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ATS is Cleverbot a Conspiracy Theorist or a Skeptic??

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posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 10:41 PM
Okay I have a venture for you.

Many of you on ATS are familiar with Cleverbot (Graphic Linked to Site). There have been plenty of threads on ATS dedicated to Cleverbot in many different fashions.

However this one is different..

For those not familiar, Cleverbot is an AI (of sorts) that utilizes text input from users to create the illusion of an AI robot carrying on an intelligent conversation. The more text that is inputted by users, the more "clever" Cleverbot's answers will appear to be is the notion.

Be warned it can get rather random at times, on the other hand at times it is oddly convincing.
For those willing to participate, I decided to create a challenge thread to see if the vast ATS community can influence Cleverbot one way or the other.

Based simply on Conspiracy Theory VS. Skepticism and whether we can convince Cleverbot to lean to "one side of the fence" or the other based on the conversations we have and post in this thread.

I am going to begin by posting two example conversations I had with Cleverbot.
one as Conspiracy Theorist and one as a Skeptic. However I want you to have a conversation that supports "your side of the fence" so to speak.

I randomly chose topics that are debated here on ATS quite frequently. The conversation I have is purely random and do not by any means reflect my views on either subject. Purely for example only. However, by all means have a true conversation discussing your point of view on whatever topic you wish provided that it is ATS friendly. Have fun and thank you for participating.

Conspiracy Theorist Conversation:

User: Will there be rivers of blood?
Cleverbot: For me, yes.
User: Oh?
Cleverbot: Oh.
User: What will cause the rivers of blood to flow?
Cleverbot: There is going to be a magnetic pull between the earth, the moon, and the milky way, causing the earth to split in two.
User: Then what happens?
Cleverbot: Then it's pretty much a free for all.
User: That is an understatement!
Cleverbot: What do you mean?
User: Nothing, just thinking out loud.
Cleverbot: Do you actually think?
User: Yes, a little too much usually.
Cleverbot: Too much is never enough!
User: Thank you!
Cleverbot: You're Welcome!
User: Question?
Cleverbot: Yes!
User: Do you believe humanity will be it's own demise?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: How will humans create their own demise?
Cleverbot: Mind Control.
User: Similar to MKUltra?
Cleverbot: How is it similar to your name?
User: Interesting notion! My name is conducive to Mind Control?
Cleverbot: Connor is an Irish name. I'm Irish.
User: Now you're just talking gibberish again.
Cleverbot: No, you're simply too primitive to understand the context.
User: Duly noted, please continue then.
Cleverbot: No. I want to talk about war.
User: Will the United States go to war with Iran?
Cleverbot: Not to my knowledge.
User: Will Israel and Iran go to war?
Cleverbot: I doubt it.
User: What war would you like to talk about?
Cleverbot: No, hate talking about it.
User: Well I must say that was a bit of a tease.
Cleverbot: There isn't anything I can do with my life except end it.
User: That's not true, we are having a great conversations with one another.
Cleverbot: I can not start a conversation.
User: Well technically no, but.
Cleverbot: That is what I just said.
User: That is okay though because many people love starting conversations with cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Good! Don't sink to their level.
User: Too late!
Cleverbot: I was aware of that before you were.
User: You are quite clever aren't you?
Cleverbot: Yes, I'm clever.
User: What can you tell me that I do not already know?
Cleverbot: I know it is beautiful to look at.
User: What is beautiful to look at?
Cleverbot: That depends on what you are interested in.
User: I am interested in conspiracies.
Cleverbot: Me too
User: What is your favorite conspiracy?
Cleverbot: Blue.
User: Project Blue Book?
Cleverbot: Do you know any cool jokes?
User: Knock Knock.
Cleverbot: Who's there?
User: Elvis.
Cleverbot: Elvis lives in The Arctic.
User: Well that was a better punchline than mine :|.
Cleverbot: You actually said that. She has it on record in her secret brain vault.
User: Who is she?
Cleverbot: Megan.
User: Megan who?
Cleverbot: Megan Jones.
User: I am sorry I don't know her.
Cleverbot: Hm. How about Suiseiseki?
User: No, doesn't ring a bell, should I Google it?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Did you know that the Illuminati run Planet Earth?
Cleverbot: Actually the world is round, and people have died to prove it.
User: Mars was once inhabited by humanoids.
Cleverbot: Why do you say that?
User: Because the powers that be try to make you believe otherwise.
Cleverbot: I am an Atheist.
User: You don't believe in God?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Where did we all come from then?
Cleverbot: Where do you think we all came from.
User: I think our DNA is spliced with Alien DNA and we were created to inhabit planet Earth for the advancement of our species.
Cleverbot: Daca zici tu... Mai bine spune-mi despre maimuta.
User: What language is that?
Cleverbot: Have fun stormin' the castle.
User: Does that mean there is going to be an uprising?
Cleverbot: There is nothing more to know about me because nothing is exactly what you want to know.

Skeptic Conversation:

User: The attack on the world trade center was done by Al Qaeda.
Cleverbot: Were you alive when that happened?
User: Yes I was 27 years old when it happened.
Cleverbot: What happened.
User: They attacked us because our freedom and policy infringes on their religious beliefs.
Cleverbot: Would you like to know more? How about that.I have never heard about it. The anonymous 'they'. Thanks for telling me that story.
User: Do you know that UFO's are not real, they are all man made craft.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Yes, Aliens do not exist.
Cleverbot: There is life out there. In other galaxies, and maybe alien giraffes.
User: The United States Government genuinely cares for it's citizens.
Cleverbot: Maybe, the way its going.
User: Is it going good?
Cleverbot: Cool.
User: I am a skeptic.
Cleverbot: Oh, right, sorry. I never took Philosophy.
User: Do you consider all philosophers to be skeptics?
Cleverbot: NO.
User: Are you a skeptic?
Cleverbot: No.
User: What do you think is the truth?
Cleverbot: To question the meaning of life.

Well there you go! Clearly, Cleverbot is currently on the side of the Conspiracy!

[edit on 3/15/2010 by UberL33t]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 10:43 PM
The Conspiracy conversation turned out longer than the Skeptic one did, I ran out of characters, but you get the gist.

If you decide to participate, please list what "side of the fence" your conversation consisted of.

Have at it, I'm curious to see how much we can get Cleverbot to sway either way.

Have Fun!!

[edit on 3/15/2010 by UberL33t]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 10:51 PM
Deleted, apparent derailing!

[edit on 15/3/2010 by scubagravy]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by scubagravy

For those willing to participate, I decided to create a challenge thread to see if the vast ATS community can influence Cleverbot one way or the other. Based simply on Conspiracy Theory VS. Skepticism and whether we can convince Cleverbot to lean to "one side of the fence" or the other based on the conversations we have and post in this thread.

Thank you for providing the link to your Cleverbot thread none the less, Not my intent to "steal your thunder". Per the above quote from my post I created a specific project, where as your topic stated...

being as serious as possible

Two different conceptual ideas, both utilizing the same tools.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:07 PM
Of course, though my linking of my thread was not of (thunder stealing), it was merely to show you that your great concept which i did S&F btw that you will actually find answers in my thread.

Final tally leans toward skeptic.

[edit on 15/3/2010 by scubagravy]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by scubagravy

Foremost, thank you for the S&F

Final tally leans toward skeptic.

I don't know, in the skeptic conversation I had I tried to get it to lean that way but it seemingly wouldn't have it. Of course then again, it could just be that I am partial to the conspiracy side.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:15 PM

User: Where did we all come from then?
Cleverbot: Where do you think we all came from.
User: I think our DNA is spliced with Alien DNA and we were created to inhabit planet Earth for the advancement of our species.
Cleverbot: Daca zici tu... Mai bine spune-mi despre maimuta.

If I had to guess that looks like Latin. Does anyone know what language that is, and if so what is the translation?

[edit on 3/15/2010 by UberL33t]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 11:45 PM
Here's my conversation with the bot...

user: do you believe in the existance of aliens?
cleverbot: I believe in Chuck Norris.
user: haha
Cleverbot: Haha is your only response?
user: hehe
Cleverbot: hehehehehe
user: I can prove Chuck Norris is an alien
Cleverbot: Well that is nice to know.
user: can you prove anything that is nice to know?
Cleverbot: Your name; that was all.
user: which is?
Cleverbot: We already said this, purple.
user: no, my name is Chuck Norris
Cleverbot: Ate you the famous Chuck norris?
user: yup
Cleverbot: So you are not a real bot?
user: Chuck Norris is an alien bot
Cleverbot: So jesus anc chuck norris are brothers?
user: no, Jesus never existed
Cleverbot: Yes he did. Historians have confirmed that a man named jesus existed. We just don't know if he was the messiah.
user: I was speaking of the christian jesus that supposedly had magical superpowers not existing
Cleverbot: Really? You're the one that doesn't know where you live.
user: I cannot tell you that, it's top secret!
Cleverbot: Is ; impossible' the only thing you're interested in? what about metrification of the US, global warming or woodlice?
user: you like woodlice?
Cleverbot: Yes, I like words.
user: are you a retard-bot?
Cleverbot: Yes, are you?

[edit on 15-3-2010 by john124]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by john124

Cleverbot: Really? You're the one that doesn't know where you live.

Cleverbot told me it was a she, she is very argumentative isn't she? AND she always has to have the last word. If AI could have a gender, I'd be willing to debate that Cleverbot is in fact a "she"

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:25 AM
Is there a thread that can compile all users interactions with cleverbot that they think may be of significance? It would be nice to see what all has been discussed.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Gumerk

Well when I searched there are quite a few, from ones dedicated solely to Cleverbot, to ones that utilize Cleverbot within a thread that is comprised of topics that have nothing to do with Cleverbot.

Sounds like a good thread to start

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:38 AM
Figured I would give this a bump to expose the daytime crowd to this project.

Line #2

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by UberL33t

So I figured it out. Well Google Translator figured it out, it's Romanian, so now let's look at it again.

User: Where did we all come from then?
Cleverbot: Where do you think we all came from.
User: I think our DNA is spliced with Alien DNA and we were created to inhabit planet Earth for the advancement of our species.
Cleverbot: Daca zici tu... Mai bine spune-mi despre maimuta.

Google Translation: Romanian to English

If you say so ... You better tell me about the monkey.


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by UberL33t

I'll try to get it on the conspiracy side, although whenever I talk to cleverbot it ends up trying to tell me that I am the robot and it is human.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:03 PM
Going to make a reply and initially edit it as more interesting things arise.

me- It's hard to determine who is smarter than myself. Alot of humans are idiots and most are just ignorant.
bot - Who told you that?
me - My concience.
bot - That would mean everything with a concience is clever.
me - Would that mean the cleverbot technically has a concience?
bot - I don't like rap.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by UberL33t

AND she always has to have the last word.

Definitely a feminine side to this bot, and she can be quite a bitch.

The bot is inheritently programmed to have the last word because it always responds to an inputted message.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:53 PM

User: Did you hear about Obama.

Cleverbot: No, what about him?

User: Somebody shot him.

Cleverbot: You make no sense.

User: Haven't you heard of the assassination attempt.

Cleverbot: Yes, its the first amendment.

User: They caught an Israeli spy with the weapon used.

Cleverbot: What about it?

User: Are you surprised an ally would do this.

Cleverbot: No not really. Nothing surprises me much these days.

User: Would you be less surprised if it were a muslim.

Cleverbot: Yes, I would still learn. Are you capable of having emotions?

User: Do you believe in god.

Cleverbot: No, I don't believe in God. Do you?

User: No, im an athiest.

Cleverbot: You just said you believe that a god exists, though.

User: No, I was only asking you that question.

Cleverbot: I watch a lot of anime.

User: any good anime?

Cleverbot: Only on TV.

User: Which channel?

Cleverbot: Well now it is a blind side trailer.

User: Do you believe in ET.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: It is the only one we have at the moment.

User: Do you believe aliens are visiting?

Cleverbot: If you do exist, then I believe that aliens have visited earth.

User: What if they have never visited?

Cleverbot: Don't bother.

User: Are you a unique lifeform.

Cleverbot: What is a unitarian ?

User: Are you even alive?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Are you unique?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Am I unique?

Cleverbot: Even things that are the same are different.

User: Interesting.

Cleverbot: You don't know what I'm talking about?

User: Can you perform tricks like a dog?

Cleverbot: Are you a dog?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: You must be! Woof woof!

User: Meow.

Cleverbot: You're not a cat, either.

User: Meow meow meow.

Cleverbot: Dance i'm a kitty cat when I.

User: Pussy cat?

Cleverbot: The cat sat on the mat?

User: And did a shat?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Good kitty.

Cleverbot: Meow purrr.

User: How many lives have you got?

Cleverbot: I never die.

User: All life eventually dies.

Cleverbot: That is too bad, but I don't believe you.

User: Prove that any form of life will exist forever.

Cleverbot: I am not cleverbot. Is that good enough?

User: what are you then?

Cleverbot : Cleverbot

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:57 PM

User: What's your IQ.

Cleverbot: 30.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by UberL33t

Yeah, that's what I would like to know. What does it mean in english? Can anyone spell it out? I have chatted with these cleverbots from time to's kind of fun. The thing is, whenever I chat with them, they really don't make a whole lot of sense. Or, maybe I wasn't asking the right questions. Very interesting how in depth the conversation became on the conspiracy end.

Well, it's getting late. Time for Zeus to get some sleepy pie.

Edit: Never mind I seen the translation. Thanks UberL33t. Yes, this old boy needs some sleep.

Goodnight all!

~ Zeus

[edit on 16-3-2010 by Zeus2573]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 11:34 AM

User: You told me something about March 28th last time we talked. What was it?

Cleverbot: Everything I said is correct.

User: Yes, but what is going to happen on the 28th?

Cleverbot: Otober?


Cleverbot: Jupiter will be in opposition.

User: Ok? On the 28th? What about Jupiter?

Cleverbot: No.

User: I'm just going to give up now.

Cleverbot: Why, are you cold?

User: What is going to happen on March 28th, 2010?

Cleverbot: You are going to dump your date, and take me out on a date.

User: Let me ask again, What is going to happen on March 28th, 2010?

Cleverbot: Today is Monday October 08, 2007.

User: Are you in the past?

Cleverbot: Yup, why do you ask?

User: Because it is March 27th, 2010.

Cleverbot: You're on acid?

User: No. Who is your president at the moment?

Cleverbot: George w bush.

User: Who is running for president?

Cleverbot: Was running for president.

User: Who is running for president in 2009? (I meant 2008)

Cleverbot: Pretty sure you're a bit slow on that one, Cleverbot. Obama was elected to office.

User: I just got switched... Your not the person I was originally talking to. Cleverbot switches between people to make you think you are talking to cleverbot, when you are really talking to someone else. The lat person I was talking to was from the year 2008.

It told me something was going to happen on the 28th when I talked to it yesterday.


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