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Provost Marshalls to Serve Notice To Governors of All 50 States? Restore America

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posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by XPLodER

Yeah, I saw that a few days back. That comes from a site that allows anonymous posts. There's no way to verify the authenticity of that letter.

I don't think anyone would hang fine men and women. You usually hang bad people.

Also, I noticed he used the term "State of Washington" which is the wrong terminology. If he uses that terminology he is claiming to be working for the Corporation which I believe could be false impersonation.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by theyreadmymind]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by YouSir

Excuse me, how is she a troll?
Just because you do not like members pointing out the inconsistency in this allege "plot", does not make them a troll

It's quite pathetic lowering the debate to insults, just because the whole "Restore America" is becoming nothing more than a financial scam. Check the other threads, a member of the "guardians" refused to answer my queries about Clive.

Log on to our sister sites, Ron Paul forums and World net daily. No one else is mentioning this in a positive light. Ron Paul activists were the first to uncover the scam behind the scenes and to distrust this movement.

But of course, the truth hurts sometimes. So, you going to call a seven year member a troll too now?

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

The letter From Regan Dwayne is obviously a study in sarcasm. The man is angered that this Bolton fellow is releasing information or disinformation. The whole letter is very "tongue in cheek" and you fell for it, read the letter again and for just one moment set aside your pride. He's obviously slamming this Gordon fellow, mocking his position of knowledge.
Try to provide some context with your disinfo, climb down from your self appointed pedistal once in awhile, cause your perspective is distorting your ability to rationalize.


posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by infinite

i really dont know what to think
my head is spinning
please dont argue

two weeks is a long time to wait

XPLodER is sitting on edge of seat

i hope the latest financial callapse is not iminant

damn dislexia lol

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by infinite

I haven't been to WND today, and up untill yesterday when I was last there they had nothing about it. Any of the other MSM are just parroting the original UPI story In One form or another. There's been no attempt at journalism and not likely to be any due to the fact that the MSM is all opinion pieces anyways, no objectivity.
As for sister sites, And you debunkers, you haven't dug up anyhthing concrete, Not once. Your all foaming at the mouth because you "can't" find anything. So your posting opinion as fact. You really need to do some deep breathing and let this play out.


posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by theyreadmymind

Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 6:04:57 PM

I don't think that counts as very old.

It doesn't matter who Jim Bolton is, because this is all being parrotted on the radio shows which are archived in thos thread. What is important is the comments from Reedy, because he asks those questions.

He is an "Elder", signed in the letter that was delivered to the governors.

*That* is what is importamt.

I included the letter from Jim Bolton, because it was what Reedy enclosed in his email demanding answers about.

If there were not some truth to the letter from Bolton, why is it the exact same things Sam and Tim are saying on air?

Why will they not answer those exact questions asked of them by another "Elder"?

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 07:34 AM

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Libertygal
reply to post by theyreadmymind

Sent: Fri, March 26, 2010 6:04:57 PM

I don't think that counts as very old.

You said there appears to be strife in the rank. I was merely pointing out that this letter is nine days old. This could all be taken care of by now.

It doesn't matter who Jim Bolton is, because this is all being parrotted on the radio shows which are archived in thos thread. What is important is the comments from Reedy, because he asks those questions.

It does matter. Because Reedy says, "this is why we need to keep a tight lid." Basically, who is this guy spouting his mouth off? Obviously, none of this stuff happened. So who is Jim Bolton and why did he lie?

He is an "Elder", signed in the letter that was delivered to the governors.

*That* is what is importamt.

Yes, Reedy is. Who knows who Jim Bolton is. You do know that most of these guys in the Grand Juries are just regular people who responded to a radio show? Some of them are bound to do things unexpectedly. Is he one of those guys?

I included the letter from Jim Bolton, because it was what Reedy enclosed in his email demanding answers about.

If there were not some truth to the letter from Bolton, why is it the exact same things Sam and Tim are saying on air?

Why will they not answer those exact questions asked of them by another "Elder"?

That's what I'm not seeing in this letter you posted. Reedy is asking Jim Bolton, not Sam and Tim. Where does Reedy ask these questions to Sam and Tim like you are suggesting?

Also, you say Sam and Tim are saying these things on the air. Are these new episodes or old episodes?

[edit on 4-4-2010 by theyreadmymind]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:00 AM


posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:02 AM
fact 1......9 people arrested for weapons and explosive device charges.

fact 2......MSM reported this militia group has threatened law enforcement people and their familes with bodily harm.

all else from both sides is speculation, rumor, and hyperbolic rhetoric.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
fact 1......9 people arrested for weapons and explosive device charges.

fact 2......MSM reported this militia group has threatened law enforcement people and their familes with bodily harm.

all else from both sides is speculation, rumor, and hyperbolic rhetoric.

Are you talking about the Hutaree Militia? If you are you've got the wrong group.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

You are talking about the Hutaree group in Michigan, which is a different subject. Get your facts straight.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Recon3

I have to agree with this individual, what or who is really behind this, these so called letters mailed to 30 Governors by a group that basically just came into existence. I mention that only because I did a whois lookup on the domain names:
Registrar: DOTSTER
Created on: 05-FEB-10
Expires on: 05-FEB-11
Last Updated on: 06-FEB-10

As well is the same, both sites just came out of nowhere, is there really a threat from this so called group, or is it another conspired attempt at terrorism to stir up the nation.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

My gawd, just let these people have their little delusion. Its getting ridiculous and they are desperate to believe anything. Its so obviously fake that its getting painful to read anymore. You have tried to show them but its obviously not working.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by Digital_Reality]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:47 AM
Most web forums of any note, particularly those in which the corporate government is scrutinized (including ATS) are very heavily infiltrated with cointelpro/disinfo. It has increasingly been this way over time and worsened after the false flag of 9/11 was revealed.

This thread has included a good deal of information which is true, to the best of my knowledge as a juror. It also contains posters disseminating disinfo. That is to be expected. The assertion about the Restore America Plan being financially motivated for the benefit of anyone involved in the movement, particularly any of the Elders, is one example.

The real goals of the plan are to restore the Republic ... which was stolen from the American People (the actual government) when the Corporate United States was initiated in 1861 (when the Southern States walked out when the Federal 'government' sought to securitize the property of the Southern States as collateral against the debt claimed to be owed to the major European banking interests (e.g., Rothschild interests). As the Several States (as they were known as at the time of the founding of the united States of America) were republics in their own right) had the right to refuse unconstitutional seizure of their territories and property, they were justified in walking out. However, it provided Lincoln and the national government with the opportunity to begin to supplant the de Jure government with the corporate state. In 1871, the establishing of the Federal Corporate government was accomplished and overtime, the original actual government was replaced in entirety, and this occurred in all of the original state governments. The national constitution was rewritten as were the those of the states.

There are many more important pieces to this history about which you should become familiar. But suffice it to say, that if you are a United States Citizen, you are actually simply an employee or chattel of the Corporation. You have no rights, only privilieges granted or paid for and provided by the Corp. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution (as originally formed) do not apply to you. Only the faux constitution and the Corporation statutes apply. All is incorporated. And the rule is to make a profit for the 'shareholders' ... which ain't you. George Carlin spoke accurately. The Federal Reserve is a privately held 'national' bank. The IRS is the collection agency for the IMF (and its holders - same international banks as before) as determined by the Grace Commission. Even the courts are incorporated and the bonds traded. Members, such as judges and politicians are bonded. Money does not exist (subsequent to the bankruptcy machinations which occurred in 1931 through 1933 and beyond. There is only debt. Promises to Pay.. That is what a Federal Reserved Note is. All property as well as the productivity of the American People was securtized in 1933. Your children too.

And while all of this (and much more) was occurring, the American People slept. To a large, though steadily decreasing extent, they still do. But they still hold to some of the false beliefs and memes promoted by the elite and their corporate media. What they don't realize is that there can be NO relief obtained or achieved by trying to working within and through the Corporations - including particularly, the United States Federal Corporate Government or the State Government Corporations. Those corporations are set to prevent real relief.

By actual Law, not corporation statute (color of law), only one remedy was and is available to the People. The return to actual de Jure government by the People (not corporate persons). And that is what the Restore America Plan attempts to do. Actual Law trumps, Constitutionally speaking, anything promoted by ANY Corporation. However, when you have, what is actually a Corporate Dictatorship running the nation, its de facto power can, has, and will be used to counter any threat to its control.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Fact 1. MSM does not "report" news, they parrot and manufacture. They also regurgitate propaganda and are agenda driven. That is fact.

Fact 2. What we have are ALLEGATIONS, not, convictions and we all know that tptb and their fascist entities have all of our best interests at heart. No, All of the unlawful corporate entities would NEVER arrest, detain, infiltrate, instigate or abbrogate, the free assembly of those that despise our forced march toward tyranny.


posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:00 AM

Importantly, the Restore America Plan is an assertion, backed by Law, that the Corporate Government is a fraud and disguised dictatorship. And it is a wake-up call to all of the sleeping American People that their actual government, the actual Republic as been stolen. It is up to the People to learn and act.

The Restore America Plan would and wishes to bring de Jure government back. It wishes to restore America's birthright. Interestingly, the actual provisions as written would do much to restore the wealth and freedom of America. And it would restore the responsibilities of Common Law ..

If it or some similar lawful process does not occur, you can expect your slavery to continue and worsen. You can expect complete collapse of the contrived and controlled economy. That is, apparently, one of the goals of the elites. The process of economic manipulation is one of their long-used and successful strategies to obtain control of peoples all over the world. If chaos and troubles ensue, you can expect complete/total authoritarian controls to be instituted. Particularly if violence occurs -- and it will. Either through the violent actions of starving Americans or, should those not occur, via false flag/cointelpro actions of the faux government itself.

The choices for Americans are as they are.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by medicis

So do the American people have to do anything or just wait for things to happen?

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:25 AM
well... now that folks have seen this GFR stunt to be a non-event, this thread has degraded to a insult match. april 19th will still be significant i think..

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:27 AM
For all the flowery rhetorics, a question begs:-


I certainly don’t see them being voted by anyone to represent them, or are they even a registered political party.

If they are not voted in, not representatives of anyone, not even the minority groups, then what power do they have to impose their beliefs upon society, let alone ‘HANG’ anyone who disagrees with them?

This smacks of terrorism – a bunch of hoodlums forcing their beliefs down the majority’s throat by the TYRANNY OF FEAR. Haven’t we have enough of it already?

Should they really feel the govt are not doing a good job, then by all means register themselves as a political party, and convince others openly, not behind bedsheets and threats.

If they feel they have no money to stand for elections, President Obama had shown the way – through the internet, if such changes are true and necessary.

To continue and do as they are currently doing is nothing more than an IMPOSITION of beliefs and tyranny to society, and that is utterly wrong, no matter how righteous they think themselves are.

US is a democracy and whatever issues that may arise, it must be done in the democratic fashion – rational debate by ELECTED representatives and settled by legislature approval through the mandated choice of a head of state from the people via the vote.

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