are we gonna help other member even we know where they are e;g trapped in a war country,or in disaster place.must we inform to each other a near member to help them

A: We'll have to, again, see number one...we'll be comrades in arms any of the moderator will be change from time to time,let says next year we decide to chose one of our friend from AFRICA,ASIA,RUSSIA or anyone on this earth that we think the person suite the title of supreme moderator.

A: Mods always change...though the supreme ones will remain William and Simon I'd wager....unless of course, they're captured and put in the camps...(or taken on the mothership, etc.)

PS-In case you haven't guessed yet, this is all rather tongue in cheek....

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