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America is DEAD. Accept your DEMISE with dignity and BOW to TPTB

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+36 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:23 PM
America is DEAD. Accept your demise with dignity and BOW to TPTB.

The title says it all but extends to every person on the globe. Due to many of you being hypnotized by way of the idiot box, radio, internet and other forms of gratuitous media, you’ve failed to R-E-A-D the memo that this country is D-E-A-D and, they, THE POWERS THAT BE, own each one of you. Yes, it may come as a shock, but it’s obvious you’ve been living in a very warped version of reality and can’t comprehend the handwriting that is on the wall. People talk of revolution this, revolution that, but what exactly are you people going to do? Nothing. For this reason, you should accept your demise with dignity, embrace the fact that your existence is minuscule and simply live out the rest of your life…knowing you’ve accepted your fate.

Your children are slaves, for you yourselves are slaves, and there is nothing you can do to alter this truth. You can vote all you like, cheer for Ron Paul, cry for a three party system, bash the current puppet, the “long-legged mack daddy” Obama, or whatever other madness you can concoct, but they are in control. You can ramble on about the constitution all you like, but it is simply a piece of paper, one they’ve wiped their backsides with, and only holds weight because: A.) they enjoy using it to keep you in bondage and B.) You’re too naïve and feeble minded to break free. Oops! You can’t break free. You can speak of armed revolution, but again, you can’t defeat the machine. You can parade around your friends, while passing off the latest tomfoolery you’ve read on ATS as truth, but that isn’t going to help. You can make all the militia videos you want, post them on YouTube or Google video, but the result, when viewed from a realistic perspective, shows you’ve wasted nothing but time and bandwidth.

They, TPTB, THE HIDDEN HAND, control every aspect of your pitiful life, but again, there is nothing you can do because it is too late. The price of freedom is death, but the problem is, you’ve been fooled into believing it either will come by bloodshed, or that it will happen because some great world leader, a candy messiah if you will, is going to make thousands of years of corruption disappear. No one is going to help you. No aliens will help, no great world sage will lend a hand, no religious institution is going to see the light, no technological advance is going to bring peace and no moral or philosophical ideology is going to free your mind. If insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, and expecting different results, that means humanity, as a whole, is either insane or has been living in a state of insanity from the very beginning. The cycle will continue until we destroy ourselves or until some natural disaster wipes us from the globe. Only then will we be free from this yoke.

We live IN insanity. The cycle has NEVER been broken. The rich get richer and the poor? The poor will be with you always. Look at reality and accept it for what it is. Racism still exists. Slavery still exists. Poverty still exists. Intolerance still exists, ignorance still exists and the list goes on and on. You can have dreams of changing the world, but that is all they are—dreams. You are dreaming, have delusions of grandeur and this is the coup de grace that effectively shows how powerless you really are. Humanity has strayed in the direction of ignorance and slavery far too long, and it doesn’t matter what good you do, the bad is going to outweigh it. You can preach about love or good tidings of joy, but there will be no joy in the morning. Love covers a multitude of sins? Do you people really believe this? Does anyone believe it? If so, why is the love of many growing faint each day? You people, especially the ones so worried about your 401k, and other trinkets, are only concerned because your so-called “rights” and way of living has been put on the chopping block. For this reason, you shout about freedom, but you don’t have your fellow mans interest in mind you have YOUR interest in mind.

You don’t understand your enemy, hell; you don’t even know who the enemy is! Is the enemy reptilians from the planet ZAASIGHASUZAS? Is the enemy JFK’s brain hooked up to a super computer funded by Microsoft? Is the enemy the top 2% of those who control the finances of this world? The Vatican and the Black Pope? Is it the covering cherub? Is it “the Illuminati”? Is it PNAC? Who exactly is your enemy? I’ll tell you how to find the first enemy you must confront. GO LOOK IN A MIRROR.

Humans act in the interest of self-perseverance, and TPTB understand this. The problem is, you act in self-perseverance, but you’re only delaying the inevitable. For example, all this talk about nuclear strikes and building a bomb shelter but to what end? You’re still going to DIE! You’ll survive a couple of more years (or decades) but at the end you’ll die. Why waste your life struggling and fighting? This is far beyond lizard brain and flight or fight. This is stupidity, at its optimum, and they won the game. The military will not help you and neither will law enforcement, for they are extensions of the status quo and will preserve their interest. If you think they won’t turn on you, or have your best interest in mind, you’re delusional. If placed in a position of their survival, or their family’s survival, and yours they are going to do you in. Accept the fact and stop swallowing lies.

Reading all of this may turn some of you off, and you may attack me, but I didn’t come to this site to make friends, but I’m calling it how I see it. The handwriting is on the wall, they’ve won, and I’m simply accepting this fact. I’m not giving up, because there is nothing to give up and that is what people such as yourself don’t understand. What is there to give up? So-called freedoms? Tainted foods? Sex? Clothes? Cars? Homes? Liberty and justice for all? Yes, I’ll continue to help people, and I’ll continue to treat my fellow man with respect, but I know things will never change. On a micro level, there will be some change, but from a macro level, nothing of significance will ever occur. So again, this isn’t a case of me giving up, it is a case of me looking at the handwriting and knowing that nothing of great significance is going to happen.

In closing BOW to TPTB and accept your fate with dignity. Accept the fact that you will never change anything and that depravity is the norm. Accept the fact that money/resources, not love, faith, humility, righteousness or peace is what makes the world spin. Accept the fact that the earth is divided over everything under the Sun, and accept the fact that the only way it will be united under one banner is when THEY unite the planet under their banner. Oops! They already have!


+9 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:32 PM
“long-legged mack daddy"?

no racism there, huh.. You should look in the mirror yourself, then open the mirror, take your meds out and actually start taking them.

You made the ignore list because there is nothing you will ever say that could contribute to society.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:35 PM
I'm fairly certain I can just leave if I want. Go live in the outback.

Or kill TPTB. There isn't anything actually stopping me from doing that except my desire to abide by the law. If we forget about that little problem, say if there was a breakdown in the law and order. Certainly I would feel I wasn't bound by those constraints any longer and could do whatever I needed to or wanted.

+5 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by ShiftTrio

How is "long-legged mack daddy" racist? The guy who coined the term for our current president is what color?

Oh yeah, let us look at a definition of racism:

Racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Stick to the topic friend, and stop trying to derail the truth.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE
reply to post by ShiftTrio

How is "long-legged mack daddy" racist? The guy who coined the term for our current president is what color?

Oh yeah, let us look at a definition of racism:

Racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Stick to the topic friend, and stop trying to derail the truth.

'Obama and Sinclair, had an streaming love affair'..
He, this guy cranks me up !

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:42 PM
Wow you just about covered everything and I agree we are pretty much toast no matter which way you look and no matter what we may come up with to TRY and change whats inevitable ..

But you forgot one thing ...there is no hope in this world for sure but there is still a hope in the afterlife with our creator (to who are spirits came from)...
through his Son Jesus Christ who is the HEIR to that Kingdom ...

So the bottom line is go down with this world not only to physical death but spiritual death as well ...Or go down in this world and at least have a chance in the world to come .THATS GONNA BE SO MUCH BETTER than this carnal one we live in now .

PS I thought it was a good post a bit pesimistic but honest anyway .....and I gave you a star .

[edit on 18-3-2010 by Simplynoone]

[edit on 18-3-2010 by Simplynoone]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:49 PM
Excellent stuff here.
I liked it.
In reality it is always man versus man. However, conceding would be the cowards way out because neither TPTB or you or I, know what the future holds [distant future]. I still hold a small glimmer of hope for mankind, because it is probably all we have. I suppose if we are losing/do lose, I will go down swinging.

+5 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 03:56 PM
America is not Dead.

It is not even dying.

It is called changing, and it seems a lot of people dont want to change.

but change will happen, and those left behind clinging to dying industries and jobs that we no longer have will indeed be left behind, and to these people it will seem America is dead.

But to those with vision and those who can embrace what the future may bring, and act accordingly, America is aswell with opportunities.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Sounds like somebody skipped their meds this morning.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:08 PM
"You can have dreams of changing the world, but that is all they are—dreams."

I don't have dreams of changing anything, except my underwear and socks. Feel free to take that as you wish.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:08 PM
No other human being owns me. I bow only to God never to the tptb or kings or queens nor princes or princesses. The day is I bow to them is the day I die.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by JIMC5499

sounds like some woman got some drugs during pregnancy

first - no matter what you think, if you believe in a religion, you are a slave, since u are following a book and a cult that tries to limit what you think and what you do

2 - you are a slave, since you need to work, you cant help people, you need to work to help yourself, the only way for u to be free would be if you were rich and literally would be able to do anything

3 - you dont have any control over politics, besides the illusion of vote, I wont explain that, you probably are still crying over -first-

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by ShiftTrio

The name "Long Legged Mack Daddy" for Zero was coined by a very BLACK preacher in Harlem by the name of James David Manning.

You would do well to listen to Rev Manning, he is a true American Patriot!

I am SO sick of everything being racist.. When that wears out what will be the next excuse?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:27 PM
No man owns me, nor will I bend the knee to any man. I will only bend my knee to Christ Jesus.
And no, I'm not brainwashed. I know where I come from and where I am going.
(By the way, I have no problem walking away from my job and home if it comes to that.)

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:42 PM
You're probably right describing about 90% of the population. What you are missing is the PTB and their money system is in the midst of collapse. Fiat money has failed every time in history and failed miserably. It will and is failing now. This is where thier power lies and its failure is built in and unavoidable. This will cause the change you say will never come. Change has always come and freedom has been won at times through out history.

The establishment of America was one of the greatest leaps forward in known history. After thousands of years basic feudalism a country was established based on principles of freedom and for a time we had maximum freedom even though it was not perfect.

Jesus and his philosophy laid the foundation for that leap forward 2000 years before hand. So it takes a long time even generations for ideas and concepts to permeate the population enough to cause change. Now that we have had a couple hundred years with the traditions of freedom even though we have regressed the concept and Idea has permeated the whole world. And the world wide economic collapse may be another opportunity for a great leap forward.

I am not saying it is guaranteed and indeed it does look bleak when you see the amount of sheeple in the world. However as the Declaration of Independence says: "and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

This is why men seemingly do little or nothing until the pain gets bad enough. We are about to experience that pain globally this time. It is up to us to focus things in the right direction. Perhaps this is an opportunity to Establish a new America of freedom except this time globally? And of course as we know it does not come without a struggle.

History has also shown it has always been a small group of people who drove the bus of change or revolution and never the masses. The masses only get on the bus when they have finally had enough.

I will never accept what you say is our fate because history has proven otherwise or we would never have obtained the level of freedom we have even if we have regressed some. It's time to kick it up a notch and if it takes a few generations to accomplish we should never let the torch of freedom go out even if it grows dim at times!

[edit on 18-3-2010 by hawkiye]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

Never say never : The only constant is change . . .

We're collapsing one way or another within this decade, imo. From that point on, nobody really has a clue what will emerge.

If you can't see the glass half full, at least realize there's still a glass with liquid right in front of you.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by unityemissions]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:51 PM
I am so fed up with the government right now that you don't even want me to start ranting but I HOPE the government is watching ATS because I want to say my piece:

F@CK YOU! You lie to us all and the revolution will come!

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

America might be dead to a certain extent, but can be revived with the actions of brave men and women who refuse to
to TPTB!

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:57 PM
Americans cannot do anything, just keep those mobile phones beside you while the nwo microwaves you.

See how much you want to stand up for your rights after a year or two of microwaving.

Americans will not stand up unless the ptb want, and then they shouldn't even bother.

Its too late.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
Americans cannot do anything, just keep those mobile phones beside you while the nwo microwaves you.

See how much you want to stand up for your rights after a year or two of microwaving.

Americans will not stand up unless the ptb want, and then they shouldn't even bother.

Its too late.

It is not too late.

I'm ready to fight for my rights but I can't do it alone.

We need some kind of orginization before we can accomplish anything.

If you want to have your human rights speak up now and lets do something!

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