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AFA: Stone to Death Killer Whale Who Killed Trainer

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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:13 PM
Here's the link:

I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum, or it has already been posted, but I think this is absolutely absurd. Death by stoning? Are we back in the dark ages?

When do we start calling shenanigans on these extremist religious groups?

This is not meant to be a bash on Christianity, so I apologize if it seems like that, but there comes a time when rational thought comes into play.

Peruse at your leisure and comment. I personally think this is disgusting.


[edit on 3-3-2010 by truthseeker1984]

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:17 PM
Cage a wild, dangerous animal. We treat it like like a novelty.

It reacts as any wild animal would.

Let's stone it to death.

Seems logical

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I guess I find the "stone it to death" as well as killing the owner a bit "Dark Age-ish" and I guess that is where my beef lies. I really don't think they should have captured it to begin with, but why put something down that was made the way it is by human hands?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I guess I find the "stone it to death" as well as killing the owner a bit "Dark Age-ish" and I guess that is where my beef lies. I really don't think they should have captured it to begin with, but why put something down that was made the way it is by human hands?

I agree, the whole idea of 'stoning' anything to death is archaic, ignorant and stupid.

Even moreso when you are talking about something that is just doing what it instinctively does.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:25 PM
Annnnd this proves the thread regarding religious having lower IQ's...

Obviously trying to rationalize with these people would be a waste of time, but anyone wanna let the AFA know a whale isn't an ox? That might confuse them for a few days at least.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:30 PM
I wish I could type this in ALL CAPS! That is most ignorant piece of drivvle I have read in a long time. Ignorant ignorant stooopid people. Sheeesh!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:30 PM
Ask yourself why a legitimate news source (term used very loosely) would even run such a ridiculous article? It's all right there in front of you, but you just have to be able to read between the lines to see it, and it has nothing to do with conservative or liberal or Christianity or atheist or whatever.

Bait meet fish.


posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:38 PM
I think the people in the AFA should be tied down on fire ant hills.

Maybe have them bit by a brown recluse and let necrotizing fasciitis take care of them.

Maybe we should cut their eyelids off.

See how ridiculous this is? AFA should be ashamed.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by cjcord
Annnnd this proves the thread regarding religious having lower IQ's...

How so ?
Since when has a presumably tiny group such as the AFA represented 'religious people' as a whole ?
I'd never heard of them before today ( I'm in the UK ), but what they are advocating isn't necessarily unintelligent - just cruel, barbaric, immoral and sadistic.
Intelligence isn't synonymous with morality.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by Benji1999]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:46 PM
The American Family Association, a religious right group, is urging that Tillikum (Tilly), the killer whale that killed a trainer at SeaWorld Orlando, be put down, preferably by stoning.

It seems the christians are still stuck in the stone ages. Im glad we live in a more civilized world.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Stories like these make me want to come out as complete unabashed anti-christian zealout. I'd like to tell these people to burn in hell, but there is no such place!

And churches are wondering why they are losing thier flock. Could it be christian/religious absurdity?

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:22 PM
It's called the killer whale. Not the "keep me in a cage and feed me f-ing fish and watch me jump through hoops" whale.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

They need to take that Killer Whale back out into the ocean where other Killer Whales exist and leave it alone.

It's a rebel just like most of us. If you don't let us do our own thing in our own way we rebel any way we can; and that is all that this Killer Whale has done. He has rebeled the only way he can and there are some people out there that are so stupid that they can't see what he's trying to tell them.

"Let me go, let me be free like others of my kind", that is what he's trying to tell everyone in his own way.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by RussianScientists]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:37 PM
I don't think the whales could survive out in the wild after being in captivity for that long....think this whale might have been born in a zoo!
so, let's see, it's inhumane to keep the whale captive, although illegal whaling is decimating the species...
and we can't let it go, because it will die and they are endangered species.
as it is at sea world, well, these whales are earning quite a bit of money for the place....wonder how much it would cost to feed and house a whale???
wonder how long sea world would keep these whales if they weren't earning them enough money to take care of them....uhh....does the animal shelter take unwanted whales??
gee, what should we do with these poor whales....
is the meat edible? what about the blubber, can it be converted to fuel for cars???

this is the stupidest outcry I've heard of late really.....
sorry, but it's the truth...
at the most, the whale should be fenced and well, those who go in should be trained to be wary of it some....not standing close enough to the pool with back turned unaware of what was going on behind them, with a crowd of tourist to attend to!

[edit on 3-3-2010 by dawnstar]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:41 PM
I think each and every member of the AFA needs to be stoned to death.

Or at least be put out of their misery in some form.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
I don't think the whales could survive out in the wild after being in captivity for that long....think this whale might have been born in a zoo!
so, let's see, it's inhumane to keep the whale captive, although illegal whaling is decimating the species...
and we can't let it go, because it will die and they are endangered species.
as it is at sea world, well, these whales are earning quite a bit of money for the place....wonder how much it would cost to feed and house a whale???
wonder how long sea world would keep these whales if they weren't earning them enough money to take care of them....uhh....does the animal shelter take unwanted whales??
gee, what should we do with these poor whales....
is the meat edible? what about the blubber, can it be converted to fuel for cars???

this is the stupidest outcry I've heard of late really.....
sorry, but it's the truth...
at the most, the whale should be fenced and well, those who go in should be trained to be wary of it some....not standing close enough to the pool with back turned unaware of what was going on behind them, with a crowd of tourist to attend to!

[edit on 3-3-2010 by dawnstar]

This whale was captured in the wild.

You are right, it would struggle being released after having been in captivity so long, which is where the whole dilemma comes in. Had it not been taken from its natural habitat, this would not be an issue.

Yet it was, and now we somehow decide that IT is to blame, instead of thsoe that took it from its home.

There is no way you can make seaworld out to be the good guy, or the victim, here. You take something out of its natural habitat, it is YOUR responsibility to care for it, regardless of cost. No other way around it.

What should we do with these poor whales? How about we start by leaving them the hell alone and let them live their natural life?

That'd be a start.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

What an absolute muggy group of C*N*S that AFA sound like. Their God would be spinning in the clouds if he existed.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

The attack happened because the trainer fell in. It scared the animal.

You cannot POSSIBLY argue that this was the animal's fault.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:45 PM
OK, I had to comment on this, even though my better judgment says not to.

First, let's take into account the "archaic" law of the Old Testament. Stoning could and should very easily translate into bullets or even lethal injection since the Bible never mentions such weapons, other than a sling shot. I think the bottom line here is that death is the outcome.

Second, people are so quick to jump on conservative groups for quoting scripture, but are seldom willing to look at the whole picture before they pass judgment. I'm not conservative, but I'm well versed in religious texts from many religions. There is a depth of wisdom to be found if one opens their eyes to it. It doesn't mean people have to run off and join a religious commune if they read and are familiar with scriptures. Nor does it make them conservative if they agree with it or even just a part of it.

Third, "The Law" (the first five books of the Bible), was written to be just that....the LAW, according to the normal and accepted behaviors of that time. Obviously, we no longer buy and sell slaves, nor do we lead them around by the rings in their ears. But one thing has not has owned beasts from the beginning of time, and beasts have killed man from the beginning of time. This is nothing new, and the Law was designed to be fair and hold accountable those that should be held accountable.

Fourth, that passage in the Bible goes on much longer than what this article detailed, and according to that passage, not only should the whale be put to death, but also the owners, since they knew the whale had a history of killing trainers in the past....

28 “If an ox[d] gores a man or woman to death, the ox must be stoned, and its flesh may not be eaten. In such a case, however, the owner will not be held liable.

29 But suppose the ox had a reputation for goring, and the owner had been informed but failed to keep it under control. If the ox then kills someone, it must be stoned, and the owner must also be put to death. 30 However, the dead person’s relatives may accept payment to compensate for the loss of life. The owner of the ox may redeem his life by paying whatever is demanded.

31 “The same regulation applies if the ox gores a boy or a girl. 32 But if the ox gores a slave, either male or female, the animal’s owner must pay the slave’s owner thirty silver coins,[e] and the ox must be stoned.

33 “Suppose someone digs or uncovers a pit and fails to cover it, and then an ox or a donkey falls into it. 34 The owner of the pit must pay full compensation to the owner of the animal, but then he gets to keep the dead animal.

35 “If someone’s ox injures a neighbor’s ox and the injured ox dies, then the two owners must sell the live ox and divide the price equally between them. They must also divide the dead animal. 36 But if the ox had a reputation for goring, yet its owner failed to keep it under control, he must pay full compensation—a live ox for the dead one—but he may keep the dead ox.

Now, I'd like to mention one thing before I close with one last point....just because I posted this, does not mean I agree with all of it. It simply means I understand where it comes from and can entertain this topic freely, regardless of my personal opinion.

Now for the wisdom...

I am an animal lover, no doubt about it. I loath animal cruelty, and think harsh punishments should be given to humans who treat animals with little regard. My stance is this:

1. The owners and Sea World should be held to the highest punishment....period....and laws should be changed immediately, forcing all sea mammals to either be released, trained to be released, or relocated to expansive, natural "sea" pens where they can properly retire in their natural habitat, but still be looked after and fed if needed. NO MORE BREEDING!! Animals that are rescued and rehabilitated are the only exceptions to the rule, and should stay in captivity ONLY if their physical impairments prevent them from surviving on their own. THESE are the animals that Sea World should be keeping, but not healthy animals that perform dog and pony shows for the masses. Sea World needs to operate on an education-only basis in regards to their captive animals, not in an entertainment arena.

2. Remove the profit, and the value to human life will once again be restored. The fact that there is gray area here, is nauseating.

3. Cover-ups from past safety reports need to be brought into the light, and the full order of the law needs to be exercised. I have no sympathy for the owners of Sea World or any other profit machine that exploits healthy animals that would otherwise be living freely in the wild.

4. You try living in a cramped, square, white, concrete room for your entire life, performing tricks for your food in front of a glass window every just might go a little crazy too. Maybe even kill someone to try to get out. Herein lies the problem....the owners have created a monster. We have methods to measure human psychosis, but how do we measure a whale's psychosis? Can it be cured by releasing it back into the wild? Well, if a whale's brain is similar to ours, I'd say "no", considering that most people carry around a LOT of emotional baggage from their past. Even dogs exhibit this behavior very plainly when they've been abused. So does this whale have a pre-existing, legitimate psychological problem that has been exasperated by captivity? Or is he just a very angry, frustrated, and depressed whale that wants to be free?

The bottom line, to tie this in with Biblical scripture, is that the scriptures elude to "traits" that are undesired. If any beast kills a human, it is to be put down....period. It is not a punishment. I see it as a controlled genetic pool by which we are carefully making sure that the serial killers of the animal kingdom are not being allowed to reproduce. Just as in humans, this is a DNA link. I'll further that sentiment by stating that there are numerous whales in captivity that do not exert this behavior toward their handlers, and some are even quite attached and affectionate. Tili is clearly a "disturbed" individual whale.

So, as sad as this situation is, I'm leaning more toward the feeling that this whale has taken three lives, and should not be allowed to live. The owners, who have allowed this whale to take three lives, should be brought to justice.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:54 PM
didn't think I was saying it was the whales fault....and supposedly, there is video out, the whale came out of the water and well, pulled her in.
either way, doesn't really matter much. ya see, the whale was just being a whale more than likely....
but, you say let's start by not capturing these I said, the illegal whaling is decimating the population, they are endangered species....would these whales have a better chance of survival in the wild? ain't gonna get into the morality of seaworld, considering they are going into the water and playing with these huge animals, I am surprised there isn't more deaths!!! They are animals that really demand our respect...and well, deserve it!

but, well, not capturing more, sure, maybe....still say this whale was purchased from a zoo, will see if I can confirm that...
but, what about the ones that we have..
let them lose in the wild.....they will die!!
so, well, there's ours to keep! I'd much rather see them cordone off a part of the ocean and make a reserve somehow, but well, that's a little far ya, they are going to live the lives in captivity, it's the most humane thing!
stoning the poor animal to death is about the least humane thing I can think of...but well...if the loonies of the world get their way, can we at least feed some of the hungry and experiment with turning the blubber into fuel....
the poor thing's death should have some sane purpose!

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