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How to end Mid-Eastern wars and make Arabs our allies

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posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by novacs4me

It has been a while so I will do my best. It will be a Q & A type discussion then and any scriptures you know to back up your answers will help, but are not necessary.

Is god omnipotent?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 04:30 PM
Since the first question has nothing to do with this thread, perhaps you should U2U me. Ya think?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by novacs4me

don't know how

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 04:36 PM
Oh! Well, at the bottom of my post is a 'send message'. If you click that, it will start a U2U for you. Give it a try!

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by seattletruth

I actually read the entire Quran, not just 1 verse quotes taken out of context on the internet, and can say that you're a liar...

Lets not get too far ahead of ourselves here

Im not saying that Islam exists entirely to kill people, any more than i would suggest the same of Christianity.

But just like the bible calls for the damnation of homosexuals, and other equally immoral acts on human beings BY human beings, so does the Koran.

Please, lets not treat the Koran like it's not an organized religion with "Control" at the heart of it.

It exists to control people with pointless rules and was written by Men. There are 104 passages that i know in the Koran that call for atrocious things to be done against non-believers.

lets take a look here

And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.

That is not taken out of context, because that is the passage in its entire context.

So in this passage, we see a call to kill them wherever they are found EXCEPT at the Sacred Mosque - UNLESS you are attacked first at the mosque. Which suggests a hint of "only defend yourself" if it weren't for the first 3/4's of the passage

SO next we can read here

And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain, and you hope from Allah what they do not hope; and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

Pursuing a fleeing, injured, enemy is NOT self defense.

Am i saying i think all Muslims are blood thirsty? No.

But just like modern "Christians" - they have an agenda. Islam has proven it's agenda time & time again for a very long time. "Religion of Peace"? No more than any other "religion" on the face of the planet.

It's bull skat to call it anything else.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by budaruskie

More or less ever since Mohammed rampaged around the territory . . .


Muslims have had the military clout and enough umph to get up from their water pipes, they've been tyrannical blood-thirsty genocidal mobs hell-bent on destroying everyone who disagreed within their reach.

For hundreds of years.

They are still at it.

The same is NOT true of Christianity.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by novacs4me
Please tell me what place is being turned into a living hell by Christians. I've been a Christian for 30 years, . . . nor in all of the dozens of churches we have belonged to separately or since our marriage 15 years ago, have either of us been taught to use violence for ANY reason.


However, you might need to keep in mind . . .

Christian bashing hereon is part of the required DOCTRINE and posting ritual of a decided majority.

All the more so when Muslims are the topic.

It does not matter that airport screening is not foisted upon us by what the Amish did 9/11.

It does not matter that even Pat Robertson is not running around sending guns with all his food aid through OPERATION BLESSING even to many poor Muslims around the world.

It does not matter that Franklin Graham and his Samaratan's Purse organization reach out with disaster relief to Muslims whenever needed.

One still has to make sure that Christians and Christianity are shredded for all they're worth regardless of the historical inaccuracies and pack of Straw Dogs involved.


On the other hand, those nice, humble, mild mannered, soft spoken peace loving [vs bloody pieces loving] Muslims . . . welll . . . they are just misunderstood.

They have 98% of the land in the Middle East and most of the wealth by far . . . and they just can't afford to lose selfish control of Israel's land, too.

Their poor maligned egos just could not stand the strain. So we have to support wiping Israel off the map so the poor innocent Muslims can sleep at night in smug confidence that they are advancing mightily in their efforts to control the world and cleanse it of all non Muslims.

To that end, we just have to understand when the Amish grandmothers are strip searched while ranting Muslims brandishing electronic gear, curses and strange packages, are ignored at airport check points.

We just have to be more understanding.

And be sure to pick up our ticket for our turn at the guillotine nicely, curteously sharpened blade.

All those nice peace loving churches you spoke of--never fear--they'll be blown off the map or burned down or turned into mosques in due course--after the members have been turned into soap or perhaps garden fertilizer.


posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by budaruskie

No it's not true.

Historically, there's no




when comparing Christians vs Muslim.

Even if one limited it to Muslim on Muslim blood letting there'd still be no real fair-minded comparison.

Add in Muslim bloodthirsty mayhem against Christians and there's certainly no comparison by a long shot.

Pretending otherwise is just a declaration that one hasn't studied the facts very deeply at all.

[edit on 15/2/2010 by BO XIAN]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
. . . and they just can't afford to lose selfish control of Israel's land, too.

Everything else you have said, I can live with although I seriously wasn't "Christian bashing" and completely disagree with your utter dismissal of the well documented torture and murder of millions. History is what it is and if you want to deny it or twist it to suit your own fancy, then have at it.

But seriously, how is it Israel's land? I could swear that the land in question was given to them post WWII, am I wrong on that? Would you consider America Mexico's land if the Chinese and Russians decided to give it to them because they had some book that said it was theirs? After all, the genocide against Native Americans was far more severe and had millions of more casualties than the Holocaust, and Mexico's population is primarily of Native American ancestory.

All I have tried to say is that you consider all Muslims the same, yet not all Christians are the same. Well, I hold you to your own rationale. I can't believe that this is your spiritual leader

[edit on 2/15/2010 by budaruskie]

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by budaruskie

Certainly authentic Christians have not



All kinds of evil is done in the name of all kinds of justifications, particularly religious.


there's STILL not been the massacre of millions in Christ's name.

In the name of Communism, Yup, there has . . . 130+ million.

In the name of Muhammed/demonic moon god Allah--I don't know what the tally is currently.

Even if you count the worst of the Crusades and the worst of conquest excesses, you still don't arrive at anything remotely of the numerical levels you imply are true or assert to be true.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by budaruskie

Benny Hinn?

What's with that silly farce.

He's not my favorite . . . God seems to have a different opinion. We shall see. Only the authentic fruit will stand. The fires will burn up the wood hay and stubble.

I gather you've never been in an authentic Pentecostal service where Holy Spirit was VERY PRESENT IN POWER AND MIGHT AUTHENTICALLY.

Given such an attitude as you seem to display, I don't know how welcome Holy Spirit would have felt anyway.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 10:10 PM
Not surprisingly, you have missed the entire point again, ugh!

I gather you've never been in an authentic Pentecostal service where Holy Spirit was VERY PRESENT IN POWER AND MIGHT AUTHENTICALLY.

And believe it or not, I attended an Assembly of God church quite regularly in my youth when my parents forced me to go. I've also been to Baptist and Church of Christ services and probably some others too. I didn't think that people running around shouting in tounges was any more ridiculous than listening to awful acapella renditions of horrible hymns, just much more entertaining.

Look, I have no problem whatsoever with you being a Christian or anyone else for that matter, as long as you leave the holier than thou attitude in the pews on Sunday. This country was founded on a principle of religious freedom, and that does not just mean you can be whatever denomination of Christian you choose. It has been my experience both on this site and in my life in general that Christians have a built in belief system that anyone who is not Christian is a savage and of course is going to hell. I don't believe that, and will never be convinced, and I'm not scared of your hell.

Why is it that you guys like to pick on Muslims so much? Wasn't it the Jews that killed your messiah, the son of God, king of the Jews, prophesized by Moses or someone to come and lead "God's" chosen people? Why aren't you hating on them? They still to this day say you are completely full of crap that Jesus was a fraud and all of you are idiots. You know, I can't think of any contemporary cases of jihad in the Western Hemisphere until Jews started occupying Palestine, can you? There are a few inconvenient little facts for ya.

There are only two historical accounts of Jesus in the entire world, the Bible, and the Quaran. You don't believe in the Quaran, so you put all of your faith in a single text written thousands of years ago by people who'd be considered complete imbeciles today. The fact that it is literally impossible to substantiate virtually any of it and the only confirmation of your faith will supposedly come after death seems somehow completely logical to you, but not me.

So please, can we stop focusing on why Christians are supposedly good and rightous and Muslims are evil and demonic and start basing some thoughts in reality. Here in the real world, as I said in the original post, there are good and bad people in all faiths. If you are still going to cling to this absurd belief that every single Muslim in the world is out to kill every single non-Muslim then please explain why there aren't roughly a BILLION terrorists. The world should have certainly come to an end by now.

And I've been letting you get by with this one, but now I'm gonna call you on it:

One of the thousands of Mohammed's (Moroccan, in this case) Muslim descendants lived with me--actually his bed was about 3 feet from mine--for over a year.
I want to know why the hell didn't HE KILL YOUR INFADEL ASS? Care to explain how a tolerant even reformed Muslim fits into your idea of complete non-rational robot like Islamic killing machines?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:50 AM
People like Benny Hinn are committing one of the ultimate sins by pretending to be healing sick people.

You are going against the word of God for believing that he has mystical powers.

But i thank you, because i honestly did laugh my ass off when i read someone actually using Benny Hinn as a defense.

Pentecostals believe that the Bible has definitive authority in matters of faith and adopt a literalist approach to its interpretation...

anyone who believes that:

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination Leviticus 18:22

and also tell me that God made us who we are and loves everyone is an idiot.

I do believe that God loves everyone, but i don't believe God hates "Fags" and views abomination as a sin.

Funny how modern "Christians" use the new testament when they want to look all friendly and nice

but use the old testament to try to justify their hateful, evil, Godless agenda.

You want to end the Mid-East wars? Go back in time and prevent organized religion from ever happening.

If you can't do that - then you'll never end the wars with anything short of total annihilation.

God is real.
Religions are man-made.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Snarf]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:03 AM
If one considers the theory put forth by Julian Jaynes, then god is the lost voices of the bicameral mind, which were replaced by the function of consciousness.

Reading that book will provide some alternative explanations of what god is and even goes so far as to identify the very first god.

Julian Jaynes - The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
God is real.
Religions are man-made.

This pretty well sums up my personal opinion on that matter too. Mike so-and-so I don't know if you looked back, but I thought this:

However, as I have said in the past, Islam can be at peace with the whole planet and we with them save for three little things.


was a pretty darn good start to answering this question, it was my mistake for misreading it originally. Do you think we should change any of our behavior to reciprocate or are we as good as could be now?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by budaruskie

Why do you say what can "we" do to make peace when there have been for decades, thousands of Christian missionaries already spreading peace in these countries (and everywhere) and being persecuted for it or accepted? Look around man, there is more to the world than you.

Now how widespread the gospel-spreading is, that's a different matter. There aren't many Christians (and you can just figure that out from common sense imagination) willing to wander Hellish areas to spread the gospel to remote villages or poverty stricken places, I didn't say none, but not many, and not many will accept the gospel. There's no magic trick to getting someone to be peaceful, you have to be peaceful yourself for sure. That doesn't mean not forcing someone to do something, for example to accept punishment (like if you are a police officer, punisher, judge, parent), but it means being lawful and not a hypocrite to your own religion. Sadly there are many people who are hypocrites to their own philosophy and religion and they also try to be missionaries, and that just makes things worse, especially if the people they are trying to change end up stereotyping Christians for example, because of encountering hypocritical ones.

As for "making the Arabs our allies", there already are allies. And some are on the CIA payroll which is strange that you don't know with all the info on the net. And why would you think you can make just anyone in the world in ally, and why would you want to? Is everyone good or worthy of being a friend or partner? Not everyone is worthy of friendship or makes a good ally, that includes the person or persons trying to be an ally (is the U.S. federal gov "good"? No). Not everyone can be salvaged, not because of their own fault, but it's God's will that their hearts stay stubborn. Believe it or not.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by triops]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:04 PM
Jesus....ok I'm going to do this because for some reason you all require it of me. I fully recognize that we have some "allies" from predominately Arab countries. Now that we have that out of the way.

What I was alluding to was the quest for more Arab allies and I do mean more than just the Muslims. The point is to stop the war so my friends and family stop dying over there to guard against radical Islam which I seriously don't consider nearly as big a threat as others. In my honest opinion there are far more dangerous foes right here in my own country and just across the border that warrant military action.

Frankly, I don't care about what Christian missionaries do or don't do and I couldn't make heads or tails of that last post. Please, try to clarify whatever point you were making so that I can form a response.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by budaruskie

Son of Hamas Leader Tells Hannity “Moderate” Islam Does not Exist~ Video

Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 1:15:43 AM by Islaminaction

Masob Hassan, the son of a Hamas leader lets Hannity know the ugly truth about Islam, and the Palestine-Israel conflict. He states that the God of the Koran hates Jews. Then in my favorite part of the interview, he tells Hannity that “moderate” Islam does not exist. Hannitys non-response to that statement says a lot. As I have been saying, “moderate” Islam is not going to the rescue, and the sooner that we realize this the sooner that we can start winning this war.

To view the video and more....

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