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PROOF that Building 7 was demolished with explosives!!!

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posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:51 PM
"There was NO sound of demo charges going off. I dont care how many times you say, see the smoke? See the way it fell? Its a demo! No its not. There wre NO detonations heard prior to any movement."

I guess there was no way to muffle these sounds or use explosives which do not make as much sound as conventional ones. Just because something wasn't "heard", it does not mean the incident did not occur. I can put a silencer on a gun and shoot it through a window. Just because nobody heard the gun fire does not mean that a bullet was not fired.

I think I'm beginning to see the games played by the OS Believers. They make assumptions and draw conclusions based on 50 year old technology, if not older. They stick to these inherent fallacies and claim that their opinion of no proof is a fact. Anyone who is not a certified idiot can see through this load of garbage which is being alleged.

[edit on 12-2-2010 by SphinxMontreal]

[edit on 12-2-2010 by SphinxMontreal]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:55 PM
Please explain. Fire alone is not hot enough to melt the steel structure. It requires a heat source much higher than your ordinary fire can produce.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:57 PM
Too bad the perps on 9/11 didn't hit the wrong button and demolish building 7 first, and themselves with it!

Giuliani, Kissinger, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush. Fess up!

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Guzzeppi

I was being sarcastic, but makes you wonder how or why some people believe it as being true. That's mostly the explaniation they give us.

[edit on 12-2-2010 by danielsil18]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:02 PM
There have been many attempts to say that no explosives were used on 9/11 and that all the damage done was by the crashing aircraft. Well, this is simply not true, and is easy to prove if you just watch videos showing what happened on that fateful day. Here is a good one that provides a very good archive of very TELLING video:

[edit on 12-2-2010 by downisreallyup]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
"There was NO sound of demo charges going off. I dont care how many times you say, see the smoke? See the way it fell? Its a demo! No its not. There wre NO detonations heard prior to any movement."

I guess there was no way to muffle these sounds or use explosives which do not make as much sound as conventional ones. Just because something wasn't "heard", it does not mean the incident did not occur. I can put a silencer on a gun and shoot it through a window. Just because nobody heard the gun fire does not mean that a bullet was not fired.

I think I'm beginning to see the games played by the OS Believers. They make assumptions and draw conclusions based on 50 year old technology, if not older. They stick to these inherent fallacies and claim that their opinion of no proof is a fact. Anyone who is not a certified idiot can see through this load of garbage which is being alleged.

[edit on 12-2-2010 by SphinxMontreal]

[edit on 12-2-2010 by SphinxMontreal]

Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53

Aaron Dykes
Wednesday, Sept 17, 2008

UPDATED SEPT 17 4:05 PM CST: NYC Housing Authority spokesman Howard Marder has now officially confirmed that Barry Jennings indeed passed away approximately a month ago after several days in the hospital, matching confirmations from several other employees at the Housing Authority. Marder commented that Jennings was a great man, well liked by everyone at the Housing Authority, and that he would be missed. No other details were available.

Emergency coordinator and 9/11 witness Barry Jennings has passed away with controversy about WTC7 still hot– as the BBC hit piece and NIST report have been released to counter Jennings’ exclusive testimony of explosions inside Building 7

Too bad he's conveniently dead!

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by danielsil18

Sorry bro, missed the sarcasm. Nice point though.


posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Guzzeppi

Some people say that the building collapsed from the damage of the debris. Even NIST says that:"while debris impact from the collapse of WTC 1 initiated fires in WTC 7, the resulting structural damage had little effect in causing the collapse of WTC 7"

So basically fire did all that. That's where my sarcasm comes from. Why not use fire instead of explosives in a controlled demolition?

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:24 PM
After watching the Barry Jennings interview, I am quickly coming to the opinion that explosions were set to go off in building 7 all throughout the day so as to hide the fact that it was slowly being demolished. Quite a brilliant plan actually, to get rid of the headquarters for the 9/11 conspirators by slowly blowing it up piece by piece throughout the day... then finally it comes crashing down into a nice tidy heap.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by downisreallyup
After watching the Barry Jennings interview, I am quickly coming to the opinion that explosions were set to go off in building 7 all throughout the day so as to hide the fact that it was slowly being demolished. Quite a brilliant plan actually, to get rid of the headquarters for the 9/11 conspirators by slowly blowing it up piece by piece throughout the day... then finally it comes crashing down into a nice tidy heap.

Wow! My thoughts exactly. A slow motion demolition sorta speak. It could have been used in the towers also as there were reports of many explosions way before they actually fell also. That tech is all advanced military if it is possible as I see it.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by GenRadek

Not so fast Gen.

Using your video, it shows the entire building collapseing.

Why then, aren't all the windows breaking out?

If I may add something? OK.
The video GenRadek posted began the same instant the building began to collapse, thereby missing the whole; what lead-up to the collapse to start with. Let's go by the OP's video, eh?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Sean48

Ah yes of course! It was that super sekrut magic nanu nanu thermite that applies in a micron thin coating that manages to somehow explode silently and melt at the same time!
THAT is your evidence???? Gage? The one who uses cardboard boxes to prove how the WTC couldnt have collapsed the way they did?? He should have put on a red rubber nose while he was at it.
Jones? The one who botched his experiment from start to finish? They give you facts???? Who is believing in fairy tales again?

A few facts: Thermite does not explode. It is NOT an explosive. It is an incendiary device. Thermite is NOT used in building demolition. A thin layer of thermite painted onto a thick steel beam will do NOTHING to the beam, other than warm it up a little, then pour down the side.

I just love it how you guys cant even decide on ONE thing. Was it explosive charges? Or was it thermite? Or was it some sort of paint on magic nano-thermite? Or was it some sort of ultra-new super dooper, high tech secret magic explosive that works beyond our reality's laws of physics? Im ean that is what basically you guys are suggesting. Some sort of mega advanced device sent from a different universe.

Also on the video of the collapse: Did you ignore the first part of the collapse? You know when the first part of the penthouse collapses? Here in the real world, that is when we call the start of the collapse. When the building starts first starts to fall apart. It begins to fall apart and collapses completely after 23 seconds. Oh and under freefall conditions, WTC7 should have collapsed in 3.9 seconds, which it it did not, according to NIST.
NIST also mentions that explosives and thermites were ruled out.

EDIT TO add:
Let us enjoy the hard serious work of respectable Richard Gage.

Thanks guys I needed that laugh!

[edit on 2/13/2010 by GenRadek]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by downisreallyup

Well, yes there were... you just don't happen to know about the evidence in support of the explosions heard by quite a few people. I already posted (in this thread and addressed to you) one piece of evidence, and I will post others as I locate them for you.

There is a difference between hearing explosions after TWO 110+ story buildings collapsed and buried vehicles, ruptured fuel lines, etc etc etc, and demo charges. Heavy objects falling from great height will also make a loud sound like an explosion.

Are you aware of the ramifications of setting off random det charges at random times throughout the day? When were the charges rigged and where and how? Why not blow it up when the Twin Towers came down? If you start setting off random explosions inside the building, you are jeopardizing the safety of everyone that was inside and outside the building. You cant set off a demo charge and then wait for 5-6 hours till collapse. It does not work that way. If you severe that main beam, its going to come down very quickly. Its not going to wait around.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by loveguy

Loveguy, pay close attention to my video and then the OP's. Notice how the OP's is zoomed in on the WTC7 so you cannot see the roof line or anything? At least in MY video you can see everything and the windows breaking AFTER the building begins the collapse. NOT before. Demo charges do not explode AFTER the building collapses. They go off first, THEN the building collapses. You see how that works? Does everyone here see how that works? First charges explode THEN collapse ensues. Not the other way around.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
"There was NO sound of demo charges going off. I dont care how many times you say, see the smoke? See the way it fell? Its a demo! No its not. There wre NO detonations heard prior to any movement."

I guess there was no way to muffle these sounds or use explosives which do not make as much sound as conventional ones. Just because something wasn't "heard", it does not mean the incident did not occur. I can put a silencer on a gun and shoot it through a window. Just because nobody heard the gun fire does not mean that a bullet was not fired.

I think I'm beginning to see the games played by the OS Believers. They make assumptions and draw conclusions based on 50 year old technology, if not older. They stick to these inherent fallacies and claim that their opinion of no proof is a fact. Anyone who is not a certified idiot can see through this load of garbage which is being alleged.

[edit on 12-2-2010 by SphinxMontreal]

[edit on 12-2-2010 by SphinxMontreal]

SILENCED explosives? Are you serious? And you accuse us of playing games?
If you are to detonate any charge that is powerful enough to cut through a large steel beam, you are going to have a very loud and VERY noticeable BLAST and BOOM sound right after it. Now you are just being silly with that nonsense. You cannot muffle the sound of a demo charge. Unless you too believe in magical weapons that explode silently.

Hey at least the "OS" is pretty stable and reliable compared to the jokes you guys come up with.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:14 AM
Good morning, Good Afternoon and Good evening to everyone…

We live in the 21st century, where there are cameras located on almost every major street, specially in big cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle and of course… New York.
Here in Los Angeles, I can find one easy… All I have to do is say… “Hey… look…. What’s on top of that traffic light post? Oh it’s just aother street camera… SAY CHEESE!”

So if building seven was a controlled demolition (And I’m not saying its not ) then why not look back at least two months, hell maybe even a full years worth of surveillance video located on each of the streets surrounding building seven and looks for suspicious activity?

Now I don’t know if NY has cameras on every block because I do not live there, but maybe someone can look into it and see if there are cameras that might have been surrounding the building at the time.

IF and that’s a big IF, IF there are cameras… those explosives would have had to have entered the building some how right? i.e. Vans and or trucks? Maybe unmarked and unregistered vans and or trucks?

Perhaps one of these cameras, IF there were cameras… would have captured suspicious activity days, weeks and or months prior to 9/11. Unmarked trucks and or vans entering, and or leaving the building?

I mean a camera like one of these on youtube:

So all I am saying really is… maybe we are looking at the wrong footage? Just because it was filmed on 9/11 and shows building seven collapsing doesn’t mean it’s the full story, everyone keeps talking about FAQ and what not… well then maybe this can be another gate way to putting the whole story together again…

I’m talking about getting your hands on as much footage available PRIOR to 9/11 and maybe, just maybe if you guys are all correct…. Then maybe we will see something we have yet to discover?

Please, I am just trying to look at it from a different perspective, do not reply in an un respectful manner because I respect all of you along with all of your thoughts and or comments, thank you for your time.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:18 AM
I've been reading these boards for a long time because I find that some conspiracy topics are interesting and thought provoking. But I had to create an account in order to express my opinion on this topic.

I think that anyone that actually believes that the United States government committed this act should seriously consider seeing a psychologist. This is an extremely unhealthy level of paranoia, to the point that its counterproductive to society. That said....

I'm not willing to get into the complicated details that prove that the building was not destroyed by anyone other than terrorists, its been proven and reproven countless times and many people have not changed their minds. I don't even believe that any person here thinks OP's video shows any conspiracy. I think this topic is viewed as a fun little story and the theorists who participate and add to it are getting enjoyment out of expressing their creative versions of what happened on September 11th.

I think people like this should be ashamed of themselves. There are much better ways to express yourself than to invent alternate realities for how 3000 people died.

Try taking up painting or wood carving. God knows you wouldn't offend anyone or embarrass yourselves that way....

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by downisreallyup

Nearly everyone bought the OS when it first came out. Those of us who have come to see more of the truth have done so by great personal inner conflict and pain. Nobody wants to believe their government is corrupt or capable of killing them enmasse. Nobody wants to believe that the country they love and would indeed die for has become the very antithesis of all they believed it to be.

Amen to that. We don't hate our country, we just want to take it back from the criminals who hijacked it from us.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

"There was NO sound of demo charges going off. I dont care how many times you say, see the smoke? See the way it fell? Its a demo! No its not. There wre NO detonations heard prior to any movement."

Hard to believe this piece of evidence still has to be debated. Argue what you will, but Silverstein has all but admitted he had the building demolished. Surely this can't be news to you. But then you'll probably find some way to argue that evidence as well if you haven't accepted this evidence as credible after nearly nine years.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:58 AM
after watching this video i can say with out a doubt i believe that ALL THREE towers were brought down with incendiary devices (not jet planes and jet fuel,) and that 9/11 was an inside AND outside job (CIA, Bush Admin, and Mossad operation, etc)

[edit on 13-2-2010 by lozenge]

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