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GOP’s 2010 strategy revealed: Exploit donors and ‘fear’ of Obama

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by seethelight

That link is to a leaked RNC fund raising document which mocks donors and says:

"What can you sell when you do not have the White House, the House, or the Senate?"

Answer: "Save the country from trending toward Socialism!"

Looks like it's working on the average ATSer.

Never have I seen so many people, so scared of what is essentially a fund raising tactic.

You want real, "truth"?

This is it. The wealthy elite have NEVER cared about America (^^^ see them say, "what can you SELL..."), but instead about power and influence.

You may not agree with Obama on much (I don't either), but he's NOT a socialist. America is NOT becoming socialist. Healthcare reform is NOT about communism.

All you do by remaining ignorant and claiming such nonsense is help the RNC raise money.

That's their plan. And you're their mark.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by seethelight]

oh yes we should obama blindly like you are doing without question, I'm sure thats our founding fathers would want.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Alien Mind
oh yes we should obama blindly like you are doing without question,

What does that even mean? Is "obama" a verb now? This thread is about the GOP fundraising memo. Did you have something to say about the subject of the thread? Or did you just come in here to throw around your political bait?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:25 PM
Republicans are ideologically lost, fragmented and lack marketing skills.

Politics, in turn, is marketing - especially in a liberal democracy like America. If you want to win the election, you need to appeal to the crowd. That doesn't mean you necessarily need to become a moderate thinker, but you can't hit people directly with a bunch of radical ideas and then pretend you're going to become popular. McCain appeared as a stern warmonger during the elections, compared to the hip Obama-frenzy that pandered to pleasant illusions. No wonder the Republicans lost.

History tells us that promoting clueless, selfish people to power destroys the leadership fabric of a society. Let's dethrone the oligarchs and Hollywood-esque leaders who only work for profit. We need moral leadership, not control.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Alien Mind

You might need reading lessons.

I was not an Obama supporter... I'm much more liberal than Obama and don't like a huge number of his policies.

But that doesn't mean he's a socialist.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Alien Mind

oh yes we should obama blindly like you are doing without question, I'm sure thats our founding fathers would want.

I'm confused....

Did you mean to say sarcasticlly....

Oh yes we should FOLLOW obama blindly like you are doing without question, I'm sure thats WHAT our founding fathers would want.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:08 PM
The bottom line is this thread is pointless because both parties have been doing this for the longest. There are countless threads on ATS telling of the same story but just in a different fashion. It's clear to me that you all are nothing more then liberals with a agenda.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
Republicans are ideologically lost, fragmented and lack marketing skills.

Politics, in turn, is marketing - especially in a liberal democracy like America. If you want to win the election, you need to appeal to the crowd. That doesn't mean you necessarily need to become a moderate thinker, but you can't hit people directly with a bunch of radical ideas and then pretend you're going to become popular. McCain appeared as a stern warmonger during the elections, compared to the hip Obama-frenzy that pandered to pleasant illusions. No wonder the Republicans lost.

History tells us that promoting clueless, selfish people to power destroys the leadership fabric of a society. Let's dethrone the oligarchs and Hollywood-esque leaders who only work for profit. We need moral leadership, not control.

Yes and we'll see if you'll be still saying that when November comes.

The United States is NOT a liberal democracy it's a republic.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:40 PM
if we can't have UHC because it's "Socialist" then we need to do away with Libraries, fire houses, police protection, sidewalks, roads, and interstates as well.

Or let private business move in and take them over.

If you don't want UHC because it's "too expensive" fine. Thats a valid reason.

But to say "because its socialist" is to admit that you're just bickering with partisan dried out talking points.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by seethelight

Do you have telepathy? Because you are reading my mind. Even the people who rail against the elite have fallen pray to their propaganda tactics. Wake up ATS! I am not saying that you have to like Obama(I don't) and i'm not saying you have to like Socialism either. You just need to recognize the lies they are trying to feed you.

Progressives aren't commies trying to tear America apart and burn the constitution. Public Option health care is not socialized medicine because it leaves most of the system to private insurers and all the government really does is flip the bill. Obama and Democrats are not Socialist, they are bought off corporatists.

If Obama and Democrats were socialists you would not be bitching about corporate power anymore because they would be bound and chained for corrupting America and establishing a country dedicated to their wealth. If people knew anything about Socialism they would know that there is only 2 Socialists in government, not an entire party, just 2 people out of 535. 2 OUT OF 535! Kucinich and Sanders.

[edit on 3/4/10 by Misoir]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Alien Mind
The bottom line is this thread is pointless because both parties have been doing this for the longest.

Remember, when you are losing an argument, simply proclaim "both sides do it so its a moot point", then run away.

This allows you to justify any action your side does and minimizes the implications.

If that doesn't work, then simply become a spelling nazi for anyone posting things that damage your side of the argument.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:40 PM
Not exactly a newsworthy story since both parties have done this for ages. Democrats always scream Republicans are going to take away entitlements. Republicans scream we won't be a "democracy" anymore.


posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by skoalman88

I don't think the fear element is as much a story as the contempt for their supporters and the cartoons and blatant 3rd grade behavior.

You're right. "Fearing up" the other side is nothing new.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:46 PM
I understand the John Birchers have been taken under the wing of the current Republican Party. They were pretty much thrown out of the conservative movement by Bill Buckley in the 1960's and 1970's. Now they're baaaack.

The John Birch Society, for those of you who are too young to remember, believed that fluoridation of our drinking water was a communist conspiracy. They thought that Dwight D. Eisenhower was a red. They believed that no corner of our democracy was safe from the taint of communism.

This was in a time period when the country as a whole was seeing "reds under the beds." We were in a cold war with the Soviet Union and anti-communism was the order of the day. This was the heyday of the House Unamerican Activities Committee in the Senate, which hauled up known leftists and compelled them to name names of anybody they had ever known with communist sympathies, under the threat of imprisonment for not cooperating.

And even in those extreme times the John Birchers were too far out for the Republicans.

Now we're seeing their hysterical rhetoric in the propaganda of the GOP.

All because a guy who is a little left of Reagan is in the White House.

Fear works. Politicians are going to exploit it for political gain. ALL politicians.

Btw: The Democrats have used fear-mongering too. Fear that the conservative Barry Goldwater would get us into a nuclear war with the Soviets won the election for Lyndon Johnson.

It seems to me that fear is being used more cynically by the GOP, but that's probably just because I haven't been privy to a Democratic "strategy" meeting lately.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:24 PM
The GOP(Gray Old Party) is bringing back McCarthyism... Good lord I wish they would end this.
They have been known now as the party of psychological manipulation through fear tactics, they're like terrorists just with words.

I am part of the two-headed beast because I am a Democrat. I am not proud of what Clinton did to the party. The Republicans have the Democrats on a leash and under Clinton they pulled them further right into the center, now they are going right and they are trying to drag us with them. Now is the defining moment, will we surrender and follow them like good little pets or will we stand up to them and draw a line in the sand. We are here and you are waaaaayyyyy over there. Of course we will see the rise of McCarthyism when they aren't getting their way.

They know psychological warfare just look what they did after 9/11 they scared the Americans so much that we support giving up our rights to fight terrorism, they had to make sure everyone was afraid so they even told small towns that they were at risk. Now they will do the same against Democrats, they will say Obama is a Radical Marxist Socialist and the Democrats are turning America into the new Soviet Union. Of course they will get votes from fear tactics, just like they are able to keep the terrorism thing going.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by Alien Mind
The bottom line is this thread is pointless because both parties have been doing this for the longest.

Remember, when you are losing an argument, simply proclaim "both sides do it so its a moot point", then run away.

This allows you to justify any action your side does and minimizes the implications.

If that doesn't work, then simply become a spelling nazi for anyone posting things that damage your side of the argument.

If thats all you got to bring to the argument then you need to leave, I don't have time for the little petty argument that you bring to the table.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by iMacFanatic

The democrats are doing the same thing.




Where does it stop? And by no means am i a republican mind you.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:47 PM
Not a good week for the GOP.

First the unemployment debacle...and now this.

This just goes to matter how much they trash Democrats...and sometimes rightly so...

They are no better if not WORSE themselves.

Vote third party or non establishment.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by DeathShield


Excellent point.

Both sides do it. Both parties bailed out the banks's wasn't just Dems.

And if your policies and prices do not go down on health care...people will actually die as the system is unsustainable and will soon break down.

Cap and trade's a MASSIVE MASSIVE scam. Not only does it put our nation's laws at overrides our nations sovereignty and explodes prices....and not just energy prices either.

I want off of foreign oil....I'm tired of wars to get it which in the end does not good as it bankrupts our country anyway. There is nothing wrong with using any and all kinds of energy to attain energy independence.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by DeathShield
The democrats are doing the same thing.

Yeah, that was not the Dems... That was Bush/Paulson in 2008, before Obama was even president. It's impossible to tell how it would have played out of Bush/Paulson hadn't led with the TARP.

I'm definitely NOT saying that Obama is innocent in this. He picked up the ball and kept going, but to blame the whole bailout on the Dems is simply re-writing history.

But that's for another (old) thread.

It's natural to want to defend the GOP in here, by saying that the Dems do it, too, but it doesn't address the topic of the thread in any way. Do you have an opinion on this "Memo", the contents or the fact that they assured their supporters that Michael Steele didn't know about Obama in white face? (He does now, by the way.)

RNC Chairman Michael Steele Condemns Fundraising Cartoon of Dems

Unfortunately, the video seem to have been removed.
Here's what Steele had to say about this fundraising memo.

"You don't defend it," Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele said Thursday in an interview on Fox News. "It was unfortunate. Those are images that were pulled off the internet, they've been out in the public domain for a while, and you know, a staffer was putting together a presentation for a small group of about nine or ten folks and thought that they would intersperse the presentation with humorous shots. They are inappropriate shots."

No apology, just said they're inappropriate and unfortunate... (but funny)
Not a very strong condemnation... He's walking a tight rope, there.

[edit on 3/5/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by seethelight
You want real, "truth"?

This is it. The wealthy elite have NEVER cared about America (^^^ see them say, "what can you SELL..."), but instead about power and influence.

You may not agree with Obama on much (I don't either), but he's NOT a socialist. America is NOT becoming socialist. Healthcare reform is NOT about communism.

All you do by remaining ignorant and claiming such nonsense is help the RNC raise money.

That's their plan. And you're their mark.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by seethelight]

I would agree and disagree with you on those points. I would agree that the wealthy elite do not care about most people, but they do care about America. And I would also disagree that Obama is a socialist or a communist at heart. Socialism is defined as: a political theory advocating state ownership of industry and capital
Obama has surrounded himself by self advised communist, people who agree with Mao, and one of his closest advisors is head of the largest Labor Union in America. They believe in the direct redistrubution of wealth and position in the country. Obama has choosen to alienate the very people who could assist the country in its economic recovery. He has stated and started to take direct actions against the parts of the economy, to cripple it and has hampered the growth in the sciences and engineering parts of the country. Companies that are not supporting Obama, are often left out of the loop or flat out refused help. Nepotism and favortism runs rampant. People who disagree with the policies are called rasicist or outright slandered. We may not be at the point of socialism or communism yet, but the policies that are being suggested take us a step closer. All of this by Obama's own words: Judge me by the company I keep. Well the country is, we are looking, watching and listening. We are doing our research on what they have stated and what they advocate and then are calling the President on it. Tell me, what do you think if the President outright lies, or can't even keep ONE of his campaign promises, even when he and his party had a clear cut majority, or how they use the same politics that the other side had, with the excuse well the other guy did it.

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