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Lights over Norway (Secrets Revealed)

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posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:21 AM
Many people thought the lights over Norway were some HAARP experiment, even though scientists said that it was a missile launch.

well the evidence is presented here to support science that it was only a rocket being launched. Also this proves once again that scientists are the best people to consult as experts on everything.

Here is the picture showing the failed launch of a Russian Bulava Rocket fired from a submarine:

Here is the source:

Reliable Source

The mystery of the blue light display that lit up Norway's sky on Wednesday morning appeared to have been solved yesterday, after Russia admitted to a missile test in the area.

Here are pictures of a US Minuteman III ICBM over Los Angeles on September 19, 2002

here is a great link about it with a picture taken by a astronomer:

Explanation: Bright light from a setting Sun and pale glow from a rising Moon both contribute to this stunning picture of a rocket exhaust trail twisting and drifting in the evening sky. Looking west, the digital telephoto view was recorded from Table Mountain Observatory near Wrightwood California, USA on September 19, four days before the autumnal equinox. The rocket, a Minuteman III solid fuel missile, was far down range when the image was taken. ...........

Here is a link to the Air Force Official fact sheet:

Here is a picture of a rocket carrying a satellite on September 23, 2005:

Heres a link to the LA times who exposed the truth:

LA times Exposes the Truth

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — A rocket carrying a military research satellite blasted off Thursday evening, dazzling spectators from California to Arizona with a rainbow of colors as it streaked across the sky at dusk.

This link from CNN looks exactly like the above pictures from another perspective. This article also demonstrates how primative the norwegians are in their assumption that the spiral was Santa Claus, a mythological being who cohabitates with elves in the North Pole:


It also wasn't an early visit from Santa Claus. But all of those theories and more were suggested by puzzled callers to Norway's space center after a strange swirl of blue light -- now linked to a failed Russian missile test

CNN also provides a picture of the same incident from a better perspective:

This link shows the Norwegians were even warned, but since this was over a radio they may have attributed it to a magic spirit box and ignored the message:

Norwegian Navy Warned

Området fra Kvitsjøen og østover til Novaja Semlja er et viktig prøvefelt for russiske våpen. Lysfenomenet som ble observert over store deler av Nordkalotten onsdag morgen var etter all sannsynlighet en russisk rakett som var kommet ut av kontroll.

Here is a link to the actual messages:

Norwegians Ignore Russians


In this link, a scientist frantically tries to explain to the crazed population of Norwegians that this was a missile test and the shaped light pattern comes from the reflection of the sun on the leaking fuel:

Some Norwegian Rag

Seniorrådgiver Pål Brekke i Norsk Romsenter sier til NTB at alt tyder på at lysspiralen stammer fra en rakett som ble skutt ut fra et fartøy i Kvitsjøen i Russland, og at noe har gått galt under eller like etter oppskytingen.

Californians see this stuff all the time, but in Norway technology is still in its early stages of development, only due to Norway being more like a third world country when it comes to advanced propulsion systems or liquid fuel research for rocketry. Viewing this by the local natives caused a brief outbreak of mass hysteria. Due to them being a scientific backwater, this kind of event was attributed by them to magic, Haarp, and even a wormhole. Thankfully science is once again kind enough to provide us with the hard hitting truth.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by tigpoppa]

+8 more 
posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:34 AM
OK. am I the only one that thinks this does NOT look the same? Sorry I'm not buying that it just does not look the same to me. Sorry.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by alexgia
OK. am I the only one that thinks this does NOT look the same? Sorry I'm not buying that it just does not look the same to me. Sorry.

I agree.
It does not look similar at all.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:37 AM
So where is the similarity between US Minuteman III ICBM and the norway spiral? I suppose if a color blind person blurs their eyes the twisting rocket exhaust trail could be seen as the not very impressive anyway blue part of the spiral. But how does one explain the size and velocity of the actual spiral that sould be where there is only plume in OP. Good attempt but not very satisfying is it now.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

the plume is from the rocket exhaust in the atmosphere!!! this is a common effect depending on the vantage point. Notice it follows the Fibonacci sequence found in nature, this is due to refraction and is completely natural!

also click the CNN link it looks EXACTLY the same!!!

[edit on 4-4-2010 by tigpoppa]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:40 AM
the norway spiral looks like a mind control device, the rocket looks like a chem trail

i dont see the resemblance

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:42 AM

The major plausible theories on the Norway Spiral relate it to being a missle test in CONJUNCTION with HAARP facilities. As in, they took control of the rocket.

The possibility presented by your OP is very silly as it looks nothing like the Norway Spiral and definitely is closer to the ground(and smaller) than other rockets shown to have a spiral effect from leaking fuel(another note you completely did not mention).

Please don't post such silly threads especially when there are many more credible threads on the same subject that you'd find more bearable.

**Put "Norway Spiral" in the ATS search box and enjoy yourself!!

[edit on 4/4/2010 by TheBloodRed]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by l neXus l
the norway spiral looks like a mind control device, the rocket looks like a chem trail

SCIENCE WINS AGAIN!!!! yes rockets leave trails at least someone agrees with me.

is that trolling? there is no such thing as mind control devices.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by tigpoppa]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:45 AM
It looks like the ionosphere has deformed over a target as a narrow cone pointing down to the earth's surface with energy flowing in a clockwise spiral pattern pinpointing a spot on the ground like a plasma tornado funneling a massive cross section of mild evening solar wind possibly raining precision destruction upon a specified target. The shape of the cone can be altered to deliver consistent solar wind flow rate. See how it's brighter near the bottom where the solar wind is so concentrated?

Notice the 'white halo' effect around the cone area corresponds to reduced pressure induced by the ELF pattern.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by elusive1]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 01:51 AM
Despite my last post, I do thank you for sharing the images and such.

Forgive me if I ever sound rude, I never mean to be so!

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:04 AM

educed pressure induced by the ELF pattern.

Your blaming elves too? that is what the norwegians did, though there is no scientific evidence of santa or elves. there is however a considerable amount of evidence it was a russian missile as I presented in the facts.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Also this proves once again that scientists are the best people to consult as experts on everything.
This proves no such thing...I though science demanded conclusive proof? Scientists are not always right my friend, and I also believe there are agendas to suppress information, especially when secret military projects are involved. You haven't convinced me at all, and you've failed to provide anything that comes even slightly close to the phenomena known as the Norway Spiral...just some boring plume trails. Your bias tone doesn't really help your argument at all, you sound more like you're trying to push an agenda...

P.S. - There's not really anything in the OP we haven't heard before, if you want to do some real research into the subject, I suggest these threads:

Norway Spiral : Case reopened - the anatomy of an event
Norway Spiral : Case reopened - the analysis of an event (Part 2)

[edit on 4/4/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Sorry but the Norway Spiral is exact concentric circles, seemingly equally spaced apart. These other pictures are NOT. Again, not the same at all. TPTB are trying real hard and it's just NOT working.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S

Also this proves once again that scientists are the best people to consult as experts on everything, you've failed to provide anything that comes even slightly close to the phenomena known as the Norway Spiral...just some boring plume trails.

[edit on 4/4/10 by CHA0S]

Also the 2 threads you posted are full of wild speculation due to a lack of expertise and working knowledge of russian rocketry or the norwegian navy and their call signs.

Here is the proof right here: CASE CLOSED!!!!

[edit on 4-4-2010 by tigpoppa]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:32 AM
The pictures of the previous failed rockets, look like.... failed rockets.

There is a problem with those pictures. NONE of the failed rocket/missle pictures, have a spiral. They are all zigzagged lines that have no order to them at all. They look like failed rocket/missles.

The norway spiral, is an absolute perfect spiral. It is a spiral of light, not smoke, which rotates perfectly in a single location. It then turned black, in a circular motion, from the inside outwards. Which is really bizzare when you look at it. That is impossible to be a rocket/missle. The black hole that appears would not appear like that from a missle, the light would have all faded away, at the same time, not in a circular motion from the inside (where the light was brightest) outward.

The norway spiral, was not a rocket/missle.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

So please enlighten me...use sound logic to give me a sound argument as to why that mundane picture could possibly "close the case" as it were...I can see by your avatar and your general way of speaking to people that you are a typical "skeptic"...probably an Atheist too...there's no point even trying to discuss this, you can't open your mind enough to even consider the possibility, because you are already so sure you have all the answers. Good day.

[edit on 4/4/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Yeah I think youd better leave the skepticism guys like phage who actually do a good job of it. Your not doing the skeptics crowd any favours by posting this sort of thing, I know the norway spiral probably disturbs you, looking at your avatar, but please be reasonable here your grasping at straws trying to pin this on a missile alone.

And how is saying case closed in all caps with redundent exclamation marks stimulating healthy debate.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by CHA0S

So please enlighten me...why that picture could possibly "close the case" you are a typical "skeptic"...probably an Atheist too...

[edit on 4/4/10 by CHA0S]

Well I am not an athiest and I pwn noobs!!!! That picture if taken from the base of the cone would look the same way as the spiral photo with the light as explained by the astronomer who pleaded for calm in the streets of Norway. I get a striking feeling that 2 atoms colliding would be a cosmic event of mystery and unknown origins since noone here ever saw that happen either. These are photos they dont LIE!!! they show the truth and Im not arguing with the truth, that would be a futile endeavor. What I do is present the facts in a summarized manner that stimulates a healthy debate though I would stress that only scientists should be allowed to engage in any future discussions to avoid anyone embarrassing themselves by proposing unsubstantiated hypotheses that fly in the face of logic and defy reality thus invalidating their contributions. I would further delve into the intricacies of Occam's Razor but I feel that is unnecessary due to the photographic evidence presented ,and I wouldnt want to BLOW your mind.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by tigpoppa]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Secrets revealed?

You just took some mainstream info, wich has already been discussed many times here on ATS.

I think it has been established in previous threads that a missile was fired, but that the spiral was not just a rocket flying along, or a rocket failure.

Your comparison with the minuteman pics is not doing your standpoint any good.

They look nothing alike. Maybe you should do some reading up in the previous threads about the Norway Spiral.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:49 AM
Hmmm, I think, tigpoppa, you need glasses, seriously. If you think for one minute that those pictures that you show are the same as the Norway Spiral picture, think again.

A 5 year old kid can see that those pictures cannot be compared to that Norway Spiral.

The Norway Spiral is, in my opinion, a once in a lifetime event that may not have been meant to be seen by so many people. Accidently, something went wrong and the Public got to see what is really going on and because of the attention it's gaining, now they are scrambling to try and come up with excuses to tell everyone what it was.

Yes, it could have involved a Rocket but, something other than a "Normal" Rocket was also involved. I doubt we will ever know exactly what it was..

Look, We all know Something Happened that was out of the ordinary, in Norway. We know this as fact.

What it was that exactly happened in Norway, well, that may never be exactly known.

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