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You don't own yourself -- the Federal Reserve does!

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:18 AM
It seems to me that the IRS has pretty well sacked the "Straw Man" loophole and has reserved the right to make your life a living he11 in the event that you try to leverage this idea.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by daddio

Morpheus " I can only show you the door Neo, YOU have to walk through it". I don't like reciting movies but that is one of the best. Many hidden meanings and messages. ..

Matrix said it so it must be true?

these people behind the scenes depend on the racket and they are by far not the only ones, just think of the huge 'security sector' that's growing like a cancer.

as far as i can tell, they might as well waco anyone who really becomes a threat, in fact they have although i will readily admit that i don't know how many people have died this way. the whole redemption thing like so many others are basically another round of 'play my game and remain busy' and will help the first wave of people jumping through the hoops so the second can form.

much like in the (stock) markets, which rely on false hope, the effort is then laid to waste when the rules are changed again. rest assured they will most certainly invent another treatment for people inclined to investigate. you cannot beat an enemy like this by playing their own rules to think otherwise requires a 'rogue element' you vaguely wrote about when people with such inclinations would have been purged a long time ago, which you know very well.

as i said before, i'm not in the least advocating a change in your strategy and every successful use of 'hidden law' brings us one step closer to the 'next round' so to speak, but i just can't and won't believe that you could redeem billions of people on earth and enjoy the peace, unless it happens. not that i'd mind being proven wrong in this case.


Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You see your fear is genuine but the situations and circumstances leading to your fear are totally contrived,

true enough, to the rulers it's a game for us it's life and death, yet the realisation alone won't change much, will it? do i know that immigration in its current form is designed to create a violent dichotomy? yes i find it increasingly likely, but they still pose a (secondary) threat, even though they're technically in the same boat.

i did not really intend to focus on the aspect of fear, i simply expect that any successful attempt to end the situation will be met with warfare, not more not less.

Starting to see a self defeating self perpetuating picture here that favors just a few at everyone else’s enslaving expense that makes the world a far more dangerous place than a safer one?

I am!

well, see above. knowing is only a start. f-ex. i'd expect intervention in case that mechanism fails and their true capabilities are of course mostly unknown.


Originally posted by greenovni

AND!!! The house of representatives TRADES as RON PAUL.

yeah, root for the 'underdog', right?

[edit on 2010.3.5 by Long Lance]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Long Lance

What you don't understand, and had you read all my posts, those of us who have been there and done that CAN NOT do it for you. YOU must understand the system and come to grips with it. I was using the movie line as a metaphor as the movie itself IS. Learn the magic language and then you are superman, so to speak. And if you are wondering about that magic language, here are a few sentences that can help set you free.

Expressio unius est exclusio alterius; A maxim of statutory interpretation meaning that the expression of one thing is the exclusion of another. Burgin v. Forbes, 293 Ky. 456, 169 S.W.2d 321, 325; Newblock v. Bowles, 170 Okl. 487, 40 P.2d 1097, 1100. Mention of one thing implies exclusion of another. When certain persons or things are specified in a law, contract, or will, an intention to exclude all others from its operation may be inferred. Under this maxim, if statute specifies one exception to a general rule or assumes to specify the effects of a certain provision, other exceptions or effects are excluded. Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition (emphasis mine)


Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius; /inklũwzh(iy)ow yanáyəs ést əksklũwzh(iy)ow oltíriyəs/. The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another. The certain designation of one person is an absolute exclusion of all others. Burgin v. Forbes, 293 Ky. 456, 169 S.W.2d 321, 325. Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition (emphasis mine)

When, in any law or statute code or regulation, a reference is made to a “person” it is the exclusion of Natural and sovereign persons or people. This has been held to be truth and fact in all cases.

I could cite so many cases here that it would boggle the mind. YOU are a flesh and blood, living soul, NOT A PERSON!!! In all statutes, codes, regulations, ordinances and so on it lists "any person", "a person" and "no person", that's it. A "person" is a corporate fiction, an incorporated individual or a foreign or domestic corporation. Barron's Law dictionary 2nd Edition.

So, NONE of the "statutes" and so on apply to you. YOU, with all your ability and knowledge, MUST be a responsible human being and NEVER do wrong by anyone or damage anything, and you are free. It really is that simple. But you must "CLAIM" your freedom. The government will never let you be unless you inform them that you are a natural born human being. UCC-1.

Please watch "Kymatica", it deals with fear and how the government controls you and how we are all one mind, one soul so to speak.

There is "The Ring of Power" to also known as the "Hidden Empire" on These will help you visually understand it all.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by daddio]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by RobertAntonWeishaupt
It seems to me that the IRS has pretty well sacked the "Straw Man" loophole and has reserved the right to make your life a living he11 in the event that you try to leverage this idea.

Why do you people "believe" the government/corporations websites, read the actual code for yourself, which some of us have.

From Cornell Law University website;

Subtitle C - Employment Taxes
Subchapter C - General Provisions
§ 3121. Definitions
(a) Wages

(b) Employment
For purposes of this chapter, the term “employment” means any service, of whatever nature, performed

(A) by an employee for the person employing him, irrespective of the citizenship or residence of either,

(i) within the United States, or

(ii) on or in connection with an American vessel or American aircraft under a contract of service which is entered into within the United States or during the performance of which and while the employee is employed on the vessel or aircraft it touches at a port in the United States, if the employee is employed on and in connection with such vessel or aircraft when outside the United States, or

(B) outside the United States by a citizen or resident of the United States as an employee for an American employer (as defined in subsection (h)), or

(C) if it is service, regardless of where or by whom performed, which is designated as employment or recognized as equivalent to
employment under an agreement entered into under section 233 of the Social Security Act; except that such term shall not include—

Now I could go and paste all the IRS code here and it is long, but unless you define YOURSELF as a U.S. citizen and not a natural born American Citizen, CAPITAL "C" is imperative here, then by claiming U.S. citizenship, the IRS code then applies to YOU. But I am a natural born human being, I do not live in the U.S. (federal territory) and I do not work within the U.S., I work in Minnesota republic, but the use of a zip code makes everywhere "federal territory". Isn't this fun!!

See, I could give a lecture here that would blow the minds of most people. I talk to people I work with and they say it goes right over their heads. Sad really, I try and explain it as simple as I can. IF you go back in this thread and read the links I posted you will hopefully get it. I'm not being mean, just want people to read it for themselves.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

From the article you posted:

...rejecting “wholly defective” arguments that the federal tax laws did not apply to taxpayer because he was a “freeborn, natural individual, a citizen of the State of Indiana, and a ‘master’ — not — ‘servant’ of his Government”);

You see that people? They call us servants. Indentured servitude.

I don't know about you, but I am not their servant.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:59 PM

I dont live in us. me nobodys pawn.(wtf is pwned? 12 year old internet speek is my guess)

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 04:30 PM
Interesting article, not sure I believe it all on it's face but interesting none the less.

One member mentions "owning" a home. The truth is at least in CA, people don't own there home really or the land it sits on with some very specific cases that go way back to Mexican land grants. What people purchase is the right to use the land which is owned by the government.

As far as the IRS goes, they are gonna win no matter what case is made for not paying taxes ect, it's the accepted norm. The only solution is to work hard and make more than you have to pay and enjoy what you can in life which are experiences not possessions.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by daddio

So you filed documents, worked the system, used magic wording and now you own the property that you were previously paying a mortgage payment on? Sounds crazy, and I want to be crazy!

So we can attain the ucc-1, ucc-3 and power of attorney in fact, where?

Do you also still have a SSN? can you still be under the governments control if you start taking control for yourself one by one? or must you leave the system entirely?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by djusdjus
sorry, but the entire premise of the OP is completely flawed.

It insinuates slavery.

As a non american, as many here on these boards are, we care little about the federal reserve.

also, I doubt very much that a central bank owns citizens?
It's a ridiculous idea.

May I ask what nation you were born into? If European, then even though you don't have the Federal Reserve Bank, chances are your currency was bankrupted before the United States was formed and therefore you most likely are owned by the central bank with dominion over your nation.

If you are from one of the down under places, however, I am not sure as to the status of backing on your currency and whether or not allodial titles to property and the common law are still applicable to you, but I would be happy to do some research into it.

What country were you born in, and which country do you currently reside in? Because in North America and Europe, and everywhere "civilized" by the Empire of Great Britain, serfdom and slavery, cleverly disguised and assumed to be consented to willingly, is the overarching nature of the contracted relationship between government and citizen.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Ionized
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

From the article you posted:

...rejecting “wholly defective” arguments that the federal tax laws did not apply to taxpayer because he was a “freeborn, natural individual, a citizen of the State of Indiana, and a ‘master’ — not — ‘servant’ of his Government”);

You see that people? They call us servants. Indentured servitude.

I don't know about you, but I am not their servant.

Without, at minimum, placing a valid and prior reservation of rights without prejudice into the public record somewhere, and having a valid reservation of rights via your signature on your current, in effect Driver's License, a servant of theirs is exactly what you are, regardless of what you think or feel. They have established their contractual ownership over you through all kinds of documents that you have been party to, with ample opportunity to make that reservation of your rights; if you have not made such a reservation or protest up to this point you are assumed to be in knowledgeable compliance with it, or are non compos mentis and therefore a ward of the state, being of insufficient capacity to understand and administer your own affairs.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:00 PM
Here's a little ditty I came across at the 7th Fire website:

They hang the man and flog the woman
That steal the goose from off the common,
But let the greater villain loose
That steals the common from the goose.

The Law demands that we atone
When we take things we do not own
But leaves the lords and ladies fine
Who take things that are yours and mine.

The poor and wretched don’t escape
If they conspire the law to break;
This must be so but they endure
Those who conspire to make the law.

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the
And geese will still a common lack
Till they go and steal it back.

English folk poem, circa 1764

It seems that the average man or woman in the 18th century was a bit more knowledgeable on these matters than most of us are today.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by On the level
Technically not true, I`m owned by HM Revenue and Customs

Technically we are owned here in the United States by the Crown who administers us for the Vatican.

William the Conqueror in the 1100's gave England and everything his heirs would ever posses to the Pope and the Vatican in exchange for his blessing.

The Colonies were never the property of England to grant independence too. The Vatican simply leases England back to the Royal Family that administers it for a profit.

Also in the 1100's by Treaty the Pope was established as the Vicar of Christ. Vicar means Legal Representative and for all legal intents and purposes, including contracts, currencies and other legally binding documents when you see the word God, as in by the Grace of God which is how the Treaty of Paris begins that ended the Revolutionary War it really means by the Grace of the Pope. Legally God is the Pope. It does not matter if you are Catholic, Christian, or even believe in God, when we recite one Nation under God in our Pledge of Allegiance it literally and legally means one nation under the Pope.

In the Treaty of Paris King George’s first title of many is prince; the most important titles are first and last. His prince title was a Holy Roman Empire title; he was first and foremost and always above all other things a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire. His last was prince elector and arch-treasurer. Once again these are Holy Roman Empire Titles. A prince elector could elect an emperor or leader for the Holy Roman Empire, and elect states into the Holy Roman Empire. Because the Vatican leases England and all its Common Wealth holdings back to the crown this also made King George a treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire, a banker for.

In the first paragraph of the Treaty of Paris while King George gives up all his claims to America, he reserves his right as prince elector of the United States of America (the Crown can choose our President) and as arch-treasurer of the United States of America (The crown can control our money on the behalf of Rome). This is why the Federal Reserve is foreign owned largely by The Bank of London which is a Rothschild Bank who maintains this enterprise for Rome.

In fact as one reads the treaties our three plenipotentiaries were stripped of all their Colonial Titles and only allowed to retain the Esquire title in the Treaty of Paris and not even on the behalf of the United States but one was appointed to the Court of their High Mightiness of the Netherlands, another to the Court of Madrid, and another to the Court of Versailles which were all Holy Roman Empire Courts.

Our plenipotentiaries were not there to negotiate on behalf of the United States of America which King George actually created the name of and for, but to represent the Netherlands, Madrid, and Versailles all of which had extensive land holdings in the colonies that the revolutionaries were in effect trying to steal through armed action and all of which had loaned considerable monies to various entities in the Colonies.

While the revolutionaries were able to militarily defeat the British and Hessian Troops they still had to deal with the landowners and creditors they were in essence attempting to rob, who simply informed them the truth, they could face constant warfare and economic embargos and isolation or they could incorporate into the Roman Empire in a face saving way provided they wrote a Constitution that guaranteed the repayment and security of the monies and properties involved.

The District of Columbia is not part of the United States, just as London is not part of England, just as the Vatican City is not part of Italy. These three city/states who are not beholden to the laws of the lands they are surrounded by and govern are in fact part of a chain of command that starts at the Vatican extends on to London and then on to the District of Columbia. Each of these cities is held by Rome are rich in Roman Architecture and all have laws rooted in Roman Law and Customs.

The Vatican sits at the top of the three sided pyramid as God the moral based and Talmudic based laws that govern people on a spiritual level. London shores up one side of the pyramid creating and maintaining the common laws and banking that forges the basic principles that bind all the nation-states in the empire into a common system of commerce and banking and things like the laws of the sea and the laws of war. The United States is as you might guess the military side of the wall, enforcing Rome’s will and takeovers through superior military technology and a highly trained and disciplined all volunteer army. This is how almost all of the known world is controlled, God, money and law, and military threat and might.

The District of Columbia is the Parent Corporation of the United States Corporation, which is the Parent Corporation of the 50, incorporated States in the Union. The Massachusetts Bay Colony Company is actually the Parent Company of the District of Columbia, and London is the Parent Corporation of It, and the Vatican is the Parent Corporation of London.

The King of England, as a prince and all important sole remaining prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire elected the United States he named into the Empire and gave us a choice of either allowing him to appoint a King or for the country to be founded on the principles of the Roman Republic which it was. The King of England dictated all the terms of the Treaty and our plenipotentiaries were only their as Esquires, which are attorneys but also one step below Knights of the Realm on the Nobility Charts.

The King of England also dictated the terms of the Treaty of Ghent after we ‘won’ the War of 1812 when the Holy Roman Empire disintegrated on paper and it became necessary to sack Washington and collect all the original documents of ownership to secure them for the Crown and the Vatican lest there be any misunderstanding about contractual obligations in the future.

As the founders of the nation who were primarily all Masons died out and some of the Secret Committee Sessions of Congress information leaked out where the Full and Respected Powers involved in the treaties were formally disclosed and agreed upon it led to a nation wide backlash against the Masonic Movement and the first attempt by the Southern States to secede from the Union which President Andrew Jackson talked them out of in an historic joint session of Congress.

The information regarding these things has since been largely suppressed and little attention is paid to the Treaties that are actually the Contracts that legalized our existence and bound us to Rome.

This is by and large true in England as well.

Whether you live in the United States or Canada your taxes go to the Crown and you are owned by the Crown, whether you live in England or the United States these taxes are forwarded on to the Vatican as are all deeds and ownership documents like the Birth Certificates.

The Vatican is the source of the wealth that makes up the base for our whole monetary and commerce system.

We are an incorporated state of the Roman Empire, which almost every nation except for a handful on the globe are too.

[edit on 6/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:09 PM
I looked at my BC, and it was a copy, it DID have a number in the upper left corner, but my name is not in capital letters.

It actually reads as I would print it. First letter capital on each name. So, I don't know what that would mean. Maybe I'm not "owned" yet.

But my SSN card is all caps.


Either way, there was a post on here about physically having the items, alledgedly owned by the Fed.
The poster is right and I concur.

These things are mine, because I have them in my possession.

Great thread and long, thorough posts by all.g

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:14 PM
If anyone wonders about my handle on ATS, I assure you it has nothing to do with racial disharmony or similar concepts based on the way most people think of the word "prejudice." I have the following explanation printed out and carry it with me where ever I go, in case someone needs an explanation of why the phrase "All rights reserved without prejudice" supersedes my name in my signature:

Without Prejudice UCC1-207, -308

My use of WITHOUT PREJUDICE UCC 1-207, -308 above my signature on a document indicates that I have exercised the REMEDY provided for me in the uniform commercial code in Book 1, Section 207, later replaced by Section 308, whereby I may preserve my common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally, and, that reservation serves notice upon all administrative agencies of government, whether national, state or local, that I do not and will not accept the liability associated with the COMPELLED BENEFIT of any unrevealed commercial agreement. My explicit reservation of rights also has served notice upon all agencies of government that they are ALL LIMITED TO PROCEEDING AGAINST ME ONLY IN HARMONY WITH THE COMMON LAW. My valid reservation of rights has preserved all my rights and PREVENTED THE LOSS OF ANY SUCH RIGHTS by application of the concepts of waiver or estoppel.

This describes the minimum requirement that must be met to provide a valid and prior reservation of rights, as I understand it.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
reply to post by daddio

So you filed documents, worked the system, used magic wording and now you own the property that you were previously paying a mortgage payment on? Sounds crazy, and I want to be crazy!

So we can attain the ucc-1, ucc-3 and power of attorney in fact, where?

Do you also still have a SSN? can you still be under the governments control if you start taking control for yourself one by one? or must you leave the system entirely?

The UCC-1 and UCC-3 are at your states, Secretary of State's website, you can download them and fill them out or file them online. Funny huh, why would the State put that there?

BUT, you should read the 2 links below FIRST, so you have a better idea of how to fill it in and what to state as collateral.

The top link has many articles and her complete book that you can download for FREE.

I have downloaded both books and had them custom printed at $8 a copy and I hand them out for FREE to whoever will take them and read them.

This is quite possibly the greatest conspiracy of all time, the enslavement of the entire planet WITH our consent!!!

We can stop the madness and TPTB from destroying the future by filing these documents and stopping their ability to operate as a MAFIA.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by havok
I looked at my BC, and it was a copy, it DID have a number in the upper left corner, but my name is not in capital letters.

It actually reads as I would print it. First letter capital on each name. So, I don't know what that would mean. Maybe I'm not "owned" yet.

But my SSN card is all caps.


Either way, there was a post on here about physically having the items, alledgedly owned by the Fed.
The poster is right and I concur.

These things are mine, because I have them in my possession.

Great thread and long, thorough posts by all.g

There are 2 ways of making you a corporate fiction, your name in all caps and having your last name listed first. Doe, John Henry

My younger brothers name is spelled right, on the front, and wrong on the back. His name on the back of the document is in all caps. There are many ways they do it, unless you were born before 1913, it don't matter. But reclaim your strawman and file your power of attorney and you are on the road to freedom. The best document I have seen for studying the redemption is at, the website I have listed many times here. His book is great and has examples of all the forms in it. But know the language so you can check the facts in your state.

Educate yourself first.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:57 PM

Now I could go and paste all the IRS code here and it is long, but unless you define YOURSELF as a U.S. citizen and not a natural born American Citizen, CAPITAL "C" is imperative here, then by claiming U.S. citizenship, the IRS code then applies to YOU. But I am a natural born human being, I do not live in the U.S. (federal territory) and I do not work within the U.S., I work in Minnesota republic, but the use of a zip code makes everywhere "federal territory". Isn't this fun!!

See, I could give a lecture here that would blow the minds of most people. I talk to people I work with and they say it goes right over their heads. Sad really, I try and explain it as simple as I can. IF you go back in this thread and read the links I posted you will hopefully get it. I'm not being mean, just want people to read it for themselves.

You can call or not call yourself anything you like, but unless you correct your status (expatriate & become a state national), you are still a federal (US) citizen as per the 14th Amendment, Sec 1:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Unless both of your parents were non-US citizens when you were born, you inherited their status; you were born a federal (US) citizen and are subject to US private law. You can juggle the system (UCC, etc) finding loopholes & hope to never mis-step OR you can remove yourself from their system entirely. The fact that you are using UCC is proof you are still *in* the system.

A quick & dirty test to see if you are part of the system is to ask yourself this; can you benefit from they system in any way?
Can you collect unemployment?
Can you collect Social Security?
Can you apply for a federal student loan?

If you can answer yes to any of those or similar questions, you are still in the system. There is an old maxim of law, but i can't remember exactly how it goes, "If you (can) receive the benefit, you must share the burden." If you think you can stop paying income tax, SS, etc, then expect to be able to collect SS or federal aid of any kind, you're not being realistic.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 09:45 PM
i have been reading these documents posted, and have done some UCC reasearch my self, one thing i did find interesting is that the "vessel" like our mothers, who already have a SSN, gave birth to us, as free beings, (in a sense of the words) however, our feet usually touch the documents that are used to make a birth certificate, before they touch the "land" so to say, so im wondering is this part of the Maritime Admerilty law?

By not stepping foot on to the land, and first having our foot print, inked and filed, and later registered with the state (there by assinging a number for the CERTIFICATE of live birth) and signed by the "owner" of the "property", does this action alone, surrender our children, without our knowing, and fulll understanding (standing Under in legalese) which in turn would technically be a fraudulent contract as to our status as AMERICAN CITIZENS....????? since we were not fully informed of the contractual oblications... and therefore given a CERTIFIED COPY, similar to buying a car, but with out having the Manufactures statement of origin, and later filing with the state for a CERTIFIED COPY of OWNER "ship" as legal title holder?

can any one elaborate? cause i'm still confused?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:06 PM
This whole subject is, without a doubt, the most important subject on ATS.

I find it interesting that more and more people are waking up to it finally. The amount of information available on this subject now far exceeds what could be found only a couple of years ago.

It is imperative that people educate themselves on the topic, if not to help themselves, then at least to better understand those of us that embark down this path.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by nvprose1

You are absolutely correct in that it is a non-disclosure issue. People are being tricked into the contracts because it is not disclosed to them that it is a contract or the binding nature of it, or the ultimate purpose of them.

In fact when you turn 18 you do have a legal window of limited opportunity to opt out of the system here in the United States but once again this is not disclosed.

There is a challenge in the process of opting out because you do have to surrender most if not all of the social services the state provides, like Social Security, treatment for medical issues under public health trusts and other state services.

You do have to go through a laborious process to be able to do things like operate a motor vehicle by submitting a surety bond and notice of intent to the States Attorney General to secure any potential loss the state might suffer should you crash your car or destroy property or injure someone.

You have to make your own driver's license and own tag and deal with the occasional hassle of inquisitive law enforcement officers.

It is then hard to get insurance for these things as well to, so you basically have to self insure yourself.

The system is designed in such a way that if you don't have the documents you are shut out of things like the banking system, few banks will open an account for anyone if you don't have a social security card.

If you want to travel internationally you aren't going to be able to secure a passport. You will have to figure other ways to go in and out of places without having to go through customs and immigration.

While a lot of people view many of the things like welfare and social security and disability assistances and Medicare and such things as genuine services, they are in fact there just to make sure of your longevity for the owners to profit off of you.

If you have children they would technically not be eligible to attend public school, or receive student loans or grants.

Because wages are kept artificially low to enslave you to debt most people need these services at various points and don’t have a skill set or earning potential to provide them entirely to themselves, and in part why some things especially in medicine are priced so insanely high is to make sure you can’t afford them yourself.

To be a freeman on the land you basically have to literally almost be prepared to live off the land, by shunning the services and conveniences many of us do.

It’s a challenge as a single person, if you have a family it’s a real challenge.

Communal settings are best for this, religious communes especially, the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish for instance actually posses allodial title to their property but they place it all in an ecclesiastical trust, and live by bible religious law in self supportive communities that have their own schools, limited medical system, and social support network.

Some hippie communes are also self sustaining as are some nudist colonies. If you can fit into a communal setting it is easier to do these things than going it alone but you most of these communal settings have their own codes and rules too you have to follow to be a part of them, so if you don’t want to run around naked, or wear pendants with a guru’s picture in them, or ride around in a horse and buggy with no electricity in your home, or worse still have someone hand you the literal and proverbial cup of Jonestown Kool Aide one day there are some real challenges.

Even things like connection to the electrical grid and sewage system in your own name bind you by contract into public utilities.

So there is a lot to consider if you want to actually own a piece of property and live on it, you have to provide your own power and get the energy for it without traveling by a motor vehicle you own operate and drive, you have to provide for your own sewage and water, a septic tank and well, you have to fight that battle with the state to secure the property by bond, and to not pay taxes on it, you have to see that you can pay for your own medicine, you technically can’t use parks or recreation systems owned by the corporate government, you have to see to your own retirement and face the gamble of what to do if you ever become disabled.

You have to surrender your social security card, drivers license, voters registration, state held titles to get original certificates of origin which are like bearer bonds when houses and cars are first built and constructed, the minute the state gets their hands on them to issue a title they destroy them.

Part of what the state does through the banks, brokers and dealers, is to trick you out of the actual source ownership document like Manufacture Certificates of Origin which are the only way to establish allodial title.

I am about half way there, but my strategy is to own nothing, I rent where the utilities are part of the rent, I drive a bicycle and don’t use the roads, I work for myself and only except cash or goods and services in exchange, I have yet to turn in my social security card and petition to have my birth certificate re-issued in non-capital letters.

There are some aspects I have not completely researched yet, and I have to also consider also how all that might effect my children who don’t live with me that are still under 18 should I get killed or disabled etc., etc.,

Look at it this way and this is by no means meant to discourage you or anyone, they have been tricking you into contracts since literally the day you are born, I am 46 years old so all the things they have heaped on me in that time period all have to be undone, they have us pretty much bound to the matrix. Phones, the Internet, Social Security, Banking, Public Services and Recreation, Thoroughfares etc, Utilities and on and on, they own and control the infrastructure that they do want us to take for granted.

Can you find land to live off, can you secure it, can you make it self sustainable can you get by without most of what you take for granted or find a way to secure it without having to contract with them?

It’s daunting and they have made it that way on purpose. I wish you and everyone else luck though because we do need to get ourselves free some how.

[edit on 5/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

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