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Obama 'Birther' Row Rears Its Head Again

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:41 PM

Obama 'Birther' Row Rears Its Head Again


The so-called 'birthers' movement, which questions whether Barack Obama was born in the US and is therefore a legitimate president, has cropped up on the campaign.

A representative in Arizona's state senate has even introduced a 'birth certificate bill' because she says constituents are so worried.

The White House has consistently dismissed the issue. Authorities in Hawaii have provided an electronic record of Obama's birth because the paper copy was destroyed in a fire which wiped out much of the state's archives.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:41 PM
The article goes on to say.....

And supporters at one of Hayworth's rallies openly questioned the president's right to be in office.

Alan Becker said: "If it was in question and someone questioned me about my birth certificate I would give it to them and say 'Here it is'.

"Why can't he do that?

Personally I’m not 100% educated on this issue but I don't see any reason/proof to show why some people seem to think that Obama was born outside of the USA.

If anyone has any then I’d love to see it but right now I don't buy it one piece and in fact it just seems like some lame ass excuse for people to hate him.

(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:00 PM
I don't know if this is a legitimate source or not. But if it is remotely true, it is not a big whopping surprise coming out of AZ. The conservative flagship coming of the US. Ran into a lot of bigotry and racism out there.

Funny, I wonder what excuse the bigots would of come up with if Obama's father was a natural born citizen?

I find the birthers so embarrassing. Obviously an excuse instead of outwardly showing their xenophobia.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
The article goes on to say.....

And supporters at one of Hayworth's rallies openly questioned the president's right to be in office.

Alan Becker said: "If it was in question and someone questioned me about my birth certificate I would give it to them and say 'Here it is'.

"Why can't he do that?

Personally I’m not 100% educated on this issue but I don't see any reason/proof to show why some people seem to think that Obama was born outside of the USA.

If anyone has any then I’d love to see it but right now I don't buy it one piece and in fact it just seems like some lame ass excuse for people to hate him.

(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Rising Against]

the issue isnt rearing its ugly head 'again'

it never stopped rearing

im still out on the issue, but hear this:

courts throwing cases out before they get to trial proves NOTHING, even if they say the case has no merits.

in order for a case to be fully washed out, the evidence needs to be displayed and both sides need to make their case.

simply waving people away isnt proving them wrong, its not engaging them, which only proves you dont want conflict....

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:05 PM

the issue isnt rearing its ugly head 'again'

it never stopped rearing

That was what the title of the article was, so i had to use it.


And @ nixie_nox, i wonder the same thing as well, it seems like they would come up with anything at all no matter how silly just so they have something to argue with.

But hey that's just my opinion.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

I figured Obama didn't want the birth certificate long form revealed because of some other reason, besides his place of birth. Speculation about the reason included such issues as, which race box is checked (is he "white" or "black" on the form?), etc. personally I wouldn't care which race box is checked, but apparently some people might care.

But I didn't realize the original was destroyed in a fire, I thought they had just not released it because Obama hadn't given his permission to release it, so I guess I'm not 100% up to speed on it either.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
I don't know if this is a legitimate source or not. But if it is remotely true, it is not a big whopping surprise coming out of AZ. The conservative flagship coming of the US. Ran into a lot of bigotry and racism out there.

Funny, I wonder what excuse the bigots would of come up with if Obama's father was a natural born citizen?

I find the birthers so embarrassing. Obviously an excuse instead of outwardly showing their xenophobia.

you can ponder that issue all day if you like, but he isnt, so it has no bearing.

im not at all certain that Obama is eligible for the US presidency, but by no means have i made up my mind on the issue, because i havent seen conclusive evidence one way or another.

so i guess that makes me a birther. why dont you tell me, in all of your multi-syllabic immaculateness, why i am so embarrassing and please, share some of the info you have that helped make up your mind

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by 814ck0u7
courts throwing cases out before they get to trial proves NOTHING, even if they say the case has no merits. (...) in order for a case to be fully washed out, the evidence needs to be displayed and both sides need to make their case.

All the cases have been “thrown out” because they have no merit. You're making out to be like that's just an irrelevant detail. I'm curious, if you want a Court to hear your case how do you intend that to happen without the cases having merit or standing?

simply waving people away isnt proving them wrong

No one has to prove them wrong, it's the birthers that have to come up with the evidence and legal arguments to back up their claims if they want the Courts to hear them and act upon that evidence.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

"The White House has consistently dismissed the issue. Authorities in Hawaii have provided an electronic record of Obama's birth because the paper copy was destroyed in a fire which wiped out much of the state's archives."

OH? Then how is this possible?
Phone: (808) 586-4410
Fax: (808) 586-4444
For Immediate Release: July 27, 2009 09-063
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai‛i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”

I would love to hear a really good explanation as to why he should not just show the original long form birth certificate. I think he probably was born in Hawaii but would also really like to know what he is hiding. It also bothers me that all that we know about him is what he has told us.


trimmed long lines - stretching page

[edit on 6/3/10 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:51 PM
The Birther Movement seems to have no point to me, if they have no evidence upon that Obama was not born in the US than there is no reason to allow them to bring it to court, an argument is not the same as evidence.
And let's say out of some crazy miracle they find that he WASN'T born in the USA. What's that prove? That means you voted in a non-citizen because you believed in him, is that so wrong? Oh no wait people want him impeached because the GOP can do so much better, or because he hasn't played God and fixed the economy faster than you say Barack Hussein Obama.

Pfft, just rename the Birther's to the GOP's naysayer movement.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by oldspeak
reply to post by Rising Against

"The White House has consistently dismissed the issue. Authorities in Hawaii have provided an electronic record of Obama's birth because the paper copy was destroyed in a fire which wiped out much of the state's archives."

OH? Then how is this possible?
Phone: (808) 586-4410
Fax: (808) 586-4444
For Immediate Release: July 27, 2009 09-063
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai‛i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”

I would love to hear a really good explanation as to why he should not just show the original long form birth certificate. I think he probably was born in Hawaii but would also really like to know what he is hiding. It also bothers me that all that we know about him is what he has told us.

Because it doesn't exist, by the OP's article's own admission. It was destroyed in a fire..

And if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a wagon....

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Koolcdj69

And let's say out of some crazy miracle they find that he WASN'T born in the USA. What's that prove? That means you voted in a non-citizen because you believed in him, is that so wrong?

Why yes it is wrong, it is a violation of Federal Law set down in our Constitution... Personally I'd like to see all new elections held if it turned out that was the case, and if a Dem won, then so be it. It all boils down to legalities, if he was not born in the United States, then he is ineligible by LAW, not that it is morally wrong (although it is to lie about it) that people voted for him, just that they couldn't vote for him under those circumstances.

But since all we have to go on is the ramblings of Olry, this issue may never be resolved.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by vkey08
Why yes it is wrong, it is a violation of Federal Law set down in our Constitution... Personally I'd like to see all new elections held if it turned out that was the case

It doesn't matter what you'd like to see or not, what matters is what's in the Constitution as you pointed out in regards to the natural born citizen clause. You can't, on one hand, say the Constitution must be followed and then make up your own laws because you don't like the party that's in power right now. There is nothing in the Constitution about having new elections in case the President is removed from office.

The 25th Amendment makes it clear that if the President resigns, dies or is removed from office then the Vice President shall become President.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:29 PM
Why oh why do I seem the same thing that happen to Bush the last 8 years is now happening to Obama?

Is it so hard to understand that your guy lost and our guy won?

Is it so hard to understand that your fellow country man was that stupid if voting for him?

My question to all the Bush Bashers, and to all the Obama Bashers.

What the
does it matter on how bad the guy was. It is because of people like you is the reason why I don't like National Politics at all. I accomplish so much more with City planning meetings that in a year or two, I see my results either on paper or in the actual infrastructure. I understand what must take place in the congress to get the money down to my community so it can make a difference. But I also understand that I live in my community which just happens to be in this country, so I know that an effect is going to happen on my local scene depending on who's in power.

But why are there people like you who bashing our politicians and creating sides and rifts. If your not this than your that. If you don't support this, than your a communist/or conservative.

If I supported Obama's High Speed Rail Innative, why am I such a bad Guy according to you Obama Bashers? Have you lousy Conservatives every thought that maybe more public transit is a good thing? No of course not, it socialism, organizing routes that you have to ride and there supported by a welfare state. Like when Is Haliburton not supported by our welfare state?

If I support Bush's Gun Stance, then why am I a bad guy according to you Bush Bashers?
Have any of you Liberals ever thought that if all the good people in your community had guns, then maybe the bad guys would not do there terrible deed?

Oh of course not, because if your for gun rights your a Crazy Conservative. And if your for Public Transit, Like Light Rail, then your a Loony Liberal.

The only conclusion I can come to with stories like this one, is that the hatred is so great, than the bashers themselves will stoop so low to prove their point.

I choose not to be this way. I will not stoop to your level. I'm wondering if I'm a majority in this Country?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by converge

Originally posted by vkey08
Why yes it is wrong, it is a violation of Federal Law set down in our Constitution... Personally I'd like to see all new elections held if it turned out that was the case

It doesn't matter what you'd like to see or not, what matters is what's in the Constitution as you pointed out in regards to the natural born citizen clause. You can't, on one hand, say the Constitution must be followed and then make up your own laws because you don't like the party that's in power right now. There is nothing in the Constitution about having new elections in case the President is removed from office.

The 25th Amendment makes it clear that if the President resigns, dies or is removed from office then the Vice President shall become President.

Ah thanks for the help there dude, and yeah that's true, you can't pick and sort what parts of the Constitution you'd want to follow in that case, if your gonna use the Consitituion as a merit to have a non-citizen president removed from office, then you have to follow ALL of the laws of that same constituion.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:40 PM
This is the first time I've heard of it being destroyed in a fire... I've followed this story VERY closely and I've never heard that. Besides, how could Fukino have seen the original vital records (last year) that verify Obama was born in Hawai‘i if it was destroyed in a fire?

I'd like to know where sky news got that bit of info.

Anyone else hear about a fire in previous stories?

Edit: Don't tell me Sky is getting news tips from The Spoof???

Very confusing...

[edit on 2/27/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by converge

Originally posted by 814ck0u7
courts throwing cases out before they get to trial proves NOTHING, even if they say the case has no merits. (...) in order for a case to be fully washed out, the evidence needs to be displayed and both sides need to make their case.

All the cases have been “thrown out” because they have no merit. You're making out to be like that's just an irrelevant detail. I'm curious, if you want a Court to hear your case how do you intend that to happen without the cases having merit or standing?

simply waving people away isnt proving them wrong

No one has to prove them wrong, it's the birthers that have to come up with the evidence and legal arguments to back up their claims if they want the Courts to hear them and act upon that evidence.

i think that in any honest or open forum, it could be shown that there is cause for inquiry.

if a requirement of natural born citizenship is made, and there is, one does not sate that requirement by not providing proof.

there has been no proof, beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt, shown to me from either side, so i remain undecided.

if that sounds crazy to you, then you sound crazy to me.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by 814ck0u7]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:23 AM
True or not, focusing attention on this issue probably doesn't help the cause of the people who care. The truth always has value, of itself, but if you want to effectuate political change, you have to know what to say and how to shape the debate.

I wish more people realized that. Good candidates sacrifice their candidacies at the price of knowledge that isn't vital to what they want to accomplish.

Whether Barry was born here or not, it isn't going to be overturned. And, frankly, people voted him in because they were sick of what preceded him. I accept that, even as I think it is a terrible mistake. But, I'm grateful in another way. Obama has helped make people wake up and see the differences between Democrats and Republicans is only where they prowl in the zoo.

Anyone labeled a "truther", "birther", or anything else like that is DOA and it will kill their campaign. It might do that with Medina as well, and she is someone who really deserved the shot.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 12:48 AM
At present Obama has spent through attorneys an estimated 1.8 million dollars preventing anyone from seeing his personal school records and any number of other records which will show just who is Barry Sotero? Why has Obama had 27 social security numbers?

Why are there anomalies with Obama's records at Columbia, Univ. that prevent the public from knowing that the Arabs payed for Obama's degree with Arab money directly to those at Columbia that would ensure Obama's degree and absence from attendance which was requested to be kept secret.

I said degree and not overall education because it is said his degree from Columbia was purchased like a happy meal for some big bucks paid to the right persons by Arabs. Now ask yourself, why would they do that?

Why did Obama within days of being sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009 sign a presidential executive order sealing his records from public scrutiny? Hmm, really, what is there to hide Mr. Barry Sotero or is it Obama?

Well, there are too many questions and the answers have yet to be received or resolved.

Someone would say if he has nothing to hide then "Why" such an expenditure of millions of dollars, an army of attorneys and the use of presidential executive order privileges be used to keep the American public from what they seek to know. It would seem such a simple truth should not be so secret, unless there is more to the story than we know.

I opt for the last choice. I believe that if the records are ever scrutinized it will reveal that Obama has been an agent of the CIA most of his adult life and was selected and covertly prepared to be the future president of the USA starting as far back as 1979. Obama's missing time from Columbia is placed in a training camp in Afghanistan working with the Taliban and if any of this can be inferred by looking at Obama's records, then I for one can understand why it would be worth so much money and time to prevent the public from knowing the truth.

The type of questions that could be and would be asked if such records were available would no doubt reveal more than someone wants the public to know. With so many questions yet resolved, it makes perfect sense that there would be those in the public that are not going to stop asking for what the public feels is a right to know and something the public feels is the responsibility of Obama to provide in a manner that can be considered legal and complete and without all the spin and deception used so often to sell lies and wars.

Most of all no matter what we may learn, if Obama is indeed an agent of the CIA then it further implies that Obama is not really in command. Only in appearance and if such is the case, we as a nation have more than a constitutional crisis in hand and this may be in fact the sole reason the truth is being kept from the public and why Obama will spend so much and go so far as to deny yet claim there is no problem in keeping his records sealed from the public. Why are his records now a matter of National Security?

Ask yourself that last question and if you don't see the problem then you probably never will. You would then be part of the stupid class of citizens that walk around accepting whatever you are told as if it were true. You are the class of American citizen that wants to be asleep and for you I say, go back to sleep.

Real Americans are starting to open their eyes and if you want to go to sleep, please do. It is the exact sleep position that you will need to perform when you are on your knees about to receive the bullet to your head from those that you so willingly believed were telling you the truth. Unfortunately, you will wake up from your hypnotic sleep, but I fear when you hear the bang and finally wake up from your delusion, it will be over for you in the same millisecond of reality hitting you in the back of the head like a bullet to the brain.

Excellent posting, I for one loved every word of it.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

These accusations you make (and show no sources for) have been repeated in blogs and YouTube videos across the Internet, far and wide, but not one of them carries one piece of credible evidence or proof.

If you make your case about someone based on rumor and innuendo, suspicion and assumptions, all you have is a house of cards. Nothing is solid, nothing proven, nothing can stand as fact.

If that's how you determine your truth in life, that's certainly your prerogative, but it's clear that these outlandish accusations are nothing but malicious gossip and baseless misinformation.

Don't bother leaving links to the "we hate Obama" websites that show your "proof, because I've seen them all and I know there's no proof of what you're insinuating. I'm not going to argue your assumptions and opinion. You're free to have and share them. I just wanted to share mine, too.

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