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Japanese Have Washington Post Running Scared over 9/11

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+89 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Japanese Have Washington Post Running Scared over 9/11

The issue, as framed by the U.S. ruling elite’s hometown house organ is very simple; a top insider in Japan’s new government has lost his marbles. The Washington Post’s apoplexy over the fact that Councilor Yukihisa Fujita isn’t buying the official version of what happened on September 11, 2001, is well reflected in the two headlines it gave to its March 8, 2010 editorial. First we have the print edition:
Poisonous Thinking in Japan
Has a conspiratorial view of 9/11 taken hold in the ruling party?
Then we have the even more hysterical headline in the electronic version:
A Leading Japanese Politician Espouses a 9/11 Fantasy
The two paragraphs below capture the flavor of The Post’s screed. I have provided some educational assistance for the reader by supplying useful links. Only the last of the six links was in The Post’s original online version.

Fujita's ideas about the attack on the World Trade Center, which he shared with us in a recent interview, are too bizarre, half-baked and intellectually bogus to merit serious discussion. He questions whether it was really the work of terrorists; suggests that shadowy forces with advance knowledge of the plot played the stock market to profit from it; peddles the fantastic idea that eight of the 19 hijackers are alive and well; and hints that controlled demolition rather than fire or debris may be a more likely explanation for at least the collapse of the building at 7 World Trade Center, which was adjacent to the twin towers.

As with almost any calamity whose scale and scope assume historic proportions, the events of Sept. 11 have spawned a thriving subculture of conspiracy theorists at home and abroad. The only thing novel about Mr. Fujita is that a man so susceptible to the imaginings of the lunatic fringe happens to occupy a notable position in the governing apparatus of a nation that boasts the world's second-largest economy.

Councilor Yukihisa Fujita, has sparked a big problem for the US media, they are going to have to work over time to help the old Bush administration in doing damaged control as usual.
With more and more credible people, speaking out against the OS it will only awake the mass.
No wonder so many congressional representatives are leaving Washington, I have to wonder if someone is about to blow the whistle from the Bush administration, and these cronies know it.

Notices how “anyone” who voice their opinions about 911 who do not agree with the OS fairytales are called names like fringe lunatic, crackpot, crazy, insane, uninformed, tin foil hats, tea parties and now the media is shooting for gun toting pentagon terrorist.

Do you all see a trend here?
Is everyone including military officials and high raking government officials who do not believe in the OS all fringe lunatic and considered terrorist?

[edit on 8-3-2010 by impressme]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 10:29 PM
There just popped up list of this "fringe lunatics" on - just for USA. There are many more in the rest of the world. We are not in bad society I guess: Proof that 9/11 Truthers Are Dangerous

+31 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 10:33 PM
I find the more they dismiss and belittle anything...any movement, the more I become interested in it overall.

Typically, subjects that are loudly proclaimed as crazy, dont look at it, etc...makes a thinking man curious...

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by impressme

The Japanese lost people on 9/11. Hopefully they were compensated. The Americans lost more. They were compensated.

By now they have spent most of the money. Too late! Complain earlier. You took the money, walk away and shut your mouths.

+23 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 10:51 PM
Honestly, I'm just waiting on my boys to get in on this. I'm calling dereks to be the first to come in here, he'll call Mr. Fujita and the rest of us some names and lay down some 4th grade insults backed with 4th grade knowledge.
Anywho, its nice to see that the truth cannot be hidden forever. There are a lot of tales, myths, stories, and proven historical events that prove that deceit can only last so long. Do you think, when the truth finally comes into light, that all of the media will cover their azzes by claiming stupidity? I can hear it now, I wasn't the only one fooled, everybody was you can't blame me! Of course, not nearly as many people believe the OS as the media would have you believe but that too is part of the cover story. This particular story is case in point of what I just said.

+32 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 10:52 PM
Oh crap.
Looks like they might now start playing the HAARP just for Japan.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 10:56 PM
I absolutely love it! How much longer it will take before the Truth is victorious, I don't know. But there is a storm on the horizon. This crap can't be covered up forever.Heads are gonna roll before it's all said and done.What troubles me tho,what will be the reaction of the people if and when it is proven that it was all a big lie?Will we simply let it ride or will "we the people" demand accountability? In my opinion, I can see martial law coming here in the good ol' USA.

+8 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:06 PM
I am so happy that the movement has been getting so much attention recently.

Like Ghandi said: "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you when."

We are currently at stage 3.

+10 more 
posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:08 PM
"As with almost any calamity whose scale and scope assume historic proportions, the events of Sept. 11 have spawned a thriving subculture of conspiracy theorists at home and abroad."

Thanks to the irresponsible, retarded and inaccurate information regurgitated by the mainstream media. What do you expect from a bunch of disreputable swine who are up for sale to the highest bidder?

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by chorizo4
reply to post by impressme

The Japanese lost people on 9/11. Hopefully they were compensated. The Americans lost more. They were compensated.

By now they have spent most of the money. Too late! Complain earlier. You took the money, walk away and shut your mouths.


Just a casual observer here; your cluless and inefeectual post places your age at 15/16? Back to the OP, this has been known for some time, as posted. The idea that a nation of American Occupation would question the events of 9/11 boggles the MSM mind. As the Onion states in it's World Atlas, "Japan: So Sorry we got nuked."


posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by seattletruth
I am so happy that the movement has been getting so much attention recently.

Like Ghandi said: "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you when."

We are currently at stage 3.

I'm waiting for the "when."

+19 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:09 AM
The thing that should stand out to everybody when you see stories like this, is the way the media never addresses the issues. And that is what the whole truth movement is about. We just want to address the issues and questions we have. They call us all lunatic fringe, crazy, fanatical, ..etc but they never address any issues. If we are all so crazy and have no legitimacy to our concerns, why not just address them and put it to rest? Being a truther just means you have questions. I have always been told if you don't understand something, don't be afraid to ask. That is a pretty universal thought here in American culture. Do you think the media is supporting this American idea? If the American media isn't supporting American ideas, traditions and values, then whose are they supporting? Do you think they have made it so people who have questions shouldn't be afraid to ask them? If our questions are so ridiculous and have already been answered, then why don't you re-answer them for those of us who may have missed it. It should be easy right? after all, we are living in fantasy land. And as long as the topic isn't religion, reality will always seem more plausible than fantasy.

So why do you suppose they never actually address the questions? If these issues are "are too bizarre, half-baked and intellectually bogus to merit serious discussion' then bury the people saying it. Take 5 minutes away from the entertainment news to show just how ridiculous we all are. I won't hold my breath.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by pteridine

I knew someone was going to get him on when.

Ya i have seen this coming for some time.. it is about time, the disinfo agents need to be hard at work on this one.. I am surprised we havent seen good ol dave and derreks in here yet..

They should be showing up soon however, they always do.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by seattletruth

That quote is so anti-climatic.

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by RomanMaroni

The thing that should stand out to everybody when you see stories like this, is the way the media never addresses the issues. And that is what the whole truth movement is about. We just want to address the issues and questions we have. They call us all lunatic fringe, crazy, fanatical, ..etc but they never address any issues.

You are absolutely right, it always seems when the government has something to hide they call out their “attack dogs” and who are these people? They are the mainstream entertainment establishments like Glen Beck, Bill O’Reily and the mainstream News commentaries. These groups are mostly disinformationist spinning half-truth and outlandish lies, trying to persuade the TV viewers how to think on certain political issues.

“Truth” is the enemy to these organizations, when more and more people start waking up these lying political spinners will eventually disappear.

One thing we need to do is prove to people that television is a propaganda tool used by our government, military, and corporation and people should really use their televisions for entertainment purposes. I love to watch movies on mine and that is about all I use it for. But when it comes to Fox News, CNN, ABC, ect… I consider most of their information as about as credible as the National Enquire.

Had it not been for the internet, I would probably be an ignorant, corporate spoon fed, uninformed, idiot, walking around in a deep coma, believing in everything these corporate, propagandists mouthpieces, working for the criminal elite.

For our government to used the media against us just for asking questions about an event that they did not want to investigate in the first place, tells me they are complicit in the crime, and they have a lot to hide.
Is this a government for the people?

[edit on 9-3-2010 by impressme]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by impressme

Agreed. And the statement saying too bizarre to merit a response, says who? We said it, you believe it, we are right. Why are they right? ... because they said so .. so discussion, no balance. The are calling themselves news, some say Fair and Balanced, but they say some general info about his beliefs and then just slander. No one cared to ask why he believes what he believes? Just attack because his beliefs are different than theirs. And somehow, we are the fanatics. I originally believed the official story, so it's not like I just wanted to believe what I believe. So obviously, I am open to others peoples opinions, and obviously these organizations are not. Why is it that people can't see that? Everyone says they are capable of discussion, and everyone will say no one is always right, but yet they support this behavior and ridicule those that don't.

But on topic, I would like to hear what this guy's beliefs are and what information he has available to him that I don't. I am assuming this guy has some people around him who are pretty smart with access to some information I don't.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by zeddissad
There just popped up list of this "fringe lunatics" on - just for USA. There are many more in the rest of the world. We are not in bad society I guess: Proof that 9/11 Truthers Are Dangerous

Over here in Europe we dont call Honest People "Truthers" that's the Logo the Running scared have Labeled us with in the US! the way they spit out the word Truther like it had some kind of smell when referring to thinking well informed Honest People who just want to get to the bottom of what we consider the biggest Homicide in recent history! I was chatting to a man from London the other day an 9/11 came up! i asked him what he thought of the collapsed Building 7 an the to little Holes in the Pentagon an that Field in Shanksville ! his answer was what happened to the Passengers? where's all the Body's? if a relative of mine had been on one of the Jets idd want to see a Body or even a Finger nail to bring Home so as i have closure, O! Say's He an that Building you talk about must of had something done to it to fall down so quickly! Demolishion? i said, yea sounds like it as he left, now this Cat was just a regular Guy a Bus driver noless! see its getting there! but why 9 years! peace.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 03:17 AM
I am telling you, a new McCarthyism is coming. If they can't silence people through ridicule, they will flat out start labeling anyone who could be considered a conspiracy theorist as an enemy or a terrorist. If you think it is bad now, it is only going to get worse.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 04:26 AM
question is, how long will the media keep on pushing the official lie?

IMO its having the reverse effect.

instead of getting their viewers to buy what their selling hook-line-sinker, its having a complete reverse effect.

the people are wising up.

*You and me will all go down in history with a sad statue of liberty, and a generation that didn't agree*

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
I am telling you, a new McCarthyism is coming. If they can't silence people through ridicule, they will flat out start labeling anyone who could be considered a conspiracy theorist as an enemy or a terrorist. If you think it is bad now, it is only going to get worse.

Unfortunately, i agree with you Karl.

In fact, it's likely already started . . .

google/youtube is likely or already has begun censoring the truth; the MSM slenderizes/ blackmails anyone who speaks out about the truth; the Obama administration has made it clear they wish to eradicate "conspiracy theories" . . . etc. etc.

it's only a matter of time before the terrorist witch hunts begin.

[edit on 3/9/2010 by JPhish]

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