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US military warns oil output may dip causing massive shortages by 2015

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posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:16 AM

US military warns oil output may dip causing massive shortages by 2015

The US military has warned that surplus oil production capacity could disappear within two years and there could be serious shortages by 2015 with a significant economic and political impact.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:16 AM
So It explains a lot about the US military's actions in the last decade when they envisage the surplus disappearing and a shortfall kicking in by 2015. I guess that's when they bring Alaska online.

The Paris-based International Energy Agency remains confident that there is no short-term risk of oil shortages but privately some senior officials have admitted there is considerable disagreement internally about this upbeat stance.

Sounds like it might not be just the US military either.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:39 AM
now you see
I told them years ago to ween off the stuff
else we would have this problem
but did they listen????

It's just a reminder to the public that we
need to stay in Iraq and Afgh.
It's propaganda to keep us doped on oil
where there are plenty of alt energies

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:50 AM
I don't believe in peak oil at all, but the U.S. military has a huge interesting in oil. The U.S. military makes up, I believe 15% or so of U.S. oil consumption, and as an entity, they are the largest consumer of oil in the entire world.

Originally posted by boondock-saint
now you see
I told them years ago to ween off the stuff
else we would have this problem
but did they listen????

It's just a reminder to the public that we
need to stay in Iraq and Afgh.
It's propaganda to keep us doped on oil
where there are plenty of alt energies

I don't know what you've been told or have read, but oil is actually extremely cheap, especially in comparison to alternative energies. Even if we did have a shortage, oil would have to get to $200 or so a barrel before it was economically efficient to use a different fuel source. Like it or not, oil is cheap, might not feel like it...but that's because you take it for granted.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by yellowcard]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:54 AM
Very interesting, 2015 is just around the corner... but at the same time i cant believe they would still be making the big SUV's that chug petrol when we are at the point of peak oil

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by yellowcard
The U.S. military makes up, I believe 15% or so of U.S. oil consumption, and as an entity, they are the largest consumer of oil in the entire world.

I agree, the irony wasn't lost on me that they are the biggest institutional consumer of oil in the world.

I'm sure a fable could eb writtin in the future about the country that burned more and more oil while shouting warnings to everyone else that it was going to run out. I would not be at all surprised if the US military doesn't have an lectrification plan well under way so they can be ahead of the curve while nations fight over the remaining oil.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:56 AM
Now a few things about this article raise some alarm bells.

1. British paper quoting US military sources

2. UK trouble with Argentina and falklands over oil there

3. This quote in particular:

Such an economic slowdown would exacerbate other unresolved tensions, push fragile and failing states further down the path toward collapse, and perhaps have serious economic impact on both China and India."

Basically to me this was a warning to China and India that in short supply situations you won't be getting any oil so piss off.

I think this article was done for 3 reasons.

-To give Britain and it's people more ammunition for the war over the Falklands

-Warn the emerging economies that in short supply situations they will be at the back of the oil line.

-Get more and more people thinking about peak oil as the sheeple have no idea what it is.

At least if we have to go back to Islands again Canada is self sufficient in Natural Resources. We would just have to build some more refineries.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by yellowcard

lol, it's not the oil thats inefficient

its the gasoline motors that use it

it loses 62% of its own energy

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:57 AM
Sigh.. and this is where Hemp should be more legal and more researched in without bias to cut down using oil as a base of producing materials and such. It may not produce certain stuff like oil can but at least it'll cut usage. So this so called shortage wont happen anytime soon.

But lets just let all the oil corp. make their profit off of oil while draining down the resources and suppressing information of better compounds/materials/etc that can replace it.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:02 AM

I don't believe in peak oil at all, but the U.S. military has a huge interesting in oil. The U.S. military makes up, I believe 15% or so of U.S. oil consumption, and as an entity, they are the largest consumer of oil in the entire world.

United States oil consumption is 20.8 million bbl/day and military oil consumption is 395,000 bbl/day. The US military therefore uses about 1.8% of all oil that the US uses.

Also in Japan apparently oil is about $6 per gallon, hence half of all new vehicles are hybrids. They are probably going to be running their cars off electricity in the future. Apparently it's also possible to synthesize fuels from as little as $2 a gallon. Personally I think we should get away from oil ASAP.

[edit on 12/4/2010 by C0bzz]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by yellowcard

You Don't believe in peak oil? And exactly why not? Peak oil has been proven to be real... The US oil production PEAKED in 1970. That is a solid physical fact... So world peak oil is just as real.

Or wait.. Do you believe peak oil in just another conspiracy or something?

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:12 AM
the US military is already working on alternative fuel supplies.

Despite its high-tech connotations, synthetic fuel -- often dubbed
"synfuel" for short within the industry -- has been around for
decades. The basic technology for transforming coal or natural gas
into synthetic fuel was invented by a pair of German researchers,
Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch, in the 1920s. The Nazis later used the
Fischer-Tropsch process to mass-produce synthetic diesel fuel. During
the apartheid-era embargo against South Africa, scientists there
tweaked the technology so it could also produce synthetic jet fuel.

The Fischer-Tropsch process transforms a synthetic gas derived from
coal or other material into liquid gas. The resulting synthetic fuel
is different from biofuel, commonly produced from corn, sugar or other
plants. Continental Airlines Inc. has announced plans for an
experimental flight using biofuel this spring, which would be the
first by a U.S. carrier; Virgin Atlantic also has done some testing.

This same Fischer-Tropsch process could transform all the trash and sewage in the US into fuel. gasoline, diesel, butanol. for use in cars and trucks.
Butanol fuel can be used in both internal combustion engines or fuel cells

butanol as a motor fuel—with its long chain structure and preponderance of hydrogen atoms—could be used as a stepping-stone in bringing hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to the main stream. One of the biggest challenges facing hydrogen fuel cell vehicle development is the storage of on-board hydrogen for sustainable range and the lack of hydrogen infrastructure for fueling. The high hydrogen content of butanol would make it an ideal fuel for on-board reforming. Instead of burning the butanol, a reformer would extract the hydrogen to power the fuel cell.

Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas opened one of the
largest solar arrays in the U.S., a 140-acre field of 72,000 motorized
panels that powers the base and sells energy to nearby communities.
The Pentagon is soliciting bids for three similar arrays on other
bases. The military even has begun looking into the possibility of
building small nuclear-power plants on unused portions of its more
remote bases, though it has no firm plans yet.

The Naval Weapons Center China Lake gets there power from the Coso Geothermal field on there base ranges.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:14 AM
We just recently had a thread on ATS about how we have enough oil to last for a comfortably long time:

In addition, the Alaskan oil fields are supposedly huge, not to mention natural gas.

There is no problem, but it's always good to conserve your use of the resources of this planet.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:31 AM
I don't believe in peak oil either. If oil could run out, they would never have made gas vehicles to begin with. And if it was possible for it to run out, there would be war all over the place because people are greedy. countries would kill each other just to control it, and don't refer to the usa and iraq, afghan..... It would be a world wide thing, everyone would be trying to get their hand in the cookie jar. No one seems to mind the US in iraq, or afghan. I don't see anyone telling them to get out. Or any conflicts related to oil anywhere. So oil will never run out. Peak oil is a myth.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by C0bzz
Also in Japan apparently oil is about $6 per gallon, hence half of all new vehicles are hybrids. They are probably going to be running their cars off electricity in the future. Apparently it's also possible to synthesize fuels from as little as $2 a gallon. Personally I think we should get away from oil ASAP.

That would be the smart move.... but the oil companies got a hold of the 'drill baby drill' crowd to push for every last drop. Good luck convincing them.... the idea of drive hybrid or what not is seen as so 'socialist' and 'treehugging'.

We live in a nation of corporate mentality.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
I don't believe in peak oil either.

I don't believe in it either.

But you know what else I don't believe? The US military.

It's rather quaint they think they can just come and say these things and anyone is actually going to listen to them anymore.

They have no credibility whatsoever.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by ANNED
the US military is already working on alternative fuel supplies.

lmao, dont bet on it

they have been working on it since 1977
when Jimmy Carter created the Dept of Energy.
If they ain't got it by now, they never will.
It may SEEM like they are
but they're really not

Free energy dont make profits for their

The Department of Energy was formed after the oil crisis on August 4, 1977 in order to end the United States dependence on foreign oil by President Jimmy Carter's signing of legislation, The Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 04:38 AM
I don't believe we will reach 'peak oil' by 2015.

there are still massive reserves waiting to be tapped into, and there will still be monstrous amounts we have not even found yet.

As technology gets better, we can discover more, drill deeper and get way more oil out the ground.

I believe when we start tearing apart Antarctica, thats when we should be getting a bit edgy about peak oil.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 08:15 AM

I don't know what you've been told or have read, but oil is actually extremely cheap, especially in comparison to alternative energies. Even if we did have a shortage, oil would have to get to $200 or so a barrel before it was economically efficient to use a different fuel source. Like it or not, oil is cheap, might not feel like it...but that's because you take it for granted.

Obviously you don't live in the UK!!!

Americans have got it good as far as oil prices go - I can't believe some of you actually think it's expensive either, you don't know you're born. We are getting ripped off good-style here in the UK for Petrol.

In Saudi Arabia where my Dad works, you can fill-up a large size 4x4 for about £4.

In the USA it's maybe £8 or £10.

In the UK, it's about £60, and 8/10ths of it goes straight to the tax man, with only 2/10ths actually paying for the fuel - ridiculous!

Where is the justice...

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by NibiruWarrior

8 or 10 pounds to fill up? Wow, the exchange rate must be real bad then for the dollar, I got a v6 ford pickup and its almost 70 bucks to fill it up.

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