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talking in your sleep?

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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:43 PM
i have been talking in my sleep over this last week! i have been going to bed as normal a reasonable time 12 ish and i seem to have had 2 bouts of this strange phenomena.

It feels like i am getting lots of little REM sleep time between each episode then after this LUCID DREAMING i have i wake up but not fully just enough to know i am awake yet i found it was normal at the time in the middle of the night to sit up and proceed to talk about the lucid dream and whatever it entailed?

this would happen maybe 4-5 times each night and yet in the morning i remember doing it some of the dreams and some of the conversations until eventually they do fade and i forget the subject matter i was having a conversation with and what about.

now once in one night is strange but to do this on 2 separate occasions on different nights and i'm holding conversations with people from all these mini intense rem sleep lucid dreams? something is not rite.

what i fail to be able to do is stop and realise i am now awake yet i cant seem to be able to snap out of it yet it feels really normal to have these conversations and i must stress here from little i can remember i seem to be either having a two way conversation or I'm just carrying on from where the dream stopped i awoke and felt the need to carry on "awake dream talking".

this is not new to me BUT it has not happened in a very long time or been as intense and so many times a night.


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by stealthyaroura

Sounds like you might have something bothering you deep down that has yet to come to the surface?

Stressful things can trigger unusual behaviour.

Examine your life a litte and see if theres anything going wrong that you have been avoiding etc.

Dont know if that helps you any?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:00 PM
No I think this is normal.
Just set a tape recorder to record what you are saying and listen to it the next day.
Maybe you could learn more about yourself this way and be able to better interpret this.
I have talked in my sleep alot too as many others do,its normal.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:34 PM
Don't know if it will make you feel any better, but my 3 year old son talks in his sleep.

He's going through a "monster" phase, so normally ends up in bed with my husband and me sometime after midnight. He then proceeds to talk up a storm.

Last time he did it, he kept talking about waffles.

Don't think its anything profound, just one of those things that happens.

But you should consider recording it.....might be something really intersting that you mention!

Best of luck!

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by XXXN3O

yes there could well be a guilt type scenario that could be the cause? dont now and maybe a tape recorder would be a good idea to one that starts auto.thanks ALL so far for replies.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:16 PM
Not psychosis, don't worry. Lots of people talk in their sleep (me included), and some have done it their entire lives. I don't think there's any scientific evidence that sleep-talkers are any more prone to psychosis than anyone else.

Now, if you're getting up and sleep walking, that's fairly unhealthy — but not necessarily mentally unhealthy. Sleep walking is just very, very dangerous both for the sleep-walker and for those around him — there are a few cases on the book of sleepwalkers even committing murder without realizing that what they're doing is happening in reality. At least, that's what they have claimed as part of their legal defense.

As for sleep talking, especially just as you awaken, I think it's fairly common. My mom (who is 80 years old) has done it for her entire life. Many were the times that she would wake up, sit up in bed, and be talking away, sometimes to me or whoever was standing in the doorway. Her remarks made no sense, of course, and it would be a few moments before she became fully conscious and realized someone was standing there.

This, I think, is just a common behavior for some folks. You even see some comedy routines based on it — somebody is waking a guy up, for example, and he utters something like, "Stop it, Britanny, stop it! I CAN'T do it three times in a row!" or something comical like that, before he's fully awake.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:25 PM
Many years ago, when I was having a lot of lucid dreams, I often would wake up and try to explain the dream to my wife, only to discover that the act of speaking caused me to forget portions of the dream!

That's when I started writing down my dreams, before I ever tried to speak in the morning. So, I'd wake up, grab a pen and paper (or go to my computer), and just write for a few minutes before I ever spoke a word.

Writing worked a lot better than trying to record my spoken words.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 07:31 PM
Talking in your sleep is not unheard of.... I don't know that much about it, but I think it is akin to sleep walking in a way...

It very well could be induced by increased stress.... Maybe you have been extra busy, you are anticipating something in the future... Who knows... OR it could be that part of your brain not fully shutting off ( Or what ever you want to call it)

You know when you fall asleep, you Your brain shuts down certain parts which normally keep you from getting up and acting out your dreams or speaking them out, or what have you... But some times it does not work right, and you may get up and walk, or talk....

My sister used to talk in her sleep all the time when she was little, and I used to sleep walk all the time... We both stopped as we got older...

If it worries you I would suggest making an appointment with a doctor to discuss it, and see if there is anything that can be done about it.... If anything does in fact need to be done...

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:05 PM
All sound advice thanks to all, i must stress this is waking, sitting up, eyes open then carrying on where i left off in the dream, then i sort of realise that i'm talking to the end of my bed but at the same time i cant seem to grasp that there is no one there to talk with. i dont snap out of it if you know what i mean? it's weird.

as for sleep walking? now i could well understand how this works now! yes i dare say i could get up in this sense and walk about and do some task from a dream i thought needed doing, i kind of understand.

for me all i can say it's the nearest feeling of been hypnotised i have had, it would take some one to shake me and snap there fingers a few times and say "hey what are you on about go back to sleep" and i am on my own at the moment.

if it carries on i may pay a visit to my GP but that is a thing i rarely do.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:17 PM
I have never done this myself but have known quite a few people who have.

Some of them I have actually carried on conversations with and it was quite amusing.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by DARKCYDE_CROWLEY

from what i can remember of my conversations they seemed to be me arguing my theory as to why such and such was correct as to there understanding of such and such

a sort of intellectual duel, goes like "AH yes i can see why you would think such but clearly dont you agree this is not also true?...etc etc

such an intense dream that i felt the need to Finnish off the conversation.
make any sense?

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