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Dylan's "bargian" with Satan.

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posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by DarknessFollows
That is pure speculation, nothing more. Just your own way of interpreting what Dylan said. You associate his words with Satan. Others may think he meant God.
And maybe Dylan was just leading people on. Who knows? It sure got him some publicity here!
I also don' t believe we make bargains with Satan. Last time I checked, it were pacts we make. But then again, english is not my native language, so I could be mistaken there.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by DarknessFollows]

What he said doesn't leave a whole lot of room for speculation.

bar·gain   /ˈbɑrgən/ Show Spelled[bahr-guhn] Show IPA
an agreement between parties settling what each shall give and take or perform and receive in a transaction.

Thats exactly what has been speculated on for years now, especially in the music industry. An artist making a 'bargian' with "Satan" (or whatever you want to call him) in exchange for great fame/success/wealth.

As far as Dylan saying this for publicity, it's Bob Dylan. You think he needs publicity? What a rediculous idea.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Blender

Its quite funny really, everyone speculates about these types of things.

Here we have a guy simply speaking about it but no, he doesnt really mean it as pure and simple as he keeps it. It must surely be metaphorical.

Reminds me of this scene in a game called Fallout 3....

Theres a man who was mutated with a tree yet people believe him to be a God, despite everything the tree says in very plain english, ie please kill me now, nobody will believe him and think he is speaking in riddles.

Anyways back to the topic, the guys just told it like it is, hear or dont hear.

[edit on 8-3-2010 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 05:24 PM
Regarding Mr Bob Dillon...

I have posted in the "dead celebrities thread" a while ago about something that has been bothering me for a while about Mr Dillon. For as far as I can remember the man had been dead of a drugs overdose since my early teens (I am 43) so imagine my wide eyed, slack jawed surprise to find him several years ago doing a TV advertisement with his curly head lolling about in the back of a car as it drove through brightly lit streets at night.

My godson was named after him and yet his mother denies this now.

I clearly remember her talking about naming her new born son after a man she admired who had died way before his time – Bob Dillon!
I remember very clearly the reasons why but now her story has changed and once thing she is not is inconsistent.

I am suspicious of something I do not even understand and I have a nagging scratch at the back of my mind that something is not quite right in “la la land.”

[edit on 8-3-2010 by SmokeJaguar67]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 08:59 AM

I have posted in the "dead celebrities thread" a while ago about something that has been bothering me for a while about Mr Dillon. For as far as I can remember the man had been dead of a drugs overdose since my early teens (I am 43) so imagine my wide eyed, slack jawed surprise to find him several years ago doing a TV advertisement with his curly head lolling about in the back of a car as it drove through brightly lit streets at night.

I am far younger than you, but I remember Bob dylan being dead too. Somehow about 5 years ago I began realizing that he was back.
I also recall the News about ten years back speaking about Gary Coleman being dead, but somehow he came back from the dead aswell...

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:05 AM
I have been a fan of Mr. Zimmerman for many years. Read his books, watched his videos, and have all his music.

Anybody who knows him well, knows he is deeply religious. He has several CD's which are nothing but religious music.

He was born jewish, but converted decades ago.

To anyone wishing to pursue the character assassination of Bobby, you will have to do better than this off the cuff remark.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by angeldoll
Anybody who knows him well, knows he is deeply religious. He has several CD's which are nothing but religious music.

Even more reason to believe that there is truth to what he's saying.
Even if it's just him who believes that he made a deal with the devil, my point is that his Bodylanguage while speaking about that shows that he is convinced of what he's saying, and he suffers under it

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by DJMSN
I listened to the 60 minutes interview with Dylan as you posted it and nowhere did I hear him say I made a deal with the Devil. He say's he made a deal with destiny and later when asked point blank who his deal was made with he refers to the "Commander in Chief" the head guy not of this earth. This could mean the Devil or it could mean God.

The embedded video sounds like a very bad edit job was done in order to cut out exactly what he did refer to Devil or God. The captions at the bottom may refer to him saying the Devil but again the edit is bad and that makes it suspect IMO.

Reply aimed at the OP...not the quote above

In Dylan's movie, Masked and Anonymous, he reminds all of us that he was born jewish, Zimmerman, and then places the blame for Third world misery at the feet of the Zionists and greedy jews.... Have you had such courage??

He has pissed off the TPTB in a huge way.

I am not surprised in the least to see the rubbish headline such as this thread has, whether the OP was just 'fooled' or whatever...

I would expect major moves to demonize this man.

Ye shall know them by thier fruit...


Im not worried, in Bob Dylan verse TPTB... TPTB will lose.
If ye doubt this, watch the weird and wacky Masked and Anonymous, and watch that ten year old black girl, sing, "The Times They Are A Changin'..."

and then watch Bob Dylan.. play DIXIE! it'll bring a tear to even a Yankee's eye!


Bring it on!

[edit on 9-3-2010 by seataka]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:44 AM
Gotta Serve Somebody - by Bob Dylan

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

Case closed

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

No, case not closed, or closed only to those who see only what they wish to see, truth be damned.

Anybody who knows anything about this great song-writer, knows he's very religious, and to imply anything otherwise is an attempt at defamation.

Now, case closed.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by seataka

Originally posted by DJMSN
I listened to the 60 minutes interview with Dylan as you posted it and nowhere did I hear him say I made a deal with the Devil. He say's he made a deal with destiny and later when asked point blank who his deal was made with he refers to the "Commander in Chief" the head guy not of this earth. This could mean the Devil or it could mean God.

The embedded video sounds like a very bad edit job was done in order to cut out exactly what he did refer to Devil or God. The captions at the bottom may refer to him saying the Devil but again the edit is bad and that makes it suspect IMO.

Reply aimed at the OP...not the quote above

I am not surprised in the least to see the rubbish headline such as this thread has, whether the OP was just 'fooled' or whatever...

I would expect major moves to demonize this man.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by seataka]

Fooled? I posted a video of Dylan himself talking about it In my opinion he is pretty obviously talking about making some kind of bargian with whoever the boss in the "unseen world" is that these people make deals with.

I didn't put the words in his mouth, or edit the interview to make it sound like he was saying something he wasn't.

This isn't some kind of "character assasination". I like his music. I just am reacting to what HE said in the video.

As far as him being "deeply religious", that may be... but the last time I checked "Yahweh" doesn't make bargians with drug addled musicians so they can achieve greatness.

Only one "commander in chief" I've heard of that you can go to with such a selfish request.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by Blender]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
reply to post by Blender

Sign a record contract and essentially you have sold your soul to the devil.

HST nailed it when he said......

The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.

I understand that signing a record contract you are pretty much signing your life over the company, and I've heard a lot of artists refer to it as selling their souls to the devil.

I would have figured that was what he was referring to if he didn't mention "the commander in chief of the world we dont see".

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Blender

Great topic
Direct and to the point
Great find on the vtd.

From the pentagrams on the walk of fame, to the pentagon in Langley.
The entertainment industry including music is the sister of politics.
Evidence that these siblings are for the most part born of the occult,DEVIL WORSHIPERS ( that's what they are down to brass tacs) is more than abundant. You can see it with a beginners understanding of symbology. I think the absolute decadence is also a
dead giveway. Amoung a number of other things.
SnF good one blender.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

and Kandi
You would have been far more wise, to have left this thread completely alone.

I'm sure he meant it poetically and not literally.

Well he certainly did say it literally. Denial abslute. You can't even accept
this as a possibility, in your world because of how wrong you are about
what you believe. The same one Johnson and Dylan spoke of ( a person-
afied entity) has provided the avenues of your blind belief that God does not
exist. So now the devil has made it possible for himself, to be able to
walk right up to you and slap you across the face . You would still insist there is no devil. Because of what that would mean.

He even said in this world and the one that isn't seen. Denial can keep
a person from calling the fire dept. when their hair is on fire.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Robert Zimmerman a devil worshiper.

Sorry...this guy is a poet and a Jewish/Christian...

Let me quote a Dylan tune...

I was blinded by the devil
born already ruined
stone cold dead as I stepped out from the womb



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I was blinded by the devil
Born already ruined
Stone-cold dead
As I stepped out of the womb
By His grace I have been touched
By His word I have been healed
By His hand I have been delivered
By His spirit I Have been sealed.

I've been saved
By the blood of the lamb
By the blood of the lamb
And I'm so glad
Yes, I'm so glad
I'm so glad
So glad
I want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank You Lord
Thank You Lord.

By his truth I can be upright
By his strength I do endure
By His power I've been lifted
In His love I am secure
He bought me with a price
Freed me from the pit
Full of emptiness and wrath
And the fire that burns in it.

I've been saved
By the blood of the lamb
By the blood of the lamb
And I'm so glad
Yes, I'm so glad
I'm so glad
So glad
I want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank You Lord
Thank You, Lord.
Nobody to rescue me
Nobody would dare
I was going down for the last time
But by His Mercy I've been spared
Not by works
But by faith in Him who called
For so long I've been hindered
For so long I've been stalled.

I've been saved
By the blood of the lamb
By the blood of the lamb
And I'm so glad
Yes, I'm so glad
I'm so glad
So glad
I want to thank you, Lord
I just want to thank You Lord
Thank You, Lord.

Yes sir....and jacob is followen his papa

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Pakd-on-mystery

Well then you have never been around the poet Robert Zimmerman AKA Bob Dylan.

This guys every word is a poem...he is fabulous in the sense HST was.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by whiteraven

Just to make something clear I don't speak for all on this thread. I however never said Mr. Dylan was a Devil Worshiper. He may be
despite how he presents himself to the world to you to make himself more appealing. He may have only made the deal as stated nothing more.
There's a list of the possibilities. I would never say something that
foolish. Unless of course it wasn't foolish.
I also think he is a phenomenal song writer who's knowledge, seems to be
some kind of a gift, to say the least.


As far as Dylan saying this for publicity, it's Bob Dylan. You think he needs publicity? What a rediculous idea.

I bet the guy wakes up some mornings, looks in the mirror, startles himself, then remembers, "oh ya! Ok, That's right," deep breath " I'm Bob Dylan".

[edit on 9-3-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 02:58 PM
Ok, I'm a HUGE Bob Dylan fan. If any of you have seen as much of the man as I have, you would know that he doesn't talk or act on the same level as the rest of us. When he gives interviews, which is not very much, he talks kind of in riddles. It's very hard to tell what he means. It could be so many different things. Watch an 60's, 80's or more recent interview and you will see what I mean. Bob has so much going on up in his head. The man is a living legend, who I have had the pleasure to have seen in concert 14 times to date. Bob's never been dead, dude. He did have a serious heart problem back somewhere around 1997. Bob Dylan is one of the best singers and probably the best writer of all time. He's 69 and putting out some of the best albums of his career. You people should be thankful to live in an age with Bob Dylan. Long live Mr. Bob Dylan.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by pigwithoutawig]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by pigwithoutawig
Ok, I'm a HUGE Bob Dylan fan. If any of you have seen as much of the man as I have, you would know that he doesn't talk or act on the same level as the rest of us. When he gives interviews, which is not very much, he talks kind of in riddles. It's very hard to tell what he means. It could be so many different things. Watch an 60's, 80's or more recent interview and you will see what I mean. Bob has so much going on up in his head. The man is a living legend, who I have had the pleasure to have seen in concert 14 times to date. Bob's never been dead, dude. He did have a serious heart problem back somewhere around 1997. Bob Dylan is one of the best singers and probably the best writer of all time. He's 69 and putting out some of the best albums of his career. You people should be thankful to live in an age with Bob Dylan. Long live Mr. Bob Dylan.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by pigwithoutawig]

This thread wasn't meant as anti Bob Dylan . Its just us speculating on what he meant by that strange statement. What he said didn't seem very poetic or riddle like. It was actually pretty blunt. Think what you will, I was just putting it out there.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by pigwithoutawig

Dang right he talks in riddles and he also escaped the clutches of the Christian right while maintaining a righteous path.

The man is beyond.

By the way this how Dylan looks at the devil...satan...

Man Of Peace lyrics

Look out your window, baby, there's a scene you'd like to catch
The band is playing "Dixie", a man got his hand outstretched
Could be the FÅhrer
Could be the local priest
You know sometimes Satan, you know he comes as a man of peace.

He got a sweet gift of gab, he got a harmonious tongue
He knows every song of love that ever has been sung
Good intentions can be evil
Both hands can be full of grease
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

[edit on 9-3-2010 by whiteraven]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by whiteraven

Right on whiteraven, I couldn't have picked a better song myself. Infidels, great album. I didn't mean this was an anti Dylan post. It just seemed to be turning that way and I thought I might represent the other side. Bob did not sell his soul. If I might be so bold as to try to interpret this myself, I might say Bob made a promise with someone that he see's as creator to become who he is today and as such has the pleasure/burden of performing and being who he is. Bob does over 100 concerts a year and has been as far back as 1985. It's been called the Never Ending Tour.

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