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"Reptilians Rule Earth?" "I don't know & I don't care."

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posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 11:44 AM
“Reptilians Rule Earth?” “I don’t know and I don’t care.”

It is now Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 A.D. and many serious researchers believe Planet Earth is being controlled economically, politically, and militarily by a small number of Reptilian/Mammalian Hybrids and Clones who are totally controlled by their Pure Reptilian Masters, The Draconians. It may be true that human beings no longer hold positions of significant power anywhere on our planet today.

Those appearing to be human beings like George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Barrack Obama, and every other political leader around the world may not be human beings. Right now, all world leaders are most probably either Shape-Shifting Hybrids or Clones working for the Draconians.

Any human being who does happen to hold a position possessing anything even remotely close to significant power is also totally controlled by the Reptilians. Blackmail is one of the Reptilian’s favorite ways to control humans. Just one little photograph or video tape showing a President, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Senator, General, Federal Reserve Chairman, CEO or anyone else having oral sex with a 10 year old boy is normally all it takes! (Check out Kay Griggs.) Of course, assassination is always an option.

The Video entitled The Empire of the City is an excellent source of information regarding the operation of our Draconian controllers. The Money Masters is another great video about their operation. Please understand these beings are far wealthier, more sophisticated and powerful than most of us can even imagine. They have cleverly managed to make most Americans honestly believe they are free. They even teach that the best slaves are the slaves who believe they are free.

Most people, who have read this much of my little news report, will simply dismiss this information as crazy talk, forget about it, and never even attempt to check it out. This is a perfect example to use in explaining why it is absolutely true that the 21st Century has become The Age of Ignorance and Apathy, when most people neither know what is really happening nor do they even care about finding out.

And just suppose the Draconians are just an elaborate hoax too?

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Okay I'll bite.

Can you show me links to back up your claims of reptillian overlords? I mean authentic sources, not "my cousins grandfather on my mothers side was a janitor in the White House". Reputable sources with proof.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:20 PM
i would to see a documentary in youtube or something,i really want to see stuff about this

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by bwinwright

I can see where you're coming from. But the problem you describe does not involve only Reptilians/Draconians, but generally the acknowledgement of ET life generally. I would first focus on that and even if the lizard story is true, most people won't care anyways, thinking they can never really meet one.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Cool thread, i love the topic and for what its worth , i do think there is something to what you are saying. If you could post a link or two to some info or even the movies/ documentry you spoke about,would be great!!!!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 01:00 PM

This is almost as believable as the whole Adam and Eve thing..

ie. Not At All!!

Kudos on the nice imaginations though..

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 01:57 PM
I've seen a video on this before, it seemed highly credible too. It was about a group of miners who stumbled on an underground chasm of some sort and ended up running for their lives as they were fired upon from the darkness. one of the miners said he saw a blue ball of energy fly at him which cut his fingers off in a perfectly circular shape... I wish i could find that vid now

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by bwinwright
“Reptilians Rule Earth?” “I don’t know and I don’t care.”

It is now Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 A.D. and many serious researchers believe Planet Earth is being controlled economically, politically, and militarily by a small number of Reptilian/Mammalian Hybrids and Clones who are totally controlled by their Pure Reptilian Masters, The Draconians.

I'm agnostic, in general. I'm one who is curious, and would care. That said, it is the falseness of the sentence I have quoted form your post that makes this crazy talk. Serious researchers, lol.


posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:23 PM
This is very true. They are the ones who are behind the triangle UFO's. They are coming in more and more numbers. War is raging on the 'other side', they are getting hunted though, and they are not the only evil species we have to deal with.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Markz0r

The government has proof. They just don't know what to do. They are being over ran by soul scalpers and 'walk ins'. It's over nothing left to do but pray and try and live as God wanted you to.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Dermo

This is almost as believable as the whole Adam and Eve thing..

ie. Not At All!!

Kudos on the nice imaginations though..

If only you knew man. The truth is too much too handle. I'm a pretty solid down to earth guy and I live in dread and fear for whats coming

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:44 PM
As a Draconian, I'd like to say you should welcome your overlords with open arms. It's not like you were doing much with the planet before we got here.

We arrived just before your Renaissance. In fact, we're the ones behind it. We've been feeding you all the good ideas, and doing our best to keep you from screwing up. We're why only two nukes were dropped - we were trying to give you a new source of power that didn't spew CO2, and what did you do with it? Right.

We're the reason your uncle Bob isn't screaming on the rack down at the local chapter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It took forever to get religion out of your politics, and what thanks do we get? Intelligent Design.

Personally, I don't know why we're involved with you. We are known throughout the Galaxy as peacemakers and hatchers-of-eggs (a literal translation, you'd call it babysitters). But with you, I'm not sure we've bitten a bigger gerbil than we can swallow. You're so self-destructive, and it seems to be innate.

Well, got to go, the mate has a nice batch of rats washed up for lunch.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Moonman1111
reply to post by Markz0r

The government has proof. They just don't know what to do. They are being over ran by soul scalpers and 'walk ins'. It's over nothing left to do but pray and try and live as God wanted you to.

So how do you know then?

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Bedlam
As a Draconian, I'd like to say you should welcome your overlords with open arms. It's not like you were doing much with the planet before we got here.

We arrived just before your Renaissance. In fact, we're the ones behind it. We've been feeding you all the good ideas, and doing our best to keep you from screwing up. We're why only two nukes were dropped - we were trying to give you a new source of power that didn't spew CO2, and what did you do with it? Right.

We're the reason your uncle Bob isn't screaming on the rack down at the local chapter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It took forever to get religion out of your politics, and what thanks do we get? Intelligent Design.

Personally, I don't know why we're involved with you. We are known throughout the Galaxy as peacemakers and hatchers-of-eggs (a literal translation, you'd call it babysitters). But with you, I'm not sure we've bitten a bigger gerbil than we can swallow. You're so self-destructive, and it seems to be innate.

Well, got to go, the mate has a nice batch of rats washed up for lunch.

That's what confuses me about alien life, Where are all the egg hatchers? Or the great hyperspace construction sites? It seems logical that there would be some sort of governing power that would try to help developing sentient races to develop and not become destroyed, and yet we can't find them..

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:57 PM
The veil is drawn and you are like fish in a pond.
Unaware of the wonderous universe out there..
Even those talking monkeys with eyes awake still slumber
at another level.. The clues are everywhere for those to see in
music the muses make the rhymes and the news tells the times..
and the pages in Oprahs magazine tell the story of the new glory.. the
dawn of a new day is nigh, and soon many asleep will wake and cry..
and breath we will deep the lines from the sky..Symbols on the boxes,
sinister wolves and foxes.. with a script to run.. the exsatico negro,
the world is a canvas for a black art of dark exstatic intellect..


posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by revdrdrsunshine
The veil is drawn and you are like fish in a pond.
Unaware of the wonderous universe out there..
Even those talking monkeys with eyes awake still slumber
at another level.. The clues are everywhere for those to see in
music the muses make the rhymes and the news tells the times..
and the pages in Oprahs magazine tell the story of the new glory.. the
dawn of a new day is nigh, and soon many asleep will wake and cry..
and breath we will deep the lines from the sky..Symbols on the boxes,
sinister wolves and foxes.. with a script to run.. the exsatico negro,
the world is a canvas for a black art of dark exstatic intellect..


Why is it you have to speak in riddles about something so grand as alien contact?

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 03:02 PM

Google Video Link

credo mutwa and david icke speak about the reptilian agenda

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by hippomchippo

Originally posted by revdrdrsunshine
The veil is drawn and you are like fish in a pond.
Unaware of the wonderous universe out there..
Even those talking monkeys with eyes awake still slumber
at another level.. The clues are everywhere for those to see in
music the muses make the rhymes and the news tells the times..
and the pages in Oprahs magazine tell the story of the new glory.. the
dawn of a new day is nigh, and soon many asleep will wake and cry..
and breath we will deep the lines from the sky..Symbols on the boxes,
sinister wolves and foxes.. with a script to run.. the exsatico negro,
the world is a canvas for a black art of dark exstatic intellect..


Why is it you have to speak in riddles about something so grand as alien contact?

It's all a riddle. And to thin them out. Life is a riddle and a game. The monkeys gather what they can and maybe use a braincell or two and I've said too much.. never mind.. Disregard transmisson. Nothing to see here.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 03:09 PM
just tell me this

lets assume that these type of race exists:

- why would they care about us, since, well, the universe is big, they could go to any planet they want and do whatever they want

- if they dont want to let us evolve properly, why not just kill everyone then

- why would obama be one of them ? they could control obama in many ways, they dont need him to be a hybrid or whatever

so, your whole theory doesnt make any sense: the reality is that we live in a world controlled by big corporation trying to make more profit, thats it, and obama is part of it;

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by revdrdrsunshine

Originally posted by hippomchippo

Originally posted by revdrdrsunshine
The veil is drawn and you are like fish in a pond.
Unaware of the wonderous universe out there..
Even those talking monkeys with eyes awake still slumber
at another level.. The clues are everywhere for those to see in
music the muses make the rhymes and the news tells the times..
and the pages in Oprahs magazine tell the story of the new glory.. the
dawn of a new day is nigh, and soon many asleep will wake and cry..
and breath we will deep the lines from the sky..Symbols on the boxes,
sinister wolves and foxes.. with a script to run.. the exsatico negro,
the world is a canvas for a black art of dark exstatic intellect..


Why is it you have to speak in riddles about something so grand as alien contact?

It's all a riddle. And to thin them out. Life is a riddle and a game. The monkeys gather what they can and maybe use a braincell or two and I've said too much.. never mind.. Disregard transmisson. Nothing to see here.

To thin who out? Why don't you want to tell everyone? Do you think some people don't deserve to know? Where's your proof for your information anyway? I think you just want to act like you know something everyone else doesn't, to feel special.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by hippomchippo]

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