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Enki's Temple: The First UFO?

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posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 07:37 AM
If you're looking for theories about Nibru or Sitchin, then you won't find it here. Mind you, the following does delve into a similar area but it does not come from any pseudo-historian or pseudo-historical artifacts. It comes from a collection of over 400 sources which came from modern day Iraq. They have been translated by a team from the Faculty of Oriental Studies from the University of Oxford, who's funding has unfortunately ended in 2006.

Anyway, I hope you can examine the following with an open mind. Now, I'm not a believer, but what is described below certainly can be depicted as one of the earliest crafts, if not, then a very technologically advanced building. Enjoy.

Enki and the world order (t.1.1.3)

The lord established a shrine, a holy shrine, whose interior is elaborately constructed. The shrine, whose interior is a tangled thread, is beyond understanding. The shrine's emplacement is situated by the constellation the Field, the holy upper shrine's emplacement faces towards the Chariot constellation. Its terrifying sea is a rising wave, its splendour is fearsome. The Anuna gods dare not approach it...

Lines: 285-298.

One possible interpretation: This elaborate construction could be something very detailed in its design. That which is a 'tangled thread beyond understanding' to a primitive human, could to us be some form of cabling. The upper shrine clearly faces towards a constellation, why mention this detail? Could this be a control room of some sort? Its 'fearsome splendor' could mean many things, lighting being just one of them.

Enki's journey to Nibru (t.1.1.4)

...then the lord of the abzu, King Enki, Enki, the lord who determines the fates, built up his temple entirely from silver and lapis lazuli. Its silver and lapis lazuli were the shining daylight. Into the shrine of the abzu he brought joy.

Lines: 1-8

One possible interpretation: Ok, we are now getting a more clearer description of Enki's 'temple', the one which is elaborate and 'beyond understanding'. We are told that it is made entirely of silver and lapis lazuli which 'were the shining daylight'. This 'temple' was clearly very bright and beautiful to look at. Now evidently this was not a normal temple, a ziggurat, that the people of Mesopotamia built out of stone, it was made of silver and the precious stone, lapis lazuli.

He built the temple from precious metal, decorated it with lapis lazuli, and covered it abundantly with gold... Its brickwork makes utterances and gives advice. Its eaves roar like a bull; the temple of Enki bellows.

Lines: 9-17

One possible interpretation: Hold on a minute! This thing makes noises? We now get a more clearer picture of Enki's 'temple', it is covered with gold. The brickwork makes utterances (speakes) and gives advice (sign of intelligence). The eaves (edges of the roof of a building) were roaring, the whole 'temple' itself was bellowing commands. Clearly this was something that was unusual to those who recorded its existence, they haven't seen anything like it.

Before Lord Enki, Isimud the minister praises the temple; he goes to the temple and speaks to it. He goes to the brick building and addresses it: "Temple, built from precious metal and lapis lazuli; whose foundation pegs are driven into the abzu..."

Lines: 18-25

One possible interpretation: Its obvious that this was not a simple brick building, a simple temple, why would Enki speak to it, address it, give it commands? Use your imagination here.

Your door is a lion who seizes a man [(1 ms. has instead
is awe-inspiring]. Your stairway is a lion coming down on a man."

Lines 26-32:

One possible interpretation: Wow... now this is interesting. The doorway 'comes down' over the man, it swallows the man, it seizes the man. The entrance into the 'temple' is evidently intelligent, it can close and open. If this isn't painting the classic UFO image then I don't know what is. Moving on.

The temple of Enki is provisioned with holy wax (?); it is a bull obedient to its master, roaring by itself and giving advice at the same time.

Lines: 33-43

One possible interpretation: I mean... c'mon! It can't really be describing what I think its describing, can it? It has now been revealed, the missing piece which was needed before. It is obedient to its master, it takes Enki's commands while giving him advice and roaring its power at the same time.

Temple built on the edge, befitting the artful divine powers! Eridug, your shadow extends over the midst of the sea!... Temple at the edge of the engur, a lion in the midst of the abzu; lofty temple of Enki, which bestows wisdom on the Land; your cry, like that of a mighty rising river, reaches (?) King Enki." Enki has raised Eridug up, it is an artfully built mountain which floats on the water.

Lines: 49-61 & 71-82

One possible interpretation: Ok well we have a metallic, intelligent, talking, tangled 'temple. What are we missing? Oh yeah... this thing hovers too. Its shadow extends over the seas, it must be massive. It is described as being lofty, elevated, rising high if you wish. Its height allows its 'cries' to reach far and wide. If that doesn't convince you enough, it clearly states that it was floating on water.

The ship departs of its own accord, with tow rope held (?) by itself. As he leaves the temple of Eridug (the name of this thing), the river gurgles (?) to its lord: its sound is a calf's mooing, the mooing of a good cow.

Lines: 83-92

One possible interpretation: What we have here is Enki deciding to leave in his 'temple'. The seas rise when it awakes and the rivers of the Euphrates and Tigris 'gurgle' in its wake. We get it... its loud and its big.


Well there you go, take it as you wish. But here's what I see...

Screenshot from movie, 'the Fifth Element'.

In all seriousness, it is a very accurate depiction of a modern day spacecraft, whether you think of it as myth or recorded history is entirely up to you.

[edit on 28/3/2010 by serbsta]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:05 AM
Some honest opinions would be great instead of just flags. I'm not a believer when it comes to the UFO phenomenon, but for those that are, what do you make of the above?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Intresting yes...
It would be some good Pot Enki and the witnesses were smoking if it is just a story made up by theses people...

Sounds like an aircraft carrier, except that it rose up in the sky.
Isnt it so that these deities went to and fro heaven like on a daily basis ?

Phobos is pretty huge, Im just thinking about R.c. Hoegland, he seems pretty convinced that Phobos can be a spaceship/transportship..

What If the Enki's and Enlil's traveled to and from Mars ? they would have been using a 'thing that roars and shines and give off lots of heat.' Right ? !

[edit on 28/3/2010 by ChemBreather]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 11:48 AM
Hiya Serbsta,
It's a popular idea and has surfaced a few times in the A&LC section. IIRC the first time I read of it was in the Charles Berlitz book, Bermuda Triangle...not sure. Wherever the source, fans of aliens and ancient astronauts have long seized on any ancient texts to support the dream of lost races led by aliens.

The Sumerians drew their cosmology from things in their lives. They could see five planets and named them as gods. The lack of other planets seems counter-intuitive if they had access to the solar system and beyond.

Naturally, a lot of religious texts contain passages we can interpret in a variety of ways...UFO/space craft are some of them. I'm not persuaded by any of the passages to suspect alien intervention or space technology. Sumerian culture is fairly well studied. They were a very earthly bunch in my opinion...

He organised ploughs, yokes and teams. The great prince Enki bestowed the horned oxen that follow ......, he opened up the holy furrows, and made the barley grow on the cultivated fields. Enki placed in charge of them the lord who wears the diadem, the ornament of the high plain, him of the implements, the farmer of Enlil -- Enkimdu, responsible for ditches and dykes. 318-325

This passage reflects the growing importance of agriculture that led to a surplus economy that allowed for the growth of State.

335-340The great prince fixed a string to the hoe, and organised brick moulds. He penetrated the ...... like precious oil. Enki placed in charge of them him whose sharp-bladed hoe is a corpse-devouring snake that ......, whose brick mould in place is a tidy stack of hulled grain for the ewes -- Kulla, who ...... bricks in the Land.

341-348He tied down the strings and coordinated them with the foundations, and with the power of the assembly he planned a house and performed the purification rituals. The great prince put down the foundations, and laid the bricks. Enki placed in charge of all this him whose foundations once laid do not sag, whose good houses once built do not collapse (?), whose vaults reach up into the heart of the heavens like a rainbow -- Mucdama, Enlil's master builder.

These passages may seem irrelevant to the ideas of UFOs. They're here to demonstrate how very materialistic the Sumerians were. Other evidence that conflicts with the popular ideas of alien interventions and ancient Sumerian astronauts is their technology...Sumerian warfare. High technology transport was as simple as chariots.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:50 PM
Having read much on the Ancient Sumerian Civilization, I have to disagree. I do not think that mankind was anything until they were taught by the Annunaki. I think in-fighting among them drifted down to man, who then picked up weapons making and warfare. We know that Enki and his people taught man the cultivation of the land and planting, so my theory isn't a long stretch here, is it? We Man/Womankind) have the very DNA of the Annunaki, so everything they were, we are, down deep inside.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:23 PM
So let me get this right, you just pick and choose to believe some of what Sitchin has uncovered, even though he's laid out the whole story so well? That seems like a lot of research for nothing if you ask me.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
Having read much on the Ancient Sumerian Civilization, I have to disagree. I do not think that mankind was anything until they were taught by the Annunaki. I think in-fighting among them drifted down to man, who then picked up weapons making and warfare. We know that Enki and his people taught man the cultivation of the land and planting, so my theory isn't a long stretch here, is it? We Man/Womankind) have the very DNA of the Annunaki, so everything they were, we are, down deep inside.

we have the DNA of the to elaborate?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Yes I've read those passages and realized how important agriculture was for them. But the passages outlined above, in regards to Enki's temple, they seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. What exactly do they have to do with agriculture, his temple is simply described as being there, marveled at, and then he leaves, whats the point?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by serbsta

I am also not a believer but the story and oddities of some ancient civilizations are simply amazing and the Enki's Temple is one of them.

Also, another thing that get my attention was the lapis lazulli, I've searched some images on google and the spheres of the stone left me speechless:


It looks quite like some very well known planet, huh?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 06:45 PM
Just came across something I initially missed:

Your roof beams are the bull of heaven, an artfully made bright headgear. Your reed-mats are like lapis lazuli, decorating the roof-beams.


Bright headgear? Roof beams? Sounds like Enki the astronaut is pimpin'.

[edit on 28/3/2010 by serbsta]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by One Step Beyond...

Well maybe that's just because they're carved that way, but they certainly do have a distinctive look to them. Not too sure how they fare as spaceship material though, lol.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 08:38 PM

The temple of Enki is provisioned with holy wax (?); it is a bull obedient to its master, roaring by itself and giving advice at the same time.

Lines: 33-43

Temple built on the edge, befitting the artful divine powers! Eridug, your shadow extends over the midst of the sea!... Temple at the edge of the engur, a lion in the midst of the abzu; lofty temple of Enki, which bestows wisdom on the Land; your cry, like that of a mighty rising river, reaches (?) King Enki." Enki has raised Eridug up, it is an artfully built mountain which floats on the water.

Lines: 49-61 & 71-82

The ship departs of its own accord, with tow rope held (?) by itself. As he leaves the temple of Eridug (the name of this thing), the river gurgles (?) to its lord: its sound is a calf's mooing, the mooing of a good cow.

Lines: 83-92

Why not a simple cargo vessel?

Holy Wax = Bitumen

Bitumen is a hard waxy looking substance. It turns somewhat liquid like modern roofing tar when heated. It was used in ancient ship and boat building to coat everything from reeds to beams. It's found in natural pockets where petroleum is found.

The lion reference could be to a simple gangway.

The rest could be literal. Temple built on the edge as in a dock.

"Departs of its own accord" might simply be, floated away?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Hmmm... fair enough, thats a good observation. But I'm not too sure how some of the fundamentals fit in with your boat/cargo vessel theory.


- It was made of silver, lapis lazuli and gold.
- It was tangled beyond understanding (surely they had seen boats before).
- It gave advice and spoke loudly.

Not saying you're wrong, but I've never heard of a ship built out of silver and gold which did this.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Hiya Serbsta,
It's a popular idea and has surfaced a few times in the A&LC section. IIRC the first time I read of it was in the Charles Berlitz book, Bermuda Triangle...not sure. Wherever the source, fans of aliens and ancient astronauts have long seized on any ancient texts to support the dream of lost races led by aliens.

The Sumerians drew their cosmology from things in their lives. They could see five planets and named them as gods. The lack of other planets seems counter-intuitive if they had access to the solar system and beyond.

Naturally, a lot of religious texts contain passages we can interpret in a variety of ways...UFO/space craft are some of them. I'm not persuaded by any of the passages to suspect alien intervention or space technology. Sumerian culture is fairly well studied. They were a very earthly bunch in my opinion...

He organised ploughs, yokes and teams. The great prince Enki bestowed the horned oxen that follow ......, he opened up the holy furrows, and made the barley grow on the cultivated fields. Enki placed in charge of them the lord who wears the diadem, the ornament of the high plain, him of the implements, the farmer of Enlil -- Enkimdu, responsible for ditches and dykes. 318-325

This passage reflects the growing importance of agriculture that led to a surplus economy that allowed for the growth of State.

335-340The great prince fixed a string to the hoe, and organised brick moulds. He penetrated the ...... like precious oil. Enki placed in charge of them him whose sharp-bladed hoe is a corpse-devouring snake that ......, whose brick mould in place is a tidy stack of hulled grain for the ewes -- Kulla, who ...... bricks in the Land.

341-348He tied down the strings and coordinated them with the foundations, and with the power of the assembly he planned a house and performed the purification rituals. The great prince put down the foundations, and laid the bricks. Enki placed in charge of all this him whose foundations once laid do not sag, whose good houses once built do not collapse (?), whose vaults reach up into the heart of the heavens like a rainbow -- Mucdama, Enlil's master builder.

These passages may seem irrelevant to the ideas of UFOs. They're here to demonstrate how very materialistic the Sumerians were. Other evidence that conflicts with the popular ideas of alien interventions and ancient Sumerian astronauts is their technology...Sumerian warfare. High technology transport was as simple as chariots.

actual that last passage sounds like it could be something more than just bricks:
"Whose foundations once laid do not sag, whose good houses once built do not collapse (?), whose vaults reach up into the heart of the heavens like a rainbow -- Mucdama, Enlil's master builder."

just saying..

maybe the annunaki(or whatever race) did not want to give man the technology but wanted man to help build. Maybe they crash landed on Earth and wanted man to help them get back into space? This might explain why there is no hard evidence of the craft(s). There is some evidence of some "how did they build that?" structures. With diamond tipped drill holes. THose are pretty hard to explain IMO.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Now, if they mentioned the "Two Square Boxes, Covered In Buffalos Coat, hanging from a Reflective Plate. The Two Boxes with Spots on each face, Counting from Six down to One"

I would say that, that would translate as follows....

Two Fuzzy Dice Hanging From The Rear View Mirror...

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:03 PM
I agree - this was a UFO in my opinion - if it was a ship, then why not call it a ship. Why all the grandour? They ar desribing as best they can as to the colour and texture when they say Lapiz Lazuli, not that it was actually that particular stone. The beams would be the internals of the ship, the construction elements which are common in "our" aircraft of today under its skin. the illuminations were lights. the talking ship was a computer/possible navigation system. the roar was its engines. the bellowing was the smoke from these engines. the water parting was from the force of the engines keeping the ship in the sky, same as a helicopter or harrier today would do hovering above water. the wires are pretty obviously explained (components require connecting to each other after all). the gold/silver was its colour and external materials. the throne was its seat, and that it pointed to the constellations highest in the sky simply means that it was basically looking out of a window which points to the stars (i.e: UP). these people weren't idiots, they just didnt have an accurate ancient language/understanding/description for the modern items showcased within the ship. Anyone who believes this was an ordinary ship made of wood floating on water or a throne made of gold sat in a static temple is silly. these people knew all about ships and temples. they had built ships that could traverse the biggest oceans on offer already, and the best temples around the world that stand even now. whatever they saw, it was out of this world - end of!

[edit on 28/3/10 by NibiruWarrior]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:30 PM
[edit on 3/28/2010 by Hadrian]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:40 PM
I agree this is all very interesting. It reminds me of Hindu texts describing vimana (flying craft). I want to believe, it's just hard for me to fully commit without some kind of real proof. I'm gonna keep an eye on this one....f+s

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by serbsta

He built the temple from precious metal, decorated it with lapis lazuli, and covered it abundantly with gold... Its brickwork makes utterances and gives advice. Its eaves roar like a bull; the temple of Enki bellows.

Lines: 9-17

One possible interpretation: Hold on a minute! This thing makes noises? We now get a more clearer picture of Enki's 'temple', it is covered with gold. The brickwork makes utterances (speakes) and gives advice (sign of intelligence). The eaves (edges of the roof of a building) were roaring, the whole 'temple' itself was bellowing commands. Clearly this was something that was unusual to those who recorded its existence, they haven't seen anything like it.

My interpretation of the above description of how the temple/craft makes noise reminds me of a loud-speaker or PA-system. Either that or since it is mentioned that it gives advice? Perhaps it has the ability to communicate with someone through telepathy.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by serbsta

The temple of Enki is provisioned with holy wax (?); it is a bull obedient to its master, roaring by itself and giving advice at the same time.
That sentence is very interesting indeed...I take that to mean the temple is a massive craft controlled by a pilot, and the propulsion system can be heard from inside the craft (the roaring)...and last bit is the most gives advice...possibly on board A.I. or some sort of supercomputer IMO.

Thanks for sharing.

EDIT: Oh..."roaring by itself"...autopilot as well?

[edit on 28/3/10 by CHA0S]

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