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I have some questions for the 9/11 truthers.

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posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Truthers I know you like to call anyone who disagrees with you 'sheeple, C.I.A operative, troll etc etc. But I do have some question I'm hoping you would answer for me.

'If' 9/11 was an inside job, how were the planes flown into the building?. I remember watching documentaries about 9/11, a pilot said it is impossible to fly a remote controlled airliner in to a building, do to the fact how thin the building were and the speed of the aircraft. the probability of the plane hitting the building is 40 in 100.

If the plane missed the target and crashes into something else and it was discovered the plane was remote controlled, don't you think it's a big risk for the people who conspired to do this?

Now on to the collapse of the buildings. How were the building bought down?. If it was demolition don't you think cables would of been found?. Just remember how big the World Trade Centers were, and how much cable would of been needed.

Demolition is very sensitive work. A small mistake can cause the explosives to off too early, or not go off. Just remember the huge damage the plane did to the World Trade Center. Please also try to remember not all demolition explosives go off in a controlled demolition. What do you think would of happened if FEMA or The FBI found unexploded demolition explosives all over Wall Street?

Now building 7. What evidence do you have it was brought down by demolition?. Please don't make the claim ' No building has ever collapsed due to fire' You know very well this claim is not true, they have been number of cases building collapsing do to fire. So why go around claiming this is true?. Please note the firemen who were at the scene said the buildings were gonna collapse, due to destroyed structure within the building. Other eye witness said "It looked like Godzilla walked thought the building, the interior is destroyed". I know the truthers like to compare the collapse of the World Trade Center 7 the building that were brought down by demolition, and claim is 100% proof it was demolished. But remember the quote "The human even is very deceiving".

Here is an example how tricky the human eye can be.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by dino1989]

[edit on 24-2-2010 by dino1989]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:35 AM
Pretty short and elegant series of questions and presentations:

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:40 AM
You haven't answered my question. You just gave me a poorly researched movie.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:56 AM
I dont know how to answer you beyond, your wrong...your just wrong on soo many levels that its hard to know where to begin,

I offered the video clips to get you a bit updated on the current questions involved and the meat of the matter...if you have a specific issue with the presented footage and questions, then thats a different story...

Ultimately, why would someone spend the time pointing out endlessly the most basic principles..the 3 clips there are easily digestable and pretty much cover your initial curiousitys into the subject can either watch them, or not...up to you.

Its like me asking why christians think Jesus got crusified when the bible never mentions it, someone giving you a couple bible snippets and you refusing to read do you answer someone like that anyhow.

So, its em if you want, do your own research, who cares really...its not like you believing or disbelieving will even matter in the grand scheme of things.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

No. The fact is you have no answers to my questions. seriously were are the demolition cables?. Tell me please, I would really like you 'truther' to educate me.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by dino1989
reply to post by SaturnFX

No. The fact is you have no answers to my questions. seriously were are the demolition cables?. Tell me please, I would really like you 'truther' to educate me.

While I dont think all of the questions to 9-11 will ever be answered, I think the Goverment allowed it to happen. I do think the government is to inept to plan this type of attack.

But to answer your question they cant answer that, nor will they ever attempt to try.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by dino1989
reply to post by SaturnFX

No. The fact is you have no answers to my questions. seriously were are the demolition cables?. Tell me please, I would really like you 'truther' to educate me.

No need to be rude or anything dude. First, if you need to be "educated" look at the evidences and the fact not everything else.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by dino1989

You keep refering to "Demolition Cables" Are there not many types of Demolition devices? Yes, demolition companies hardwire everything into place for a controlled "safe" demolition. But were talking state of the art "2001" demo devices. Ever heard of an IED? Improvised for the mission at hand, not an OSHA certified controlled demolition.

A truther is someone that seeks the "Truth" that's it. Don't you want the truth? Difficult questions for sure, but just because you don't like what you see doesn't make it false.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:30 AM
heres a nice site all truthers should look at
theres a nice pic of wtc 7 being hit by debris and one of it being on fire

truthers are the ones needing to be educated

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by dino1989
reply to post by SaturnFX

No. The fact is you have no answers to my questions. seriously were are the demolition cables?. Tell me please, I would really like you 'truther' to educate me.

Who say's there was anything like cables at all???

Full (must read) story below

RT: Professor Niels Harrit, you examined the rubble that came from the World Trade Center. What did you find in it?

Niels Harrit: Well, in there we find the remains of what we characterize as thermetic material, and this is a very energetic material which can be used either for melting iron, or it can be designed as an explosive.

RT: So, what effect would nano-thermite have had on the collapse of the towers on September 11?

Niels Harrit: Actually, within this group of authors behind this paper, which we published in April, there are diverging opinions about what this nano-thermite was used for. And my opinion is: we should not speculate on a scenario for the demolition. There is no doubt that the three towers were demolished on 9/11. But beyond that there is very solid evidence that some thermite has been used for melting the steel beams. We do not know if the thermite that we have found is the same thermite which has been used for melting the beams. It’s very, very possible that different varieties were used, and I personally am certain that conventional explosives were used too, in abundance.

RT: When you say “in abundance,” how much do you mean?

Niels Harrit: Tons! Hundreds of tons! Many, many, many tons!

RT: So we are not just talking about nano-thermite. In fact, we are talking about both nano-thermite and conventional explosives used in large quantities…

Niels Harrit: We have not found remains or traces of conventional explosives. Actually, we’ve suggested and recommended to NIST, which is the National Institute of Standards and Technology, that they should look for remains or traces of explosives, and they have refused to do that every time. They have not investigated it.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:34 AM
also to add 911 conspiracies wouldnt even exist if there had not been an email circulating saying no jews were harmed in the tragedy and that mossad did it..

and this was taken as fact throughout the entire middle-east and germany and we know how much germans and muslims love jews now dont we

911 conspiracies were initially are created by muslims to prevent you from knowing the truth and hardcore christian nwo agenda conspirators took the bait

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by dino1989

Like many people you suffer from a basic misunderstanding:

It is not the job of the "truthers" (or whatever you wish to call them) to present a comprehensive version of how the attacks were carried out.

This would be impossible as there are simply too many unknowns.

All the "truthers" can really do is to demonstrate why the official story can not be the whole truth, thus calling for a new and independent investigation.

This has been done many, many times in my opinion, you need only do a basic ATS or Youtube search to bring up the necessary information.
(Hint: molten steel)

But what it ultimately boils down to is whether or not you are ready to accept the possibility that the US government was somehow complicit.

If that is not the case then no amount of arguing will change anything

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Welshextremist
and this was taken as fact throughout the entire middle-east and germany and we know how much germans and muslims love jews now dont we

911 conspiracies were initially are created by muslims to prevent you from knowing the truth and hardcore christian nwo agenda conspirators took the bait

You have heard that the Nazi's aren't in charge of Germany anymore haven't you?
Apparently they got kicked out in this thing called World War II. Supposedly it was a pretty big deal at the time.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by MrVertigo


the fact is that 911 commission members said that they didnt have enough information to close the case and that the US gov was hiding informaton from them

so, if you dont make a proper investigation and just attacks some random country for oil, I mean, its weird

until today no one got prosecuted for 911 ...

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Welshextremist
heres a nice site all truthers should look at
theres a nice pic of wtc 7 being hit by debris and one of it being on fire

truthers are the ones needing to be educated

The photo below is of a 757 wheel found in the Pentagon rubble, right. Doesn't it seem possible that it could have been off of another type of plane? Hard to explain, yes; but not nearly as hard to explain how the rest of the plane vaporized (those engine parts were confirmed by a rolls-royce employee to not be from one of their engines before you switch to that) and why the gov't has refused to release clear footage of the 757 from one of the 86 videos confiscated that day.

How this image shows the impact of debris on WTC7 is puzzling to say the least, considering we are seeing the opposite side of the building from the "impact".

This next image raises more questions than it supposedly answers, for instance: Why are WTC5 & WTC 6 still standing when WTC7 is not? Why are both buildings on either side of WTC7 comparatively unharmed?

This image shows absolutely nothing except proof of some sort of explosion. Again, why did Rumsfeld say the plane was shot down?

Again, what does this image below prove? I personally don't see the "sagging floors" but even if it did, how does that explain the top falling through the path of most resistance?

Uhhh, this guy is in a manlift. So, he is cutting beams what 20-30 feet high, we already know there was some debris that high.

My computer is acting up so I will stop here and just conclude this by saying IMHO these pictures don't prove anything.

Here is a picture you OS supporters need to study really, really, hard

[edit on 2/24/2010 by budaruskie]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by dino1989

"'If' 9/11 was an inside job"

can you prove it was not?

where's Usma Bin Laden?

where is the evidence to prove his guilt? He is not even wanted for 911 after all these years & the "truth" of the official story.
his "DATA"base of CIA assets? (ie Al Qaeda)?

be careful.. ask too many questions & you might find yourself labeled a "truther"

what about the war games going on 911?

ever study JFK?

who had the power to remove or change regular policy to open a window of opportunity?

did Oswald have the power to change the presidential route in Dallas? its kinda pointless to work in a building you couldn't get a shot off from.. lucky it changed to expose the target..

did Oswald sit on the Warren commission? of course not. good thing Gerald Ford was there to insure the wound in JFK's Back was placed up in his neck.. otherwise we wouldn't have that magic Bullet theory that defies physic's..

so whats more likely from a strictly logistical perspective:

(1) An outsider sitting in a cave defeating the air defense system of the sole military superpower; or

(2) Someone like Cheney -- who on 9/11 apparently had full control over all defense, war game and counter-terrorism powers -- rigging and gaming the system?

Honegger states that Dick Cheney was ultimately in charge of the NRO exercise on the morning of 9/11. He was in the White House Situation Room for that purpose.

remember this..

"9/11 Commission, was set up on November 27, 2002 "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 attacks""

eventually, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton wrote a book which they express they believe they were set up to fail

if they have no faith in a report that should have ended all questions.. but only looked at the initiation.. then why should you or I trust in that report? what about any other questions?
they were lied too. they could not get the truth. that's called a whitewash.

so you ask "if", for me.. there is no "if".

you ask "how" seriously? in this day & age of fed ex flying with out a pilot, and just all the high tech crap in general,
you don't think a gps remote plane could hit that? also, why worry about debris being picked up at all?
didn't you see how everything was picked up on the penta"lawn"? a crime scene? on cough cough "Live" tv? the metal recycled to china from ground zero? with out tests?

now, whats whith the cables question? never heard of wifi? Also, explosions did go off early..

and I wont touch on building 7 just yet..

so, take the Blue pill & go back to sleep .. all is well..

take the red pill, ask a question..

and become a Truther..

after all its just a silly label made up by those who are too scared to ask a question..

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by budaruskie
(those engine parts were confirmed by a rolls-royce employee to not be from one of their engines before you switch to that)

Care to name that person that works for Rolls Royce in the UK then stating those parts are not from a RB 211?

That is just another truther made up story!

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Truthers I know you like to call anyone who disagrees with you 'sheeple, C.I.A operative, troll etc etc. But I do have some question I'm hoping you would answer for me.

Firstly, I'd be happy to aid you in OUR search for the truth, whatever the outcome!

Secondly, yes there are a lot of truthers throwing labels around, but just as many OS believers do the same, it's a fault of both camps my friend!

Ten Misconceptions About Truthers That Debunkers Will Have YOU Believe

'If' 9/11 was an inside job, how were the planes flown into the building?. I remember watching documentaries about 9/11, a pilot said it is impossible to fly a remote controlled airliner in to a building, do to the fact how thin the building were and the speed of the aircraft. the probability of the plane hitting the building is 40 in 100.

Hm, the only interviews I've seen similar to that, are ones where the interviewee was referring to the Pentagon, I've seen pilots with 30 years experience and thousands of hours on the same aircraft as Flight 77 say it was impossible.

I think you've maybe lead to a BIG part of the truther puzzle by accident, an airliner DIDN'T HIT the Pentagon my friend. But to be fair, here's some links so you can make your own mind up!

9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

9/11: A Boeing 757 Did Not Strike the Pentagon

If the plane missed the target and crashes into something else and it was discovered the plane was remote controlled, don't you think it's a big risk for the people who conspired to do this?

That's a pretty big if mate.

But if it's the government carrying out the plot, and the government investigating the crashes (whether on target or not), then it's pretty obvious they can cover up the truth.

Take the Black Boxes from the WTC for instance.

Is it at all possible that NONE of the Black Boxes were recovered from the WTC??

C'mon, it doesn't take a wacky truther's brain to deduce that that is a load of BS! But the Govt was in charge of the Clean up, the investigation, everything, they got those FDRs well enough, but they disappeared!

Now on to the collapse of the buildings. How were the building bought down?. If it was demolition don't you think cables would of been found?. Just remember how big the World Trade Centers were, and how much cable would of been needed.

Demolition is very sensitive work. A small mistake can cause the explosives to off too early, or not go off. Just remember the huge damage the plane did to the World Trade Center. Please also try to remember not all demolition explosives go off in a controlled demolition.

A very good question, I fear we'll never really know.

But I think it's got something to do with some type of chemical, corrosive/explosive device, the "Israeli" Students living in the Towers for months before 911 (I say "Israeli" because I don't beleive they were, it's too obvious!), actual explosives below ground level weakening the structure, Oh, and TWO bloody great big Jets slamming into them!!!

What do you think would of happened if FEMA or The FBI found unexploded demolition explosives all over Wall Street?

Traces of thermate has been found, and it doesn't make a shred of difference.

Also, these federal bodies are part of the same machine that was involved in the attacks, how do you explain FEM being in NY the day BEFORE the attacks! Just chance, c'mon my friend, use your common sense!!

Now building 7. What evidence do you have it was brought down by demolition?. Please don't make the claim ' No building has ever collapsed due to fire' You know very well this claim is not true, they have been number of cases building collapsing do to fire. So why go around claiming this is true?. Please note the firemen who were at the scene said the buildings were gonna collapse, due to destroyed structure within the building. Other eye witness said "It looked like Godzilla walked thought the building, the interior is destroyed". I know the truthers like to compare the collapse of the World Trade Center 7 the building that were brought down by demolition, and claim is 100% proof it was demolished. But remember the quote "The human even is very deceiving".

We have military personnel hearing a countdown.

We have all the supports collapsing simultaneously, a feat impossible with a collapse due to fire.

We have the owner saying he "pulled it".

We have demolition experts saying it was a controlled demolition.

I think you miss the point though, it's not about being right or wrong, it's not about proving the Government/Israel/Whoever did it.

It's about the TRUTH my friend, all isn't right with the OS.

I don't want to be right, I just don't want to be lied to!

I hope this helps, KF!

Oh edit to add, S+F, good questions, any thread that helps us get there is OK in my book!

Second EDIT to say please click the link in my signature about 40 Question, that will give you a clue to some of the doubts I have about 911!

[edit on 25-2-2010 by kiwifoot]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by budaruskie
(those engine parts were confirmed by a rolls-royce employee to not be from one of their engines before you switch to that)

Care to name that person that works for Rolls Royce in the UK then stating those parts are not from a RB 211?

That is just another truther made up story!

Care to explain how the wings folded up onto the fuselage & made a single hole in the wall? then 70 tons of plane melted?

That is just another Government made up story!!

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by reeferman
Care to explain how the wings folded up onto the fuselage & made a single hole in the wall?

how many holes did you expect to see

then 70 tons of plane melted?

Who claimed 70 tons of plane melted?

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