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Healthcare: Nothing will ever be the same

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 01:43 PM
Today America DIED. The dreams of freedom set upon by our founding fathers in establishing this great nation have all been cast aside. From this day forward my life will never be the same thanks to this healthcare legislation. Forevermore my life has been changed due to this violation of my own humanity. This monstrosity has changes society and resculpted the world leaving a wake of ruined lives and destroyed businesses in its aftermath. An eagle that once delivered freedom to the world on the wings of liberty has been killed this day never to fly and soar among the clouds.

Healthcare has changed every aspect of what it means to be called an american. How many people can truly still call themselves americans after the passage of such a bill? Healthcare has condemned us all to a life of tortuous ruin and misery. Nothing will ever be the same and everything has changed. Life as we know it is no longer the pursuit of the american dream because now we live everyday in a nightmare where every outcome results in destroying us as a people a little bit more with every passing day on this march to self destruction. Ever since healthcare was passed I can see in the people around me that they are lost now so to speak, they all have a far away look in their eyes, as if everything they believed in has been destroyed.

When I wake up in the morning I look back at how things used to be. When I walk the streets I see children with nothing but a look of shattered dreams on their faces, and expectant mothers with a look of horror in their eyes, tragically debating weather its worth it even to bring a child into this twisted world where healthcare reform is passed. A grown man sits by himself on a bench weeping at where his life has gone, eradicated in the push for healthcare reform. Romantic couples now dont hold hands as a sense of warmth towards one another, now they can only hopelessly dream of what life could have been like before this avalanche of misery descended upon them. I wonder how I can go on living in this torrid world knowing that healthcare reform has changed the political landscape creating a true world of terror where every american now lives trapped.

A new dawn is upon us, the news ignores this national tragedy but this day will be remembered as the day that the dream died. Our lives are forever changed by this radical new way of life which has become the new standard for death and destruction on a national scale.

Today the angels weep and the heavens fall thanks to this chaos that has ravaged the american people. Healthcare itself inked in black death with its only goal to destroy our way of life. Doomsday is upon us and the american people have all been led like sheeple into this abattoir of civil liberties bestowed upon us by god no less. Without a doubt this is merely a shadow of the evidence that our leaders worship at the feet of Baphomet. Thumbing their nose at God by denying us the liberties set forth upon in our founding documents such as the constitution. Nothing illustrated the destruction of our free will more then the passage of this healthcare reform spawned by the morning star himself.

Our lives are forever tarnished by this blemish upon our people and the american way. If they want us to live like canadians in gulags then its time we rise up for FREEDOM!

[edit on 22-3-2010 by tigpoppa]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 01:49 PM
Nicely written....but

I don't get it.

Could you please explain why the passing of the health care bill is the death of America?

Personally, I'm angry that our representatives chose to ignore the will of the people. But I'm not ready to throw in the towel on my American ideals just yet.

How about this for thought. We give it a shot. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't....(my guess is doesn't cause I'm from TN and worked in the medical field with the Tenncare debacle). When the masses realize the plan doesn't work, then we institute change. We make amendments. We start anew, and try again.

Health care for everyone is a laudable goal, in my opinion.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Me too.

Care to elaborate?

Being Canadian, I have been reading a lot posts stating that this Health Care bill is going to destroy America and will destroy their lives. It all seems a little too melodramatic if you ask me. But hey, what do I know...I'm Canadian so this obviously doesn't affect me.

How exactly is this bill is a violation of your humanity?

I am not being condescending, I would actually really like to know.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by kommunist]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 02:36 PM
Try to educate yourself instead of following the propaganda. What the President did for Americans, you will realize the benefits in the years to come. And when you realize that it is good for Americans, then at least thank those who fought for it. Think about it this way, if Insurance Companies were operating as non profit and they had the good health of Americans close to their heart, they never would have had problem allowing the government to compete with them for customers. And that would have been fair game. But if they are busy destroying competition through Republicans by bribing them and we have to pay and yet in return don't get the service. Then the hell with that kind of service. You have no idea what so ever how they had the nation under their grip. No idea at all. To me they are the worse of all Mafia in the history of USA.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
Nicely written....but

I don't get it.

Could you please explain why the passing of the health care bill is the death of America?

Personally, I'm angry that our representatives chose to ignore the will of the people. But I'm not ready to throw in the towel on my American ideals just yet.

How about this for thought. We give it a shot. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't....(my guess is doesn't cause I'm from TN and worked in the medical field with the Tenncare debacle). When the masses realize the plan doesn't work, then we institute change. We make amendments. We start anew, and try again.

Health care for everyone is a laudable goal, in my opinion.

I think the OP is correct, and you are wrong. As a matter of fact I feel his assessment of the situation is overly optomistic. For personal reasons I will not elaborate further.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by charlie0
But if they are busy destroying competition through Republicans by bribing them and we have to pay and yet in return don't get the service. Then the hell with that kind of service. You have no idea what so ever how they had the nation under their grip. No idea at all. To me they are the worse of all Mafia in the history of USA.

Um.. they still do under this bill... more so, even. They have pull off the ultimate protection racket -- they bought off the Feds. Now you MUST buy their product or face fines and/or jail time. What's worse, they put the IRS in charge of collections.. the guilty until proven innocent division of the US Government.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:15 PM
Too much's like I'm on a message board with a bunch of teenage girls.

You just accomplished saying NOTHING while writing a lot of words.

Give me concrete specific examples of what won't be the same.

I bet you won't.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by chorizo4

Originally posted by smyleegrl Nicely written....but I don't get it. Could you please explain why the passing of the health care bill is the death of America? Personally, I'm angry that our representatives chose to ignore the will of the people. But I'm not ready to throw in the towel on my American ideals just yet. How about this for thought. We give it a shot. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't....(my guess is doesn't cause I'm from TN and worked in the medical field with the Tenncare debacle). When the masses realize the plan doesn't work, then we institute change. We make amendments. We start anew, and try again. Health care for everyone is a laudable goal, in my opinion. I think the OP is correct, and you are wrong. As a matter of fact I feel his assessment of the situation is overly optomistic. For personal reasons I will not elaborate further.

Well, thanks for that helpful reply.

I'm willing to listen to anyone who can explain why this is the "end of America".....but so far every thread I've read has been mainly rhetoric expounding on America's ultimate demise. Pretty words, but no substance that I can see.

I'm not interested in gut reactions, emotional rants, or anything of the sort. I AM interested in why the OP (and you as well) thinks this is disaster. Please explain your reasoning (or not, as you prefer, of course).

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Right, the will of the people aside, what in the world should i know that i dont know about this bill? Is this just drama?
The childrens faces in the streets have changed????

Please tell me what i have to be so peeved about. I like ANGER!!!!!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Well I am PROUD to be an American. I will not change my views on how great our country is simply because other people disagree with the "Truth" about our impending doom thanks to this catasrophic disaster of epic proportions! Like all Americans I believe in freedom and the will of the people to be heard. Our liberty is the beacon of light that shines the truth of democracy around the world. We know about freedom and we understand the choice of the NEXT GENERATION!!!

People may not see the harm of their ways right now. But as time goes by and our country plummets into a madhouse of chaos we will see what has been wrought by the passage of this bill. I understand not being american makes it difficult to fathom the real context of patriotism and duty to ones country but let me be clear THESE COLORS DONT RUN!!!!

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:53 PM
tigpoppa, you are hilarious. I don't know what was funnier, our OP or the responses to it. Instant classic.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:56 PM
I wont go as far as saying we will not be the same, yet we will not be as free. Something about being born in america, just wont be the same, just one more thing to worry about paying, for those who have never been court ordered to do something perhaps you do not understand, yet it will be a law to have health care, which means your breaking the law if for whatever reason you do not maintain health insurance.
Thinking our beurecratic government is going to feel compassion for those with horrible stories of the why they do not have health insurence will be sadly mistaken.. Yet anyhow I dont wanna delve to much into trolldum, I will say americans way of life will change, I think allot of people are trully unaware of how this law will be implimented.. Not to mention its just a start not to drift to far off into omg land but we could be told what we can eat or drink or even how to act, Already crazy talk about taxing soda, and trying to ban sugar in AMERICA

I mean what the hell are we becoming?

I still have hope, yet my intuition is screaming...

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:06 PM

I mean what the hell are we becoming?

I still have hope, yet my intuition is screaming...

Healthier ?

Informed ?

Or, you could move to the third world and guzzle all the soda you choose

then die in the gutter for lack of health care

Not a bad idea actually. Go to the third world and hit the soda --- see what your intuition does then

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

I'm afraid I don't get it either.

What about a simple healthcare bill changes everything? 99% of things will still be the same. Dogs will still bark, the sun will still rise, Winter will still turn into Spring.

I don't understand the rhetoric being employed by the anti-reform crowd. Okay so the Bill isn't perfect, so it's flawed, so you disagree with it that doesn't make it the end of the world. Seems just like fear of change to me, people hiding their eyes as change arrives. If its bad change we'll reform again, isn't that the nature of our Republic?

All these people running around like chickens with their heads cut off over-reacting and acting like this bill turns America into Nazi Germany.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Dock9

I mean what the hell are we becoming?

I still have hope, yet my intuition is screaming...

Healthier ?

Informed ?

Or, you could move to the third world and guzzle all the soda you choose

then die in the gutter for lack of health care

Not a bad idea actually. Go to the third world and hit the soda --- see what your intuition does then


I dont need a daddy to tell me what to do..

maybe you do..

no disrespect but I have lived or visited 3rd world countries the former east germany was pretty bad, watched a child cry eating a snickers for the first time... I was proud to be american then..

Just never thought I might see an american crying 20 years from now eating a snickers

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:14 PM
while i don't necessarily fear anything that is explicitly written in the bill, i do fear the power of unintended consequences. Politicians have never been particularly adept at predicting those.

Social security is a good example. No one would have supported that legistlation if they were told that in 50 years the fund would be hopelessly insolvent and later generations would still have to pay into a system that would not be around at their retirement age. There is no social security "fund" or "account" that the federal government has. It goes straight into the coffers and gets shuffled around and spent. It would have been fine if it were truly left alone and allowed to mature in a fund.

Other than war and killing people i can't think of one thing the federal government does well.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:36 PM
Its quite simple America is not dead unless the people do nothing. Stop listening to the commies especially those from other countries telling how great their communism is and how it will benefit us we have seen the results of thier communist health care systems they are a joke. The media has done a superb job brainwashing these idiots and half of America

Congress and the President simply do not have the authority to force health care on the people. Nowhere in the constitution is such authority given to those offices. And the people need to just say no! Their vote was meaningless. Do not participate and do not pay! Ask your congress people who the hell they think they are. If the people can't do that much then bend over and take it.

Until the people realize they are not obligated or bound to do something just because a bunch of criminals, malcontents, perverts, and charlatons hold a vote in the District of Criminals we will continue to suffer. Grow a pair and stand up! Just say no! Stop being scared of these idiots!

I won't be participating and I won't be paying a dime into that non-sense. That's how simple it is.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 06:47 AM

Well I am PROUD to be an American. I will not change my views on how great our country is simply because other people disagree with the "Truth" about our impending doom thanks to this catasrophic disaster of epic proportions! Like all Americans I believe in freedom and the will of the people to be heard. Our liberty is the beacon of light that shines the truth of democracy around the world. We know about freedom and we understand the choice of the NEXT GENERATION!!!
reply to post by tigpoppa

I'm glad you're proud to be an American. I am too. But you still haven't explained why you think this health care bill will spell our impending doom.

I'm not critizing you, insulting you, or making fun of you. I really want to know why you think this is the end of America. Obviously you see something that I don't, and you may be right. But your post seems without substance or facts to back it up.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 06:55 AM
Relax, nothings changed. Ignore the will of the people, hand over a bunch of extorted taxpayer money to private corporations. And when the boot is on the neck and the hand in the wallet don't forget to explain "it's for your own good".

This is the way America has been operating for about 70 years now.

God bless the insurance companies. We should be givin them even more money than this bill states. Without them life wouldn't be possible.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:05 PM
Ha surely you jest good sir!

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