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911 Debunkers Take Beating on ATS.

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:18 AM
In the last little while, these people who call themselves debunkers or blind believers of the official story have been getting a beating here on these forums as new threads appear that not only prove the official story is falsified but actually prove that insane people are willing to believe anything their news or officials tell them.

These debunkers or blind believers have gone to new lows in name calling, flaming, trolling, insulting, derailing and attempting to ruin the ATS experience but all became a failure on their part as most people identified them by their tactics, lack of maturity and rationale.Their debunking = Epic Fail.

Now, since they have been taking a beating here the next step is for these individuals or groups to start posting Bizarre, Stupid theories like , Directed energy weapons, pods, space beams, lasers, fuel tankers and other overly debunked material in attempts to pretend that it comes from 'truthers' which of course it they do not.

They will try to discredit 911 truth conversations with these disinformation theories that no real truth seeker ever supported them. Lead the opposition, or muddy the waters.

The 911 coverup is here and it is ugly.

p.s Keep an eye out for these ridiculous theories.

Here is some info on the theories and their tactics.

25 ways to suppress the truth

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:22 AM
There seems to be a small rash of them getting caught lying or completely contradicting the things they hold so dearly here. Of course someone will ask me to prove it. I did not start keeping track until the third time so to be safe I will call my small rash "weedwhacker."

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 06:23 AM
I haven't believed the OS for years now and nothing could convince me to.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:13 AM
I'll never understand many of these debunkers. They come on here solely to flame debates on 9/11 and nothing else, never post in any other forums on this very large board. Why come here if that's your only purpose, to tell all of us off who simply have unanswered questions about a horrific and life-altering event? Most times I just click away from the thread as it seems more like Monty Python's Argument Sketch than a real debate.

I've been told, ever since I was a young child, that there was no such thing as a stupid question. Why is asking questions about 9/11 stupid? Isn't that what we, as citizens, are SUPPOSED to do? Isn't it our duty to question EVERYTHING our government says? We are supposed to keep them on their toes, let them know who is boss(that's supposed to be us since we pay their wages) and keep THEM in fear of US, not the other way around.

So why, if there are no stupid questions, is it stupid to ask questions about 9/11?

Sorry, but I ain't buying their fear of "ragheads" who want to kill us all, how we are all domestic terrorists and must be afraid of each other, etc. on down the line.

Not buying nineteen hijackers with boxcutters, either. How idiotic is that, really?

To hell with them and their fear. I read 1984 twenty-five years or so ago, and was afraid when I finished it. Now that it's come to be, the doublespeak, the thoughtcrime, all of it, I'm not afraid anymore. I'm going to live my crappy life - it's my life, even if I made it a crappy one - and TPTB can piss off. I won't live in fear, afraid the boogeyman is around every corner.

They can take my life but I will keep my mind, what little I have left. It's obvious that the OS of 9/11 is a sick joke perpetrated upon not only America but the world and no debunker can ever change my mind on that.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by TheLoony
I'll never understand many of these debunkers. They come on here solely to flame debates on 9/11 and nothing else, never post in any other forums on this very large board. Why come here if that's your only purpose, to tell all of us off who simpl

Times are hard and there just trying to pay there bills like everyone else
and when you get paid per post not derailing every thread is unprofitable

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:26 AM
I look at the De-bunkers a tad differently.

By their denying and shooting down everything, It made me do more Research

look into 911 more thoroughly, only deepened my resolve that I was

correct in my thinking.

Debunkers made me a better 911 truther.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

That's the spirit ; anyone who you think is even more loony than you is a disinfo agent and not a truther at all. Brilliant !

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
These debunkers or blind believers have gone to new lows in name calling, flaming, trolling, insulting, derailing and attempting to ruin the ATS experience but all became a failure on their part as most people identified with their tactics, lack of maturity and rationale. Debunking = Epic Fail.

By the tone of your post you'd think it wasn't "epic fail" but "epic win". More and more on this site I see new threads warning others to "watch out for these guys" simply because they've encountered people who think differently than they do. If you're not up to all that comes from public forums it may be in your best interest to remain off of them.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:35 AM
Well since our thread on the tapes of the fallen heroes up in floor 78 revealed that one particular now generally ignored pister hadn't even listened to the 11 minute tape before s/he/it replied at two minutes,I have just dove right on in to activating the IGNORE BS deflector and ,1,2,3 they're gone and not missed nor even am I curious about their rhetoric I could be wasting my life reading.It's like closing the door on the kids' table room at T-Day,whew,the silence is golden.The dif is that the T-Day kidlets are just having fun at the table and the debunk krew are possibly co-conspirators after the fact of MURDER MAYHEM and TREASON.Not toyz boyz.I want my hand on the rope with all of us,'supporting'their final opinion."Eerrkkk.."With the greatest love of the people and country in heart and mind.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by TinFoilBat

Now, now, I think it's a little unfair to say they are all paid shills. Categorizing and labeling people like that is wrong.

I'd bet only 99% of them are paid for what they do.

Makes one wonder, though, the lengths some people will go to to earn money and if there really are paid shills out there. Wouldn't surprise me, that's for sure.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

Yeah um, that would be watch out for these few specific guys so as long as we are all using adult terms like epic can have yours back.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

Y'all are not actual debunkers.These use reason and generally come away with more knowledge even if unconvinced.

That was an eleven minute tape clearly demonstrating an IMPOSSIBILITY which the jiggly one with the glasses pisted after TWO minutes.I don't expect you to 'get it',I'm just looking for a reply.IGNORE is my new mantra,you a one of these too?We'll see.Ya.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Sean48

I look at the De-bunkers a tad differently.

By their denying and shooting down everything, It made me do more Research

look into 911 more thoroughly, only deepened my resolve that I was

correct in my thinking.

Debunkers made me a better 911 truther.


There are people who really don't think about why and how it happened, and go about in their cubicles and mundane jobs day to day, and might be bored and come to ATS or another forum to read about something they had a question on.

They find a truthers thread, and click on it because it fits within their question.

They see the truther, and a gang of deniars, liars, and people with priors, posting that it is unpatriotic to question the government, and that now truthers are going around killing people because they are fed up with the government.

Now that individual (the guy in the cubicle) goes to a party that night, and the subject is brought up, and the guy says, no I read that's not true, and the populist agenda is continued...

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:43 AM


posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Shadow, would you like me to use this thread to show a few of your whoppers? Remember? Posting false statements and posting incorrect photos? Leaving threads without answer questions? You have done all of this. Shall I present them here for all to see?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by TheLoony

So the 99% are postitutes,the rest give it up for free,like a GF.
Same old warty crank.No wonder the spectacled one is so jiggly.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by trueforger
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

Y'all are not actual debunkers.These use reason and generally come away with more knowledge even if unconvinced.

Frankly, I never claimed to be a debunker of anything. But by your own words it seems that to you, a debunker is simply someone who doesn't set of an emotional response in you. To the OP it seems, anyone with an opposing viewpoint sets off an emotional response.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:51 AM
It must be very embarrassing to have supported the OS. And then to find out later that the facts simply don't support it. After claiming victory with no facts to back it up. All they can do now is muddy the waters.

At first I believed it for about half a day because of the diversion of the aircraft (which the buildings were designed to easily withstand). I knew their would be plenty of wacko left wingers making up wild stories for political gain. Didn't they have any decency? Can't they wait a few days until the bodies are cold to make up crazy accusations?

Then building 7 went down later that day and an alarm went off in my head. I thought their would be a real investigation and forgot all about it. The bad acting of the Arabs and our political hacks. Seemed scripted, like they were somehow working together.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by Doctor Smith]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by Phake

Another one.See thread on inferno in tower.How there are firefighters in the doomed tower with two minutes to go until freefall collapse initiation,still alive and breathing and reporting pockets of fire,where there would be an actual inferno to soften the steel if the OFT were true as claimed.Why you defending murderers?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

A reasoned response would commence an actual argument with rules and reason.A quarrel is what y'all bring and that gets no response or emotional one after the many unsuccessful attempts at reason.

You've made your position very clear in the past few weeks.That's one thing about truth,you don't have to REMEMBER what you've said as much as a liar has to.

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