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Do physical Reptilians really exist on Earth?

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posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:18 PM
These guys:

Do you guys really think they exist or are they just dis-info? Anyone know where they might live on Earth? Have any of you had an encounter with a Indigenous Reptilian?

Also, are they really physical or are they astral/spiritual aliens? Or both?


[edit on 27-3-2010 by sphinx551]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:25 PM
IMHO the only place these creatures exist is in the mind of David Icke and his devotees. This is one of the few things that I can't believe without proof...mostly because most of the people I've "spoken" with who believe in these creatures are even more nuts than I am.


posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by revmoofoo
IMHO the only place these creatures exist is in the mind of David Icke and his devotees. This is one of the few things that I can't believe without proof...mostly because most of the people I've "spoken" with who believe in these creatures are even more nuts than I am.


Reptilian isn't the only name throughout history for these Lizard/Dragon/Scaly creatures and David Icke CERTAINLY isn't the only man to speak about them.
Your best bet is to review and decide on your own investigation and never take it serious. That doesn't mean you should mock it either as we have no clue what is hidden from Earth and throughout our Universe.

I don't like David Icke because he uses these creatures as part of his conspiracy theory in books and income for himself. Knowledge of any ET species should be FREE, as the discovery of any such intelligence would be breathtaking for our science and an evolutionary breakthrough!

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:48 PM
Maybe you should read this Thread

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:50 PM
I'd love to find out that reptilians are living on Earth, hidden in the oceans or deep below the planets surface. Unfortunately, for me anyway the idea is just too out there, without any solid evidence they remain in my interesting story file.

Although I'm not opposed to the idea of reptilian humanoids interacting with us in the past and hell maybe even visiting us now. As far as a full fledged civilization sharing the planet but just out of view, no, it would be cool though.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by FungShuiMyLife

Originally posted by revmoofoo
IMHO the only place these creatures exist is in the mind of David Icke and his devotees. This is one of the few things that I can't believe without proof...mostly because most of the people I've "spoken" with who believe in these creatures are even more nuts than I am.


Reptilian isn't the only name throughout history for these Lizard/Dragon/Scaly creatures and David Icke CERTAINLY isn't the only man to speak about them.
Your best bet is to review and decide on your own investigation and never take it serious. That doesn't mean you should mock it either as we have no clue what is hidden from Earth and throughout our Universe.

I don't like David Icke because he uses these creatures as part of his conspiracy theory in books and income for himself. Knowledge of any ET species should be FREE, as the discovery of any such intelligence would be breathtaking for our science and an evolutionary breakthrough!

I didn't mock anything my friend. I just tried to explain that I find it difficult/imposable to take the word of someone whom I perceive to be crazier than me (a confirmed crazy person with the paperwork to prove it! lol) which describes all the reptilian believers I've encountered as a member of the David Icke forums. Lovely people, but nuts all the same.

Then again, I'm a Christian so you could argue that my beliefs are just as crazy and "out there" lol

I totally agree with you though. All information regarding stuff like this (reptilians, 2012, ET, etc) should be freely available instead of on sale for the benefit of the author/prophet who publishes it.


posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

I think it is as possible as seeing a weird machine like a UFO and as I have seen several UFO’s (with witnesses) my mind is open to the possibility that not only do these reptilian beings exist but that they have been highly active in our affairs from probably the earliest times of human history from the Hittites to the Sumerians and probably way before those civilisations. I think certain reptilian humanoids could be as active in our affairs to this day as they were back then but in a much more covert manner.

I have listened to and read some of Ickes stuff by the way but I would not consider myself well versed like some others on the theories he puts across. However what I have heard and read continues to seem plausible to me but as I have felt something has been “off” about the way human society rolls since youth I am open to many things and the reptilian humanoid among us is not the wildest theory I seriously consider that is for sure.

Just for information I have suspected reptilians long before Mr Icke started talking about them but unlike Mr Icke I never took it further. I just suspected that they were here and at aged thirteen or fourteen when my peers were all desperate to chase the girls and get slaughtered on alcohol and drugs I was locked away in a bedroom cupboard blissfully forgetful of the outside and writing a book on an old imperial typewriter.

By the time I had finished many months later the book exceeded 100,000 words and it included a race of warlike planet conquering reptilians I referred to as “Thargonians” which were engaged in total all out war with humanity (humanity was losing). Yes I know but I was a kid so what other name was I going to call them? It was a science fiction novel and only a week after finishing it my mother ultimately destroyed it as she thought the subject matter demonic – My mother is a devout Catholic.

One morning last year while I was enjoying a period of lucid dreaming an eye opened right in front of me as if a face was reclining next to mine on the pillow and just inches away. The eye was gluey with a reddish iris flecked with yellow or gold. I sensed a strong feeling that it was ancient and sizing me up in not an unfriendly manner. It looked very reptilian even exhibiting a tight vertical slit and yet I felt no fear and in my mind’s eye I smiled and even said ‘Hi’, then it was gone and I was drifting again.

Was that eye an indication of a fleeting communication or was it my mind playing tricks because I have a very active imagination? I will go with the mind playing tricks until the day I can slap a reptilian on the back while we both say “CHEESE” and smile for the camera.

Unlike many who assume the reptilian is a nasty and highly regressive species I hold onto the thought that just like there are lowlife scumbag humans in the world as well as highly enlightened and decent people out there that a similar psychology applies to the secretive reptilian. I will certainly not damn them for their looks if the day comes that I actually come face to face with one. Strangely I have always assumed that they would be exceptionally beautiful, elegant and be stunning conversationalists.

Anyway I continue to remain open to the subject of the secretive reptilian extraterrestrial and I am the first to admit that I am prepared to entertain the ridiculous because that is the way I am and I will always be of such a mindset because firstly I am extremely stubborn and secondly because I want to believe – my choice.

Unfortunately those of us who do happen to suspect that the reptilian is among us, playing us like fools or working to our positive will always be ridiculed and made fun of but that is fine if that makes the “crowd” feel better about life, the world and the way it works (shrug).

As I do not care too much about the opinions of what I assume from those too quick to ridicule as nothing but closed off minds I am happy to be called a loon or a gullible fool because I know that I am not these things and what I consider to be possible is what really matters not the external ridicules of a faceless stranger – no offence to ridiculing faceless strangers

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:44 PM
Im completely dubious where the claims of intelligent alien visitations are concerned. But there is another way to take your query. It seems to me that there are a lot of folks running around loose in our country who only possess a reptilian brain. They seem to be ruled entirely by those more primitive portions of their minds. They are anti-intellectual and eshew the learned and erudite. They display a dimished capacity for critical thinking. Most of their reactions to the demands of modern life seem to fall into basic categories like Fight or Flight. They show a marked lack of compassion and empathy, which are higher brain functions.

If this sort of reptile is what you were asking about then I would have to say yes, the reptiles walk among us. They are devoted consumers of the Glen Beck show. They adore Sarah Palin and many of them attend Teabagger rallies where they spit on duly elected representatives of our country and phone their congressman with threats of violence. Many of them talk of violently overthrowing the government because, you know, it's Fight or Flight, but none of them would be prepared to step into a leadership role because, let's face it, that takes a mammalian brain. I suspect that much of their rancor could be successfully dealt with simply by supplying them with an adequate number of rocks upon which to sun themselves!

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 11:32 PM
some answers can be found within the terra papers for what you are asking, it is a bigger question obviously than can be given with a few sentences.. but the "reptillian" thing is scattered all over all cultures and civs, and of course.. a hot topic at ats

(sorry about the sucky link)

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:33 AM
David Icke DID NOT start the whole reptilian interdimensionals/aliens thing. They have been a part of ufo/abductee literature for DECADES. Here are some examples and links.
Masquerade of Angels: By Karla Turner
Here is a page with articles from the mid to late 90s dealing with Reptilians:

Many books I have on the subject of ufology from the mid 80s on have at least a few mentions in many of the books of Reptilian entities. They may not control the world but they are out there and have been encountered.

[edit on 28-3-2010 by johnthejedi24]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by sphinx551

Sorry but I just cannot waste this opportunity to tell this, I saw the word reptile.

Heard on the radio the other day that one of the broadcasters was saying he had 'reptile disfunction' and I thought about that mispronounciation, and quietly to myself added:

reptile disfunction: when your anaconda is an anacan'tda, when your boa won't goa no moa.

Did I apologize already?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:53 AM
It must be true.............

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:45 AM
Sadly, the answer is no. There are no reptile people on this planet.I didn't want to be the one to have to bring it up , but no, they do not excist on planet earth..sorry..

[edit on 28-3-2010 by baddmove]

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:45 PM
Hi fellow ATSers,

I'd be one of the guys chiming in here to say that David Icke made all of this up for disinformation purposes, but very very unfortunately, 'cause I can't turn back the clocks of time, I now know otherwise.

I direct you to my account in another thread, however asking you to be so kind as to respond here, and not there, because it is a "sideline post" which is almost off topic. Here we are right on topic and it is the place where you voice will go farthest to express your opinion.

Urban Reptilian Sighting

I don't claim to convince anyone of anything. Far from it. I encourage you to believe nothing until by cross referencing and connecting theories with your own experience you find out what is really going on.

Thanks in advance,


posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by baddmove
Sadly, the answer is no. There are no reptile people on this planet.I didn't want to be the one to have to bring it up , but no, they do not excist on planet earth..sorry..

[edit on 28-3-2010 by baddmove]

Sounds like a statement of FACT, sir. How, may I humbly ask, do you come to this factual knowledge? Some of us in here just love it when a novice come in here with baseless facts. I will not argue you, that would be a useless gesture.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by godless

Boy did you hit it on the head. With respect to the aliens, (as long as there not nasty, assuming there here), I have long thought there was a fairly large percentage of the population that for lack of a better way to put it, "just don't get it". They often seem governed by fear, of uncertainty, the boss, the big bad government, whatever. Any change in the environment, political or social, is viewed not just as a threat, but a personal insult to them. Anyway, I think you put it very well. As for the reptilians, if they show up at my door and there nice, I'll invite them in for a drink. But if they show up and want to mutilate my cat, or me, I'll introduce them to my 12 gauge shotgun.

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