posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Xagathorn
Explanation: S&F!
Awesome Thread concept! Brilliant!
Ok here goes....
The vacuum of space supposedly has actual frames that make up the fabric of 4D space+time. If we could grab onto these frames then we could crawl
through empty space at the best rate we could crawl.
Sorta like an old space based D&D traction engine. Start off slower than a solar sail and yet 2mnths later its going superluminal due to build up
effects of momentum ect!
Next idea is to decouple the entire fermion based mass spaceship from the Higgs Field [if it exists].
This would make the ship massless just like photonic bosons and we could travel at luminal speeds.
Some spaceship containment field may be required!
Now I'd like to focus on a really bizzare retro rocket method of "Launching heavy masses into space!" thread I created a while back and I offer it
up for you to have a look!
TOPIC: Amish inspired, Volcano/Quake powered, Space launch systems!
Finally as to self sustaining/regenerating energy I believe that if we can set up a really massive TRUE vacuum that is free from as many universal
forces and their associated fields then...then I have a feeling that such a near pure vaccum will abhore itself and create massive amounts of virtual
particles to compensate and then we suddenly bring down an event horizon in the midst of this mostly pure vacuum with its host of virtual particals
just bubbling beneath the surface, and this action will Realize those virtual particals by siphoning off their opposite partner to a large capacitor
or battery so as to complete the circuit later on. [i.e this battery will draw their opposite partner thru the ships power circuits and when the
arrive the just wink back out off existence and the universes energy debt is cleared and all equations balance out to ZERO again!]
Personal Disclosure: I hope that helps!
Edited Spelling Fail. :shk:
[edit on 27-2-2010 by OmegaLogos]