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50 Police Chiefs, 150 + CEO / CFO / Execs , Hundreds of Govt. Officials resign.

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posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 08:30 AM
hmm - in common with many such " its a conspiracy " lists

no time frame is given - it may come as a shock - but if you cast the net wide enought you can generate a semmingly impressive list - but its utterly meaningless - as there is no benchmark to comare it to

one police cheif named is retiring after 21 years service

dor do these lists address the health / wealth or 101 other factors that affect the descision to step down

also the size / significance of the municipality they presided over ? due to another ats thread - i know quite abit about culpepper VA - and its not very big , there are 10s of thousands of municipalities the size of cullpepper in the USA

so now 50 out of 10- thousand takes the edge off the significance [ esp when timeframe is unspecified - is that 50 in a week , a month a year ? ]

now as for " german troops " - i find it telling that there are never any pics of these " german troops " operating as law enforcement on US soil - and also - despite me asking in previous threads - there exact unit is never revealed

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 08:36 AM
So if American troops have total control over military bases in my country and can do anything they wish I should be worried that martial law is coming?
Come on people be serious every country has foreign troops on their soil.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Everyone on here (even you guys working in D.C.
) should know that mainstream, hell almost ALL media is completely controlled. Right? Think about that power. IF, and I mean a big IF, martial law or relocation, evacuation, disarming, etc. ever happens on American soil, it wouldn't be 500,000 troops against 300 million Americans. It would be one city or town at a time and the rest of the world would be oblivious to it. There would be no "Hey! We're here to take your guns!" There would be some other reason for troops to be in that town as a way to explain the presence (natural disaster, economic strife, starvation, pandemic, all of which I might add have been happening over the last year or two) and THEN their mission would be carried out, whatever that may be, under the very effective cover of "aid for the masses" and the assistance of the media.

CEOs are not resigning b/c it's the end of the fiscal year and don't want to incur a loss of face or revenue b/c of last year's poor performance. They have made their money, they don't have to give it back if the company does poorly.

The one post discussing U.C.C. is the biggest factor in all this, there are no more sovereign countries when they join the U.N., it is a club of power hungry elitists to help support the money making efforts of each other. Lookup the business plot or General Smedley Butler (a FINE American!) and you may start to understand this.

The masses work for money which is created from debt and is meant to KEEP countries and workers very literally enslaved in a system that provides power for those at the top, by removing it from the masses. If a lot of people just simply stopped using money, the ones pulling these strings would have NO power...

"oh but how would we eat and provide for our families?" Seeds, maybe a sunny patch of ground and a little water, some persistence and resourcefulness. You can't eat that plasma t.v. or your banana republic sponsored closet.

You're right, what an enigma.

5 days ago, the B.I.S. hosted a meeting of the world's banks in Sydney, central banks from all major countries attended. Meetings like this may or may not take place all the time.

What do I think is going on?

Business as usual, as I keep hearing you guys say, nothing's different.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Archirvion reply to post by triplescorpio
I am in germany at the moment-They are right actually..The german goverment has a contract with the us government, to aid them in the hour of martial law-
Naturally, you can give us a source for that info & evidence too, right?

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:17 AM
I find it amusing that no one is even checking the source or background of these stories. I suppose it is just more fun to jump to rabid conclusions and unsubstantiated speculations.

First of all, the source of the original post comes from a website "Four Winds10". Does anyone have discerning info on the slant of this site? Do they portray religious hysteria and articles designed to work people up into frenzy and upset?

Let's take a look at some of the police chief problems, shall we?
In May 2009, the police chief was suspended for wearing jeans to work instead of a police uniform. What can you expect from a laid back, lard eating Georgia boy, in a town where just wearing shoes is considered uppity.

As for what's going on in Culpepper, Va. sometimes when your close associates get hurt, it brings a lot of stress and sadness. Not only that, but there is often a shake-up when team members who have been very instrumental in leadership have personal tragedy.
"Bob Canosa was living in a house on a farm owned by Tim Murphy, chief deputy for the OCSO who runs a canine training service on the property. That’s where the shooting occurred."

Jim Branch, the Culpeper sheriff was just in an auto accident a few weeks ago.

And as far as Scott Barlow, he is retiring. He has accomplished much of what he set out to do for his town and now, after many years of serving others in a stressful, demanding line of work, he is ready for some well deserved downtime. He is still the acting chief until his term ends this summer.

I did however, find another conspiracy here. Take a look at this bird. I can't figure out if it looks more like a turkey or a camel.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:30 AM
This is deeply inaccurate. 100's of Police Chiefs are "resigning" as in SACKED.

This is not some policy that is making them go through conscience, but a wave of sackings.

Even so, it is outrageouly unlikely that all these people would have been discovered being corrupt all simultaneously, so it does look as if some body like the CIA has gone through all the phone records and used the to ""purify" the hierarchy and fill it with maleable nivices ready for something really big which does look like martial law.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Redwookieaz

Originally posted by CaptGizmo
I think many that claim martial law is coming need to seriously look at some numbers.

300 million American citizens-500 thousand troops=290 million citizens
Yes they have the fancy weapons...but history has shown us..Superior numbers is the key. Now look at that number of troops. Not all are actual fighting soldiers.
Then remember all of these soldiers have family as well and took an oath to uphold the Constitution. So to many of you poser Anarchist...Martial Law just is not gonna happen.It would be suicide for the military and the politicians,and elite.

Hey there. Math is a smidge off. Just pointing it out. 300 million minus 500 thousand troops doesn't equal 290 million. It equals 299,500,000 people.

Wow thanks for catching too many glasses of wine when I wrote this sitting out the snow storm of the century here in Maryland...thanks for pointing out my error.

[edit on 2/12/2010 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:50 AM
Actually they can add Patrick Kennedy to the list of people not seeking re- election. But hey-- our governor Patterson is determined to run again for governor despite his unpopularity with handling state funds and alleged scandals.

Interesting trend though, I just wonder wtf is going on.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:01 AM
Personally I don't believe the Germans are coming to take over haha. But you do have to consider the fact that there are a large number of military units scattered around the US from other countries. I'm not saying this instantly means there is a plan in action to take over the country from the inside, but that is what this forum is here for. People need to stop shutting down all ideas and concepts. I always see people on her saying "that's stupid, paranoid, paranoia, PARANOIA!". Most of you sound as if you're a disinfo agent trying to make people feel stupid for thinking these things so that we don't look into them. I'm not saying you are disinfo agents lol, just think we all need to take everything into consideration and do a little research before we make assumptions on what is "stupid" and "paranoia". After all, that's how these discussions should all go. Find the answers, don't assume you know the answers.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

thet quote you have responded too was my reply to another post i am definately not in germany at the moment im from new york usa ?

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by triplescorpio reply to post by Bunken Drum
thet quote you have responded too was my reply to another post i am definately not in germany at the moment im from new york usa ?
oops! Sorry. Trying to do too many things at once!

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by jsettica
Martial law might soon be in the US?

There is only one thing that will bring the need to have martial law in the US.

Just think about it, look back at all of the countries that had or have martial law. Can you imagine one day when your government tells you that all that you work for all the money that you have earned is now worthless. Every thing you own is now gone, and when they tell you that 100 gs are now worth 10 buck of new money.

You only need to look at how fast they are printing money to realize that it coming to an end and when it does 200 million people are not going to be happy with there government.

At what price you ask, at a vary high price, US government has run the numbers as to what it might look like after all is said and done. Government will survive as all ways the people are expendable, there is 7 billion on this planet a few 100 million, well the US government knows the answer to that.

It's as plane as day just look around you if you can't see then you better get with the program and get ready to do as you are told.

I hope it does not come to this but the possibility it there.

[edit on 12-2-2010 by Hoping4thebest]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:33 PM
Fire department chiefs are also retiring in large numbers to protect there pensions and benifits.

SAN DIEGO -- San Diego Fire-Rescue Department Chief Tracy Jarman has joined the rank of dozens of other veteran firefighters who are retiring to lock in better pension benefits, it was reported Thursday.

"During these tough economic times, it is difficult to make up for the poor administrative decisions that were made during more prosperous periods," Hopkins wrote in a Sept. 10 e-mail to the entire city fire department.

"Therefore this city finds itself in financial difficulties," the chief continued. "In order to salvage the budget problems, the decision makers are planning to ask our members to sacrifice so that this city can attempt to recover economic stability going forward. In leaving, I pray that your safety and the safety of this beautiful city isn't part of the casualties of your sacrifice."

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Chiefs of the city’s police and fire departments announced they would retire before the end of the year, in hopes of saving the jobs of lower-level police officers who will otherwise be laid off under the 2010 comprehensive budget.

The 2010 budget has slated seven positions to be eliminated from both departments. By promoting officers within both the police and fire departments to fill the chiefs’ positions, at least one position at the lower levels will likely be saved, Commissioner of Public Safety Ron Kim said.

With police and firefighters facing significant salary and benefit cuts, some say their major concern is the long-term impact to the pensions that will support them through retirement.

Because they pay into a pension plan, neither police nor firefighters receive Social Security benefits for their city careers.

"It is not like you are taking something that is just a one-time deal from these people. It is forever," said Police Capt. Ryan Perkins, a Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 93 trustee. "They will forever have less money, and that is a very serious concern to these guys."

SO just how big are some of these retirement plans for city workers?

Big pensioners: should they be named?
By Ed Mendel
A lawsuit would limit the information on the website of a pension reform group, preventing the listing of names such as Bruce Malkenhorst, a city of Vernon retiree with a $499,675 annual pension.

The suit filed by a retired Contra Costa Deputy Sheriff, Donna Irwin, would allow the disclosure of the amounts of individual public employee pensions. But the recipient could not be named.

The San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District chief, Craig Bowen, retired last December at age 51 with an annual salary of about $221,000 a year. His annual pension is $284,000.

The Moraga Orinda Fire District chief, Peter Nowicki, turned a $185,000 annual salary into a $241,000 yearly pension at age 50. Then Nowicki went back to work for the district on a five-month contract at $176,000 a year, collected on top of his pension.


Government Benefits Comparison

[edit on 12-2-2010 by JBA2848]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:44 PM
Heres a article about "Chief's Disease"from 2005.

Case Study: The Sacramento Bee Tracks a Tip

By Rick Rodriguez (and colleagues)

This package contains a series of articles that resulted from a recent Poynter seminar called "Creating A Watchdog Culture: Claiming An Essential Newspaper Role." All are linked up at the bottom of this article.

It was the kind of tip many reporters would find overwhelming: sources within the California Highway Patrol alleging that high-ranking officers were making end-of-career injury claims to maximize their post-retirement income. They called it "Chief's Disease."

For Sacramento Bee reporters John Hill and Dorothy Korber, however, it was a reward for months of meticulous work covering the state's broken pension system.

Confirming the tip proved difficult. First, the state's retirement system refused to disclose any information about retirees except the amount of their pension.

Undeterred, John and Dorothy came at it from another angle. Such medical pensions tend to be preceded by workers' compensation claims, which the reporters learned were indeed considered public records. The Bee paid for an index of workers' compensation cases involving CHP workers and began to build a database.

Still, many of the chiefs and captains mentioned by the original tipsters were missing. After weeks of queries by the reporters, the workers' comp board acknowledged an error and released a second CD, containing more than 7,000 pages of additional case names.

[edit on 12-2-2010 by JBA2848]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
When I'm on ATS I see all sorts of posts about upcoming martial law.

When I'm out in "the real world," I don't see any evidence of it at all. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps it really is denying ignorance, or just simple paranoia.

Can you please help me understand why they think martial law might soon be in the US? I mean, what situations are they addressing? Because in my "real world" its just the same old, same old....

Thanks for clarifying.

Well, the NAU comes to mind, the Georgia Guidestones also. And if this has not happened in your neighborhood, maybe you live someplace where the cops aren't right there, BUT in my neighborhood the police have been training in SWAT gear 2 weeks ago and were setting off stun grenades less than 150 yards from my home, almost broke my windows, WHY? I live in a very peaceful city and the surrounding cities are the same, peaceful. Why would they need to set off more than 40 grenades and practice SWAT training on an empty house?

Locked and Loaded for sure.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:57 PM
Originally posted by jsettica
Martial law might soon be in the US?

There is only one thing that will bring the need to have martial law in the US.

Just think about it, look back at all of the countries that had or have martial law. Can you imagine one day when your government tells you that all that you work for all the money that you have earned is now worthless. Every thing you own is now gone, and when they tell you that 100 gs are now worth 10 buck of new money.

You only need to look at how fast they are printing money to realize that it coming to an end and when it does 200 million people are not going to be happy with there government.

At what price you ask, at a vary high price, US government has run the numbers as to what it might look like after all is said and done. Government will survive as all ways the people are expendable, there is 7 billion on this planet a few 100 million, well the US government knows the answer to that.

It's as plane as day just look around you if you can't see then you better get with the program and get ready to do as you are told.

I hope it does not come to this but the possibility it there.

I agree with you jsettica. I believe the financial crisis has just begun. Commercial real estate will crumble in the next 4 years. New York Post: "And the most dangerous time for banks will be 2010 to 2013 when $1 trillion in commercial real estate loans will mature and -- like homeowners before them -- owners of commercial properties will need to refinance.
Blumberg estimates that $236 billion in commercial real estate loans that were turned into securities will need to be refinanced in this period and that $67 billion of that amount "will be lost."
"We are on the brink of one of the worst commercial real estate financing markets ever," he said.

I already see the small mom and pop stores out of business. I can see a lot of vacant stores in malls. Unfinished construction projects. And some people on ATS are saying they don't see any signs? Comon people...get you head out of the sand! Read between the lines. Look for the stories on the 3rd and 4th page of news, NOT the front page.
The government wants us to turn on each other, even before they step in. Katrina was a test. To see how Martial Law is accepted in crisis. To see if there will be a resistance to automatic seizure of weapons. They got that answer...NRA filed suit, and won. Now people can get there guns back... 3 years later! Yah, you can have you guns back...after we do what we need to do.

A previous poster said that people that post about Martial Law should be prosecuted. You are the type of people that need to re-read the Constitution. AND you dont have to read far, ITS THE 1ST AMENDMENT!

go post on Glenn Beck or something....tool

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by triplescorpio

I'd rather it was the Germans vs any other nation invading us. If they took us over, we'd have an easier time learning the language, the beer and wine would flow, the auto industry would be revived, techno would be cool again, Knight Rider would be given it's own 24hr channel (david hasselfhoff would re-write and record the national anthem), etc.. It wouldn't be so bad. They are not your grandfather's Germans after all. No fear of SS or Gestapo, and there are probably more Aryans/White Supremists living in this country than all of Germany. Gone are the days of open genocide. They will kill us with their performing arts more than anything
And now herrs and frauleins, Dieter will be performing his Ode to the Square Black Box whilst Ingrid interprets it in dance....enjoy.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

be well

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:51 PM
You do realize that several military bases/posts are sister cities with Germany? We have countless German, French, and Italian troops here all the time training.
I've seen them all sitting together each lunch before, not much of a conspiracy there. Don't you realize those countries will need their own troops if our country fails? We are the biggest telephone pole, if we fall we damn sure will take down the next closest poles with us.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:40 PM
Everyone has got to open there eyes! my girlfriend thinks im crazy, my mum and friends. The only people who seem to believe (who i know personally) are my brothers. America have over 800 camps set up, and fully operational. I did read somewhere that they are training camps for the military? But in my opinion the barbed wire is turned in, which means they are for keeping people in, not out.
I also saw that FEMA have ordered, and recieved 500,000 plastic coffins stocked in a field in Georgia? Which more than likely means that there are more of these. There are going to be executive orders put in place also..... which allow the government to take absolute control of the media, roads, public transport, etc etc... These orders will be put in place when martial law is in order.
I am not getting the flu jab, no #ign way. Aswell as the ID cards, chip etc. They can take me to the camps lol, atleast i go with some pride.
If anyone has any more information on these topics included please let me know. Thanks.

[edit on 12-2-2010 by camzeeee]

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