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Psychiatry the fraud, video

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posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 03:49 AM
I came across this video and am at a loss what to make of it or the the guy speaking.
Anyone know anything about it, is this guy a Scientologist?

Is there in any truth in what this guy is claiming ?

Who are his audience ?

Is this another quack talking BS in order to sell magik fruit juice or vitamin pills ?

How dangerous is what he is claiming ?

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:48 AM
I can tell you from personal experience that what this man is saying is true and I'm glad that he is saying it. Back when I was a teenager a family member found some writings I had done and got "concerned" about it's contents. So they took my writings to a Psychiatrist who told them I was a "danger to others and myself" and they brought me in for a little talk. The talk lasted 4 months as I was involuntarily commited to an institution.
I wasn't given shock treatment but they did pump me full of horrible medications that took all my feelings away, even my sexual desire. 17 years old with no sex drive...........there's something very wrong with that!
What I learned was that if you play their game you get out. Tell them what they want to hear and everything's hunky dory.
Getting off the various anti-depressants was hard, I got so sick once I finally decided to get off the damn things but it was worth it. I started to feel human again.
What Psychiatry is is NOT science - it is a BUSINESS, BIG BUSINESS. It is very profitable to lock people up (for no crime but thought crime) and to dose them with expensive pharmaceuticals.
People are not carbon copies of one another, therefore statistical science is not applicable to the individual.
Psychiatry is like the evil twin brother of Religion - they both claim to be trying to "help" you, yet both criticize you and demand change. The implication of course is that you are not "right", or that something is lacking.
There is also no legal due process when it comes to Psychiatric incarceration. All a doctor has to do is say "they are a danger!" and off you go - no hearing, no recourse. IF you resist (which I did) they simply inject you full of wonderfully stupifying drugs that force you to calm down.
It's been a long time since I've thought about that period in my life - I missed my senior prom and graduation. Then many of my friends were suspicious of me when I returned, it was as though there were a stigma attached to me now. It also cost my parents a fortune.
They are judge, jury and executioner. SHould you die in one of their institutions they can always make it look like suicide.
There is no excuse for what they have or are doing to innocent people and they need to have much greater restrictions placed on them.
So yeah, this guy is telling the truth. Psychiatry is a delusional science that allows them to play god with people's behaviors based on gross generalizations and statistical studies. They actually claim to know what makes you tick. The heights of arrogance if you ask me.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by yodagod

A lot that this guy is saying actually makes sense. Mental diseases in common are social diseases; those classified being mentally disordered are usually marginalized by society - they have difficulties in adapting to society, which may be more crazy than the person oneself.

It is bit paradoxal that more crazy the society in general appears in one's perception, the more mad the person oneself appears to be in eyes of society.


[edit on 17-3-2010 by v01i0]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by v01i0

Indeed, it's the perception thing that is still on my mind, the video has certainly given me pause for thought.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Psychiatry allows many people to function normally in society. To say it isn't science disregards the hard work of many researchers who devote their lives to finding the best possible treatment for a mental disorder. There is no conspiracy or anything like that, psychiatry, like any other medical discipline, is there to help people. Spend some time with a catatonic or disorganized schizophrenic who is off their meds and try to tell me that they don't need treatment.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by yodagod

I think you will find this video very enlightening.

It explains how these things work for societal control.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:10 PM
I don't think the guy in the video is a scientologist. This is a video from a CCHR conference. CCHR is a organization that documents psychiatric abuse and reports it, as well as cover the often horrible side effects of psychiatric drugs. Jim Marrs also gives talks like this for CCHR.

Psychiatry is like the evil twin brother of Religion - they both claim to be trying to "help" you, yet both criticize you and demand change.

Interesting you bring that up, the church used to run the mental hospitals back in the day. Like the term "bedlam" come from the Bethlehem Hospital which was run by the Order of the Star of Bethlehem.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by zaiger]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

They actually claim to know what makes you tick. The heights of arrogance if you ask me.

Now here's a man that knows what makes us tick. I don't know if he's appeared in the US but is Derren Brown can do this sort of thing with the budget of a TV show it begs the question, what the hell is a government able to do with unlimited funds.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:40 AM
I'm three months from having my Master's in Psychology so I've heard my fair share about the DSM. I think a lot of what this guy's saying is for entertainment and poking fun, but he is alluding to many real issues in the fields of Psychiatry and Psychology.

Psychiatry, by the way, is more science-based and they have a few more years of schooling in medical, neuro-anatomy, etc. Psychiatrists can prescribe medicine and are more likely to not do psychotherapy for most cases.

Psychology IS having a hard time with the DSM for several reasons: it doesn't take into account culture or geography, it isn't usable as a predictive tool (eg. you can't say based on the DSM that Generalized Anxiety Disorder will turn into Psychosis or not), and it is used to label people, basically so insurance companies can decide to pay therapists or not. The DSM is helpful in some ways but it is rapidly becoming an outdated tool.

An interactive, cloud-like program with ranges of symptoms would be much more beneficial. there are some diseases that stradle two different diagnoses for example. Also diseases tend to migrate over time, say from anxiety to OCD, or anxiety to psychosis, or anxiety to non-symptomatic, etc. None of that is currently in the DSM

[edit on 18-3-2010 by Thermo Klein]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:06 AM
Me, being the only sane man in society, how than, would I be diagnosed?

Psychiatrists and psychologist wear no clothes and tell me I also must wear no clothes, because wearing no clothes is the norm.

Sorry, I will wear my clothes with glee and honor and laugh at the naked ones.

The Emporer has NO clothes!

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Psychiatry allows many people to function normally in society. To say it isn't science disregards the hard work of many researchers who devote their lives to finding the best possible treatment for a mental disorder. There is no conspiracy or anything like that, psychiatry, like any other medical discipline, is there to help people. Spend some time with a catatonic or disorganized schizophrenic who is off their meds and try to tell me that they don't need treatment.

You are quite correct. Psychiatry does help many people to function normally. On the other hand there are a good deal of people who do not need or require "their help" who are forced into treatment regimes.
We have learned that much of Freudian psychology simply isn't true though at one time all he said was taken as fact. This is how science progresses. The unfortunate aspect is that in psychiatry's case the guinea pigs happen to be human beings, who may or may not be willing subjects.
I don;t believe that they did anything at all helpful to me except perhaps to teach me that one should be careful what they say or do lest your rights be stripped away. Since I'm here on ATS I suppose I didn;t even learn that lesson well, call me a failure.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by zaiger

Thanks for posting that video Zaiger! I had forgotten all about the "Freedom commission initiative" put together by Bush and cronies.
It's main thrust was to implement nationwide the TMAP (texas medicines application program) which was instituted in Texas while Bush was governor. This set up a standardized drug treatment tree that professionals would use to prescribe anti-depressants and anti-psychotic drugs. Naturally, the TMAP program pushed primarily new drugs as treatment.
The studies for TMAP were funded by the big drug companies through certain charitable trusts to lend an air of legitimacy.
Anything called a "freedom program" being pushed by the Bush Administration cannot possibly have anything at all to do with freedom but is there to help some corporate interests.
Is it for profits or just for mind control? Who cares, it still smells like fascism anyway you look at it.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Freud was never widely accepted in scientific circles. All of his findings were based on case studies, not empirical research. The same goes for all of the psychoanalysts. Although, today we are coming up with findings that support some of their hypotheses. And while Freud's methods may have been unscientific he did create psychothearpy, which has evolved into the empirically supported cognitive-behavioral therapies of today. It's just that while Freud was becoming a celebrity in the eyes of the public, most psychologists were more interested in the work of people like William James.

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