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Iran's Ahmadinejad calls Sept 11 "big fabrication"

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posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by LurkerMan
reply to post by 814ck0u7

generally speaking yes.

but if you want to get nit picky then fine, hes a falser. he claimed the story was false and then did not state any intention of wanting to know the truth, or clarify whether or not he already does. so we will give him his own category.

i guess ill call him a non-truster. (trustee?)

i dont mind getting nit-picky, but that wasnt my goal.

i just wanted to deter you from painting 'truthers' (what a ridiculous name) with a wide brush.

some, dare i say most people dont have an actual theory on what went on that day, they just find the information provided to them by the US Govt erroneous.... which it is.

you are correct, he didnt say 'and i really wana know what truly happened'. perhaps this is because he does not care one way or the other as to whether or not we get another investigation.... mauybe he knows something we dont

either way, i have to agree with him on the matter.... it is a fabrication, and considering the poeple would never have stood for a war (for no reason) BEFORE 9/11, it seems perfectly possible and probable to me that 9/11 was a catalyst to propel people into supporting a war that wouldnt have happened without that fateful shove.

but this notion is laughed at and garners much ridicule. i am told i am silly and irrational for believing such things, told i am mentally ill even....

well, all i can say is good thing i have my signature memorized.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by Snarf

American government is confirmed liars, Iranian government is not yet. You have to put some Iranian lies in front of us so we can put them in the same basket as the US government.

Here is an interesting non-Western/American perspective on that.
The lies of Iranian government

Witnesses implicated a member of the Basij, the governmental militia, in Agha-Soltan's death. But an Iranian ambassador and ayatollah quickly pinned her shooting on the CIA and her fellow protesters, while a broadcasting official and a government-sponsored documentary that aired last month - said the death had been simulated by the Western news media and by Agha-Soltan herself. Thirty years ago, another iconic image of a shooting death in Iran raced round the world. It too triggered a cycle of public prote
sts and creative denials by the then-new Islamist government of Iran.

Those denials foreshadowed how the leaders of the Islamic Republic would react to Agha-Soltan's death. And they demonstrate how the lies of a government can do nothing to suppress the power of an image. In August 1979, seven months after the ouster of the shah...

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by 814ck0u7

No one needs to prove anything to you. What I'm saying is the the chances are good that the media with use his statements to show that anyone who questions the truth about 911 is crazy and fanatical like Ahmadinejad. This is because the media has already shown Ahmadinejad to be fanatical by his "wipe Israel off the map" comment which are a twist to the truth in the first place.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by endlessknowledge
reply to post by 814ck0u7

No one needs to prove anything to you. What I'm saying is the the chances are good that the media with use his statements to show that anyone who questions the truth about 911 is crazy and fanatical like Ahmadinejad. This is because the media has already shown Ahmadinejad to be fanatical by his "wipe Israel off the map" comment which are a twist to the truth in the first place.

im not asking for something to be proven to me, im simply stating it cant be proven until the actual events transpire.

what you dont seem to realize here is the distinction, made by the person i was quoting, which you quoted me quoting, between 'the people' and 'the media'. the media has already jumped on the anti-ahmadinejad wagon, whereas i have yet to see a large anti-ahmadinejad sentiment here.... at least in my discussions with people. generally speaking, the ones with anti-ahmadinejad sentiments are ones that hear it from the MSM....

so of course the media displays him as such, but im noit sure 'the people' perceive him as such just yet. saturn was saying the people of a nation will rally against a new investigation if ahmadinejad supported it, which just simply isnt so, or at best unable to be proven until it happens.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by 814ck0u7

I guess we can agree to disagree but I think you fail to see the influence the media has on the people. The media is the main tool for government propaganda, has that not been proven? WMD ring a bell? How about the election of Obama? I think if it wasn't for the media there would have been a revolution in the US long time a go.

BTW, by media I'm referring to mainstream media and by people I don't mean most people on ATS.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by endlessknowledge
reply to post by 814ck0u7

I guess we can agree to disagree but I think you fail to see the influence the media has on the people. The media is the main tool for government propaganda, has that not been proven? WMD ring a bell? How about the election of Obama? I think if it wasn't for the media there would have been a revolution in the US long time a go.

BTW, by media I'm referring to mainstream media and by people I don't mean most people on ATS.

are you intentionally digressing or what?

i am not missing any influence the media (MSM) may or may not have over 'the people' (common americans, not just members of ATS)

saturn said the people would rally against the suggestion of an investigation into 9/11 if it were made by an 'enemy state' insinuating that Iran is our enemy, that the american people perceive them as such, and that we american citizens would ABSOLUTELY do that, as though there were no alternative.

all im saying is that isnt so, none of it as proven by daily happenings, and you are trying to do something that is unclear and appears foolish to me.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:43 PM
I dont understand the reasoning in this...the Irani president says that 9/11 is an inside job and evryone screams "ooohhh, shame on you, you liar, its disgusting."

But when its revealed that the CIA has been sending millions of taxpayers dollars to the ISI of pakistan who in turn funded Mohammed Atta, supposed leader of the 9/11 terrorists, and nobody in the MSM says a word...


[edit on 6-3-2010 by andy1972]

[edit on 6-3-2010 by andy1972]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:54 PM
I feel like i am senseing sides being made sides being distinguished the line is just been drawn in the sand.
maybe our or their side is already chosen from the way people have comented on world situations over the years on forums like ats>>>>?????

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by 814ck0u7

I said lets agree to disagree and you couldn't leave it at that. Okay you have a point that nothing is absolute and maybe Saturn's was overly presumptive in his comments, but he made a very good point based on passed pattens and you seem to fail to see that MAIN POINT.

What's foolish is this back and forth bickering that you seem to thrive on. Put your ego aside and focus on MAIN POINTS. Thanks

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by endlessknowledge
reply to post by 814ck0u7

I said lets agree to disagree and you couldn't leave it at that. Okay you have a point that nothing is absolute and maybe Saturn's was overly presumptive in his comments, but he made a very good point based on passed pattens and you seem to fail to see that MAIN POINT.

What's foolish is this back and forth bickering that you seem to thrive on. Put your ego aside and focus on MAIN POINTS. Thanks

no maybe, his post was definitely overly presumptuous.

what patterns were his observations based on?

his main point was that if ahmadinejad calls for an investigation (which he didnt) americans would rally against it.

he didnt, and even if he did, i dont see people disagreeing with him, just the opposite in fact.

you came out of no where and added your 2 cents, saying i didnt realize this or recognize that, even bringing MY ego into the fray, but sadly we dont accept that currency.

a presumptuous statement gets shot down like every other one, based on its improbability to be accurate.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by December_Rain

Actually the Ex President of Italy says it was a inside job.
Members of the Japanese Gov say it was a inside job.
The Pres (Prime Minister)? of New Zealand questions the events .
those a few I am aware of.

Star for you mate for correcting me. I was not aware they commented on link between 9/11 and called it pretext for war on terror. I thought they only attributed that 9/11 was inside job.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Well, thats a good way to make sure its never investigated...well played.
Have a "enemy" state its a hoax and the people will rally against a investigation simply because thats what we as a nation do. Anyone suspect these enemy leaders may actually be part of the higher movement?

That's a very interesting perspective and should be definitely looked into. What does all these countries have in common with USA? That aspect should be thought.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 02:07 PM
Story breaks also in Israeli news...

Iran's Ahmadinejad calls Sept 11 'big fabrication'

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday called the September 11 attacks on the United States a "big fabrication" that was used to justify the US war on terrorism, the official IRNA news agency reported.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 02:30 PM
Im suprised the WEED WHACKER didnt ring the presidential palace and say "AHMADINEJAD....PROVE IT..... BLAH BLAH BLAH"

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Is the Italian ex-president the one involved in Operation Gladio?

Francesco Cossiga?

[edit on 6-3-2010 by jjjtir]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Well, if Ahmadinejad said it...
I guess that´s about ALL THE PROOF we need that 9/11 was an inside job.
I mean, can you think of anybody more trustworthy in the whole world??
You know what... I think he should be in charge of the new independant investigation into the 9/11 events.


posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:28 PM
so i guess everyone who says 9/11 was planned is up to par with mahmoud ahmedinejad right? atleast thats what the government will be saying soon

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by rush969

I think he should run the independent investigations aswell...they´d be a lot more truthfull than the 9/11 commmison report was...

What should have been a criminal investigation from the first minute was nothing but an exercise in destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice from before the towers fell.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by endlessknowledge

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by Snarf

American government is confirmed liars, Iranian government is not yet. You have to put some Iranian lies in front of us so we can put them in the same basket as the US government.

The reason why I say that, is because I don't know, I truly don't know. If I did I wouldn't be asking someone for a favor to bring those lies so we are all enlightened.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Well, thats a good way to make sure its never investigated...well played.
Have a "enemy" state its a hoax and the people will rally against a investigation simply because thats what we as a nation do.

Anyone suspect these enemy leaders may actually be part of the higher movement?

Didn't Ahmadinejad visit the Trilateral commission when in NY?.. if so, maybe he is a double puppet..

ahmadinejad also said recently:

“will be particularly aimed at the those enterprises controlled by the New World Order (Haliburton, Carlyle Group, Club of Rome, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Goldman Sachs, Federal Reserve), which we believe is in affect supplanting the government of America,”

Kinda pathetic when the president of iran is more aware of what is going on in america.. than americans blinded by nationalism. Who could possibly believe a govt that lied to start 3 wars where millions have suffered.. would hesitate to knock down 2 buildings to get what they wanted (a new pearl harbor).

Thats what the bush elite DC mafia do best: kill people or cause people to die, it's where their money, power and influence comes from.. and it runs in the family since the days of prescott bush cuddling with the nazis. Clobbering 2 buildings is a small price to pay to get the wars, patriot act, ability to spy, detain, search, track, show trials for unpersons, assemble a shadow army of mercenaries, build up a proto-fascist 4th Reich police state, ALL WHILE making billions off no bid govt contracts, arms & oil..

Good thing for the oligarchs their propaganda machine has already helped discredit ahmadinejad, nobody who watches fox will believe that 'nut'... he lies almost as much as obama.

Before the end of the week one of those fox media tools will belch on about how govt disbelievers who question the almighty most glorious shining example of virtue: the USA, agree with hitler 2.0 (not bush, the other hitler ahmadinejad).

The man in DC is foreshadowing, US citizens are the next iraqis

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