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a personal conspiracy-a fathers love

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posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:12 PM
hello ats i wasnt sure where to put this but this is going to get a little personal
my parents have been divorced for a long time and my dad had been through various gf's and i had still had a good relationship with him, that is until this new gf i will not name names for my own security k? well ever since he had been with her, our father son relationship slowly withered away. he didnt come get me on the weekends he didnt answer my phone calls and he didnt come to my hi school graduation. he moved to a creepy old cabin with her in the woods wich was said to be haunted(i am dead serious no pun intended)
this woman told him that i was not his son and that she wasnt going to be with someone who owed so much child support but i and my family know better and if he wanted to see me then she would kick him out, my dad made me a guitar which i broke and he was in the process of fixing well she ended up burning it, she got him hooked on coc aine and drinking heavier than he ever did and he was an alchoholich before he met her! he didnt see any of his family and one night they got into an arguement which i hear was about him being sick of her telling him i was not his son, she went to bed at midnight and he was still on the couch...with a shotgun....later in that night sometime between midnight and 2 o clock, he shot himself she came down, well she told police she came down at 1 o clock and asked if he was going to bed, and woke up at 8 to the sound of my dads alarm going off and she found a bloody mess all over the couch and wall, after she found my poor dads body she called not 911, but my dads best friend, and then his boss, his boss then came over and called 911. my fathers funeral was payed for by my aunt and his gf was not aloud in. when i saw his body i had to check his wrist to be sure it was indeed my dad, he had a grim reaper tatoo, she had made him wear fancy clothes, dye his graying hair back to blonde and cut his hair, that was not the kind of person my dad was.
after his death his gf got rid of all his stuff and his boss got his truck, i am left with nothing but a memory, this woman still denies to this day that i am his son and she has told police and many other people different stories about what happened

i know i was his son and i was even a pallbearer for the funeral i know who is my family and who is not

the conspiracy? i think she killed him and his friend and boss were in on it
ats what do you think? i have posted as many details about this event as i can think of

[edit on 14-4-2010 by ashanu90]

[edit on 15-4-2010 by ashanu90]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:14 PM
and another thing i dont care if your pilled up like an elephant on tranquilizers if someone shoots themselves at 2 oclock and you go to bed at 1 oclock and the shooting took place in a tiny cabin on the ground floor while you are on the 2nd floor you WILL WAKE UP theres no way anyone can sleep through that

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:37 PM
come on ats i really need to hear some explanations its kind of important you know?

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:43 PM
First of all let me send out my condolences
to you and your family.

I empathize with ur situation.
However, I sense something a lil more
evil than what you suggest.

I would suggest you look into facts of
the case that can be attributed to black
magic. A man entirely leaving his son
out of his life and him trying to save his
honor as ur dad to this woman, leads me
to believe that she may have had some sort
of spell cast over him. He may have been trying to
protect you from her. A dark out of the way
place is a perfect spot to practice the arts
without prying eyes.

Best wishes

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

thanks for the condolences im skeptical when it comes to magic but i guess i cant rule it out as a possibility however i think its more likely that he didnt have a choice because my father was very poor alienated his family and had no where else to go

but thanks for the suggestion

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by ashanu90

I am so sorry to hear about what happened with your father. It is a tragedy and I offer you my sympathies. However I don't feel comfortabe offering any thoughts on why this happened. I couldn't be any more removed from this situation and can offer no insight.

Hang in there

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

ok well thanks anyway i appreciate it

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:06 PM
I usually don't swear on this site but holy #.

I don't have anything to say man.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:07 PM
I'm sorry that you have had to go through so much.

My only suggestion would be that you try and look at the police reports and see how much information you can gather from them. If you are not satisfied, perhaps you could get the case re-opened?

You might need some fresh evidence, though or be able to provide reasonable grounds for being suspicious of your father's girlfriend and associates.

I don't know how these things work, but that would seem like the best approach to take.

It's puzzling that this woman is insisting that you are not your father's son. What evidence does she have to support that claim? if she has no grounds for saying it, perhaps you could find legal means to stop her.

I don't know if I've been much help, but I can see that you need support. Are your family members taking you seriously and helping you through your grief?

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by berenike

yeah my family is being as supportive as can be and my aunt is pissed at her

my mom is going to talk to an old cop friend to look into this

hank you very much for your post and suggestions it means alot

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:17 PM
I'm really sorry to hear that, man. Things must be pretty complicated right now. This sort of thing that you describe does happen from time to time. The women are referred to as "Black Widows" because the female black widow spider kills her mate when she is done with him. Oddly enough, they often get away with it time and time again too.

When I was a young child, the husbund of the family across the street from me was murdered inside their home. Everyone in town knew it was the wife that did it. (Small town of about 4,000 people). Even with her leaky alibi and the circumstances all pointing at her, she never went to trial. I can share the story if you'd like.

Flash foward about ten years later. My dad and I are at the lake, talking to a stranger. When we tell him where we are from he says he had a friend that lived there that was killed. Turns out that he was friends with the slain husbund long before they moved to our town. He went on to say that after learning of his death he looked into the wife's past. He discovered that she had a previous husbund that went missing. He was later found chopped up. The incident across the street from me was not her first slain husbund. I don't know where she and their two daughters are now, but I can tell you that even as a child I knew she was bat-sh*t crazy.

What I'm getting at is, if you really feel in your heart that your father's girlfriend was responsible, do some digging around. Who knows what you might uncover about her past. If you feel that his boss and friend were involved, do some digging on that too. Try and figure out why they might want to see him gone. Also, if you have the means, you might be able to hire somebody professional to look over the evidence. It is possible to determine if he was shot by his own hand or not. Assuming of course the crime scene was properly processed and records were kept.

Again, I'm sorry for your loss.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:24 PM

ats what do you think?

There is not enough information for anyone to legitimately think anything.
Would need to see the police report and know what CSI found at the scene and their analysis of it all.

Without those two things - its all pure speculation based on very very very little facts provided with evidence. Its an interesting story and not really much more can be said about it.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Skaggz

thank you, eerie story sends chills down my spine. i dont know about any past murders but i visited their house once and that was the last time i saw my dad, the house was scary, it was a tiny log cabin(thats scary enough) and a full view of the woods in the back yard his gf told me a story about how there was a murder and a guy was buried in the woods a long time ago and that her daughter and some friends found what looked like a grave and came back the next day and it was gone. the house made me very paranoud the whole weekend i was there.

but yeah the case will definetley be looked into
thank you for your condolensces or however its spelled

[edit on 14-4-2010 by ashanu90]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

This isn't a TV show, his father is dead.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 09:35 PM
now i have spoken with the coroner over the phone and he said that the evidence showed that the..part of his head that was missing showed that the angle of the blast could have only come from his own hand, but i think people are prone to mistakes and i think his gf could have possibley had the gun under him while he was passed out drunk and had his finger on the trigger and his hands in the correct places and pushed his fingers to pull the trigger to "shoot himself" he was drinking after all and my dad was prone to passing out drunk, and i think there was more between them than anyone knows about. i mean this scenario isnt hard to play out is it? i mean physichally. only a sick cold hearted person could do something like this

i would see if the cops could look at her hands for gunpowder residue but its been a few months now

[edit on 14-4-2010 by ashanu90]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by KyleOrtonArmy
reply to post by greeneyedleo

This isn't a TV show, his father is dead.

thanks man

i know there isnt much evidence but i think we can all come up with theories look at them all eliminate them all one by one and leave us with the most likely one

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by KyleOrtonArmy
reply to post by greeneyedleo

This isn't a TV show, his father is dead.

thanks man

i know there isnt much evidence but i think we can all come up with theories look at them all eliminate them all one by one and leave us with the most likely one

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by ashanu90

Son, you really do have my condolences and sympathies but alcoholics are very prone to suicide and fatal accidents with firearms.

However I do suggest you look into your late fathers, GF background.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by whaaa

i must certainly will look into her background thanks for the

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by whaaa

my dad did have a history of suicidal tendencies but i think that his past suicideial tendencies could have set the stage for his gfs deciet, as she becomes less of a suspect because my dad was likely to have offed himself i really think that either she killed him or that she and my dads friend and boss or all in on something

[edit on 15-4-2010 by ashanu90]

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