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62% of Americans angry at the Health Care Bill - So why didnt you protest?

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posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:02 AM
I saw on one of the threads this morning that 62% of Americans are ANGRY at the passing of the Health care Bill. I can understand that.

There appears to be many members on ATS who feel exactly the same so my question is this...

Why didnt huge numbers of the people of USA unite long ago and protest en mass against this? can anybody answer me this?


posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Rigel Kent
I saw on one of the threads this morning that 62% of Americans are ANGRY at the passing of the Health care Bill. I can understand that.

There appears to be many members on ATS who feel exactly the same so my question is this...

Why didnt huge numbers of the people of USA unite long ago and protest en mass against this? can anybody answer me this?


maybe they had to go to work?

Maybe they weren't sure exactly what was in the bill until it was passed on sunday night?

Some people call and email their representatives. Protests are only for the TV cameras.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:11 AM
Because protests don't change anything, anymore.

Unless it's an election year... maybe.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:24 AM
Dancing with the stars was on?

I mean what's more important dancing with the stars.... or protesting against something important.....

That's what I thought! DWTS!!!

All in all, Americans are the most un-american people I've ever met

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:41 AM
There is an extreme degree of apathy in this country. It's much easier for people to listen to mainstream news and parrot what they hear, its all I ever see. We are witnessing an unparalelled dumbing down of society and sadly it looks like its going to get worse. Its hard for people to protest something they don't understand. Whats even more mindboggling is the amount of people who honestly believe we are getting "free" healthcare. God help us.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Rynocerous7
There is an extreme degree of apathy in this country. It's much easier for people to listen to mainstream news and parrot what they hear, its all I ever see. We are witnessing an unparalelled dumbing down of society and sadly it looks like its going to get worse. Its hard for people to protest something they don't understand. Whats even more mindboggling is the amount of people who honestly believe we are getting "free" healthcare. God help us.

I agree with you there

The real answer to my question must be beyond many of the "how dare you" and "we're not going to take it" types which are so prevalent on other health care bill threads on ATS.

Fact is, until there are millions of people demonstrating in Washington against this bill, the government does "dare" and the people "will take it"


posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:18 AM
People protest in different ways. Am I gonna picket the Capitol? Hell no. It's not effective. If they really care what the public thought then they would have waited on the bill.

Now I don't think the populace is aware of the contents of this new law. It is NOT nearly as screwed up as the 1st version. I talked to 20 people who though the government option was in there. My biggest problem is the $650 fine for not having insurance. We're doing that to protect the stupid. If the govt will subsidize your insurance up to a 48k per yr income then get it. Dont pay a fine. I think it removes a basic american freedom but it's probably good for the masses.

And I'm sure it's the 1st step in socialism. Healthcare. Banks. Manufacturing(GM)-gotta get the blue collar guys, you know whats next? Guns and ya can't shoot the kings deer. Then religon. Then total control.

Socialism is probably the future of the world but it can't function properlly when it's managed by corrupt individuals who think they are superior to the gen pop. If they truly cared about you the system would be great albeit unamerican. I think he world is a long way off from effective global socialism. Star Trek.

But why didn't people proest? Do you know how hard it would be to repeal this law? Obama will veto. There arent enough honorable folks in congress on the rt to overturn a veto.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:22 AM
I just still don't understand why you fight against something good OMG!
And I just don't believe that 62% of the american people are against "health care for all" - ALSO FOR THE SICK PEOPLE!

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:23 AM
What good does protesting when the predominant mindset in government is one of "let them march so long as they pay their taxes"?

If we all stopped paying taxes that'd be something. Really, short of completely torching DC that's the only way anything will change. Voting has no value anymore. Shouting and holding signs is just entertainment and noise.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:26 AM
because our world is not controlled by flesh, but spirits and principalities in high places. ofcourse.!

[edit on 24-3-2010 by GBP/JPY]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:34 AM
I did protest. I couldn't make the Washington protest, but I was in front of the Schaumberg Il office of Congresswoman Melissa Bean.

I read from some that protests don't work. I'm not convinced---yet. the ability to conduct peaceful protest is an strength of this nation. As we see Washington go further and further toward the left you should see more protests follow.

By the way, I'm sure that folks on this web site have already commented, but I when I watched our local WGN news to see the coverage of our protest, it took a lesser stage to bus loads of Chicago residents going to Washington to protest for immigration reform. Talk about stinking of a conspiracy. The prez hadn't even signed Health Care into law yet and the left was already moving on to the next "crisis." Sorry about the thread creep....

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:43 AM
I didn't protest because I'm not against it.

I wonder has anyone here ever actually been contacted for one of these polls? Who is contacted?

I ask because in all my years neither I, nor anyone I know, has ever been asked to answer such a survey. Granted, I fill out some on MSM websites when they are offered, but they are not scientific.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:46 AM
Is been protest, even damage to the Democratic offices around some states, the media doesn't cover any of it.

See in America everything that doesn't' look good for the corporate run government is control by corporate run media.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:06 AM
Americans don't like to protest anymore at least not like they use to in history. One could blame the fluoride in the water or all the chemicals in the processed foods we eat or perhaps it's the vaccine shots, perhaps it's HAARP, but whatever the reason we just don't have the minerals anymore to pursue real change by confronting the source of the problem in a different manner which I know no one has seen for some time.

After the way they shoved health care legislation down the throats of Americans and then celebrated with Champagne their victory over defeating Americas with the bill. They passed it the only way it could be passed, by the Dictatorial actions of Democrats and by Obama himself. Corruption at its worst.

Afterwords I felt violated like some girl on a date who got date raped after saying "NO" repeatedly, Obama goes ahead and rapes America and then acts as if nothing is going to happen him because he will stick to his lame excuse that we were begging for it even if we were screaming "NO', NO".

Well, Obama and his gang of rapist were the exact incident that I thought would bring out the real Americans who were really going to protest, but instead of "Farmers with pitch forks and flaming torches" we only got "Pickle forks and burning kitchen matches."

With such a lack of concern it makes me wonder what could be next, but I know that unless we switch from pickle forks to pitch forks and swap out the kitchen matches for flaming torches, that nothing is going to happen. Times have changed and I for one just don't know what it will take to get everyone off of their butts and begin addressing the enemies within our own gates.

I am angry and so are other Americans. We should be. We were gang raped and then they laughed at our faces saying there is nothing we can do, so shut up and go back to sleep you dumb sheep. Oh yeah, I'm mad but it's time to turn anger into something more constructive. Only in doing so can we begin to address the crime we just experienced and bring to justice those that just committed a crime and feel as if no one can touch them.

Thanks for the posting.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:58 AM
I did protest. Nobody cared. Its seems to me that Americans don't really value freedom anymore. They want the government to take care of them.
Nobody seems to care about the federal government overstepping their authority by forcing people to by health insurance. Its all good in their eyes.

I guess the MSM marketing campaign worked. Didn't you hear? Everyone that protested against the bill is a racist redneck that just hates the poor and doesn't care about helping people. Yep, I am done protesting.

Wake me up when the war starts.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:20 PM
Where's all the shooting? Isn't that the point of Americans hoarding all those guns and ammunition: to stop the government working against them?

As with the Patriot Acts, the bailouts, perhaps it's a case of 'the next one, just let them push me a little bit more... I'll show them...'?

I really don't understand. The amount of times I've heard about how great and important that amendment is and how it separates America from the rest of the world in that the American people will never cow to the government or be pushed around by their government like the rest of the world. Just in this last decade, look at all the really big stuff that's gone down add it's always 'nah, it's not bad enough yet'.

Yet look at all the crying and all the anger and outrage that I see constantly from Americans about their government whether it was the Bush administration or this Obama administration.

It's ironic that the British, or perhaps the English, have a reputation for being 'whingeing Poms' but various American demographics seem to take shifts with their anger at the government: it's constant. However, for all the talk about guns, how the government will never push them around - no, sirree - nothing happens. They get corralled from one shafting to another shafting, despite their guns and their talk.

So, what's the score with this? Not only bigger whingers than the British but also hypocrites due to not doing anything about it, despite telling the world how 'it could never happen here' whilst lovingly stroking the barrel of their gun?

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Rigel Kent
I saw on one of the threads this morning that 62% of Americans are ANGRY at the passing of the Health care Bill. I can understand that.

There appears to be many members on ATS who feel exactly the same so my question is this...

Why didnt huge numbers of the people of USA unite long ago and protest en mass against this? can anybody answer me this?


I agree. Americans are angry, and angry isn't really the word. The thing is, what is going on right now in America is very similar to events right before the Southern States seceded from the Union, and formed a Confederation of States. It is akin to the Federal Seat Belt Law, a government mandate on the American people. Now I know seat belts are a good idea, and a good seat belt will contain me inside the vehicle during a crash. But! does Washington have the right to mandate that I wear it? Remember, Government of and by the People, not government of and by the government. It's true that Federal Law supersedes State Law, but Only if the Federal Law is Constitutional. Federal mandates and Executive edicts are not Constitutional, never was, never will be.

I would say it will come down when people begin to see their bank accounts disappear because the government took their money to pay for the plan. We in my family have discussed this. We live on Social Security alone. To take even $50 a month would hurt us, and we are not the poorest people in America. When this happens, I think we can count on people rising up in rebellion. The Rich are not going to sit still over this new tax on them either. One doesn't stay rich by paying taxes.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 02:02 PM
Personally, I didn't protest because I am Canadian. We offer superior health which we pay for in fake monies.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 02:08 PM
Because historically speaking it is usually the "liberals" who do the protesting
as conservatives usually conserve the status quo. Not a strong suit and all...

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by cushycrux
I just still don't understand why you fight against something good OMG!
And I just don't believe that 62% of the american people are against "health care for all" - ALSO FOR THE SICK PEOPLE!

I would say that Americans are for health care reform by a huge margin. The problem was THIS healthcare reform bill. The Democrats (obviously) convinced you that if you were against their bill then you were against all healthcare reform.

Sounds like their propaganda worked pretty well on some.

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