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Fox News (conservatives) declare WAR against Higher Education

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by haterproof
It has often been observed that the true enemy of the GOP and the neocons is neither liberals or democrats, and that it is in fact an informed and educated populace. Fox news has always waved that flag with both the quality of its information and the almost legally retarded level of intelligence of their entertainers/presenters. If anyone has any doubts as to this theory, I challenge them to watch more than an hour of Fox and Friends. The "deuce" is leading the way.

And either before or after that watch Keith Overblown and Chris "I forgot he was black" Matthews.

So, what's your point?

This thread about Fox News?

Shooting the messenger instead of dealing with the issues outlined in the OP again?

BTW, poll after poll is now showing that our "informed and educated populace" is now turning against the obama-pelosi-reid triumvirate (sorry Nancy!) en mass and looking like they plan to elect enough Republicans in the next two election cycles to possibly return control of both houses to the Republicans.

So just how does your version square with the facts?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

Excellent observation. Although that poster had a few valid points, I think you illuminated some "needed to be heard" facts.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:07 PM
I am not a Fox News consumer, but common folks…did you actually listen to the piece…they were not say, not to attend a university…they were asking for a more diverse and knowledgeable education from our universities.

I found our universities to be very diverse. Yes, there are professors that have an agenda and push that agenda. A smart student will see through their agenda and remain true to their political ideology.

The end of the Fox News piece stated that most of the 14,000 students tested did not know their 1st amendment rights, which says more about the education they are receiving then political agenda being force feed.

The research and testing methodology could have been skewed…who knows, but my political views have not been sacrificed…if anything they have been confirmed.

Liberal arts universities will be very liberal in nature, because it comes with the territory. I am sure most of the postgraduates tested were liberal art degree majors and not to know the 1st Amendment rights is appalling, but our high schools are pushing through students with the skill sets to attend college.

Enough for now…and this IMO and experience in the university setting.



posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

This is certainly not cast in stone. But usually younger people , the type you
would find in College , tend to be more liberal. Why wouldn't they be, they have no mortgage, no kids , not married. As some people get older , they tend to take a more conserative point of view on issues.

This is normal, these findings.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by rgseymour

If you remember carefully though...

There was a specific question. And that question addressed whether one should really consider pursuing a college degree. After of which, the answer was..."Well, that's a really good question," but, if you listen carefully...there was no affirmative answer.

What does that tell you?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

It really is crazy just how polar the views can be, given the different Schools within a University. I've graduated from both (the Liberal Arts and the Business School sub-categories of the same University) and there are most definitely, innate differences in philosophy and in the way the classes are taught. It's perspective. I really think every student should experience the spectrum, but most don't.

As for the larger picture, if there is indeed the beginnings of a "war on education" than this is something that we all should be watching closely.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
regulations can be burdensome. Often the mega-corporations which write them make them unnecessarily complicated, disadvantaging smaller firms who might want to compete. But if you are still convinced that deregulation and privatization are always necessarily better, let's review some recent troubles which had their genesis in deregulation:

•Sub-prime lending

•Wall Street investment scandals

•Media consolidation

•Enron, Tyco, WorldCom, etc corporate scandals


Sorry, but that boat dont float in the face of facts...but then again, facts are always liberal in nature, arent they...stupid elitist facts...part of the word is acts, and acts are preformed by actors...actors live in hollywood...omg, liberal hollywood elitists are the ones trying to pass off facts.

-shoots common sense in the foot-

Uh, looks like you might have posted all of this on the wrong thread. This thread is about Fox News "at war with" higher education.

And you had created such a long post, too, to have it all be for naught.

[edit on 2/16/2010 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

It really is crazy just how polar the views can be, given the different Schools within a University. I've graduated from both (the Liberal Arts and the Business School sub-categories of the same University) and there are most definitely, innate differences in philosophy and in the way the classes are taught. It's perspective. I really think every student should experience the spectrum, but most don't.

As for the larger picture, if there is indeed the beginnings of a "war on education" than this is something that we all should be watching closely.

Agreed. All of these things are dependent on the student's course of study. And yes, the reason I posted this thread was because of the underlying message in the video. I think that eventually, our freedom of choice will be infringed upon given the Gestapo mentality that has recently been displayed.

Lets hope that a War On Education never happens. But, considering the state of the world, its obvious that those in control may prefer non critical thought as opposed to sheep who will simply follow.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

It is naive to think they (Fox News) would discourage higher education. Think what you will of all political views points. Everyone understands the value of a education and that will never disappear.


posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by rgseymour
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

It is naive to think they (Fox News) would discourage higher education. Think what you will of all political views points. Everyone understands the value of a education and that will never disappear.


Well, I used to think it Naive that Fox News would support a war against a country (a sovereign nation) that never attacked us, but...we see how that all turned out.

I also thought it would be naive to think that Fox News would call someone against the war (you know, killing tons of people) a supporter of terrorism or anti-American, but...again, here we are.

I could continue...but hey, I think you get the point.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Point taken, but we ALL know the value of an education, even Fox News. I suggest you stop watching Fox News…it only creates cynicism.

I stopped watching years ago and my life has prospered...


posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by rgseymour
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Point taken, but we ALL know the value of an education, even Fox News. I suggest you stop watching Fox News…it only creates cynicism.

I stopped watching years ago and my life has prospered...


You are correct. However, this link was actually sent to me by a friend. I was so horrified that I had to create a thread from it to inform others. So, yeah...I don't normally watch TV at all, let alone Fox.

Thanks for your reply.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:37 PM
When I think about the state of higher education, I think about the "Obama obsessed", tenure denied, psychopathic, far-left wing, professor that went on a shooting spree.

Colleges are a bastion for liberalism. Winston Churchill said it best....If you are 20 and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal, you have no brain.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:49 PM
I personally find this utterly preposterous. How dare a political group insinuate themselves in higher education. Do they not propagandize in enough venues as it is? They don't think that controlling every book in the library of elementary and high school is enough? They want to make sure they control every single thought every one has? Such utter garbage.

We'll have no education here. None, if this is allowed. Might as well stay home and watch FOX news.

It is no place for either side of our so-called political parties to intervene or have a field day throwing around their narrow ideologies as though they are truth.

Universities are about thought. One learns to think in a different way. Any group who wants to change this....fears it.

And that frightens me........

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4

Colleges are a bastion for liberalism. Winston Churchill said it best....If you are 20 and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal, you have no brain.

Unfortunately, Winston Churchill never said that. From Source

* According to research by Mark T. Shirey, citing Nice Guys Finish Seventh: False Phrases, Spurious Sayings, and Familiar Misquotations by Ralph Keyes, 1992, this quote was first uttered by mid-nineteenth century historian and statesman François Guizot when he observed, Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head. This quote has been attributed variously to George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Disraeli, Otto von Bismarck, and others.
* Furthermore, the Churchill Centre, on its Falsely Attributed Quotations page, states "there is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this." Paul Addison of Edinburgh University is quoted as stating: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

So uh...where exactly did everyone at Fox get their journalism degrees if higher education is such a bad thing? Did this brainwashing give them the tools to see what was so bad about their college education and if so doesn't that mean that they have proven they are not educated enough to figure that out anyway? I love this logic.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by UrbanShaman

Originally posted by Carseller4

Colleges are a bastion for liberalism. Winston Churchill said it best....If you are 20 and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal, you have no brain.

Unfortunately, Winston Churchill never said that. From Source

* According to research by Mark T. Shirey, citing Nice Guys Finish Seventh: False Phrases, Spurious Sayings, and Familiar Misquotations by Ralph Keyes, 1992, this quote was first uttered by mid-nineteenth century historian and statesman François Guizot when he observed, Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head. This quote has been attributed variously to George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Disraeli, Otto von Bismarck, and others.
* Furthermore, the Churchill Centre, on its Falsely Attributed Quotations page, states "there is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this." Paul Addison of Edinburgh University is quoted as stating: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"

Very interesting, but Churchill must have said something similar for the quote to be widely attributed to him. Since I don't trust agenda driven websites, I will continue to credit Churchill with this statement. This in not 100% decided because some liberal decided this statement was offensive to him.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4

Originally posted by UrbanShaman

Originally posted by Carseller4

Colleges are a bastion for liberalism. Winston Churchill said it best....If you are 20 and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal, you have no brain.

Unfortunately, Winston Churchill never said that. From Source

* According to research by Mark T. Shirey, citing Nice Guys Finish Seventh: False Phrases, Spurious Sayings, and Familiar Misquotations by Ralph Keyes, 1992, this quote was first uttered by mid-nineteenth century historian and statesman François Guizot when he observed, Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head. This quote has been attributed variously to George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Disraeli, Otto von Bismarck, and others.
* Furthermore, the Churchill Centre, on its Falsely Attributed Quotations page, states "there is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this." Paul Addison of Edinburgh University is quoted as stating: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"

Very interesting, but Churchill must have said something similar for the quote to be widely attributed to him. Since I don't trust agenda driven websites, I will continue to credit Churchill with this statement. This in not 100% decided because some liberal decided this statement was offensive to him.

Um...I don't know if you can classify this as a viable response. Why would you credit Winston Churchill with a quote that you're not for sure that he said???

Nonetheless, this is about Fox News attack on Education, and since Winston didn't really say what you credited him for about Liberalism vs Conservatism, I will have to consider that post Null and Void.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Very interesting, but Churchill must have said something similar for the quote to be widely attributed to him. Since I don't trust agenda driven websites, I will continue to credit Churchill with this statement. This in not 100% decided because some liberal decided this statement was offensive to him.

A liberal decided it was offensive to him? Did you read the above?

* Furthermore, the Churchill Centre, on its Falsely Attributed Quotations page, states "there is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this." Paul Addison of Edinburgh

So you are going to credit the guy with a quote that no one taking care of his history thinks he ever said just decided what you think is true in the face of all the actual evidence? This about sums up this thread then.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by K J Gunderson
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

So uh...where exactly did everyone at Fox get their journalism degrees if higher education is such a bad thing? Did this brainwashing give them the tools to see what was so bad about their college education and if so doesn't that mean that they have proven they are not educated enough to figure that out anyway? I love this logic.

That's exactly what I thought. Even the person who they were interviewing had a college degree. WOW.

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