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Meteor/Fireball - Howard County Sheriff

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posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Meteor/Fireball - Howard County Sheriff

This is video of the large meteor/fireball that flew across the Midwest on the night of 4/14/2010 around 10:06 PM. About 28 seconds in is where the best part of the video is.

The video was taken from the dashboard camera of a sheriff office vehicle in Howard County, which is in Iowa along the Minnesota border.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 02:41 AM
Just saw this on the news a few minutes ago. They were saying it was a meteor shower or a lightening ball. They said there were several and they were followed by sonic booms. Just thought I would share.

This is video of the large meteor/fireball that flew across the Midwest on the night of 4/14/2010 around 10:06 PM. About 28 seconds in is where the best part of the video is.

The video was taken from the dashboard camera of a sheriff office vehicle in Howard County, which is in Iowa along the Minnesota border.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 02:56 AM
That was magnificent!

I noticed another thread on this also,but haven't read about where it landed yet.

What an amazing sight to see!

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 04:00 AM
Great video of a meteor or whatever it was. I got to thinking comically that if that object had been opposite angle and if was coming directly at you, it would scare the bazeejus out of you and make you choke on that doughnut and coffee you were consuming while you were so lonely and so sad and so alone in the night.

As it got brighter, even I said, WTF? Glad it wasn't coming right at me.

Thanks for the posting.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 11:22 AM
The video reminded me of a fireball that I saw from South Padre island. Impressive to see.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by On the Edge

Lots of these graze the earth's atmosphere like a rock skipped on water. So they don't impact.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 12:03 PM
Too slow for a star ship but a lot of light before it ever arrived.
OK a slow sparky star ship following the advanced electrostatic beam.
Yeah thats what it was.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 12:05 PM
I had to become a member of this site to post about this thing.

I was in Blaine, MN driving home on Radisson Road. I witnessed what looked like a normal meteor trailing down so I pulled over. This was at approx 9:52PM CST. At 9:55PM CST the "fireball" got much larger and you could hear the sonic boom. By this time at least 11 other cars were pulled over with me along the side of the road. I grew up in a northern suburb of MN and have seen comets, meteor showers, aurora borealis, and this didn't look like any of them. It's hue kept changing, but the green color I will never forget. I called everyone I know, no one believed me.

Today- I had today off work (finish taxes) and of course called everyone in my phone book last night telling them about this. Three of my friends where headed up north to Taylors falls, and found the Park closed. I didn't think anything of it until I kept hearing helicopters over head. I live in Roseville next to the army reserve base and close to the national gaurd base of Shoreview. I read on this site to keep an eye out for special ops activity. I called Taylors falls and the woman that answered said the park was open. Yet my friends were stopped at the enterence telling them they couldn't enter. Black SUV's no ensignia. Given how far north I was, this thing seemed to be very close, I even called my mom to see if she noticed anything, she said nothing. I would focus your attention on N. MN, I have counted at least 10 helipcopters (one was huge) heading north form the MPLS/STP area.

I am not an internet poster, and this is only the second one I have posted. I also posted to CNN and of course everyone teased me. I keep trying to post the helicopter I have seen to the website and my housemate keeps attempting to find it on the net, IT WAS HUGE, loud and camo colored.

Tornado Sirens also just sounded from Roseville up to Lino Lakes, it's not wednesday, so it's not a test, but they went off for approx five minutes while i was writting this and it's not nearly warm enough for a tornado. (just thought I would add that.)

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 12:24 PM
The green color comes from from ionized oxygen in our atmosphere or magnesium in the object itself.

Great sight nonetheless!

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by tanga6005

Welcome Tanga!

I live in South East MN (Rochester area); I can confirm that I saw the same thing that you saw.
Last night I was sitting in my chair watching the news; the chair sits in front of a window that faces North East. Off to the West was a small T-shower approaching of which I could see lightning (approx. 20 miles away). When then there was a large bang and the house shook; I thought the house had been by lightning. But it was odd because the T-Shower was off in the distance. I went outside and saw the light sctreak across the sky and then it was gone.
Today I have not seen any odd activity as it relates special ops. Although Taylors Falls being closed is very odd; I have been there many times. Why would they close the whole park?
I drive by Rochester Airport on my way home from work; I will keep my eyes open to see if anything looks odd later this afternoon.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 01:08 PM
Gee....I wonder if it's anything like this one:

I know it's an old video. Don't know if it's a hoax. But it looks really similar to the "fireball" reported in this thread, and if this video is not a hoax, these people are real and still missing. No wonder Taylor's Falls is closed and helicopters all over....

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by tanga6005

Welcome tanga6005, and thanks for the interesting information. It certainly seems odd that a meteor would be cause for closing a park. If some of it remained intact, would there possibly be a radiation threat?
Or maybe small isolated fires?

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Neytiri

That is such a funny video. Thanks for posting it. That was worth watching.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:55 PM
The couple in the video are Kyle Rankin and Karen Zumsteg. The short film, called Case Tape 347 was made by New Born Pictures in 2005.

Here they are alive and well and not eaten by an green alien that popped out of a hot rock.

Karen posing for a photo
Kyle almost zapped by aliens in "They Came to Attack Us"

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:59 PM
Did you see it? That giant glow last night?
Your eyes didn't deceive you. It was a meteor, and the show isn't over until after this weekend. There was this huge radiant green light coming from the sky. It was coming in so fast, but it had to be so huge because it was covering up the whole skyline. The big piece of debris is from the Lyrid meteor shower. It was softball or even basketball-sized.
Astronomy Magazine's" Editor-In-Chief Dave Eicher explains.
"What this is is debris, from a comet," said Astronomy Magazine's Editor-In-Chief Dave Eicher.
"There is a meteor shower this weekend, the Lyrid's, and it may be a piece of Comet Thatcher which was seen in 1861. When earth intersects the trail of debris from this comet, stuff falls into the atmosphere and it burns up, and we see them as meteors"

The pictures are spectacular, with shades of green, red and orange.

There is no word yet on where the debris landed, but Eicher hopes that information will surface very soon.
It's not over yet! The maximum for this meteor is this weekend.
"The best chance to see more meteors like this will be Saturday night," said Eicher.
So keep your eyes on the skies.

Experts are now studying film and looking at the angles and speed of the meteor for more accurate details

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Wow. What's crazy is that I just returned home to North Carolina from northern Wisconsin between Tuesday and Wednesday (driving a 26-foot moving truck), so the fireball lit up the sky in Wisconsin about 12 hours after I left... Whether or not there is an association, I leave to your imagination.

Thing is, there was a very real possibility of my being delayed from leaving the North Woods, which would have put me on the road at precisely the right time to witness the event.


— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 08:36 PM
I was acutaly out riding in a subnaked bike ride event when it went down... it was the highlight of the evening...

& Lucifer fell & woah from the sky, then suddenly a sonic booming voice upon the people hinder under & onto the Isthmus...

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Neytiri
I know it's an old video. Don't know if it's a hoax.... if this video is not a hoax, these people are real and still missing. No wonder Taylor's Falls is closed and helicopters all over....

It's totally bogus. Nobody takes 3-1/2 second video snippets while on the trail, for one thing.

For another thing, the handheld camera pans to follow the "fireball" from the sky to its nearby point of impact. Neat trick, considering your typical impactor comes in at around 300 mph — quite simply, you couldn't pan fast enough to capture such an event at close range. Therefore, the scene was staged, the camera panned, and the "impactor" was digitally added after the fact.

The reason the two hikers haven't been found is because they don't want to be found. They're hoaxters.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

I identified the people in the video as actors. You can click on the links and see them on the IMDB site.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
I identified the people in the video as actors. You can click on the links and see them on the IMDB site.

Well, there you go. Granted, the cinematic technology is creeping up there, but they still can't authentically replicate human reactions. Do you realize how much discipline it takes to hold a camera shot when something incredible is happening right before your eyes? The human reaction is to run.

— Doc Velocity

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