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TAPS (Ghost Hunters) is fake! Former member speaks out.

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posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:40 PM

Wow. In a way I'm suprised to hear this, but in a way im not. I myself hope everyone listens to this and never watches this show again. Former member Donna speaks out and really lets them have it.

Full interview can be found here -

[edit on 25-3-2010 by ziggyproductions05]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:49 PM
Who cares if they're fake? This is how all but maybe five investigations end.

"Well, we heard a strange noise in one room of your house. But it turns out that some of our members were in another room, making almost that exact noise. So, our investigation was inconclusive."

It's a useless show.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:51 PM
Perhaps retitle this thread "Sun comes up every day!" as that's about as surprising a some 'ghost hunters' being fake.

It's theatre, take it for what it is.


posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:56 PM

TAPS (Ghost Hunters) is fake!

It's reality t.v. man!
Was it meant to be serious?
If so, I completely missed that concept.

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:56 PM
Let's be fair here. Donna was fired after a financial dispute- and was openly bitter and hostile towards the rest of the staff. even the guys she spoke about in that interview, the ones who were in the dispute with her - do not verify her claims of staging. They actually refuse to confirm anything she is claiming. those guys quit- she was asked to leave. That speaks loudly IMO.

Donna then went on to try to start her own research group, that failed miserably. Somehow she claimed that the TAPS crew was responsible for her own failure. She's angry, bitter, and looking for revenge.

How do I know this? because I happen to know two of the TAPS crew personally, and have worked with them before the "show". I know how they work, and how sincere they are.

Now, this is not to say that they haven't sold out- because they absolutely have! Fame went to TPTB's head...I would easily agree that certain events in the past year that have aired have been cleverly (or not so cleverly) edited for effect. But the actual investigations haven't been faked. At the end of the day- the production company shows the investigations they feel will draw viewers, regardless of what TAPS finds or doesn't find.

As for Donna, she has ZERO credibility, and personally, I feel a therapist would benefit her greatly.

Here's a confirmed official response to all of this (old) news from Jason H:

He went above and beyond his need to be diplomatic about the whole debacle.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by cjcord

Well, I honestly thought, hmm, maybe Donna is just irked, so i didnt just go off that per se, i also saw some other things, pleast take a look cjcord - what did the members of TAPS say about this?

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:19 AM
It is a filmed show. It was filmed live. There has to be some planning to pull off a live show. Yes, they have cues when the cameras are rolling, yes they have marks used to get the best shots, angles, and any lighting needed- that's what happens in show business.

It would be rather silly for them to discuss what they want people to be aware of before the cameras rolled, wouldn't it? That hardly nullifies what they may have found during the investigations.

Though again, to be fair, that specific episode was an epic disaster. which jason and grant are still pissed off about. The production company set up some events that night, and did not inform the cast. Jason and Grant almost quit it all after they found out what had been done. From that time, they have triple checked anything they find because they are still suspicious of those who pay their wages.

But as long as they stay " a show" it's a risk they take. Which is why i stated before that i feel they have sold out- and they know it. But as for Donna's allegations- banana sandwich is what i say. Woman's way too gullible to be taken seriously.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by cjcord

Come on, these guys are clearly pulling the fakery themselves, just as much as their producers! How blatantly obvious is it that Grant and Jason themselves were in on the "jacket pulling"? Jason pulled the string himself! EVPS in the guys earpiece as well? Yes, they have sold out. I just think its absolutely ridiculous that people looked up to these guys and they pull this crap on their fans. All this does is make this field look like a complete and utter joke.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:50 AM
Oh Lawdy!

Anyone remember the Fox sisters?

Just the 2 women who created spiritualism and then told the world what a crock it was.

seems nobody believed them either.

Believers gotta believe! (Papa Yo Rappa')


posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
reply to post by cjcord

I just think its absolutely ridiculous that people looked up to these guys and they pull this crap on their fans. All this does is make this field look like a complete and utter joke.

This I agree with 500%. I stopped watching after that night.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 01:26 AM
Ahh who cares.

When I rarely watch TV I see if they are on. I'll still enjoy it for it's entertainment value.

That and midget wrestling!

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by cjcord

This I agree with 500%. I stopped watching after that night.

I stopped watching after Jason and Grant screwed over Brian.... Jason and Grant only care about themselves and no one else. I guess now I missed a lot of their hoaxed episodes!!!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:17 PM
She also came out and recanted saying that she was pushed into the answers by the hosts interviewing her.
She also never once says that she saw anything faked.

For the record also, the "Ghost Divas" are the most irritating, self serving flawed excuses for "journalists" that have hit the net in a long time even going so far as having friends threaten other online journalists for calling them on their crap.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by OokieSpookie]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by imitator

Brian was a self destructive nut job who was good for nothing but comic relief.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:28 PM
So do they fake the stuff where they don't find diddly squat, too? Because that would be pretty funny.

Actually, I find that they've kind of hit the wall with what they're able to do. That Zak Bagans guy is a loud-mouth, but at least he's trying something new. Maybe even on the borderline of actual science. For instance, if ghosts/spirits will drain batteries to get energy to manifest themselves, then how about putting a big old car battery out there or a generator so the ghosts can charge up?

Use the technology, put some real effort into it, and see what you come up with!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:56 PM
When asked to name a show where fakery was used, Donna stammers and stutters for over a minute before saying she wasn't comfortable naming one. I got the impression she couldn't, or at least didn't have personal knowledge of one.

She makes no bones about saying she is "very bitter" about how her association with them ended. (Fired).

When questioned about her salary, after talking about how crappy it was, she also admitted there wasn't really anything Jason or Grant could have personally done to change it, as this was determined by the producers.

So, what she says is essentially venting her own frustrations, and really doesn't make the claims the video says it does.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:07 PM
I read the youtube comments. There are doubts as to whether it's her voice or not.

I stopped watching the show not because I think it's fake but because it has gotten rather boring after a while.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:14 PM
this reminds me of most haunted, hen an employee cam out and called it fake.

i could never get into taps or most haunted, i especially hate most hauted yvette is so annoying and all the swearing, they are meant to be professional ghost hunters but jump, scream and swear at every bump and nock, and those stupid stunts they do like being buried alive. idiots

and taps as soon as they find something they say its fake every time, i understand looking at it freomboth angles but come on.
also why is it on these programmes the apparent manifestation or noise is always just out of view and never caught

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:46 PM
I've always been most skeptical of the responses they get from the K-II meters. It just seems to me that if they are truly having so much success with it then they should be asking better questions to get a ghost to prove itself. I'm sure all their equipment can easily be tampered with but I'm still giving these guys the benefit of the doubt until I see straightforward evidence, which neither of those videos provided. Although I will admit I have noticed many dubious things on the GH-Live shows. I remember one Halloween I very clearly heard a voice come over the audio that said "GET OUT!", and it was neither noticed on the show nor mentioned in the review the following week.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:49 PM
the episode where they caught the supposed tall man running past the infra red camera was real creepy, nothing ran in front of it but the screen showed like a scary alien figure running

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