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Peter Eigen: How to expose the corrupt

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posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:02 AM
Peter Eigen: How to expose the corrupt

[Edited out non-working Video Embed]

I have never hear of this guy but he used to be the President of the World Bank in Nairobi. His talk is very powerful and I hope people all around the world take heed of his words. He is basically telling you whats going on at the World Bank. [Edit for relevancy, mostly ranting] The World Bank, IMF, Fed Reserve are running amuck in corruption. This is CONFIRMATION that we need to dismantle and run out of town the bastardized version the "money" system in the United States called the Federal Reserve. Please people wake up the banks are freaking STEALING YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY, and you don't care...

I am so tired of people spouting off that negotiations and monetary regulations will fix this problem...I say not this freaking year, not next year, THEY WILL NEVER WORK!!! Bailout. I am officially drawing that LINE in the sand. _______________ I am so freaking tired of seeing my friends and family lose everything they have worked so hard for just to line some #ing bankers pocketbooks or give them millions of dollars of our money for their bonuses. This is LUDICROUS people, why are we so complacent. I hope the day will come when we can all put our foot down and shake the very foundation and dismantle the Federal Reserve.

Thanks for your time


[edit on 12-2-2010 by sourdiesel]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:19 AM
THIS is your wake up call and I am your alarm clock.


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