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Magnitude 8.8 Offshore Maule, Chile

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by ROBL240
reply to post by Jesus tap dancing Christ

15ft is still just over DOUBLE a persons height, and considering it takes only a few inches to sweep someone off their feet (and potentially drown them), its still a threat to life.

Very true. I've been to Hawaii and have friends there. I hope and will now pray for no harm to be done. Not just for Hawaii, for the human race.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:28 AM
EQ ID,Network Src,Version,Date/Time UTC,Latitude,Longitude,Magnitude,No Of Rept Stns,Depth(Km),Location,Revised
2010tfb6,us,6,27/02/2010 10:38:35,-38.0187,-73.5751,5.90,101,35.00,offshore Bio-Bio. Chile,False
2010tfb3,us,6,27/02/2010 10:30:34,-33.5586,-72.6357,5.90,81,35.00,offshore Valparaiso. Chile,False
2010tfbv,us,6,27/02/2010 09:59:21,-37.9906,-73.4666,5.80,96,35.00,Bio-Bio. Chile,False
2010tfbk,us,6,27/02/2010 09:21:25,-36.6088,-73.2179,5.10,59,35.00,offshore Bio-Bio. Chile,False
2010tfbm,us,7,27/02/2010 09:00:17,-33.4250,-71.6250,5.60,145,35.00,Valparaiso. Chile,False
2010tfbd,us,6,27/02/2010 08:53:56,-34.4474,-73.3974,5.30,66,35.00,off the coast of Libertador O'Higgins. Chile,False
2010tfb2,us,6,27/02/2010 08:53:26,-35.0732,-71.7604,5.00,19,35.00,Maule. Chile,False
2010tfbh,us,7,27/02/2010 08:48:05,-38.5836,-75.2569,5.60,68,35.00,off the coast of Araucania. Chile,False
2010tfbc,us,6,27/02/2010 08:25:29,-34.7502,-72.3939,6.10,240,35.00,offshore Maule. Chile,False
2010tfbl,us,6,27/02/2010 08:19:23,-33.4788,-71.5741,5.50,26,35.00,Valparaiso. Chile,False
2010tfa7,us,6,27/02/2010 08:01:24,-37.6542,-75.1986,6.90,313,39.00,off the coast of Bio-Bio. Chile,False
2010tfbq,us,6,27/02/2010 07:56:37,-36.9333,-73.2404,5.20,57,35.00,offshore Bio-Bio. Chile,False
2010tfa8,us,6,27/02/2010 07:51:05,-36.3988,-72.4981,5.40,80,35.00,Bio-Bio. Chile,False
2010tfbp,us,6,27/02/2010 07:37:18,-36.8375,-72.5411,6.00,220,35.00,Bio-Bio. Chile,False
2010tfbf,us,6,27/02/2010 07:33:31,-38.0068,-73.4838,5.60,108,35.70,offshore Bio-Bio. Chile,False
2010tfaw,us,6,27/02/2010 07:19:48,-35.8107,-72.9446,5.40,49,35.00,offshore Maule. Chile,False
2010tfav,us,6,27/02/2010 07:12:28,-33.8074,-71.9132,6.00,186,35.00,offshore Valparaiso. Chile,False
2010tfar,us,6,27/02/2010 06:52:35,-34.7352,-72.6379,6.20,85,35.00,offshore Maule. Chile,False
2010tfan,us,7,27/02/2010 06:34:14,-35.8464,-72.7189,8.80,255,35.00,offshore Maule. Chile,False
2010tbb7,us,6,23/02/2010 22:27:27,-23.9868,-68.8667,4.70,72,98.20,Antofagasta. Chile,False

BTW False means not revised (yet)

[edit on 27/2/2010 by PuterMan]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by Jesus tap dancing Christ

Originally posted by ROBL240
reply to post by Jesus tap dancing Christ

15ft is still just over DOUBLE a persons height, and considering it takes only a few inches to sweep someone off their feet (and potentially drown them), its still a threat to life.

Very true. I've been to Hawaii and have friends there. I hope and will now pray for no harm to be done. Not just for Hawaii, for the human race.

In all honestly thats all we can do.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:30 AM

All Air France flights to Santiago de Chile cancelled for one week.

27 Feb 2010 12:12:13 GMT
Source: Reuters

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:32 AM
Cars destroyed after bridge collapse in Santiago


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Originally posted by Cloro

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
Loads has been said already so not more to say excepet 'DAMN! THIS IS HUGE!!'

Luckily it struck in a lowly populated area and not in a major City... also it's a good job that the buildings were a lot more stable than those in Haiti

ive seen alot of people saying that it hit a low populated area and so on.
but the fact is that almost the WHOLE of chile felt this.

The president said that " the catastrophy zone is
from the 5th to the 8th region", it is about the most
densly populated part of chile.

between the 5th and 8th region there are 580kms or 360.4 miles.

and the three biggest cities are in this area...

But i've only heard like 78 people have died.... so it obviously hasn't affected thousands........


yes you are right luckilly there hasn't been so many deaths
eventhough 78 deaths are 78 deaths too much.

but of course alot of people have been affected, im watching the
news and there are lots of homeless as we speak and lots of
damage, so thousands? sure, but Im hoping for a low death-rate.

the thing that makes me mad is that chile has had a strong economic
development, and thanks to this now that development will be held
back, its like someone doesnt want a developed country there...

but i get your point m8

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by JanusFIN
Local police says 40 meter waves hit the Juan Fernandez island. Police helicopter on the way to confirm.

Here is guy from Twitter - reporting from Chile:

Originally posted by Jesus tap dancing Christ
They just said "the Tsunami Warning Center" that a 40 meter wave is to large for this event. They're looking at 10-15 feet waves to hit Hawaii. He just spoke with CNN.

Tsunami strikes Chilean island group

A 3-meter tsunami wave hit on Saturday the Robinson Crusoe island, the largest in the Chilean Juan Fernandez archipelago, following a powerful earthquake which struck Chile earlier in the day, the country's president, Michelle Bachelet, said.

"A village on the island is half-flooded, people have been evacuated to higher elevations," the president said, adding there had been extreme damage from the tsunami.

The 8.8-magnitude earthquake hit the Latin American country in the early hours of Saturday. The tremor occurred some 89 kilometers (55.3 miles) to the north of Chile's second largest city Concepcion, some 341 kilometers (212 miles) from the capital of Santiago.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center put out a warning along the coastlines of Chile and Peru, and issued a tsunami watch for Colombia, Ecuador, Antarctica, Panama and Costa Rica.

Some 50 nations have been placed under a tsunami advisory. Areas of concern are the Hawaiian Islands, French Polynesia, Australia, and Japan. Russia's Far Eastern region was also advised, but local emergency authorities have stated that the region is in no danger.

BUENOS AIRES, February 27 (RIA Novosti)

I'll wait for another confirmation. But that's 3 meter for now, not 40.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Hellas
Cars destroyed after bridge collapse in Santiago


: ((((

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Hellas
Cars destroyed after bridge collapse in Santiago


I heard this earlier. What else is going down there?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:37 AM
5.whatever are some pretty strong aftershocks yes?

Or is that normal?

Update time = Sat Feb 27 12:33:18 UTC 2010

Magnitude date/time Location

MAP 5.9 2010/02/27 10:38:36 -38.019 -73.575 35.0 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.9 2010/02/27 10:30:35 -33.559 -72.636 35.0 OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP 5.8 2010/02/27 09:59:21 -37.991 -73.467 35.0 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.1 2010/02/27 09:21:26 -36.609 -73.218 35.0 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.6 2010/02/27 09:00:18 -33.425 -71.625 35.0 VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP 5.3 2010/02/27 08:53:57 -34.447 -73.397 35.0 OFF COAST OF LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 5.0 2010/02/27 08:53:27 -35.073 -71.760 35.0 MAULE, CHILE
MAP 5.6 2010/02/27 08:48:05 -38.584 -75.257 35.0 OFF THE COAST OF ARAUCANIA, CHILE
MAP 6.1 2010/02/27 08:25:30 -34.750 -72.394 35.0 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP 5.5 2010/02/27 08:19:24 -33.479 -71.574 35.0 VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP 6.9 2010/02/27 08:01:24 -37.654 -75.199 39.0 OFF THE COAST OF BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.2 2010/02/27 07:56:37 -36.933 -73.240 35.0 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.4 2010/02/27 07:51:06 -36.399 -72.498 35.0 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.4 2010/02/27 07:46:50 -36.795 -72.924 35.0 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 6.0 2010/02/27 07:37:18 -36.837 -72.541 35.0 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.6 2010/02/27 07:33:31 -38.007 -73.484 35.7 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.4 2010/02/27 07:19:49 -35.811 -72.945 35.0 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP 6.0 2010/02/27 07:12:29 -33.807 -71.913 35.0 OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP 6.2 2010/02/27 06:52:35 -34.735 -72.638 35.0 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP 8.8 2010/02/27 06:34:15 -35.846 -72.719 35.0 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE

[edit on 27-2-2010 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

old buildings have collapsed in concepcion.

most old buildings left are gonna be leveled to the ground
thanks to the grave damage.

the pavement has sunken below ground level in concepcion.
no electricity anywhere from the 5th to the 8th region.

and no phones and no celular phones work, this goes for all of chile.

my relatives in valparaiso cant be reached and theyre over 300 miles
away from the epicentre...

so a total blackout...
[edit: more info]

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Cloro]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
5.whatever are some pretty strong aftershocks yes?

Or is that normal?

Update time = Sat Feb 27 12:33:18 UTC 2010

Magnitude date/time Location

MAP 5.9 2010/02/27 10:38:36 -38.019 -73.575 35.0 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.9 2010/02/27 10:30:35 -33.559 -72.636 35.0 OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP 5.8 2010/02/27 09:59:21 -37.991 -73.467 35.0 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.1 2010/02/27 09:21:26 -36.609 -73.218 35.0 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.6 2010/02/27 09:00:18 -33.425 -71.625 35.0 VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP 5.3 2010/02/27 08:53:57 -34.447 -73.397 35.0 OFF COAST OF LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP 5.0 2010/02/27 08:53:27 -35.073 -71.760 35.0 MAULE, CHILE
MAP 5.6 2010/02/27 08:48:05 -38.584 -75.257 35.0 OFF THE COAST OF ARAUCANIA, CHILE
MAP 6.1 2010/02/27 08:25:30 -34.750 -72.394 35.0 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP 5.5 2010/02/27 08:19:24 -33.479 -71.574 35.0 VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP 6.9 2010/02/27 08:01:24 -37.654 -75.199 39.0 OFF THE COAST OF BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.2 2010/02/27 07:56:37 -36.933 -73.240 35.0 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.4 2010/02/27 07:51:06 -36.399 -72.498 35.0 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.4 2010/02/27 07:46:50 -36.795 -72.924 35.0 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 6.0 2010/02/27 07:37:18 -36.837 -72.541 35.0 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.6 2010/02/27 07:33:31 -38.007 -73.484 35.7 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.4 2010/02/27 07:19:49 -35.811 -72.945 35.0 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP 6.0 2010/02/27 07:12:29 -33.807 -71.913 35.0 OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP 6.2 2010/02/27 06:52:35 -34.735 -72.638 35.0 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP 8.8 2010/02/27 06:34:15 -35.846 -72.719 35.0 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE

[edit on 27-2-2010 by In nothing we trust]

I think they are. :/

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Cloro
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

old buildings have collapsed in concepcion.

most old buildings left are gonna be leveled to the ground
thanks to the grave damage.

the pavement has sunken below ground level in concepcion.
no electricity anywhere from the 5th to the 8th region.

and no phones and no celular phones work, this goes for all of chile.

my relatives in valparaiso cant be reached and theyre over 300 miles
away from the epicentre...

so a total blackout...
[edit: more info]

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Cloro]

i really do hope u get a hold of them.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:39 AM
This is Massive!
Isnt an 8 the equivilant of 1 Billion Tons of TNT going off?
Havnt read a lot of info yet though, just the same reports of 75ish. But surely, an 8 in light to Haitis recent quake, you'd think its more likely that there'd be a bigger casualty rating?

Looking at stats from other Majour Earthquakes, in the magnitude of an 8, -

-Nan-Sham, China in 1927 was a 8.3 with an estimated 200,000 deaths.

- Mexico, 1985 was 8.1 and an estimated 25,000 died.

One of the other majour Earthquakes i can find info on, with reguards to Chile was an 8.3 in 1939 with an Estimated 28,000 deaths.

I hope the casualty's are no-where near that figure.

Also, the most powerful earthquake recorded to my stats is a 9.5

[edit on 27/2/10 by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by Cloro

That's a lot of everything. Terrible to hear about everything in Chile and I hope you're family is alright and safe!!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:41 AM
Not aftershocks but consequitive Earthquakes as the fault continues to rupture. Aftershocks would only happen in sequences during Fault-Slip movements.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by DiscoElectro

thanks for your concern

listening to the newscast my hopes are high


posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:43 AM
According to BOM the threat to Australia has been downgraded to Marine Warning, which is strong waves and currents, but no danger to property on land.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:43 AM
There is a live newscast coming out of the area at;
They report that electic and water are out in Concepcion, the old bridge is down, many of the walls have fallen, and the main road is damaged. People are still dazed and are out looking for family members.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 06:45 AM
8.8 would put this one as one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded.

It looks like Chile is plauged by big earthquakes.

1960 05 22 - Chile - M 9.5
1964 03 28 - Prince William Sound, Alaska - M 9.2
2004 12 26 - Sumatra-Andaman Islands - M 9.1
1952 11 04 - Kamchatka - M 9.0
1868 08 13 - Arica, Peru (now Chile) - M 9.0
1700 01 26 - Cascadia Subduction Zone - M 9.0
1906 01 31 - Off the Coast of Esmeraldas, Ecuador - M 8.8
1965 02 04 - Rat Islands, Alaska - M 8.7
1755 11 01 - Lisbon, Portugal - M 8.7
1730 07 08 - Valparasio, Chile - M 8.7

[edit on 27-2-2010 by In nothing we trust]

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