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Outrage as Monsignor says he would protect a paedophile priest Read more: http://www.belfasttelegra

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posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:41 AM

A senior member of the Catholic Church has provoked outrage after he said he would not stop a child being abused if it breached the confidentiality of a paedophile.

Monsignor Maurice Dooley was speaking amid calls for Cardinal Brady’s resignation over a failure to tell police about one of Ireland’s most notorious paedophile priests, Father Brendan Smyth.

The head of the Catholic Church in Ireland has been under pressure since it emerged he asked two of the priest’s victims, aged 10 and 14, to sign secrecy agreements 35 years ago. Fr Smyth was eventually convicted of dozens of offences against children — but it was almost 20 years before he was brought to justice.

Defending the cardinal’s silence in 1975, Monsignor Dooley said he would not refer sex crimes against children to police today if passed information confidentially. The monsignor, who has spent over 50 years in the priesthood, also said he would protect a paedophile priest who confided his crimes to him today because the law was on his side. “I would not tell anyone,” he said.

“That is his responsibility. I am considering only my responsibility. My responsibility is to maintain the confidentiality of information which I had been given under the contract of confidentiality. “There must be somebody else aware of what he is up to and he could be stopped. “It is not my function.”

This is bloody disgusting we have here a guy openly admitting to be willing to aid and abet a child rapist, which to my mind immediately places a question mark above his own head.

I am quite offended that the UK is making preparations ( ie using public taxes) to welcome the pope on his visit while his minions are openly admitting to being prepared to cover up his ring of pedophiles.

Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of religious privilege, I would like to see a day when all self titled Pastors, doctors, reverends , bishops and such are required to go through thorough police checks before coming into contact with children.

This to my mind should not just stop at the catholic pulpit (the bigggests conspiracy of all), regular we some form of creepy christian stalking young people in the evenings trying to tempt them with biblical candy attempting to be their buddy jesus.

It is long past time we kept people that hear voices in their heads well out of reach of our children.
Link to article

(Apologies to mods for posting in the wrong forum please attend as appropriate)

[edit on 18-3-2010 by yodagod]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:45 AM
Can't the Police force priests to tell them stuff?Can't Magistrates or Judges do anything?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by parsman
Can't the Police force priests to tell them stuff?Can't Magistrates or Judges do anything?

I'm in the process of trying to find out the answer to that.

Personally I would hand the bastard over the parents, no doubt though he will be whisked off to italy to settle down in a nice en suite apartment , plasma TV and unlimited access to sunday school.

I really and truly cannot understand how an individual could continue attending a catholic church knowing full well that so many of its' managers and directors are involved in child rape.

No normal human being would support a football team whose players and managers was involved in child rape, what the hell ??

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:23 AM
yep, he's hiding behind mans law and his post as secret keeper...what's he hiding?...EVIL in this world, thereby and thusly...he is a son of the devil

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