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"You" owe it to yourself...

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posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:58 AM
You owe it to yourself, your family (if you cherish them or have any) and the rest of society, to learn and comprehend the big picture…..what are we doing here?

I am not sure where to begin. The end, now or how it all began. Then again, I am no expert, but have devoted my life to understanding why things are the way they are and who is responsible for the events that have shaped our history and lives. My father was a detective and taught me a lot of very good lessons. I have used the things he taught me to better form an opinion or understanding of how society, and we as people, work or function as one.

Now some here will say that this is only my opinion, but it is not, it is other peoples claims or understandings/opinions too, put down in text type books, that I have read and have passed on, as well as documentaries that I have viewed and have come to understand. This is how you come to the realization of “who” you are and “what” you are and that you really “owe” it to “yourself”. You don’t owe the Elite or the government anything. Was it not man who created “government” to SERVE man? Not the other way round? Did you give the government the authority to enslave you? No, you did it without your own knowledge and by consent by assent. You did not stand up for yourself and say No, but were duped into “believing” that “they” had the power over you as “they” are the government. Ever ask yourself “who” is the government? “Who” is the “State”. Is it not you and I?

Then why are we doing things to injure ourselves? It’s like the bully using your own hand to hit you in the face, only the bully here is your imagination. You “think” that because the government, actually the people who you “believe” you elected, are endowed with the power to control society because YOU do not have the self control needed to be responsible for yourself. The elected officials somehow “know” what is best for you and I and they will do the right thing. THAT is insanity, they will never do the “right” thing, they will do whatever is necessary for the good of themselves and their co-conspirators. To hold onto their position “in power” to control society to best suit them and the Elite. Wouldn’t you? Some people would say no, but until you are in that position and the “real” power mongers step out of the shadows to confront you, you have no idea. So we berate these “elected” officials and blame them, but are they really at fault? Some are for sure, but it’s hard to know which ones. To the Elite, that is the best part, you can never tell who is good or bad, it’s a circle jerk. We run around pointing the finger and totally missing the big picture, we don’t pay attention to who is behind the curtain and what the agenda IS. Red Herrings for sale by the dozen!!

These people whom you believe you have elected, are specially picked in advance, placed in front of you for your approval and then put into office. Could there be an ulterior motive here? NO, they wouldn’t do that, would they? Please. If you actually “believe” you have voted and that it mattered, you need to look again.

WHY? Someone explain to me why there is a need for “secret societies”. What is the big secret and why does there need to be a separate “society” to “guard it”? That is so lame, I can not begin to explain all the things wrong with that way of thinking. And I am sure there are other people here too that feel that same way. Is society, as a whole, too dumb or to ignorant to understand the “secrets”. And who is it benefiting? Have you asked yourself that? I have known a few people in the “societies”, they had no idea what the big picture was. The did not understand “duality”, watch the right hand so you don’t see what the left hand is doing!! Magic!! It is all part of the game; the “secret societies” keep putting the red herring in front of you so you don’t actually pay attention to the fact that it is YOU who is the controller, the power and the glory. YOU were born with this power but were never shown how to use it, what it does, and what it is. Aren’t you curious? Wouldn’t you like to be actually free to think, to feel, to do what you love to do? You should be doing what you love to do and be doing it freely. So long as you harm no one and damage no one else’s property or violate their rights.

Once you understand how we got to this point and who is behind it and that YOU have the power to change it for the better, then we will evolve and move forward in a positive direction. But TPTB do not want that happening do they? HECK NO!! Keep watching that television, playing those video games and listening to their propaganda, and don’t pay attention to the people banging on the door trying to wake you up to what is actually real. THAT YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY AND THE POWER, not them.

** Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report,Committee on Banking,Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976.

Sleepwalk or Awaken?
Do you continue sleepwalking through your existence or do
you awaken to the drumbeat for freedom, sovereignty and
consciousness emerging worldwide?
Do you turn away from a friend, a neighbor, a family
member or your countrymen, or do you stand besides them
in their hour of need?
For if you do not stand for them, then who will stand for
The courage and sacrifice that made America great will
make America great again, but in a new way.

Everybody Wins, No Plunder
This time everybody wins. There is plenty for everyone.
There is no need for racism, bigotry or genocide of any
indigenous culture. The future is inclusive and everybody
has their share.
But everybody must also respect the rights and properties of
each other.
There can be no legal plunder and no excuse, no law
justified to steal from one and give to another. Each and
everyman and woman is responsible for their own creations,
their own productivity and the consequences of their
Protect the life, liberty and property of each other and you
will also be protected. Plunder each other and you will be

The Above links will get you started, much information to process but good information, in my opinion. I like Barefootsworld the best, then Spritualeconomicsnow.
As I have stated it before in many posts. There is always a way out. TPTB are fully aware of the fraud they have committed on society, and they therefore have given the people an opportunity to reclaim what is rightfully theirs, but they will not tell you were these “reclaim forms” or “outs” are. YOU have to know them and find them. Some people have and have written these books on the subject and have spent years researching and figuring this out so that others, who don’t have the knowledge or time to do so, can understand “IT” and start their own process to set the record straight. Take back control of your life and stop feeding these psychopathic megalomaniacs.

So are you going to wait for the SHTF or are you going to act today and start the process of setting the record straight? It is up to each of us to do our part, I would like to think I have done mine.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:08 AM

There will be a few people who dismiss this out of hand and haven't done the research or do not understand the "Law" which they themselves have created. We often hold ourselves back out of fear or timidity towards the idea. I could quote people to no end here, but would it further the idea? We must understand in our own being that we effect everything around us. Emotionally as well as physically.

So do not be afraid of what or who you are, just understand yourself and what our (yes our, we are all in this together) place is in the universe and world. Help each other out. I do my best to help anyone when I can.

Some people will post questions here, some I can't answer. Some people are on my ignore list, and for good reason, they try and derail threads and post frivolous questions. They have no want or need for you to learn or do research yourself, these people are obvious.

Shame that some people will not look into this, some people will call this BS, some people will ignore it all together. Isn't that the biggest problem in society? We can't all get on the same page. Everyone wants to steer the ship in a different direction. Isn't the common goal to all live in peace and prosperity? Well, how do you achieve that and evolve at the same time?

Can someone answer me that?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:32 AM
nice thread my friend, will finish reading later as i have to get ready to leave the house. lol

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:52 AM
I’d like to ask you a question; of course you do not have to answer.

I see posts exactly like yours all over the internet, and yet I see few offering a reasonable solution. I see few that are written by people who have actually done something to better their causes.

So, let’s assume all of the above is true, what do you personally plan to do about it and how would you like others to respond?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 07:29 AM
We can do these things at any time. Why don't we?

We do! When people bring it to our attention, we do things that DO make a difference.

Every one of us knows someone who made a positive impact, did his or her part, made a difference, solved a problem, or lived in a way that added to the good of life, protected it, nurtured it.

And when someone helps us know how to do the same, we all reach a point when we know that we can try, and we can accomplish.

The best approach, IMO, is to understand whatever one can about the big picture, but to focus on our own sphere of influence, as a smart person once told me. This is the place where the power we have is truly concentrated and effective.

In our own neighborhoods, our own school boards, our own lives.

Each of us has something to say, some talent, some motivation, some goals.
Together we are not the same as individuals, so weaknesses are made less of a factor, and common strengths are the driving force in our society.

Simply by being fragmented, our total strengths are kept weaker in the bigger picture.

We cannot unify in many ways, and would suffer as a result, anyway. Diversity is beautiful and biologically necessary.

Our common ground is deeper than that. As the OP said, there are enough resources for all. I would hope, in that ideal society, those who had would help those who didn't as the needs arose. But that is part of my belief in Providence, and so again, it cannot be the unifying factor.

It won't be simpler until we make it simpler. And we can.

Our common ground is that set of principles which are true to any person, the need for food, shelter, water, and a family. For those things to be reasonably secure in our laws. For a fair justice system, that can address, on a basic level, the need of every person for justice and protection from predators.

That is not easy, but understanding what our goals should be only helps.
Now it is a more tangible thing, our basic needs.
If these needs are met or at least provided for, the opportunity for more is established. Skills, desires to learn, travel, discover, develop.

The negative things of humanity as a species should not hold the much greater positive potential back. More people want peace than war. There is inherent strength in this fact, and we can, in our own lives, affect things that affect the whole.

Only by looking from the whole back to our own sphere of influence.

Write letters or emails to the State Board of Education in your state. Ask questions and expect answers. Doing so will bring holes or mistakes in policies to their attention, and can bring about such things as inspections of your local school. With schools under such scrutiny now, it is incredibly effective to voice your concerns to the State Board. Couple this with a call to any local office that is involved or affected by poor conditions in your local schools.

Think outside the box on this one; for example, how does the local Chamber of Commerce bring in businesses and new residents when they can't recommend the school system? Or are they unaware that it will not be satisfactory and will result in the residents moving away to get a better education for their children? They will be interested, because they want to affect these factors in order to do a better job! The Mayor's office gets very anxious as well when they know there is a loud voice pointing out the flaws in their city or town, flaws that will keep a thinking person or business out.
Businesses consider the local school system for two reasons: the welfare of their own kids when they move there, and the suitability of the local workforce. Better educated residents attract better businesses, bottom line.
This is a source of power, because it's all about PR.

Multiply your impact and let each person you contact know that you have contacted the others. They will realize that you are serious, and that you may have facts to back it up. See that you do. Pay attention to what the problems are that you are experiencing. Write them down so a pattern can be established. This will get the right people going in the right direction, to determine if it is a problem with a policy or personnel. I have actually seen amazing things happen through this, things that cause change to happen.
I encourage you to do the same, and do it no matter what public system you are dealing with. The key is to target your complaints to the groups who can actually do something about it. Politics is not just for government, after all. We have personal politics, too. Decisions that get made by people who actually have an interest and influence on things that seem monolithic and unassailable. They certainly are not.

I have seen TWO of these, both "State" administered systems fail under review by their own governing bodies. One was simply shut down and the other was seriously reformed.

It is still possible. If we have a problem with a school, a social service agency run by taxpayer dollars, or anything like this, then someone else has suffered at their hands as well. This is why it pays to get involved with your fellow humans. When one makes a complaint to a Mayor's office, one can speak for many, and that gets attention. Something that goes beyond yourself is powerful, more powerful than a supporting a cause on your own. Speak for your community. Try. It may actually make change begin.

Truly, it does all the time, if you believe ordinary people like yourself more than the media. They don't have time to tell these stories, and not a lot to gain. Also, we don't need to have the story on the news, so the main way to know it is still going on is to believe others who tell you, and look for these quiet soldiers of good and right.

I encourage you to persist in searching for the handles to these machines that seem to tyrannize us. It is an illusion. Everyone has a boss!

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by litmuspaper
I’d like to ask you a question; of course you do not have to answer.

I see posts exactly like yours all over the internet, and yet I see few offering a reasonable solution. I see few that are written by people who have actually done something to better their causes.

So, let’s assume all of the above is true, what do you personally plan to do about it and how would you like others to respond?

Actually most everyone who has written articles HAS done this, reclaimed their "strawman" and I have done it as well. That is why I said i have done my part, so to speak. We need everyone to understand this.

The Promissory Note To Pay Our Debts

HJR-192 of June 5, 1933 is the promissory note (the promise of Abraham) the government issued to balance the exchange to credit the people. The Promissory note is on the debit side of the United States Governments ledger, which was a debited from their credit, created by the Executive Order of April 5, 1933 when they took the gold out of circulation. Public Policy is rooted in HJR-192 and is Grace that creates our exemption. This is your temporal saving grace. Under grace, the law falls away to create a more perfect contract. Public Policy removed the people's liability to make all payments by making a contract null if it required the payment to be in substance, because the people didn't have any money to pay with. All that must be done now is to discharge the liability. Pay and discharge are similar words but the principles are as different as Old and New Testaments. The word "pay" is equated with gold and silver, or something of substance like a first-born lamb, which requires tangible work to be invested in it to remove the liability because an execution must occur. The word "Discharge" is equated with paper, or even more basic, simple credits and debits, that exist on paper only, like the slate held by the agents/angels of heaven that get swiped clean.

You cannot pay a bill with a bill and you cannot pay a debt with a debt. What HJR-192 did was, remove the liability of an obligor (someone obligated to pay a debt) by making it against Public Policy to pay debts. All that needs to be done now is discharge the debit with an appropriate credit "dollar for dollar." Debt must be discharged dollar for dollar in the same sense, as sin was discharged on the Cross. The moment a debt exists, it must be written off. The catch is, we can't write off the debt because we are not in possession of the account in deficit; our fiduciary agent is in possession of the account so we must provide him with the tax return (by the return of the original offer) so the fiduciary can discharge the liability through their internal revenue service (the bookkeeper). Most feel that when the money was taken out of society, the people became the slaves, this is not true, the people were freed from every obligation that society could create thus freeing the people from any obligation which they may incur simply because we cannot pay a debt. Ask yourself the question, What are you charging me with? And how do you expect Me to pay?

Simply said, there is no money, plain and simple for me to make the payment with and on top of that, if I were to pay, who is paying Me to pay that guy and who's paying that guy and so on... Public Policy is the supercedious bond because it limits our liability to pay. It is the more perfect contract because it operates on grace to pay our debts after we have done all that we can. We go as far as we can to fulfill the obligation (acceptance and tax return) and after we have done all we can, mercy and grace kick in being our exemption to make the payment. Grace creates our exemption in the industrial society so long as we accept the charge.

Will post more later, but that is from the Redemption manual.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Copperflower

Your post was quite well done. But as top the end of it, Everyone has a Boss. It is finding the bos hiding in the shadows that is the problem. I have worked with my neighbors and the city council many times. It did not go well for me and the neighbors, the city council had their own agenda and didn't really give us the time of day, till we forced our way into one of their meetings and watched and asked questions when given the opportunity. But how many people will force themselves into that position? Not many is my guess, laziness is far easier, "let the government/corporation take care of it, they know what they are doing and what WE want". I see that all the time. Sad too.

All political pwoer is inherent in the people, Declaration of Independence. Nuff said there.

If we were to all claim our power of attorney in fact and our sovereignty, we remove the ability of the shadow government to operate efficiently or maybe at all. No funds for them, no way to operate, other than illegaly, which they do now through the sale of drugs. Thank you CIA for making this country the wonderful place it is.

Truth is a hard thing to swallow. That's why most people fear it. I, obviously, do not. Do the right thing and the right things will come to you. No need for greed or selfishness. We are all one and the same, in it together.

Ask yourself these questions, Who is "The State"? When I refer to the "central bank", who is that? Why are there so many letter organizations now when they weren't needed 100 years ago or ever? We don't need them now. Do you realize that more people work FOR the government/corporation than work in the private sector. WHY?

Where did personal responsibility go? Response Ability?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Copperflower

Your post was quite well done. But as to the end of it, Everyone has a Boss. It is finding the boss hiding in the shadows that is the problem. I have worked with my neighbors and the city council many times. It did not go well for me and the neighbors, the city council had their own agenda and didn't really give us the time of day, till we forced our way into one of their meetings and watched and asked questions when given the opportunity. But how many people will force themselves into that position? Not many is my guess, laziness is far easier, "let the government/corporation take care of it, they know what they are doing and what WE want". I see that all the time. Sad too.

All political power is inherent in the people. Read the Declaration of Independence. Nuff said there.

If we were to all claim our power of attorney in fact and our sovereignty, we remove the ability of the shadow government to operate efficiently or maybe at all. No funds for them, no way to operate, other than illegally, which they do now through the sale of drugs. Thank you CIA for making this country the wonderful place it is.

Truth is a hard thing to swallow. That's why most people fear it. I, obviously, do not. Do the right thing and the right things will come to you. No need for greed or selfishness. We are all one and the same, in it together.

Ask yourself these questions, Who is "The State"? When I refer to the "central bank", who is that? Why are there so many letter organizations now when they weren't needed 100 years ago or ever? We don't need them now. Do you realize that more people work FOR the government/corporation than work in the private sector. WHY?

Where did personal responsibility go? Response Ability?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by daddio

Wise words, daddio, as usual for you. I believe I can answer your question of why secret societies have to keep the secrets away from all of us, because of the power in the knowledge. If ever we all came together, in Unity, a collective though power would instantly be formed that nothing could stand before. I know this, and I can easily see why everyone is not privy to this, because the Force can not only CREATE, it can also DESTROY. This is the very power we have assigned to God for all of these years. The power is really ours, it is our Birth Right.
Every wise man knows the secret of life. He truly understands that it is not the body that is governing but our soul, our Immortal Spirit within the body that is the real essence of life. When comes the time to depart... all Earthly, material things will be left behind. All riches... all relationships... all material possessions... nothing can be carried forward to the next manifestation. Ultimately one realizes why fight over petty matters?... matters over which practically none has control? Devoid of good education and learning... the level of human beings reduces to that of contract labor...There is no secret in becoming knowledgeable... gaining intelligence. Practical intelligence is gained by two processes... the book knowledge, and the experience. As one matures in life, different experiences increase our level of intelligence on the Earthly Plane. Book knowledge gives us expertise in the field(s) of our choice. This is available to all now, with the advent of the Internet.
I myself have read some most fascinating things on the Internet, and you can do this too....just tear down the wall of religious dogma and learn, learn, learn! We do not have a long time left. Changes are happening all over the world, changes that change the very face of Earth, the storms and earthquakes, the tsunamis and flooding, the winter storms that just recently put thousand out of electrical power. Earth approaches Her point of Origin once again, this is a regular cycle. The future is ours to write, there is no fate save what we make. Shall we allow the default settings to apply again, and start over? Do we end the cycle here, and attempt to save the World from what mankind has done to Her?

I do not have an answer for these questions. Does anyone?

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Wise qwords indeed. i do know of the force you speak and use it all the time. That's why the "government" doesn't harrass me. The police do not either, even though the "tags" on my vehicles say "NO EXP" and "TAX EXEMPT" and I have no license. KNOW THE LAW, and how to talk correctly. YOU HAVE THE POWER.

Thanks auto, very well done on you!!

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by daddio

So where exactly does that manual give any intructions that you have followed?

I'm a little confused by your response. Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding your reply.

Actually most everyone who has written articles HAS done this

You say this and that you have done your part but you don't really explain what that has entailed up to this point other than posting on a message board, which millions of people who feel the same way do everyday. Obviously this has not led to any powerful actions so I'm wondering why you think your similar activity will have a different result.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by litmuspaper

Well, I have filed my UCC-1 back in Novemeber of last year, with my "Power of Attorney in Fact". Then I filed my UCC-3 claiming all my vehicles and property, home and all contents, also all bank accounts, trust accounts and any other fiduciary that the "Debtor" has. It cost $20 for each filing. Check your states State Department website and you will see all the UCC forms, not power of attorney though.

I did not however file it the way it is in the Redemption Manual. I thought that including the U.S., U.N., county and such was a bit overboard. I think that will draw too much negative attention and possible problems.

I was pointed to the Redemption Manual after I had filed my paperwork. Like I said, I have researched this for some time, there are new books and literature coming out, it seems, daily almost. TPTB must be freaked out by all the information hitting the net. It is great, I have never been happier. I send the letters, "Accepted for Value" and "Return for Discharge", along with my Power of Attorney and let my mortgage company know that I want ALL my money back as the transaction was based completely on fraud. They had 3 days to do that or cease and desist. It has been more than 3 days, so they have no claim.

Your address on every correspondence should read exactly like this;
John-Henry: Doe
c/o non-Domestic, Foreign mail near;
1234 Zipperhead Street
Kalamazo, Utah republic
Without the U.S.

Zip codes denote federal territory, another lie they pulled over on us.

Use of the Zip is voluntary. See Domestic Regulations. Section 122.32 as amended. You should also know that the Postal service cannot discriminate against the non-use of the Zip Code. See "Postal Reorganization Act ", Section 403, (Public Law, 91-375). The federal government utilizes the ZIP code to prove that you reside in a “federal district of the District of Columbia”. This is why the IRS and other government agencies (state and federal) require a Zip code when they assert jurisdiction by sending you a letter. They claim that this speeds the mail, but this is a sly and subtle TRICK. It is also prima facie evidence that you are a subject of Congress and a "citizen of the District of Columbia " who is "resident " in one of the several states.

I hope this clears up the questions you had. I sincerely hope that more people come to understand just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Do not live in fear any longer, YOU have the POWER, use it or lose it. Again, I have no television, cellphone, I-pod or any other device or game or anything. I research and talk to others on the subject matter. I print books and pass them out for free, I buy informative DVD's and pass them out for free. I am doing all I can to educate everyone around me. Someday soon it will all pay off I hope.

Peace be with you always, all of you.

[edit on 18-3-2010 by daddio]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by daddio

Daddio, here is my question. I have read more of this material than I intended, but am still not finding the final piece of assurance I need to take this leap:

How do you keep life going? I get the idea of being able to sign off on debts, demand proof of loss from creditors etc. My concern here is that even if you get them to accept the premise, what is to stop the banks, credit card companies, etc from refusing to extend further credit, cancelling your cards or anything else like that.

So ultimately, this is what I (and many others, probably) need from you: If you were to go to the grocery store today with intention of doing a stock-up shopping trip for the next two weeks to the tune of $150, how would the transaction go?

What means of payment would you use?
Who is the direct issuing body of said means of payment?
How many times have you dismissed debt with this same company/entity?
If you're paying cash, where did it come from?
If you are legally employed: a) Why? Seems unnecessary in light of the information you have provided. b) How do you stop your employer from deducting the various government fees from your pay?

Clarify these specific issues without fading into the usual boilerplate and I am ready to start filling out paperwork and will teach at least a dozen friends how to do it as well.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by RobertAntonWeishaupt]

[edit on 22-3-2010 by RobertAntonWeishaupt]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by RobertAntonWeishaupt
reply to post by daddio

If you were to go to the grocery store today with intention of doing a stock-up shopping trip for the next two weeks to the tune of $150, how would the transaction go?

What means of payment would you use?
Who is the direct issuing body of said means of payment?
How many times have you dismissed debt with this same company/entity?
If you're paying cash, where did it come from?
If you are legally employed: a) Why? Seems unnecessary in light of the information you have provided. b) How do you stop your employer from deducting the various government fees from your pay?

Clarify these specific issues without fading into the usual boilerplate and I am ready to start filling out paperwork and will teach at least a dozen friends how to do it as well.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by RobertAntonWeishaupt]

[edit on 22-3-2010 by RobertAntonWeishaupt]

Well, I have to answer your employment question first. After you have filed your "Power of Attorney in Fact", you make a letter that states that "you" as the flesh and blood living soul, do not consent by assent to having taxes removed from the "strawmans", private sector remuneration, trade of labor. You fill out a new W-4 with the strawmans name, in all caps, and put "exempt" in the box. You send this to the IRS with a Cease and Desist statement, that they do not have the constitutional authority to interfere with your private affairs. Then you file this with your "employer". I won't get into the sections here of the IRS code as they do not apply to you, 3121 (a) and 3401.

I still use "federal reserve notes" as they are the only thing most places will accept, shame really, I have tried explaining the use of silver rounds "ounces" but the vendor does not know what spot price means.

As for the dismissal of debt, the credit card company and the mortgage company have both defaulted on my claims for clarification. You send them letters demanding full disclosure, copy of the "contract" WITH both signatures on it and an invoice of the accounting. They can't do it because it is all fraud. Plausible deniability is when they blame YOU for creating the mess. Your signature gave them the authority to create the debt FOR YOU. But if you had full knowledge of this in the first place, would you sign anything?

I have accepted for value their claims and returned for discharge, if they do not use it or take that route, they are out, not that they had a legal claim to begin with.

I still work because sitting at home is boring, I am a certified welder and a certified mechanic, I work in the sheetmetal industry now but was a mechanic years ago. My father taught me from a young age to learn 2 or more trades, run out of work in one you will find work in another. I tried to quit but the shop kept calling me and saying they really needed me and would do anything to get me back. So I caved. I do love the work though, as long as you love what you do, you should do it.

If you are worried about the IRS, you can simply file a 1041 as your strawman is the trust. A trust is tax exempt and not auditable. There is a copy in the Redemption Manual of a 1041 filing.

I hope this clears things up for you and answers your questions. The thing to do is spend a bit of time reading these documents with an open mind and an understanding that ALL political power is inherent in the people. You should NEVER fear government or the corporation. YOU HAVE THE POWER!!

Edit to add; I do not and will not ever use a credit card again. And as for "credit rating", WHO THE HELL CARES? Did your parents and their parents have a credit rating? It is the dumbest thing they ever came up with and we bought it hook line and sinker!!

[edit on 23-3-2010 by daddio]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by daddio

This is a really good thread.

I am actually nervous about reclaiming my Lawful Citizenship until I understand exactly what I am doing.

This really is such a complex topic.

If I have to, I want to be able to go into a Courtroom, know what I am talking about, and win.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:20 PM
And while you are reading, researching, and learning, I highly recommend reading everything by the INFORMER at Against the Grain Press

He writes of many things most people will highly disagree with, but everything he writes, except his own opinion, is well documented, referenced and cross referenced.

You may not like reading what you read, but when all is said and done, you will definitely have pieces to the puzzle that have been lacking.

This website will be closed soon due to illness, so I recommend you save anything that grabs your interest.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by daddio

1st post here on ats i usually just search around for info on this topic.daddio you said you print books and hand out dvds on this topic,would you be able to share these??i see you have provided many links which i am checking out but if you have more valuable information i would like all that you have.

i want to start this process but dont know where to start and want to make sure i do everything perfect.Thank You

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by stargod520
reply to post by daddio

1st post here on ats i usually just search around for info on this topic.daddio you said you print books and hand out dvds on this topic,would you be able to share these??i see you have provided many links which i am checking out but if you have more valuable information i would like all that you have.

i want to start this process but dont know where to start and want to make sure i do everything perfect.Thank You

Many people have U2U'd me and I have sent them much more info. I have written 2 papers on the drivers license scam and have been researching this non-stop for years. I would mail you copies of everything but that would be a bit much. The sites I linked to, want people to download their info and pass it on. It is very simple and very easy to do. People make it complex. When it comes right down to it, YOU have the power, it's that simple really.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 11:28 AM
Thanks for posting. Most useful and enlightening. Hopefully this info will spread far and wide and we can promote a positive change in the way we live.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by xizd1
Thanks for posting. Most useful and enlightening. Hopefully this info will spread far and wide and we can promote a positive change in the way we live.

Love your signature, that's a great statement in and of itself. Unity is what we really need, but the Elite always interfere with that too. They plant people inside and use them to steer the opinion or "course of action" that they, the movement, is seeking to take. The Tea Parties are a good example. Most people in the Tea Party movement have no idea what is really going on and they pay no attention either, as they do not want to rock the boat. They also have no idea what "it" is really all about. They join out of frustration with the "system" and then they find themselves back where they started when it all comes to an end.

I really do hope that more and more people wake up to thier real enslavement.

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