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Searches On Nibiru/Planet X Seemed To Be Censored

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:52 PM
According to the story Nibiru is a planet orbiting the brown dwarf little sister to our sun. If the story is true the passing of the dwarf would have to occur very, very far out in space. The forces involved between two stars passing close to each other would rip both systems to shreds or at least the planets would be. Since earth is stll here after all these passings would have occured I doubt you would get to see it. If the story is true I think we are more likely to have interaction with its gravity and anything it is dragging along far away from it. Look at the bottom of the moon and the shear amount of cratering. If all the planets have heavy cratering in the same regions it fit the Nibiru story. A debris feild following some large object passing from below the sun would pepper the bottoms of our planets with rock

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by star in a jar
It's not techinically a planet, but more like a failed star with possible planetary companions, and I think Z. Stichin took the mythology of Nemesis and crafted a story around it. It doesn't mean the whole thing is a fraud.

Don't want to argue this too much. Sitchin's translations of Sumerian are demonstrably bunk.

Not so much fraud as selling fantasy fiction as scientific fact.

Geez I love seeing how people like this get on a soap box and try to espouse knowledge as if they know anything from sitting behind their computer screen their whole life. I know its asking a bit much to understand the topic but reading is something every american should know how to do. Not only that but every person in the world knows how to google.

In any event yes alot of Sitchins work is invalidated due to inconsistencies in translations. his early translations are wrong because their early and he should revise them and maybe he will who knows and honestly who cares.

The underlying points remain valid with the Giant Impact theory. This is the widely held belief among astronomers and astrophysicists that the moon was created out of some kind of collision with the earth. Now I know alot of people dont understand that theory or have ever even heard of it and its because of that I urge everyone to go to google and look it up and learn more about science. SCIENCE CAN DO ANYTHING!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:23 AM
WOW DreamerOracle... great job hijacking my thread lol... which is located HERE , entitled Giant planetary body named G1.9

Granted, your post is about missing information about Nemesis, AKA nibiru, PlanetX, etc... but in effect you come over to my post, and link your new thread on it, and now everyone is over here posting.

Great job.

[edit to add]

the youtube video you posted was an excellent post, thanks for the link. of a similar note, the image disclosed in the youtube video resembles to a tee the imagery of object G1.9 - the only question I have is why couldn't you leave it on the thread I created so that we could make that comparison?

[edit on 3-3-2010 by DarkspARCS]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:19 AM
Why does it seem like the people that are on this thread to say that there is no chance of Planet X/Nbiru existing seem to stick around and push their point almost to the point of them being angry and aggressive? If it doesn't exist why do you guys feel the need to come on to a thread like this and prove everybody wrong? I mean I know it's been said but it is a conspiracy sight and the OP and some info. I get it you hate planet X with a vengeance because it killed your dear old mum right? Give it rest. Didn't your parents ever teach you that if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything? Sheesh.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by DarkspARCS

Wow that is pretty rude. He did indeed hijack it. Sorry I wish I had known

I will try to get over there and post but frankly I think the whole Nibiru thing is another adventure into BS


posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Redwookieaz
Why does it seem like the people that are on this thread to say that there is no chance of Planet X/Nbiru existing seem to stick around and push their point almost to the point of them being angry and aggressive? If it doesn't exist why do you guys feel the need to come on to a thread like this and prove everybody wrong? I mean I know it's been said but it is a conspiracy sight and the OP and some info. I get it you hate planet X with a vengeance because it killed your dear old mum right? Give it rest. Didn't your parents ever teach you that if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything? Sheesh.

I have not seen any angry or aggressive posts.You seem the agitated one here by people proving that Planet-x does not exist. Question why do you feel the need to prove something exist when it has been proven to be a hoax with evidence time and time again. I suppose we will give it a rest when you do.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Dockman45

If that was the case then we'd know all about it. But we don't, so it isn't. Next!

reply to post by Redwookieaz

Because we are here to deny ignorance, and when ignorance appears ("There is a Planet X/Nibiru"), lots of people will speak out against it.

I'm not angry, I'm dumbfounded at the ignorance.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by DarkspARCS
WOW DreamerOracle... great job hijacking my thread lol... which is located HERE , entitled Giant planetary body named G1.9

Granted, your post is about missing information about Nemesis, AKA nibiru, PlanetX, etc... but in effect you come over to my post, and link your new thread on it, and now everyone is over here posting.

Great job.

[edit to add]

the youtube video you posted was an excellent post, thanks for the link. of a similar note, the image disclosed in the youtube video resembles to a tee the imagery of object G1.9 - the only question I have is why couldn't you leave it on the thread I created so that we could make that comparison?

[edit on 3-3-2010 by DarkspARCS]

No worries i'll still post on your thread and I encourage all those posted so far to visit the G1.9 thread its very good.

My thread is now for Collecting images of the sky from your point of the globe.
Ideally ATS Members.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by DreamerOracle]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:11 PM
So today very cloudy no Sun. So no photos for 3rd March 2010.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Sparkey76

Why would they build a Infrared telescope in the South pole

Several reasons. Firstly the air down there is very clean and cold, no dust, very little pollution, a lot less heat shimmer, so you get nice crisp images.

It is also very dark, without light scatter off clouds from man made illumination.
In winter it is dark 24 hours per day.

Telescope time is far cheaper with ground based equipment than say for Hubble.
So more people can use it, and get a lot more done for a given budget.

It is always better to look straight up, than at something very low on the horizon, because there is less of earth's atmosphere in the way. So if the southern sky is of interest, the Antarctic is an ideal place to observe from.

I don't know what to think about Planet X.
There does seem to be a trend for TPTB to hide and confuse any information. But the crazies do not help either by spewing forth lunatic theories about living entities on this thing.

If it is truly returning from deep space, it would be at a temperature of only a degree or two above absolute zero, in total darkness.
If it is as large as claimed, then the gravity on the surface would be huge.
Not a very hospitable place for any intelligent life to exist.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:52 PM
Yes, I was doing my usual trawl for any new footage yesterday and came accross an American Crazy on youtube it kinda left me with a bad feeling. I'm not linking it I don't wish to watch it or read the ccomments after it again either. Neddless to say The man explains that Britain and America are Evil and PX is here as a sign of the end and that we are trying to start WW3. Then the comments go on to say that all Brittish Citizens and American Citizens are stupid. Another one insisted that white farmers in africa only made food for the UK. We are stopped from growing what we want so that africa and poor countries can compete in the open market. We invented the EURO, LMAO we don't want the euro we don't use it. The Euro is and French/German idea. That was the timid version of the comments. Needless to say i was very annoyed. Judging by the comments FBI/CIA would have a field day lol. Anyway on to my post......
Wife finally got her act together and now I'm waiting for photos from Australia.

[edit on 3-3-2010 by DreamerOracle]

[edit on 3-3-2010 by DreamerOracle]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:58 PM
theres no proof px is real and no proof its not. Anything is possible!!! telescope south pole, sumerian texts.. i think theres a big poss its out there and nasa are covering something up

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by baileymarch2010
theres no proof px is real and no proof its not. Anything is possible!!! telescope south pole, sumerian texts.. i think theres a big poss its out there and nasa are covering something up

Yep anything is possible thus why I'm trying to collect enough pictures to prove either way. From the trusted ATS members.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

cheers yeh that makes sense, Im a bit of an amature astronomer myself, so can understand what you said about light pollution and looking right up to get a better image because further down the horizon has more atmospheric effects.

Yeh, would have to agree with you on if planet x existed on a retrograde and very eliptic orbit, it would be cold,very cold, it would possibly behave like a comet that have eliptic orbits and its thought they go into the ort cloud and replenish with icy materials.

We can never truly discount an extra planet thats part of the solar system, afterall Pluto, ( planetiod) has a very weird orbit and on part of its orbit, it does come closer to the sun than neptune does.

I just doubt, if it exists, that it comes anywhere near the inner solar system, or if its a large object as some suggest,but hey its just using some logic of the behaviour of our solar system, we still dont know why neptune has been tilted on its side so its not like we know everything about our solar system, just recently, that large infra red ring around saturn was found,now that could not have been found by your back garden astronomer.

the solar system is still full of suprises.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Sparkey76]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:14 PM
4th March 2010 :

I dont believe this is Planet X but it could explain some of the footage around these days. Or maybe it is, lets see if it appears in my pics again.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Today I got a nice new set of UV lenses for my Cannon so hopefully my pictures will be alot better.
As for the Australian photographer I was getting photos off, she was mysteriously ran off the road. So while they recover my Aussie photos will have to wait.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by DreamerOracle]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by baileymarch2010
theres no proof px is real and no proof its not. Anything is possible!!! telescope south pole, sumerian texts.. i think theres a big poss its out there and nasa are covering something up

Thousands worldwide work together or separately mapping the universe. Bodies are tracked not just by the light they transmit but also gravitational influences, spectral analysis, etc.

Cover-ups of information are always speculated on, like the supposed knowledge of alien technologies hidden by the US military, suppressed information on ancient civilizations, etc.

But they are broad speculations with no tangible substantiation.

Something being within the realm of possibility does not make it any more real than fiction.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:41 AM
1 of 3

[edit on 5-3-2010 by DreamerOracle]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by DreamerOracle

That video is an absolute joke.

A large body, capable of interacting with us in 2012, would be readily visible to people the world over.

And guess what - the findings wouldn't be published on YouTube, but in an actual scientific journal.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:53 AM
Its merely about disinformation, I'll be posting data from both sides of the argument.

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