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Earthquakes on the Rise...What is Happening?

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posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 06:38 AM
I would like to share this thought with everyone.

As we all know, Earth, our home, is a 'living' planet. The are several kinds of forces which we mankind have still yet to comprehend, just other forces of the universe.

We mankind are still kindergarten kids at our stage of evolution, awaiting greater understanding so that we may mature and be part of this force to balance not only Earth, but Universe as well. Everday, a new discovery is made, that makes us closer to that belief.

The current Earthquakes, Volcanic activities, Solar cycles, etc, are but forces of Nature that we have yet to understand. Therefore, IT IS NOT OUR CREATOR'S WILL to destroy us, or at least not yet.

We should not take that fatalistic road and presume it is so, and thereby dooming ourselves when the Superior Being has no wish for it.

Yes, we may have strayed from divine teachings. We had been selfish, we committed murders, etc. But not everyone of us are so guilty that we need to be destroyed to start afresh.

The Financial crisis was but an early warning, only an early warning of our free will used for greed. And such traits can be changed. We only need to balance up with better redistribution of wealth, so that none of our Creator's children be left behind.

The same balance that is the physics principle and law that governs the Universe. Right now, Earth is only attempting to balance itself. Quakes and Volcanic activities are but attempts to balance the stresses within itself, just as the Sun and other planetary systems are doing so now.

It is not a punishment from our Creator, but only physic laws that govern all within the Universe. The only thing we mankind must do is to come together as one, as we truly are the same species, and care about one another.

While we cannot control Universal physic laws, we can still control human laws and behaviour to work around the stabalising effects Earth is currently undergoing, eg - avoid air travel on honest no fly zone, less habitation on tectonic plates, share our resources, etc, resiliant and adaptable.

Earth changes may take some time to stablize, thus rather than to whine, we must work around it and get life going. This is not the end. We will pull through as long as we care about each other and don't try to rip off one another, or divine wrath will surely be upon us at such times.

Thanks for reading and may you consider my post. Thanks in advance.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Something else I would like to add.

For those who believe in the Creator, the financial crisis may had been an act of mercy in that it erupted earlier, and mankind whom had the ability to correct its flaws could do so in a timely fashion rather than to confront it when adverse Earth Changes comes upon the planet.

Iceland had been a land of the ponzi dream and first to go bankrupt in the $ crisis. Should mankind had happily continued on which a minority robbing from the majority happily WITHOUT the financial crisis happening, the markets would NOT had been as ready as it was today to make alternative plans, and the entire system would have collapse and mass panic would have happened, as the ash cloud spreads to other European capitals. Keynesian policies would not have been remembered in the confusion.

There MAY be a pattern in the natural calamity - Iceland hit first with a financial crisis contagion spreading to other European capitals, then followed by the PIGS capitals.

Now with Iceland hit by the natural calamity that affected the world, would the PIGS capitals be similarly hit by natural clamity affecting the world - volcanic, quakes or tsunamis, etc?

I hope not. This is not to alarm those humans there, but to take precautions in these changing times. Every human life is precious. Whatever happens, life must go on, and we must help one another.

Just a thought only. Good Luck.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 08:33 AM
One year later.....

Christchurch New Zealand...

Two quakes within one month of each other. Not just normal everyday blips on a seismic chart but quakes causing destruction and widespread human suffering,


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by GuyverUnit I
I just love how there are so many geniuses on these boards who think they can just google for some facts and jump into a thread to post them, "LOOK AT ME I'M SO SMART, your thread is bunk".

Here is an idea...
Google for some statistics on the average number of major cities to take massive damage from an earthquake within a one month period and report back.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by GuyverUnit I]

That's a nonfactor. As population increases, the probability of a major earthquake or natural disaster affecting such an area increases. Furthermore as technological capability increases, so does our knowledge of such earthquakes and reporting thereof.

There is no solid evidential basis to point to a dramatic rise in natural disasters, especially given the huge span of human history compared to the time in human history where we could accurately gauge how many natural disasters have occurred (only in the last fifty years or so have we had that capacity).

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 01:19 PM

edit on 11-3-2011 by Evanescence because: (no reason given)

Originally posted by GuyverUnit I
One year later.....

Christchurch New Zealand...

Two quakes within one month of each other. Not just normal everyday blips on a seismic chart but quakes causing destruction and widespread human suffering,


That's conspiratorial FUD and nothing more.

100 years ago there was likely less than a town at Christchurch and no one would have cared. Same for Japan.

Even looking at Christchurch today (and not to understate the tragedy), but it was not a mega-disaster by any stretch of the imagination, especially compared to recent mega-disasters like the Haiti earthquake, Cyclone Nargis in Burma, and Japan's quake.
edit on 11-3-2011 by Evanescence because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 09:08 AM
Now only six months since Japan quake we have a 5.8 in Virginia.

While the damage was not widespread, its psychological impact was great. This quake may have been the most significant geological event in the US since Mt. St. Helens. It was strong enough to crack the Washington Monument and send people from at least two major cities scrambling into the streets. It happened in a region where people are not accustomed to the threat of an earthquake. There is now a distinct fear even in NY that a major quake could reach their city too.

So the speculation justifiably continues: is something remarkable happening?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 09:37 AM
Earthquakes are just one of the signs to the end of this age. There are also weird weather events, increased lawlessness, continual wars between nations, disease, famines, Tsunamis, etc. Alone each doesn't mean all that much, but put them together and it fits the prophecy that Jesus Christ gave about the time just prior to His return to the Earth.

Oh, and one more, fearful sights in the heavens, the sun becoming darkened, and the moon bathed in red like blood. Maybe some impactors, a comet or asteroid or two.

Oh well carry on, because those who still disbelieve have their reasons.

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