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Nothing Happening As Expected

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posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 01:22 PM
We were assured complete economic collapse by the end of 2008...then by mid-2009...then by late 2009...never happened.

We were assured a police-state called the North American Union by 2010...never happened.

According to a few, UFO sightings were supposed to increase drastically over the summer of 2009...while this can be argued, nothing of interest happened. There is no new evidence, no new pictures, and nobody coming forward.

Food shortages, global hunger & thirst, man-made bio-weapon attacks, Global Coast Event likely in early to mid 2009, rationing of gasoline...there are ALWAYS food shortages, hunger & thirst in third world countries. Swine Flu is the closest thing to a man-made bio-weapon, and it hardly made a dent in the population. Global Coast Event? What the hell does that even mean? No rationing of gasoline, just the normal price spikes.

November 5th, 2009 war with by a few months, but so far we've seen no plans.

Disclosure in late 2009...


Nibiru is supposed to be visible, summer of 2008...wait, summer of 2009...WAIT, our expert astronomers miscalculated, it will arrive in winter of 2010...WAIT, we had the location wrong, it's coming from the South where no human can see it unless they control Antarctica!

I hate posting this. I really do. I consider myself to be one of the most open minded people out there. Not only am I opened minded, I want to believe. How often do you find yourself saying that? You want to believe. We all want to believe in UFO's, ghosts, the Illuminati. Why? Because it gives us a greater sense of purpose. That is why, it is unfortunate for me to have to point this out.

We've had a rough couple of years. The economy on the decline via a purported engineered demolition. More questions are coming about 9/11, and the truth movement is gaining momentum. The MSM is desperately trying to discredit people like us. Free thinkers. Free spirits.

My personal beliefs don't matter. I'm an optimistic skeptic I guess you can say. I can easily spot scams when I see them. Are the sources quoted reliable information? No. And that's my point I suppose. We, at ATS, often cite sources as such. Somebody's blog. Somebody's spiritual website, in which you have to pay $70.00 monthly to participate in. Some random 2012 website that let's you know some interesting, but unverifiable facts, then asks you to spend $50.00 on a book. Then when you get the book, it says "Well we really don't know what will happen, but here's a possibility!"

2012, the Illuminati, global government; all of these questions are going to be answered within the next couple of years. The problem is, there is so much disinformation out there, that it is hard to weed through the BS and get to the main artery of knowledge. ATS has it's fair share of healthy skeptics, and it's blind conspiracy theorists. When these two groups clash, we unfortunately have a lot of name calling, a lot of T&C violations, and a few warnings. What I wanted to do here was try and point out the disinformation campaign that has been working against us, since the invention of conspiracy theories. You can't believe everything you read/hear...and you can't rely on your optimistic intuition. I suffer from the latter sometimes. What we can do, is work together to watch current events and how they relate to the supposed conspiracies that exist.

Sorry for the rant. Your comments and progressive discussion is welcomed regarding this matter.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by DocEmrick]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by DocEmrick

Foot shortages, global hunger & thirst, man-made bio-weapon attacks, Global Coast Event likely in early to mid 2009, rationing of gasoline

Well, I have both me feet, so that one didnt come thru, atleas for me.
The Bio-ManMade came thru , called H5N1,H1N1,somthing Flu (SwineFlu) and was manmad.....

Nibiru is supposed to be visible, summer of 2008...wait, summer of 2009...

I think that this chaos will happend by the end of this year, or it aint going too, 2012 is a diversion, 'they' know people wait until the absolute last minute to prepare and panic, that is what they have learned from the disasters that have happend..... Etc...

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:01 PM
I agree with pritty much everything you wrote there. But i differ by not looking at predictions. I like to look at the facts and the explanations though, but once they put a date on it, i tend to drift off a little.
When theres a date on a specific incedent (that useualy tends to be bad) it brings out more attention because people see that there is a ending line were it will happen, and people want it to happen for the "i told you so" factor.
But instead of reading such posts then dissregarding it as soon as the date goes by, well that should not always be the best way to look at things.
For all the financial predictions, we will never know. Some of them realy did happen, but were saved. For example, (forgive me, been trying to find a source for this but can not find it for some reason, but hopefully some of you will remember what im on about) the UK was literaly 20mins from the major banks failing and causing the UK to have absolute zero money. Everyones money would just go, no public money = looting and riots, the UK would be in chaos and struggle to get back to it's feet. This would also send panic all over the world, making the whole situation global, the financial apocolypse was avoided with a mear 30-20mins.

Same with the Iran war. You can never set a date for this, there are too many factors. "A week is a long time in politics", a famous phrase says, and it is true. Yes, they can have the war with Iran set for a date, however, many things could interupt and push the date back further and further. But look at all the evidence we have now, here is one link that should raise a few eyebrows...
Final destination iran
Then there was this i found on the news yesterday...
Iran supplies Taliban with explosives

If you search in google, "iran taliban", it is full of news articles stating that they have proof of it, going back to 2007! It seems that they have been trying to get public attention on the matter, to try and sway us to believing a war with Iran is the way to go. Before i thought nothing of this, just tension being reported. However, once hearing about the US bombs being shiped, i have rose my eyebrow a little more.

What im saying is, in shortest way possible, is dont dissbelieve the threads that set a date for an event (the ones that seem plausable anywho) but just dont focus on the date, focus on the information that leads to the date. This way, you will be aware of the patterns that will occure that will make the event a strong possibility. So even though the financial apocolypse did not happen when mentioned (for all we know), it could easily happen sometime in the future, and if youve read enough info on the subject, you will be able to know when about it COULD happen. (Nothing is certain, just different levels of possibilities)

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:06 PM
It's called shooting the fish in the barrel, make enough guesses and eventually somebody will be right... I can say that the moon will fall out of orbit in 2015... Wait 5 years and then say why it didn't happen... Then I say that now looking at the data it's probably going to be closer to 2025...

These "predictions" have been the same for 1000's of years, and only a few people have, if ever gotten spot on or really close i.e. Edward Cayce...

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by DocEmrick

Ross Perot predicted a "giant sucking sound" as jobs left America because of NAFTA.

Gore laughed.

Be patient, Celente is correct, but his timetable is off.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:14 PM
Um plenty has you mean the entire collapse hasn't come yet? If so that is just because they pumped more money into the fed. We are definitely going to feel the effects very soon and those that think otherwise will be shocked when the SHTF.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by DocEmrick

Just as a precuation you might have heald your breathe until the Healthcare reform is rammed into legislation.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. Swine Flu was most definitely man-made, but it hardly had an effect. And the vaccines have not YET negatively affected anyone.

I think the earthquake's, while tragic, have been a sign that something is indeed drastically changing, so I agree with you on the turmoil.

reply to post by Trolloks

Definitely. The date's are when I get turned off. Or the timeframe at least, especially by KNOWN liars and frauds, like David Wilcox. It's
sad that after so many predictions turn up to be false, people still blindly follow guys like this.

I'm also on board about Iran. There has been noticeable military movement, reported by multiple, credible sources.

reply to post by Envisionimage

And I'm all for shooting fish in a barrel. I'm all for discussion and debate. The problem I have, is when we rely on the same false sources, and the
same tired rhetoric. Believe me, I want 2012 to happen more than anyone...but I can't just blindly believe in it because it says so on a website.

That being said, the 2012 web page I linked to is a very entertaining read, and it even goes into a lot of things that have been posted on ATS about
loud bangs, flashes of light (methane pockets), earthquakes, etc...but it gets into Nibiru...and I don't buy the Nibiru theory for a minute.

reply topost by chorizo4

Indeed. I'm not too familiar with Celente, I'm going to Google him. Can you provide some links to some of his stuff in the meantime? Thanks!

[edit on 19-3-2010 by DocEmrick]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

The total collapse hasn't come yet, no. And do I think it will? I'm not making any predictions because frankly; I don't know enough. I do know this though, various websites, including that foolish webbot, "predicted" financial collapse in the last months of 2008. When that didn't happen, they played the "Oh well sometimes it's not right" card. Then when it didn't happen in 2009, they said "Ok this is the last prediction" because they knew they were losing credibility.

Multiple posts here have pointed the imminent collapse of the economy, and have predicted that it would happen next next week! Next week! NEXT WEEK! NEXT WEEK SERIOUSLY THIS TIME. You can only take so much before you realize the person is either a.) bored, b.) crazy, or c.) trying to make money.

Will it happen? Maybe it will. The point is all of the failed predictions that are just eaten up and taken as gospel.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by chorizo4
reply to post by DocEmrick

Ross Perot predicted a "giant sucking sound" as jobs left America because of NAFTA.

Gore laughed.

Be patient, Celente is correct, but his timetable is off.

( Disclaimer, I might be wrong here.)

What is the correct timetable ?
On the Sheeple TV they say it is a-okey, whilst they, Govt's of the world are implementing GreenTechTax to suck all the Cash they can for some reason and moving all the Cia and other importent personal to Denver , near the New World Airport which the roof alone cost 1 billion dollars to build, which is built out of kevlar and built by NASA... just an Airport ? Okey, so it is just an Airport named New World and have a roof of kevlar built by Nasa for 1 billion dollars...

Let us move on , The vatican library, has been open to the public for 500 years or something, just the last year they have moved it, and underground, ofcourse.. SilverMountain, all US Govt. papers under ground ... HealthCare, yes, it is going to pass, why? caus they KNOW it will create uprising and they need the Chaos to slip away into the Bunkers YOU payed for... or , every thing is Cool ...

So, those Army dudes moving up in (edit) altitude (feet ASL)? ancient pictures of Spirals and Ladders and Goats ? get up the where the Goats are ? Maybe, or it means nothing.. Whilst Iceland and greece and the other contries to follow are massivly forced into rioting over they economy, they (Govt)are securing theyr families and loved ones with Your Tax money.. Are we part of the future ? NO ! we are Consumers, Bill Gates say so too, Co2 Problem ? Humans... Wake Up or stay asleep, just dont cry when the shait goes down.... Pluto turning Red ? Yes...Yes it is ..Nasa verify found of 10th planet ? Yes...Yes they have... does it orbit the Sun ? Yes ... yes it does.... Comets: Neat 2003 - Mcnaught - 2007 Lulin-2009 What is coming this year ? Same comet, new name ? shorter time since last path ?

Eris,Sedna,Xena...nearby planets admitted found by Nasa....Still, not counted as planets of our solarsystem,yet they orbit our Sun..Hmm..

[edit on 19/3/2010 by ChemBreather]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Envisionimage
and only a few people have, if ever gotten spot on or really close i.e. Edward Cayce...

Have you seen Cayce's map? The one where the Earth is divided into two in 1987 by the Mississippi River?

I'm not picking on you, but making a point. You claim Cayce to be accurate -- and I'm not saying he is or isn't -- I merely pointed out one glaring case in which he was wrong.

The point being: Anybody can pick out isolated predications and say wrong! wrong! wrong!

But now where are all the ones that are correct? No mention?

Was Nostradamus wrong all the time? Nope.
Cayce? No again.

However, I can certainly go through and pinpoint exactly where they lose credibility.

Going by this premise, nobody is capable of ever predicting anything if any of it never comes true. Meaning, in order to fit into the OP's premise, a reliable predictor would have to be 100% correct 100% of the time.

However, if one wants to say "such and such" is accurate most of the time, I would be interested in hearing people's opinions on what constitutes most.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by lpowell0627]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

I don't know what the time table is. The prediction business is an interesting one. But just a word for the wise, well.

Putin himself has said just yesterday the Bushehr NPP will be operational in Iran this summer. If it is hit expect delivery to Iran of the SS-300s in short order. Then Act 1 Scene 2.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 03:21 PM
Fully agree with you!!

We have to think more logically.

The Powers that Be, they are corrupt but they are human beings. They don't want any collapse to occur. They do not wish to lose power. They hate anarchy. They like order and status quo.

A good thinking would be "what I would do if I was in Power and I was a greedy one?" This is what I would do, if I was one of them:

- I would not let the economy collapse. This is an absolute MUST.
- I would not want a war with Iran, but I would prefer a nuclear-free Iran. Causing civil unrest is an easier solution. And Russia/China don't mind as long as they retain their power and profit.
- I would be corrupt and play lots of tricky games in the economy, and that is our world domination, an economical one (Bilderberg); there is no need for a "new world order", economical power controls political power
- I am so focused with making money, that I don't know anything about 2012 - they say. Do you think most prime-minister know about it? No, they are just poor corrupt guys earning lots of money.

Yes, there are people that have secret alien technology (and know about the future). But they are an absolute minority, even within the US military. And they are also human beings, like the above and like us. You can guess what they think. Do you think they want disclosure? No! Not at all! We don't want more chaos than what we already have, and risk going to prison- they say.

Now, eventually, corruption comes to surface,and secrets cannot be hidden forever. There comes a day that economical truth comes to daylight, alien truth is disclosed, the economy enters a great depression or even collapses. But Rome did not fall in a year, it took many decades, and so will our western world.

Finally there are many here that wish that "something" happens, and so they like to play predictions. As ignorance breeds ignorance, at a certain point, the masses believe that the conspiracy theory is true and will happen. To their disappointment, it does not happen.

Remember when in the 1840s everyone was expecting for Christ Second Coming. It never came. True faith is in yourself, not in the outside world.

[edit on 19-3-2010 by segurelha]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 03:25 PM
It has collapsed...

Only thing is, there is still gas in the car.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by DocEmrick
I consider myself to be one of the most open minded people out there.

having an open mind is like having an open bar, it tends to attract a lot of jerks that are only interested in their own financial well being and it almost always ends up costing you more than you'ld like.

it's all well and good to listen to what these people have to say but i always try to bear (bare, beer, bore, raccoon?) in mind that anyone predicting anything specific is probably going to be wrong.

[edit on 19/3/10 by pieman]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 03:43 PM
To form a sound conclusion on ANY topic, one has to do their own research and pull from it what he/she deems to be logical, sound, and credible research.

For example, I have my own personal theory on 2012. I've researched various aspects of it from numerous sources and decided what I thought to be the most mentioned, most researched, most proven information.

Unfortunately, this doesn't make me right.

There is some credence to the theory of global consciousness and its ability to alter or guide the events yet to occur. I would imagine the Internet has thrown a huge wrench in this theory while also helping it to move along. Helping it by making global thinking available for all to know, but a wrench because much of the thinking is probably guided / encouraged / furthered by whatever topics or ideas come up first in search engines and on news sites -- which also tends to be the more popular information.

I would guess that the Internet has changed the accuracy of any predictions.

500 years ago, if Nostradamus said something that proved to be true, that's the information that was passed along. Nowadays, with the Internet, every word everyone ever speaks is recorded and edited and replayed for the entire world to know all at the same time. Failed predictions and accurate ones. Having an all-inclusive [or at least closer to all-inclusive than before the Internet] list to compare which come true and which don't will definitely skew the averages.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by chorizo4

How many missiles are the US sending towards Iran now ? 10.000 was it ?

You bet your family nothing is going to happen there, and it is not an Diversion for the Govts Gettaway?

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
reply to post by chorizo4

How many missiles are the US sending towards Iran now ? 10.000 was it ?

You bet your family nothing is going to happen there, and it is not an Diversion for the Govts Gettaway?

We hope nothing happens there. Let's see, what does the bible say?

Proverbs 26:11
As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.

"Doomsday is in the mind, it is not in the Mayan calender." ----PC

Forgive me for quoting myself on the same page as a biblical quote. Yes, I think something is going to happen there. It almost did on August 17, 2005. Green light scrubbed almost on the last day. Then Katrina hit.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 05:09 PM
Well this will be the first time I have linked a thread of mine in another thread but I feel it could be very necessary here.

Read this if you really want to know how bad it is, where we stand, and what is coming. And by coming I mean soon. And by bad I mean terrible.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses
Well this will be the first time I have linked a thread of mine in another thread but I feel it could be very necessary here.

Read this if you really want to know how bad it is, where we stand, and what is coming. And by coming I mean soon. And by bad I mean terrible.

If you are just 29, I have some advice for you. Focus on the little things. Put importance to things like the shared company of family and friends. Enjoying a good meal together, watching a good film or TV show.

Yesterday I was happy because some tobacco I ordered came in and it was/is tasty.
Today I got out income tax forms. Whew!

I am looking forward to tonight's broadcast of Smackdown! Somebody will be bringing me a fish dinner from a church fish fry. Of course cocktails will be served (vodka shooters). There will be no drinking and driving so a good time for all!

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