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Amazing Images of Crop Circles

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posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 12:49 PM
I just want to try and highlight a phenomenon that I’m not bringing to your attention because of it being illegal or because some think aliens are doing this, which some still do, but because of the sheer effort that goes into these massive pieces of "Art"

Hope you enjoy this small list of crop circles that I think are just awesome to look at and you have to appreciate how much work went into each and every one of them.

So I want to make it clear I am under the impression that humans are doing this not ET's

Thank you and Enjoy!




















If humans trully are making these then you have to admit it's incredibly impressive.


Also I feel I should show you why I think these are a man made phenomenon….

This is 4 images showing how to make crop circles.





  • Choose a location.

  • Create a diagram of the design (although some circlemakers decide to come up with an idea spontaneously when they arrive at their intended site).

  • Once they arrive at the field, they use ropes and poles to measure out the circle.

  • One circlemaker stands in the middle of the proposed circle and turns on one foot while pushing the crop down with the other foot to make a center.

  • The team makes the radius of the circle using a long piece of rope tied at both ends to an approximately 4-foot-long (1.2-meter) board called a stalk stomper (a garden roller can also be used). One member of the team stands at the center of the circle while the other walks around the edge of the circle, putting one foot in the middle of the board to stomp down the circle's outline.

Thank You for reading this thread!

Also please do share some that i may have missed.

Heres a link to crop circle images that i forgot to add

[edit on 9-2-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:24 PM
Cool pics. Thanks for posting them. I really like No#8. (It would make a nice rug design) - Sort of reminds me of a drawing kit/game I had as a child called Spirograph. Had some assorted grooved flat discs and colored pens that you could draw cool designs with.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:29 PM
No offence mate. but ive had enough of these.5 minute googleing threads.

All of these Photos will come up, if you type "cropcircle" in Google images.

[edit on 9-2-2010 by MR BOB]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by MR BOB

Yes i know, that doesn't mean they aren't amazing though does it? Or that they aren't nice pieces of Art does it?

But i wanted to bring some of the best ones together in this thread to show what awesome images they are and how much hard work obviously went into all of them.

And thanks for reminding me to add a link (which i did genuinly forgot)

[edit on 9-2-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by MR BOB
No offence mate. but ive had enough of these.5 minute googleing threads.

All of these Photos will come up, if you type "cropcircle" in Google images.

[edit on 9-2-2010 by MR BOB]

Are you in a bad mood today Mr. Bob?
- Cheer up. There just some nice pictures to look at.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:48 PM
I have seen many many crop circles and there are lots out there that far outshine these, BUT, i have NEVER EVER seen the marijuana one. i seriously think its a fake. ONLY because it is too good to be true.

Please send me the source to that pic i want to look into it....

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:48 PM
I refuse to believe that "some" of those are man made. I just don't see how it would be possible. THe pot leaf, im sure is man made, but the others are just soooo intricate.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:51 PM
Thanks for your post.

The vast majority of crop circles are not made by teams of "Circle-makers". That's a silly notion altogether. Undoubtedly some are, but the sheer scale of the phenomenon makes it impossible. And this documentary footage (which I've seen on TV) doesn't accurately represent how a circle is made for a number of reasons.

First off, their demonstration circle is all squares and straight lines - nothing like a genuine crop circle at all!

From the HowStuffWorks website:

"We decided to create a 200ft formation incorporating a square spiral. Until now square spirals have not appeared out in the fields, probably because unlike a circular spiral - which is relatively easy to accomplish with the right tools - a square spiral is a complex geometric form and difficult to create accurately."

Huh??? They're trying to prove that the crop circles appearing in fields all over the world BY THE HUNDREDS every year are man made, so they hire three guys to ------ make something that doesn't at all compare to what people are finding in the fields? Why?? And then they throw in some bs rejoinder about, "oh ya, cuz it's harder to do square spirals than circle ones." That makes no sense whatsoever and completely misses the point! They haven't tested the phenomenon at all, because they didn't REPRODUCE anything anyone has ever seen. Stupid.

Also, a HUGE part of crop circles are the way the stalks "swirl" and "weave" together in the vortex pattern, especially near the center. We don't even know how to reproduce that effect, and it's still a mystery to most researchers. Some stalks have been described as almost "braided" together like a mat as they were pressed down. We don't know what force could have done this, so of course the makers of the documentary couldn't possibly expect to reproduce it on TV, so what do they do? They make a crop square instead, that has none of these features and wouldn't because they're just laying the stalks down in straight lines. And then they have the audacity to claim that this is actually "harder" than it would be to make circle spirals.

I've never seen a genuine crop circle that looked like that... thing. Ever. Also at 200ft (which is actually the diameter of the "circle" formation around the spiral, not the spiral itself) it's a pretty small and uncomplicated crop circle. And it took them 5 hours?? and they used a COMBINE TRACTOR? There's no way that thing would fool any dedicated researcher.

Anyone who has ever seen a genuinely baffling and intricate crop circle in person would laugh at the notion that guys with boards are doing this. Huge formations, with intensely intricate and often mathematically or scientifically relevant data encoded in them. Hundreds a year. All over the world. Swelling of nodules on the stalks caused by intense heat. Perfectly precise edges to the pattern. No broken stalks. "Braided stalks" weaved together. Soil samples showing dehydration due to intense heat. I could go on and on and on.

I have no idea what's making these formations, and I won't claim to.

But it is most certainly NOT three guys with planks, string, and a combine tractor. I've seen what they can do. They can make a lame square 120 ft "maze" pattern in a wheat field. And it took them five hours.

What a hatchet job.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 01:54 PM
about 2 of the circles you show'ed are man made, and everybody could point them out.

Because the crop circles that are man made can have a nice form and all but the crop that has been pushed down looks "unclean".

Look at other cropcircles and you will see that the crop that is lying down is very clean.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Ah...smell the conspiratorial smoke! Some ask, are there disinformation agents on ATS?
Well, it's your lucky day; cause look here who just popped up and presented us with a nice slice of conspiracy pie! Tasty...with just a hint of lie after taste.

Some of the most famous crop circles ever discovered could not be perfectly duplicated in one night, in the dark, in 6 hours with an army of board trampers!

I give you a D- on this one. Try again.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Confused and Dazed!

Ok well i have showed you some proof of people making them in the images near the bottom of the opening post.

So please show me genuine proof that people are not making them then.

Thanks in advance.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:31 PM
A couple of drunken or stoned morons out in the fields, escapade and showing off how they can make lame attempts at crop circles does not prove anything here!

This claim has been made on and off for years, and always shown to be wrong!
Crop circles have anomalies that cannot be made by tromping down crops.

D- again.

One more attempt and you fail the course.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by RedBird

But it is most certainly NOT three guys with planks, string, and a combine tractor. I've seen what they can do. They can make a lame square 120 ft "maze" pattern in a wheat field. And it took them five hours.

What a hatchet job.

- That's funny. I'm still laughing about the 3 guys and a combine tractor. T

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Confused and Dazed!

Why do you assume they are drunk or stoned??

You do realize people actually do prepare very well before making these and i still haven't seen a shred of evidence from you while i on the other hand have shown it a long time ago.

You can try and get round it by being "funny" but you still need to actually show evidence on this site if you want to get anywhere.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Zeta Reticuli

That is excactly what I thought...and it made me doubt the alien origine once more. It is beautifully humans. People who can make such a leafe can also make some other awesome designs.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by Confused and Dazed!

Ok well i have showed you some proof of people making them in the images near the bottom of the opening post.

So please show me genuine proof that people are not making them then.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for your post.

None of your obviously man-made examples display the same characteristics reported in conjunction with genuine circles. Mankind builds skyscrapers and nuclear reactors - No one is doubting that people can make patterns in wheat, what we doubt is that he is making all of them, or even most.

What you have presented as "proof" that the whole phenomenon is man-made is one example of people making a small, un-complex "crop formation" that bear none of the hallmark characteristics of actual circle formations.

There is no weaving, braiding, swelling of nodules, clean edges, or any of the other things I expect to see. The phenomenon has not been adequately reproduced to convince me that people are doing this. Science requires more proof than "see, we made something kinda similar". Poppycock. I am making no claim as to the origin of these circles. I am the skeptic. The burden of proof is on YOU, to show that they are all man-made.


"2b. In some crop formations the energy system involved is intense enough to cause bending of this apical (top) node (although pronounced node bending is much more commonly found at the lower nodes on the plant stem). In a few cases we have found severe apical node bending in conjunction with marked stretching of the node. As the example, below, illustrates the node elongation in such cases is clearly in addition to that caused by the bending of the node tissues."

There are pictures on the site.

Researchers have tested swollen and elongated nodes taken from crop circle sites, and compared them with stalks tested using a variety of conditions. Some were exposed to high heat, others to various forms of electro-magnetic radiation, and all for differing intensities and periods of time.

The ONLY samples that showed the same types and extent of swelling, elongation, and deformation of nodes, cell walls, and other plant characteristics as a crop circle sample was one that was exposed to high-intensity ionizing radiation for between 15-30 seconds.

This would seem to suggest, as many crop researchers have maintained, that crop circles are created in a relatively quick amount of time - probably less than thirty seconds - and that during this time the crops are subjected to intense levels of ionizing radiation.

And none of these curious results, NONE of it, is reproduced by the three guys with string and boards. They don't even try.

Like I said, a hatchet job. Pathetic.

[edit on 9-2-2010 by RedBird]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by Confused and Dazed!

You can try and get round it by being "funny" but you still need to actually show evidence on this site if you want to get anywhere.

Yes, evidence would be awesome. Instead we get three stooges with wooden planks and a combine tractor making patterns in wheat that bear no resemblance whatsoever - other than a general visual similarity - to actual crop circles.

Let's please not anyone try and pretend science has "made up its mind" already and that the burden of evidence lies on anyone but the person who is making a claim. In this case that would be you.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by RedBird

Ok fair enough but that is an effective way of making them no matter how silly it may sound.

And the people who do claim to make these all claim to do it this way. (as far as i know)

But thank you for your post still.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 03:44 PM
News Item

I remember picture 6 in the news about 2 years ago and how someone had mathematically decoded it

He said the crop pattern 'clearly shows' the first ten digits of pi, which - as many will remember from their schooldays - is used to calculate the area of a circle using the formula Pi r squared. Mr Reed said: 'I noticed a photo of the Barbury Castle pattern. It shows a coded image representing the first ten digits of Pi - the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. 'The tenth digit has even been correctly rounded up. Read more:

it is a very clever mathematical representation, whoever / whatever made it. Lateral thinking at its best

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 03:58 PM
They are so pretty to look at. Who cares who the artist is? They all look great.

...except for um... the square one. That almost made me want to puke.

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