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Christians In India Outraged At Jesus Pic With Beer And Cig

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posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:05 PM
Jesus wasn't even a white man, thats Ceasar Borgia.


posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
What I find amazing is that now all of a sudden, every other religion is a Christ hater..... First it was Islam, which doesn't surprise me. They have never been pro anything other than their stringent religion. Now, supposedly, the Hindu "hate" Christians too. Hmmmmm, sounds like a classic Psychological operation by the powers that be to me.

Islam doesnt hate Christians nor Jesus Christ, because Muslims believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Christ, but they dont believe he is god or son of god. they believe he was a special prophet and a human being only, he wasn't divine nor was his mother, but they were both blessed and favored by God. You need to read the Quran and study the history of Islam before you say these claims of yours about that religion.. From what I have heard from actual Christian friends, its actually YOU Christians who hate Islam. Im not saying all Christians, but there are diffenately alot of Christians who hate Islam..
but in the end, both Christianity and Islam are hated by a large population of people..

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:18 PM
I guess there will be sensitivity with someone no matter what of my avatars created a reaction with some members. I explained to whomever that the image was "Breesus" (as in Drew Brees) but some don't get it-


Heck I thought it was a positive "stoked" likeness

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 09:41 PM
[edit on 23-2-2010 by Marrr]

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by yahya99

LOL......It's funny that you should say "You Christians." I am not even sure one would say that I am that...If I am, it is only in the sense that I believe Christ was an enlightened spiritual being.

As far as the Koran goes, I have read a big portion of it. Couldn't stomach it, really.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by EndOfTheWorld7

The bible also said that "Jesus wasn't a man to lay eyes upon." Yet, every picture depicts Christ, by a female's standards I suppose, as this handsome thin man....I find it rather amuzing,really.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 10:46 PM
well I am outraged with what is happening around the world, I dont think a picture with jesus and a beer is something important

but hey, who am I to say ... lets go protest that!!

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:16 PM
What, did India just now hook up to the internet or something?

They must have completely missed the "JESUS LOL" and "Raptor Jesus" fads of past years.

posted on Feb, 22 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Marrr

Surely.... The power structure is behind all of this stuff. They want religious and sectarian warfare.... "Oh, this group is saying nasty things about your group.Yada,yada, yada." They, TPTB, always have to keep the stew stirred.

Guess what happens. The sheeple fall for it every time. This is no different.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Agreed, keeps us busy.

Still not convinced it was on purpose this time...

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
What, did India just now hook up to the internet or something?

They must have completely missed the "JESUS LOL" and "Raptor Jesus" fads of past years.

Don't ask me why I had this pic-


posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
What, did India just now hook up to the internet or something?

They must have completely missed the "JESUS LOL" and "Raptor Jesus" fads of past years.

As per the Internet Usage Statistics India is ranked 4th.

Another source:

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by Marrr

Surely.... The power structure is behind all of this stuff. They want religious and sectarian warfare.... "Oh, this group is saying nasty things about your group.Yada,yada, yada." They, TPTB, always have to keep the stew stirred.

Guess what happens. The sheeple fall for it every time. This is no different.

Yeah, really that way too. Think about this for a second. If you, dear reader, were the Supreme Leader of a large group of ETs from some star system, and you and your race came here to this planet in Biblical times. You begin an experiment with local beings you find, and lo and behold, they begin to bear resemblance to your race, and begin to gain intelligence and logic. You can see that by fornication, these new beings will shortly, in a few hundred thousand Earth years, overpopulate the little word. Also, when you return in a few thousand Earth years, they may see you and your kind as an enemy, and fie on you. Hmmmm, you need something to distract and divide them. Ah! We will create RELIGION! From the ET perspective:

"You go to that part, and you to that part. In each part where you settle, you appear as a Godly figure in every respect, you strike fear into their hearts at all time! Teach them that YOU are the only God, and that the other Gods are Evil, and are Satanic, and are Demons! Tell them of all kinds of evil thing looking to get them if they sway fro the work for you, the God they know and love......and tell them it is all right to kill the other ones. Teach them that the inhabitants of this world are alone in the Universe, and that any other being or craft they may happen to see are these evil ones, these demons. Create a few of them in each sector with an implant in their brain, so that from a remote place, you can make the man or woman do things that would be considered satanic...hmmmm, make them gather in buildings about a symbol of the God and do this on each day of the Sun, and we have decided.
This will easily keep them fighting for all time, and when we return, and appear in their skies, they will again fear us as their Gods. They will again fall down before us in supplication, as before. They will again work for is in the mining operation, already they are well trained in this manner, for they dig for the coal to make power, and keep warm in winter." The others wait a minute, then applaud the speaker. "this is s good plan!" they exclaim, and the plan is made to happen over 300 Earth years, and may generation of man. After the DNA stripping operation happened at Babal, the Earth beings no longer could communicate with their minds, they had to create language, and this made it easy for the ETs setting the plan in motion. After everything was set in place, we will return home.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by yahya99

Jesus, Muhammad and all the prophets never retaliated in a violent way towards the disbelievers, they endured it all with tolerance and patience..something many people lack

I was right along with you until I read this part. Muhammad killed thousands upon thousands of people including his own. He was rejected in Mecca and fled to Medina where he was able to gain support. He eventually returned to Mecca to take his revenge.

From their base in Medina, the Muslims took to raiding Meccan caravans. In 624, they won the battle of Badr and took much booty. Now secure in Medina, Muhammad expelled the Banu Qaynuqa, one of the three main Jewish tribes, and ordered the assassination of the poetess Asma bint Marwan and then the poet Abu Afak, who had been critical of his rule. Subsequently, after each major battle, Muhammad destroyed a different one of the Jewish tribes that had welcomed him and his followers to Medina. After Uhud, he expelled the Banu Nadir, and following the Battle of the Trench in 627, the Muslims accused the Jews of Banu Qurayza of conspiring with the Meccans. They beheaded the adult male members of the Banu Qurayza, and sole the women and children as slaves

So, I hope that you understand that Muhammad was a conqurer and commander and Jesus was a suffering servant. There is a big difference between the two.

[edit on 23-2-2010 by trueperspective]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:34 AM
freaking hilarious!! What's with the dinosaur Jesus pics?

But about the OP, that picture of Jesus looks very normal. I barely even noticed the cigarette and beer, actually!

[edit on 23-2-2010 by SolarE-Souljah]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by autowrench

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by Marrr

Surely.... The power structure is behind all of this stuff. They want religious and sectarian warfare.... "Oh, this group is saying nasty things about your group.Yada,yada, yada." They, TPTB, always have to keep the stew stirred.

Guess what happens. The sheeple fall for it every time. This is no different.

Yeah, really that way too. Think about this for a second. If you, dear reader, were the Supreme Leader of a large group of ETs from some star system, and you and your race came here to this planet in Biblical times. You begin an experiment with local beings you find, and lo and behold, they begin to bear resemblance to your race, and begin to gain intelligence and logic. You can see that by fornication, these new beings will shortly, in a few hundred thousand Earth years, overpopulate the little word. Also, when you return in a few thousand Earth years, they may see you and your kind as an enemy, and fie on you. Hmmmm, you need something to distract and divide them. Ah! We will create RELIGION! From the ET perspective:

"You go to that part, and you to that part. In each part where you settle, you appear as a Godly figure in every respect, you strike fear into their hearts at all time! Teach them that YOU are the only God, and that the other Gods are Evil, and are Satanic, and are Demons! Tell them of all kinds of evil thing looking to get them if they sway fro the work for you, the God they know and love......and tell them it is all right to kill the other ones. Teach them that the inhabitants of this world are alone in the Universe, and that any other being or craft they may happen to see are these evil ones, these demons. Create a few of them in each sector with an implant in their brain, so that from a remote place, you can make the man or woman do things that would be considered satanic...hmmmm, make them gather in buildings about a symbol of the God and do this on each day of the Sun, and we have decided.
This will easily keep them fighting for all time, and when we return, and appear in their skies, they will again fear us as their Gods. They will again fall down before us in supplication, as before. They will again work for is in the mining operation, already they are well trained in this manner, for they dig for the coal to make power, and keep warm in winter." The others wait a minute, then applaud the speaker. "this is s good plan!" they exclaim, and the plan is made to happen over 300 Earth years, and may generation of man. After the DNA stripping operation happened at Babal, the Earth beings no longer could communicate with their minds, they had to create language, and this made it easy for the ETs setting the plan in motion. After everything was set in place, we will return home.

Now that makes sense to me!

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Signals

I am a christian-And i have seen pictures of jesus with a large ox dick in his hand. Why would i be angry of a picture of jesus with a beer
? He has been inside billions of pictures over history and has been made "fun of " many times. But we christians are more open minded perhaps than muslims who wage war against a "funny"picture of their "god".

The funny thing is though- I know who the gods IS. And all religions worship the "same" one. Ironic isnt it, but its tactic. Tactic for the upcoming,

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Well, that's getting into the whole "aliens are evil," thing. I really don't buy into that at all. However, I do see where you are coming from and it's quite plausible that the world's religions have been manipulated by some malevolent exterior civilization. I will grant you that much.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by yahya99
but in the end, both Christianity and Islam are hated by a large population of people..

Why wouldn't they be? Take a good look at what is going on in the world. Think about how things appear to the outside observer who belongs to neither the institution of "Christianity" or Islam.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
What I find amazing is that now all of a sudden, every other religion is a Christ hater..... First it was Islam, which doesn't surprise me. They have never been pro anything other than their stringent religion. Now, supposedly, the Hindu "hate" Christians too. Hmmmmm, sounds like a classic Psychological operation by the powers that be to me.

I really don't think the Hindu hate Christians. They consider England to be their "second home" due to being friendly (at first) with those that invaded their country. And there are many Indians who are Goa is mainly Christian populated. There would be conflicts going on there if there was real "hatred" between both religions

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