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Losing Respect for Glenn Beck and Friends: Texas Governor Race

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posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 09:47 AM
I have been a fan of Beck since I first heard him in 2002. This is just about pushing me over the edge with that program . . . which says a lot.

Just a little background . . . Texas has Governor Primaries on March 2, 2010. There are three candidates. Rick Perry (incumbent, been in office for nine years). Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX senator since 1993), and Debra Medina.

The latest poll is:

Perry - 39%
Hutchison - 28%
Medina - 24%.

Perry is a another Bush (even attended Bildeberger), and has the big corperations behind him. Hutchison has betrayed TX many times. Medina is pushing state rights, anti-gun control, anti-property taxes, etc. Grass roots movement, for the people.

Two months ago, Medina was at 4%. After the first debate, she jumped up to 12%. A week later, she was at 16%. After the second/final debate, she is at 24%. Her numbers is the only one that is rising. The others are falling. AND she has spent next to nothing!

Here is a good article:

The survey by Public Policy Polling showed Perry leading the GOP field with 39%, followed by Hutchison at 28% and Medina -- a favorite of the Tea Party crowd -- at 24%.

More significant, among self-identified conservatives -- those most likely to turn out in the March 2 primary -- Perry had 42% support to Medina’s 25% and Hutchison’s 23%.

Given the survey’s 4.8% margin of error, Hutchison, long considered the most popular politician in Texas, is effectively tied with the little-known, meagerly funded Medina.

(How meagerly? As of Tuesday, she had raised less than $600,000, a pittance compared to the $50 million Perry and Hutchison are expected to spend between them.)


Supporting Link

Check out the debates. She knows her stuff, and does not mind speaking her mind. And she is for the people!

For crying out loud . . . Ron Paul endorsed Medina, and actively supports her.

Now for what has me riled at Glenn Beck . . .

The following is an email exchange from someone who emailed the GN program to try and get Medina an interview.


From: Jeff Neely [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 2:05 PM
To: Gray, Pat
Subject: Please Listen To Me

Debra Medina is the real deal. Please promote her as the best candidate for Texas Governor. She is a real American and what starts in Texas can change the country. At least call her and give her a chance. I didn't give her the time of day, then I listened and was BLOWN away! She got my vote and my family is VERY closely tied to Hutchinson...

Come on - it is obvious Medina doesn't have any "big money" talking in her ear. By that virtue alone she beats all the others out. Anyone that follows politics knows that money is what is ruining our country. Doesn't it make sense to value someone with character? Bringing character back into our society is the only way we will survive.

Call me, quote me, whatever - just do what is right. Our country is being sold to whoever can put out the best advertising... and money follows the candidates that are controllable.

Jeff Neely
Phone number was here


--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Gray, Pat wrote:

From: Gray, Pat
Subject: RE: Please Listen To Me
To: "Jeff Neely"
Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 7:57 PM

OK…this is SOOOO irritating. Who sicked Debra MEDINA ON ME?!?!?! Come ON! Why do I deserve this concerted campaign, Jeff? Don’t tell me this is spontaneous, because I KNOW it isn’t.

Did her people put out some flash or something? Seriously, we’re working, like 16 hours a day trying to save the Republic…and I have to put up with THIS? For a candidate with 16% support no less?!?!?!


God. I am speechless.

Edit: Pardon my spelling errors. I am a bit peeved right now.

[edit on 2/10/2010 by Lemon.Fresh]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 09:57 AM
The Primaries are March 2nd brother. You have March 22nd. Typo I'm sure, no worries.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 10:00 AM
It's getting nasty between Perry and Hutchinson, have you heard the smear campaign they are running against each other? I didn't know Media was doing so well, she certianly has my vote!


posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 10:00 AM
How did you obtain these e-mails?
Sorry, but I don't understand the Glenn Beck connection.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Detailed Perfection

Fixed. I did not realize I double tapped the 2.

Originally posted by Violater1
How did you obtain these e-mails?

They were posted on the Medina Facebook discussion board.

Sorry, but I don't understand the Glenn Beck connection.

Basically, Pat Gray (GB's co-host) is from TX. He rails on and on about how much he hates Perry.

GB ignores (and/or interrupts) any mention of Medina by callers.

This is a candidate that they should be following and backing 100% based on their stated views.

Just the fact that she is on the verge of outing a sitting Senator (that is pretty popular) on 5% of the budget that the Senator has, should raise eye brows.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 10:12 AM
You could vote for Medina. She sounded like the best of the candidates at the debates and I don't see her slinging mud like the other two. It would be really nice to have a change like Medina at the head of Texas.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Last Monday I heard a bit of that. They were talking about the race and I just expected them to be railing into Perry. To my surprise Beck started defending him when Gray went off listing stuff like the mandated gardisil shots and Perry being bought by that pharma company and the border and the huge highway up the middle of the country.

Given all the stuff that Alex Jones rails against Perry about I thought for sure Beck would be anti-Perry.

Guess I was wrong.

Sucks that these guys, like the "tea party", are just cheer-leading for the big 2 parties all the time. Especially when they could really be using their air time to get some momentum behind a real alternative.

Oh well. Everybody loves the status quo.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 10:17 AM
Glenn Beck is nothing but corporate sponsored shock jock. I do not understand how anyone can actually take him seriously as, on more than one occasion, he has admitted that he does no fact checking and his program is based solely on his opinion. The only thing he knows how to do is be a personality, be it on radio or t.v a rating grabber if you will. The man has limited education at best, he is a high school graduate, didn't attend college, not that it makes him dumb, but how am I as a person who actually has a degree in History and Political Science supposed to take him seriously? I'm sure that he has read a few books along the way, and that's great but especially in the area of government (or history for that matter) there are many, many different perspectives. He apparently has chosen his self education to be completely one sided, apparently he has yet to discover the millions of differing opinions. Sadly, his lemmings follow him around like he's preaching the gospel truth, when his truth is nothing more than opinion and ill informed at that.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 10:57 AM
Well he was just saying he is trying to get Medina on his program tomorrow ...mentioned the poll numbers etc.
Sounds like he may help push her.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Chett
Well he was just saying he is trying to get Medina on his program tomorrow ...mentioned the poll numbers etc.
Sounds like he may help push her.

err . . . yeah.

He has been getting flooded, from what I hear.

She will be on @ 10AM CST. Listen in.

That is nice and all, but it still does not excuse the attitude.

If GB is truly an independent voice, he needs to show it, instead of paying lip service.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Just a little background . . . Texas has Governor Primaries on March 2, 2010. There are three candidates. Rick Perry (incumbent, been in office for nine years). Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX senator since 1993), and Debra Medina.

To be fair, these are the Republican candidates. As I'm from TX, I realize that we routinely vote Rep., but the way this thread is painted, OP you make it seem as though these are the only candidates running.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

I said it was for the primaries.

I apologize that I did not say REPUBLICAN primaries.

But, honestly, White does not have a snowball's chance in hell.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

You've noticed what I have recently as well. Glen Beck is a corporatist. I posted numerous youtube videos of his show on ATS when he first went to Fox because I was agreeing with many of the things he was saying then.

In the last few months, however, he's gone off the deep end. He complains about the lobbyists in Washington/corruption...but he doesn't seem to mind that Corporations have personhood and can now flood the airwaves with ads trashing or promoting any politician...which is essentially buying them.....even FOREIGN corporations.

Too many people here on ATS buy all of his BS....they need to turn off Fox News and get their news elsewhere...and open their mind.

Another thing about Beck that I cannot stand is his constant drooling over Palin. He acts like she's Einstein when she's anything BUT.

Beck still gets his orders from Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Ailes....who decide how Fox News will "spin" the news of the day.

The best compliment that I can give Beck is that he's not Sean Hannity. Other than that, how often do you hear him talking about all the people struggling right now?

You don't! He's too busy calling Obama names to give a flying F.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Chett

Unfortunately Beck is just another MSM schmuck. He won't be pushing any candidate that will be good for us any time soon.
Check my thread here to see what happened when Beck actually talked to her:
I thought the CSM article was especially enlightening, doesn't take Beck long to show his true colors!

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by David9176
Beck still gets his orders from Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Ailes....who decide how Fox News will "spin" the news of the day.

That's the crux of the issue right there. He's a mouthpiece for the FOX agenda. He has been since he started working there. It's nice to see people realizing that.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

That's the crux of the issue right there. He's a mouthpiece for the FOX agenda. He has been since he started working there. It's nice to see people realizing that.

A few days ago...I watched the documentary "Outfoxed." I've heard about it before but never thought to seriously watch it as I figured it was just biased spin.

That wasn't the case though. Anyone who watches fox news on a consistent basis should watch this. It's amazing that they actually give a "guideline" on how to attack/spin/support any political happening for the day. It's quite amazing. I'm not stating that other news stations don't do it...they probably do.

I just don't think that many people realize that they are having the views of Robert Murdoch and Ailes pushed on them.....and defending those views without realizing it as they will accept those views as their own.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by David9176]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:09 AM
Go back into my post history.

I have been a defender of Glenn Beck.

Not anymore. I canceled my Insider and Fusion subscription, unsubscribed from his email list, and blocked the charges from buying tickets to his show here in TX.

That is how much this has opened my eyes.

I should have known from the FEMA camp flip flop and the fiasco with The View.

I fee like an idiot.

I apologize to all the people I debated with. I was wrong.

On a high note . . .
Talk shows across TX were getting bombarded with Medina supporters, and this does not seem to be phasing Texans at all. It seems to be galvanizing them.

Check it out: Link

On a side note:

Here are some interesting facts . . .

9/11 Truther - Medina Link started with an avid Rick Perry supporter

Medina spokeswoman Nelda Skevington said Perry's campaign was using the interview in robo-calls to Republicans an hour after the show aired.

Glenn Beck has a new favorite band that he loves to to play and quote their lyrics on air. He actively endorses and advertises for the band Muse, who are hard core 9/11 Truthers

Explain that crap to me, please?

Anyone also want to explain WTF that has to do with a TX governors race?

[edit on 2/12/2010 by Lemon.Fresh]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:15 AM
This is so typical. Why be surprised. The powers that be do not want anything new or different. They are strictly status quo.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:41 AM
When I first heard of Glenn Beck, I thought he was some country music singer. The name sounds like Nashville to me.

Having studied him at some length he remains a giant, raging "?

I truly do not know if he is an entirely paid shill for the statists and corporatist elites, or if he is paid CIA meant to disrupt and redirect the various conservative or Libertarian movements.

With family in Texas I get reports from my children and grandchildren there, all of them now of voting age and they tell me that if the election is free and fair that Debra Medina will win. But in the history of elections in Texas, quite a few politicians moved up election after election through the votes of dead people.

Without fully understanding the dynamic in Texas, I expect that the turnout for primary will be low and that helps Medina whose supporters seem to be very energised people of conviction.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Oddly enough, Medina's support seems to be rising.

Check it out:

--The below numbers are pulled from the upper right portion of the MedinaForTexas website, and continued from yesterday:

Feb. 11, 2010
@ 10:30 am – $597,893

Feb. 12, 2010
@ 7:54 am – $648,519 +$50,626

On Facebook:
Feb. 12, 2010 @ 10:07 am
Perry – 22,118
Medina – 17,250
Hutchison – 14,727

Feb. 12, 2010 @ 7:18 am
Perry – 22,376 +258
Medina – 17,647 +397
Hutchison – 14,760 +33

Reports are coming in statewide that supporters are stalwart, and unwavering in their support for Debra Medina. It’s also reported that highly regarded local, and statewide radio show hosts support Medina. Radio stations statewide were hit hard and swamped by supporters, and with people not familiar with Debra Medina, who widely believe that the circumstances surrounding yesterday’s Glenn Beck interview were highly suspect.

It’s also noted that Glenn Beck fans are canceling paid Glenn Beck subscriptions, requesting refunds for Glenn Beck authored books, and in some cases claiming to have burned those books. It’s also noted that some radio stations are in talks to pull the Glenn Beck radio show, or how “to best handle the situation”.

Jeff Bolton stated on his radio show that he has seen anger and outrage from voters that represented that “one of their own” had been attacked.

Medina had stated that on the Jeff Bolton show, that she had completed 30 interviews yesterday, at at the end of the day, she had crashed her car, and blew out 2 tires while going home.

Medina also stated, that in a Spring, Tx event yesterday, that when she initially entered the event, and that there were 2 television cameras focused directly at her. As she entered the campaign event, she received a standing ovation.



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