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To Those That Are Still There

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posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:25 AM
I am going to tell ATS right now that not a single one of you, except for possibly a very few, will understand this post. And I am sorry.

But I will also ask that this be left up on the very slight chance that those who know what I am talking about see it, and that's why I put this in Skunk Works. I will not respond to requests for further information, period, and to be honest I do not expect a single response to this thread. In fact, there is nothing really that you can say, so don't bother. I just want this to sink straight into the depths of ATS, unseen and unnoticed.


I am now burdened with the information that I have been seeking for years. I think, not sure. But if it is true, and you are really there, then I just want to give you some things to think about, and a basic opinion on the matter.

There is no question you are at grave personal risk. I understand that. But just like me, you are going to die one day anyway, and we still have the children that have to live through this horrible mess in the future. The monster you are up against has become so powerful that a spurt of violence here or there will never be the solution to bring it down. Only the truth and mass public opinion, including that of the entire world, can ultimately, and WILL ultimately, expose these bastards for what they have done.

And you have unfortunately been tasked with the keys. I don't know why it is you, but it is. You have no doubt come to accept this one way or another after all this time, because really you have no choice in this part of the equation. I am so sorry for you, from the bottom of my heart.

When to appear is the question. Where and how also are the questions. Only you can answer those, but I just want to say this. Every day you delay is one more day they become more powerful, and with each of those days, at least one other life is in some way ruined, extinguished, torn, or affected. You know this inherently now, because you can see it daily in the news. And you no doubt have also been drawn into extended research, because of your very predicament.

But by the fact that you exist, if you do, which I cannot know for sure, you know and we know that they lied. But I will say that I write this with a slow hand. And you can also infer from your very survival that this was not what it seemed at all. It is not what we were told.

I pray for a greater power to grant you extreme wisdom in the where, when and how. But you know you must, someday. If you are there, I cannot hold your own desire to live against you. If it were me, I would probably want some quality time too before the big day. That's reasonable. How long? I don't know. Only you can answer that. But the world waits. Pleading. In desperation.

Every day you delay is one more day the monster grows. At some point you MUST come forward, because you are essentially our last hope. And maybe even humanity's last hope. An extremely tough decision, I understand. But it must be done, and let the chips fall where they may. You know this. I feel for you, and honest to God I wish I could help.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:38 AM
May we seek guidance from the Universal Spirit!
Day by day new beacons of Light are installed in this dark world.
It all rest on perfect timing when all is Light!

Love and Light!

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:40 AM
I hope this message finds its way to the proper recipient. Just know there is an army waiting for the signal to rise up. Good luck.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:44 AM
The only monster is the one inside ourselves. We have let the external monsters take control because it dwells within our unconsciousness. Do not loose hope, people are waking up to their inner monsters and it is exposing the external monsters that have temporary control of this world.

Do not loose faith brother.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:51 AM
GOD BLESS and the bigger the better the feast afterwards. Mabey the catalyst for who you speak of is the MONSTER making itself known ENERGIZING HUMANITY TO EMBRACE WHAT AWAITS THE. I have no clue who this message was for SMH but for whoever it is ment for MAY THEY BLIND EVERY SINGLE 1 WITH THE ETERNAL LIGHT WHICH AWAITS THEM. Lord knows as it is he and only he who can fully enlighten this individual. Ok my cents input AMEN ALL MEN*

[edit on 2/26/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:53 AM
Thanks you guys/gals. I had not anticipated these kinds of responses, but they are about the only kind of responses that apply. Those of moral support to the intended recipient(s).

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:22 PM
Zorkon 5-w-6 has told me to cryptically tell you all that-

"The hamster is raw, but the claw is a paw. Do not suck a straw unless the crow caws at yall".

I know many will not understand this...but for those of you who can REALLY SEE, you know what I am saying. I really hope that all of the holographic entities eat you bio-technic enemies and then your friends will see that eventually we are all Emily.

With that said...I would like prove to the few of you "who know what I am saying" that I am actually in contact with the spirit-emperor of Cyliest-4-Ig-ma.

I will prove that by sharing the code that only "our kind can see and understand"

"5,34,9d,f-t-t-d,Pickles, poptarts, 44 and 6."

Be safe and watch for the sign.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:29 PM
Well at least you didn't say,"The future of the free world is in your hands, don't screw up."

I heard that one once before and boy it is sure difficult to concentrate on what you are doing with such a large responsibility resting on your shoulders.

Thanks for the post anyway.

I think I know what you mean.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Believe it or not, I did post this to some REAL intended recipients, based upon some new information. I just can't be sure if they are real and the information is accurate. But there is no need to ridicule, please.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by Mr Mask

Believe it or not, I did post this to some REAL intended recipients, based upon some new information. I just can't be sure if they are real and the information is accurate. But there is no need to ridicule, please.

And are you taking my serious reply to your input to be a joke?

I share your vague/dire/important/cryptic message, and I am supposed to "act babbled and awed", but when I share mine...its ridicule.

Well...since you didn't get my post for what it is...I can only now be sure that you are a level-5, and not a level-6 like I hoped.

This is not good...there is little time for you to ascend into the levels of 6-9, and unless you activate your 3rd eye by the 2nd equinox, I fear it will be too late.


Bah...never can't are not enlightened yet.

Those who know, know what they know and know it while knowing you do not know.

Watch the SKY!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

This is prince K'i of the Elohim race.
Thank you for this!!!!

Thank you!!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Umm, ok. I will say this much: we are not on the same page- two different intended recipients. Entirely different.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:39 AM
Thanks, TA, I loved the message.

An epiphany. The time is here.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by Mr Mask

Umm, ok. I will say this much: we are not on the same page- two different intended recipients. Entirely different.


Mind explaining then?

I'm more interested in the following areas-

1) What are you talking about?

2) Can you make it make sense to me?

3) Can you not encrypt it to the point of needing a secret decoder ring to decipher?

Try dumbing it down for a lesser mortal of more mundane powers, such as myself.

Thanks in advance.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Above the dotted line= response to your questions.

Below the dotted line= message for recipient(s).

I think you might wanna re read above the dotted line.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by Mr Mask

Above the dotted line= response to your questions.

Below the dotted line= message for recipient(s).

I think you might wanna re read above the dotted line.

I'm well aware of your warnings behind this message being "not for everyone" and possibly incorrect.

I'd be fine with that if you also didn't make the message seem like a dire situation with serious life/death consequences.

If you are traveling the universe inside your can be more clear about what you are talking

Your writing skill shows that this shouldn't be a problem for you.

Or are you just going to let this thread float without explaing its meaning, in hopes that a few lofty types come in and type things like-

"this changed my life, I also got the message"


"the message is real, and I understand you."


"yes, me and you know what we are talking about, others like Mr Mask are not evolved enough to join our inner circle/cabal of the spiritual elite"

I dunno...every day ATS gets about a dozen posts from people making vague claims about stuff that doesn't make very much sense unless its wrapped in mystery and riddles.

I was just hoping you had the ability to get past the whole "secret guru mumbo jumbo" and could lay down the facts for me.

Guess not...well, enjoy your so many others before it, it leads one to nowhere.

Unless of course, it sparks an epiphany.

Epiphanies of sudden comprehension have also made possible leaps in technology and the sciences. Famous epiphanies include Archimedes' realisation of how to estimate the volume of a given mass, which inspired him to shout "Eureka!" ("I have found it!"). The biographies of many mathematicians and scientists include an epiphanic episode early in the career, the ramifications of which were worked out in detail over the following years. For example, Albert Einstein was struck as a young child by being given a compass, and realising that some unseen force in space was making it move. An example of a flash of holistic understanding in a prepared mind was Charles Darwin's "hunch" (about natural selection) during The Voyage of the Beagle.

I guess some people just don't need much to scream EUREKA!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:59 AM
The monster has and always will exist. It is not a thing you cant destroy becaues it is the byproduct of human nature. I am happy for the monster and will gladly let it eat my home, because without it.... how could i see what it is i see.. how could i know what i do now without it?

Im sorry that it takes demons to make angels.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Wertdagf]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
Zorkon 5-w-6 has told me to cryptically tell you all that-

"The hamster is raw, but the claw is a paw. Do not suck a straw unless the crow caws at yall".

I know many will not understand this...but for those of you who can REALLY SEE, you know what I am saying. I really hope that all of the holographic entities eat you bio-technic enemies and then your friends will see that eventually we are all Emily.

With that said...I would like prove to the few of you "who know what I am saying" that I am actually in contact with the spirit-emperor of Cyliest-4-Ig-ma.

I will prove that by sharing the code that only "our kind can see and understand"

"5,34,9d,f-t-t-d,Pickles, poptarts, 44 and 6."

Be safe and watch for the sign.

Ah, how is Zorkon 5-w-6, its been 600 years since I've last talked to him. You should say hello for me. I have been climbing this ethereal staircase for an eternity, and in response to your code I say "47,2,64,tango,==wx2,tera, 2"

I do have to say it's entertaining watching everyone and you can't help people's level of awareness, but I know you know I know that which they don't. We'll have to have a nice warm cup of tenrisaken biro when this is all over.

Waiting eagerly

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by Sirius20
We'll have to have a nice warm cup of tenrisaken biro when this is all over.

Waiting eagerly

Indeed brother...

It SO RULES being spiritually/metaphysically above so many blind folks who can't verify a single thing we are saying because they have never downed the great elixir of Tenrisaken-Biro.

I will see you in the room they can never see.

Hail Sjhun Zjhen Mu'tway.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Just sharing my thoughts, just a nobody here.This post is in reply to the awaiting esoteric group of humans. It will seem strange and incomprehensible, and possibly laughing matter to some, but it does not matter, for this message is in response only to those who are seekers.


It would be easy to change single events, in the course of human history, such as nuclear war or technological advances, for only a few whom are in control and may not be acting in the best of interest to humanity, would need to be affected.

Only through knowing both good and bad, nothing hidden as mankind progresses so that their brains and mentality can absorb, can mankind choose wisely its future.

But to change calamitous man-made events based upon the free will and path chosen by a mass of humankind, the change would be immense, for billions of minds would need to be changed, and is a change that would go against the very grain of free will if administered by outside forces.

That change can only come from within themselves, to understand that need, to want it, and to learn from it so that the entire race of species can evolve together as one, with none left behind.

The French suffered under the Sun King, but found salvation thru a mass movement, similar with the Chinese under the tyrannical Qing Dynasty, only to be enslaved once again to the adherents of Mao, a deliverance yet to come.

Throughout the history of mankind, teachers had come, into many ethnic groups and cultures, but unfortunately, the messenger instead of the message was revered. And the messenger even exploited by other greedy men whom are detrimental to mankind.

Worse still, with the presence of the teacher, only apathy will result, for majority of the masses will rather someone else does the job, pay for it, and leave themselves alone to their self-centered living.

A mission failure results, or the majority fractured by the apathetic ones ruled over those whom are more discerning to use such knowledge to make gain for themselves and not for others.

Mass calamitous events thus will have to happen, for that choice had been made by the apathetic masses, and only in pain can they realize the extent of the mistake, learn and correct it. They must want it.

And it begins with you and what you do. You have far more power and courage than any teacher can teach. For within you lays the capability to change not only yourself, but others such as your family, relatives and friends, interconnected to make up your society, through rational discussion, correcting perceptions if one’s error had been pointed out, and through consensus, chart the path that your society can and should take.

He who is supposed to come has come, but he is only one. Do not be disappointed that he does not appear before you as the masses’ awareness are not ready yet, to have independent thought and responsible use of such awareness for their own society.

There are powers greater than mankind had yet to know, but nothing is more powerful than the power of free will – for good of all, or for regression into the beast that mankind once were, of which still some are. The collective is your power and need no one else.

Bear those insults with courage and fortitude by your post, for it was not meant by those who cannot understand yet, as charlatans abound. Sarcasm and character assassination are the only reflex action that they know to protect themselves.

But as events unfold, they will eventually realize our ancient forefathers had been wise and the solutions lays in the messages taught, as awareness and rational discussions eventually will happen, for mankind, by mankind, treasured and trusted, undeniable truths experienced.


Some say jokingly life would be more interesting if accompanied by background music. But I believe that background music is better served when one has calmed down after events, introspect all that happened, and let the frequency waves which sound is made of, to guide and flow comprehension.

I listen to all kinds of music – pop, classical, jazz, electro, industrial, metal, multi-ethnic beats, etc, and would dedicate this sound wave to you as you ponder upon the teachers that had came in our human past…

A wave

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