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The Ultimate act of Evil.

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posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:45 PM

While recently in a discussion with colleagues about Hitler someone bought up that he commited the most evil act, genocide. While another pointed out that while he did kill 17 million people, He would not consider that the ultimate act of evil, Since it was a war and what he did, on the most part, was legel.

The story above is relevant to what I want to discuss on the forums. Peoples' views on Hitler vary when it comes to WWII, As it does when we think about 'evil'. Each and everyone of us have a different perception of evil. So the question stands.

What would you consider the ultimate act of evil?

Personally I think the ultimate act of evil is to attempt to destroy anothers' faith. It seems to take quite alot of hatred to try something like that. But thats just my opinion.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:52 PM
Hmm... Interesting question. Im going to go with the murder of children. The killing of someone so innocent is what I would call "evil".

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 11:54 PM
That is a seriously difficult question. There are a lot of things that I would catergorize as evil.. I have to think about this...

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Ghost in the Machine

Ghost in the Machine,

The ultimate act of evil?

To ignore that all humans are equal in the eyes of society.


[edit on 14-2-2010 by operation mindcrime]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:08 AM
Genocide - (as wiki so eloquently puts it) Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.

So genocide in of itself, as far as Hitler was concerned is a concoction of evils if you will. You state that your opinion of the ultimate act of evil would be the attempt at destroying one's faith, which is one aspect of genocide. Me personally, I think murder no matter the rhyme or reason i.e. war, pre-meditation, cold blood, etc. is the ultimate evil. To snuff out a life, and all that it entails is no mans right. There again is an aspect of genocide. So I can see why the one colleague of yours would agree that genocide is the ultimate evil. However, I am quite curious as to what your other colleague considered to be the ultimate act of evil. Did you ever get a definitive on what his/her ultimate act of evil would be?

[edit on 2/14/2010 by UberL33t]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by operation mindcrime
reply to post by Ghost in the Machine

Ghost in the Machine,

The ultimate act of evil?

To ignore that all humans are equal in the eyes of society.


[edit on 14-2-2010 by operation mindcrime]


I would extend

the ultimate act of evil is for someone to think they know everything and for someone to think what he knows is the truth and it will always be

the ultimate act of evil is for someone to live with a closed mind, to accepted everything, to not question everything happening around you, because if you dont question, a lot of people will use this advantage to %#$ with the life of innocent people ...

so, its not that they are doing evil, is you that dont do anything about it to change, therefore, you are the ultimate evil, because you could do something to change it

there are people that are born with mental disorders, you just cant put all the fault in their hands

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by UberL33t

No actually, I didnt. The conversation trailed off and we ended up getting banana smoothies

But I'll defiently ask next time I see him.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:27 AM
We are all capable of evil deeds.... luckily most of us refrain. Of course any crime against a child is evil...murder is evil... I could go on and on. For me, I think that the way we have treated our planet is evil. The way we treat each other is evil.... it is hard to single out any one thing.......

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:40 AM
Having someone burn in fire for eternity seems a pretty evil act.

It's hard to say though, I'd usually go with the opposite of the greatest good act, but that's hard to say to.

I suppose it would be something akin to MkUltra, depriving someone of their own personality and mentally destroying a person. Would be one hell of an act of evil.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Greenize

You are correct Greenize.

I was assuming that we were only talking about the most evil act one man can do to another man. I left out a whole bunch of other things.
Humans may be superior intellectual beings but that doesn't mean that human life is superior to any other form of life.

So to include everything, i would say....

The ultimate act of evil not have respect.


posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:48 AM
My opinion on the ultimate evil is to attach a good concept with a destructive action, thereby killing the discussion to begin with due to the visual

Hitler did all sorts of horrible things, and at the same time talked about perfecting the human race (ok, the aryan race, but dont get lost in the details here).

Now, 70 years later, you still cant discuss purifying our species at a genetic level, removing all flaws and weaknesses without someone shouting "hitler" and basically destroying the whole discussion of our next step of evolution because some idiot did something bad while also touting a very worthy philosophy (that of removing defects within society...not by killing off formers, but by genetic manipulation). my opinion, supression of science and our quest for "perfection" in our species is the ultimate evil against humanity. Tks for that Hitler...well done you friggin putz

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by Ghost in the Machine
While recently in a discussion with colleagues about Hitler someone bought up that he commited the most evil act, genocide. While another pointed out that while he did kill 17 million people, He would not consider that the ultimate act of evil, Since it was a war and what he did, on the most part, was legel.
Wholesale slaughter of women, children and other non-combatants is never OK, even in war.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:37 AM
I feel the ultimate act of evil is to intentionally misrepresent the intentions behind the creation of a nation so that the organization involved in it's creation conditions it's own people to become ignorant cows that focus on nothing but the genetically altered hay it feeds them while that same organization bleeds them ultimately to death through the rape of their intelligence, their productivity, their right to exist under God as individuals, and makes them believe they are something when in reality they are far removed from that belief.

These people are subjected to priviledges that used to be inalienable rights, to the point to where the people are nothing but a cash cow for them... to be registered, licensed, and certified, and considered as 'enemies' under supressive law.

Yes, I am speaking about the American government...

While the Masonic Order has been the most influential aspect of this Nation's creation, as well as it's functions, they have systematically set themselves up as GOD over their fellow countrymen, foremost by dumbing their children down to the sloven levels they exist at today...

While at the same time teaching them all about how great their 'freedoms' are, as well as promoting the use of educational doctorine that has undeniably been proven as nothing but lies, to gain leverage over the American People so as to bring them inevitably into a condition of living that places them in the position of a 'heard' of exploitable resources that exist for no other purpose than to be an expendable resource for the maintenance of the Grand Masonic Plan of World domination.

DAMN you for your treasonous practice of Statism against the innocents amongst the American Peoples!

That's right, the ignorant American citizenry has been dupped into becoming nothing more than the oil that keeps the Masonic machinery focused and running towards the ultimate domination of the ENTIRE human species by this so called 'intelligent' group of 'enlightened' 'people'.

I despise the fact that the Masonic Order has supressed me, has taught me lies to keep me ignorant, and has placed me into a class of catagorized human beings not worthy enough to enjoy "the pursuit of liberty, life, and happiness".

I despise the fact that they have set themselves up as above the law, and that my sub class is considered 'less than human' by them.

I despise the fact that they have to force me to subject myself to their laws through the use of a gun, vs. God forbid I possess a gun to tell them I will not.

I despise the fact, above all, that this system they have created for themselves was done intentionally, and done so against my existance.

I would challenge Free Masonry to let Americans know the truth, live as free men, and find the ability to utilize personal strengths for personal gain. But that just isn't going to happen.

What makes the Masonic Order 'understand' that I'm inferior to them? I'll tell you what it is, it's the SATANIC influence they have subjected themselves to that creates within them a sense of false superiority over the rest of mankind.

They forget that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL UNDER GOD - and in turn, to deal subjectively with a Son of God is to be playing with fire - for even God Himself openly admitted that when a man sets his mind to do something, no one can stop him.

They also seem to forget that they can (and will) bleed, just like the rest of mankind. Why is it that Free Masons believe themselves not accountable to God? You are a broken sheppard Free Mason, and have dealt unjustly with that which God has entrusted unto you.

You have committed the ultimate of evils, and in return, must prepare to face inevitable destruction.

~ America

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

I agree, Though if you put aside the jew killings (kinda hard to do) and look at him from a leadership point of view its a different story.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:47 AM
Define evil ?

Hitler was not as evil as they give him credit for.
He doesn't even come near the death count from other evil leaders.
Along with the fact he is the only leader in history to achieve within a decade, rebuilding and improving a nation rising up beyond it's neighbors.
He did not even started a war IMO, he just created the opportunity to end one started in 1914.

Murder is what makes live possible transferring energy from one life to create others. Is it really evil ?

I can only give mine perception on evil .
To end or abuse live on purpose or without need for survival.

Try getting someone discard his believe hmmm...
Is it evil if this believe lets someone act like an idiot, deny ignorence, push their believe in your throat or commits montreous crimes without taking responsability blaiming it on evil ?

[edit on 14/2/10 by Sinter Klaas]

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:49 AM
I think the ultimate act of evil is for one to fool another into hating themselves, to a point of physical abuse and hatred for any help.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by DarkspARCS

Funny how little you actually know about Freemasons and our philosophies. Well, not really funny. Sad, to be honest.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:02 AM
Being gay.

HAHA just kidding.

Hating gays.

Nope, just kidding again.

Not loving everyone.

There we go.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:14 AM
In my opinion greatest act of evil is taking someone freedom (especially projects like MK Ultra) and subliminal messages

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by gandhi
Being gay.

HAHA just kidding.

Hating gays.

Nope, just kidding again.

Not loving everyone.

There we go.

Evil, like darkness, is the absence of all that is good, like light.

I was just borrowing an opinion

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