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What will you do when the federal government forces you to buy health insurance?

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posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:38 PM
To the OP, you stated it looked like there was a good chance of this Obama plan passing? What drug(s) you on. You must not be from the USA.

Just a short time ago, even Democrates stated the Obama deal won't fly

In case you haven't been watching the news, WE DON'T WANT WHAT THEY (Dems) ARE PUSHING. It won't happen. Believe it or not, even most Democrates have/are realizing Obama is a Numb Nut and is not what he put himself out to be as. One termer.

And, it isn't that USA doesn't need Health Care Reform-just sensible and workable Health Care Reform.

As far as what I will do, fight it at every corner (if as currently written would pass etc). I will take my case to court and I am pretty sure I (and whoever else fights it) will win.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by cjcord

Funny thing is MA is constantly being trotted out as the "prime example of success" for just about every one of that states moronic policies.

I had a guy up here in NH going on and on about all the great things in his MA library. Of course the jerkoff was up here because MA is so great? anyway, I pointed him to a handful of newspaper and professional journal articles describing the indebted state of the libraries, how they've all over extended themselves, and how several are shutting down if not already shut down.

The guy was a typical Masshole. They come up here from RI and CT with the same moronic complaints:

"Why doesnt your small town library with a patron population of 2 thousand have 50 public computer terminals and a microfiche room?"

Well, it's because we live within our means Mr. Masshole. You might like to try it sometime.

It would be a lot funnier to me if they stayed in Mass. When they come up here to ruin our state it gets pretty damned offensive.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:39 PM
I have only two words for your answer: I won't.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:47 PM
I can understand how many feel about the 'forced' tax of health care.

Being young and in the prime of life, where all things possible, and so much to do which needs money better spend fulfilling ones's need, it would be incomprehensible to pay anything additional. I personally find it UTTERLY RIDICULOUS'

BUT, unfortunately, it took a life experience to make me realize mortality of humanity and the importance of money through insurance co funding for the less priviledge.

I had a close buddy, and we were both in our prime, with so much and more to look forward in life. Cancer struck. He had no money. Doctors give him only 6 months to live.

Needless to say, the sorrow and pain many around him felt. We spared no money, begged, borrow but not steal, to help him extend his life, for he too, believed in not paying for something he PRESUMED he would not need, in order to live, and refused to bow down to his fate. He cried and many around did everything possible to extend his life, even at the end, to extend another month or so.

But in the end, within 6 months, he died. Tears flowed, not over money, but precious life.

The debts to the medical industrial complex was huge even though his life ended as predicted. If our money had not been spent, it may had been earlier, and worse in absolute discomfort, watching a human in total suffering from the pain of disease, espacially in his last days.

Was it worth it? Yes, to me. Because he was my friend, a relative to those who cared about him, a son to those whom loved him dearly.

It was fortunate that those who cared and loved him had money. But what about others who had no one, alone, perhaps ostracised or misunderstood, or in poverty?

It may had been a waste of money to keep someone alive, someone whom no one cared about. But nevertheless, it is a precious human life, a life of experience, a fellow human who is a reminder of our very own mortality.

If we cared, some will say it will be out of guilty conscience. 'Why him and not me?' But the truth is, he had been a living breathing human, fully capable of life as anyone of us, would be fully capable of achieving much just as anyone, but only struck down by an illness.

He too, at the final moment, wants to live, no matter the suffering, to rise above the pain, and be an inspiration to all, of courage and fortitude, to make his life meaningful

Many today will boast that if the end comes, let it be and close their eyes. But the fact and truth is, NO ONE, no human, can ever let go at the final moment, the gift of life, of sunsets, places and experiences yet to be experinced.

They, who are so afflicted, should we, a civilised society, tell them to rot quickly so as to not waste taxpayer's money, in the hope they may not be cured to save us a few miserable bucks we can always earn or save anytime? Deny him money, tell him he is on his own?

Or will we, an advance civilisation, give him hope instead, to heal him, and through his experience should he be healed or life extended, be a better contributing member of our society?

PS: I agree fully that means testing should be carried out, to ensure that only those who are really in poverty and in need of social assistance be given, and not those whom have brains, arms and legs to share both our burdens and joys.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Sean48

We do have a choice. We just have to stand up against them. If we allow them to force us to buy health insurance then we can kiss freedom goodbye because we are telling them that they can force us to do anything they want.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:55 PM
I would have say, wait for this to pass so it can be challenged by the people in the Supreme Court, but sadly after the last performance of the Supreme Court we all know that they are bought by big interest, I guess a revolution is at hand.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Erasurehead
reply to post by Sean48

We do have a choice. We just have to stand up against them. If we allow them to force us to buy health insurance then we can kiss freedom goodbye because we are telling them that they can force us to do anything they want.

I usually agree with most you write, but you and I know that what is the right

thing to do, and what will be done, are never the same thing.

This is what Politicans thing about Public Opinion.

Its a short Vid, but go to :50 sec to see my point.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by The Teller

I am against this Health Care Plan as it was written in HR3200 for the following reasons:

Mandatory coverage required. If your employer decides to opt out of providing you with Health Care Insurance, you will be required to buy a policy that meets the minimum coverage requirements as described in the legislation. According to the CBO the cost of such a policy will cost $15,000/yr. for family coverage. This is an additional house payment for most people.

Employers, who do not provide coverage will pay an 8.5% tax against your payroll, which is considerably less than their cost for providing insurance.

Government employees and Union members are exempt from the legislation.

If you do not buy healthcare insurance, you will pay an additional 2.5% tax on your income and will not have insurance.

If you don't pay the tax penalty, you would be subject to a fine of up to $250,000 and 5yrs. in prison.

While there is nothing in the legislation specifically, I wonder how the authorities will view the lack of coverage on your children.

If anyone can point to anything in the legislation that actually reduces costs to the consumer, please show me. I spent 2 weeks reading this bill and all I found were taxes on this and taxes on that. Corporations don't pay taxes, the consumers who buy from the corporations pay the taxes. This will be a disaster for the American people.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by The Teller

I'm truly at a loss why so many Americans are against this. I bet in about 10 years you'll all be saying what a great system it is and your kids will grow up wondering what took you so long.

I know it's a cultural thing and it is difficult to adopt such radical changes so easily but you will in time.

I'd be proud if my leader was making such a massive cultural and social leap.

I don't think you understand that your system is public insurance and the American, proprosed (compromised) system is to use the EXISTING private insurance companies.

I agree with universal healthcare as long as people pay directly into the system and not use third parties like insurance companies.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by anon72
To the OP, you stated it looked like there was a good chance of this Obama plan passing? What drug(s) you on. You must not be from the USA.

Just a short time ago, even Democrates stated the Obama deal won't fly

In case you haven't been watching the news, WE DON'T WANT WHAT THEY (Dems) ARE PUSHING. It won't happen. Believe it or not, even most Democrates have/are realizing Obama is a Numb Nut and is not what he put himself out to be as. One termer.

And, it isn't that USA doesn't need Health Care Reform-just sensible and workable Health Care Reform.

As far as what I will do, fight it at every corner (if as currently written would pass etc). I will take my case to court and I am pretty sure I (and whoever else fights it) will win.

Oh I am from the USA and I am not on any drugs. (at the moment
I guess you have not been keeping up with the latest on this story. I seems you missed the annoucement from the Dems that they will pass the healthcare bill with or without the GOP.

In the course of unveiling Obama’s new health reform proposal on a conference call with reporters this morning, White House advisers made it clearer than ever before: If the GOP filibusters health reform, Dems will move forward on their own and pass it via reconciliation.

The assertion, which is likely to spark an angry response from GOP leaders, ups the stakes in advance of the summit by essentially daring Republicans to try to block reform.

“The President expects and believes the American people deserve an up or down vote on health reform,” White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer said on the call.

Don't be surprised to see this bill passed within the next 60 days or so.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by mrbarber

Is a few miserable bucks worth the life another, whom is your fellow citizen and less priviledged than you? Is that few bucks, lower than the cost of a glass of martini at your favorite watering hole, more important than the life of someone whom may not have the opportunities you had?

Money can always be earned. But once a life is extinguished, it's gone forever. Their loved ones, their parents, their spouse and their children all grieved.

Enjoy your martini. If you can. And dare call yourself civilised.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:10 PM
Disgusting, just plain disgusting. I'm one of those guys supports public healthcare for all people, but I will proudly state that I will not be showing the government my proof of insurance. This is pretty much the opposite of what I want to see done; it is capitalism by gunpoint that is only serving to drain money from people who already don't have enough to make ends meet and inflating the bank accounts of the executives at insurance firms.

Good one Obama, just when America thought you couldn't get any more two-faced, you put a cherry on top.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by The Teller

Maybe where you are from you are used to the goverment running your life.

I'm from England and contrary to what you say I'm hugely proud of our Health Service and have benefited greatly from it, as have many people I know. Not only that I have many friends and family who are also employed by it as doctors and nurses.

I get what you're saying about being forced and all that but so what? It's going to be a benefit to your whole country eventually.

One day your children WILL be proud to say you have this system in place.

I understand when people get angry about government intervention, but when it's for good I think you are being quite childish.

It's easy to see that you have the blood of eunuch servants running through your veins.

I will resist with whatever force is necessary. I WILL NOT go along with this PERIOD.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by Romans 10:9]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Someone336

It's not even capitalism. It's more like gambling with a rigged deck. The insurance industry is the gambler and the gov is fixing the deck by using force of law (point of gun) to funnel our earned wages into the pockets of the insurance companies.

While we're at it there isnt any capitalism at all with the insurance companies as they exist now anyway. Layers of legal nonsense keep competition away while simultaneously encouraging monopolies and political pandering keep costs way up and quality way down.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:17 PM
The problem with the vast majority of Americans is that they continue to believe that their Government has their best interests at heart. The litmus test for this is to FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Who benefits from the premiums paid for mandatory health insurance plans?

Who pays the tax penalties? Not who are the taxes assessed against, but who will actually pay the taxes? They are going to assess taxes on medical devices and medical device companies, but who will really pay that tax? YOU and I. All taxes are paid by the little people,the consumer, no matter who they are initially assessed against.

This plan will do nothing, but part even more money from the hard-working American people.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by mrbarber

Would you part money for the price of a piece of good steak for one day, or use it instead to save another's life, whom is your fellow citizen and shared the same forefathers as you whom built up America to what it is today, still strong and resilient even after a financial crisis that collapsed other nations?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:26 PM
Just to clear some things up. I am not against health care reform. I agree that there are things that need to be fixed. What I am against is the government forcing people to buy things they don't want.

As I stated in my OP. I am a family man. It is my responsibility as a husband and father to provide health insurance for my family. I will always have insurance so complying with this unconstitional law would be no problem. I could easily just comply and go on with my life.

I will not comply because I think freedom is more important than anything. It is worth fighting for and making sacrifices for. I worry about the future in this country for my children where they will have to grow up under a tyrannical government forcing themselves into their lives. I feel it is our obligation as adults in the country to make sure our children enjoy the same freedoms we had when we were growing up.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Tell me, on the day of your birth, you were promised something?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Seeker come on, Americans are very charitable. I haven't seen anyone who would rather see someone die so that they can eat a steak or have a drink. thats ludicrous. What people don't want to do is be forced to pay for it or go to jail. Most families can't afford what amounts to another mortgage, they're going to go broke, period.

And a steak or drink is a FAAAR cry from the estimated $15000.00 a year it's going to cost a family to be insured. Sorry but making millions more people fall into the "impoverished" category isn't going to help anyone. It's going to make matters much worse. Remember we're in a recession? Unemployment is almost 10%.....WHO'S GOING TO PAY FOR THIS?

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:34 PM
The government already makes me buy social security which is health care for the poor and rich alike. My millionaire boss gets thousands and thousands of dollars to fix his tennis elbow, all free from the government.

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