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David Wilcock: New Blog And Radio Interview

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Reading: Be at Peace with the Coming Changes...

You're not going to be waiting much longer to see some very, very epic changes in the world, according to this new Wilcock Reading. It is the latest in an ongoing series of messages encouraging us to understand the greater, positive context for the seemingly chaotic events here on Earth.


The events on the planet are coming together now at an incredible speed. There is abundant evidence that the greatest negative Controllers on the planet are in the final throes of defeat -- and the aftermath will be nothing short of spectacular.

The biggest story at the moment is the fall of the Rockefeller faction, which is the main group behind the UFO cover-up and suppression of over 6000 patents that could give us free energy, gravity control, water cars, incredible healing devices, Stargate teleportation, interstellar travel and even time travel.


The way things go on this planet, we do seem to need very significant wake-up calls in order for very significant changes to occur. In order for the common people to truly 'get' the scope of what's going on, and be mobilized enough to really put an end to it, the pain has to reach a critical mass.

That's what we seem to be told is going to happen here -- and the research I'm putting together from a variety of sources, including insider testimony as well as clear and available data in the media, all conforms to this same message.

I don't know precisely when it will be, how long we'll have to go through this endurance test, or how bad it will be. However, I'm hearing from lots of people, including those whose accuracy I trust, who are having dreams portending that a very epic sequence of changes is about to unfold.

(Read full blog here)

David was also on Myth or Logic Radio with Host Tom Murasso, Jan. 27, 2010


Very interesting read and audio....

Big things are about to happen that will change our world forever...


posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 01:49 PM
I enjoy reading his work, I know there are A LOT of people out there who bash him for the things he says but that ok, there will always be a balance to everything. But I believe alot of the stuff he says only because i have been following it for awhile and some of the stuff he says will
happen ends up happening. and again there were som stuff that didnt, but overall i think hes on the right path...

Even if its fake, its still REAL entertaining.
And also, am i the only one who feels he has sort of an alien look to him??

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Zeta Reticuli
I enjoy reading his work, I know there are A LOT of people out there who bash him for the things he says but that ok, there will always be a balance to everything. But I believe alot of the stuff he says only because i have been following it for awhile and some of the stuff he says will
happen ends up happening. and again there were som stuff that didnt, but overall i think hes on the right path...

Even if its fake, its still REAL entertaining.
And also, am i the only one who feels he has sort of an alien look to him??

I enjoy reading his work makes complete sense to me....very positive and uplifting.....

And also, I think you're thinking about Dr. Steven Greer..
...he looks like an alien...

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Whatever happened to alien disclosure in November or December ??? Guess that never happened.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Yes indeed,
He olds the same amount of credibility I reserve for the "Weekly World News". He has done more to turn off and turn away interested parties then he can imagine. I am certain I am speaking for thousands if not ten's of thousands by now.

+11 more 
posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Zeta Reticuli

I'm sorry, but this just baffles me.

Someone falling for a hoax, thinking it isn't one, or having no evidence of true/false status...Is one thing.

KNOWING that this guy is a hoax, sucking "believers" money, and STILL supporting him, saying "oh, he is really entertaining", IS STUPID.

No, it's not harmless entertaining, no it isn't just a guy talking some crap on a blog.

Those are the idiots, like Greer and Wilcock, that say "WE are the face of ufology, we have deep contacts and knowledge about what is going on", and then surface back, to say the most stupid and annoying theories ever.

Me, and some other people that take the subject of ufology (True ufology, not something you read while you're on your intervals at work) seriously have the brain matter to ignore this people.

But others can't. So they keep popping up, earning more money, giving more bad influences to ufology, while the REAL investigators and the REAL people trying to make something good out of all the mysteries, get buried under this huge amount of BS that people INSIST on keep posting, ALTHOUGH all of his crap has been debunked.

It's entertaining to you? Fine! Download it, pay him whatever you want, read it and listen to it on your own, like everyone else does with porn.


My dog has more credibility than he does... And has a better haircut.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:28 PM
I remember reading about conflicts between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. David got a lot of his information from a whistleblower called Dr. Peter David Beter who wrote a book in the 70's accurately predicting major events.
So in my opinion there might be something to all of this, I sure hope there is a "New Kremlin" faction.

As always, time will tell.

In his talk shows Dr. Beter had a habit of saying things which sounded preposterous at the time, but which were proven correct later on. Early in 1973 he declared that Vice President Spiro Agnew would be swept up in a sudden scandal beginning in late summer that would lead quickly to his resignation. At the time Agnew was flying high, and it sounded like an unlikely turn of events. But it happened, right on schedule. In the spring of 1974, Dr. Beter described a sequence of events by which the Watergate Scandal would make Richard Nixon the first U.S. President in history to resign. At the time, Watergate seemed to be running out of steam, and Nixon appeared to be "toughing it out." Even less believably, Dr. Beter described a secret agreement which he said existed by which then-Vice President Gerald Ford would nominate Nelson Rockefeller to be his new Vice President after Nixon resigned. In the spring of 1974 those things sounded hard to believe indeed. But they took place. Dr. Beter claimed that events like these, while shocking to the public, were planned far in advance. He said that they were known within certain intelligence and even business circles here in America and abroad. Drawing upon his extensive contacts with these circles, Dr. Beter was making public what the privileged few already knew.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:28 PM
His early stuff was very interesting .. even though he seemed crazy about the film 'Contact'

But alas i fear Mr Wilcox is going the same way as all these kinds of people , they start out measured , balanced and objective even if discussing 'far out' theories.

As attention wanes they hit us with some amazing announcement .. its always from an insider that can't be named .....

Remember David disclosure in Nov / Dec guaranteed?

After this fail .. although i will point out that the meteorite from mars that after 7 ??/ years of study they have proved the microbe like things embedded in the rock are 100% not from earth.. now they have to prove 100% they were bacteria/microbes etc ..

This was announced in nov/Dec is this what he was aware of? .. and hyped it up or took it the wrong way ..

unfortunately for me this latest blog is spiraling into the 'Norm' of all the charlatans.

behind the UFO cover-up and suppression of over 6000 patents that could give us free energy, gravity control, water cars, incredible healing devices, Stargate teleportation, interstellar travel and even time travel.

so its not disclosure now ... its Free energy , Time travel . blah blah blah blah ..

Whoa there David .. why not shout about one thing at a time? you might be able to extend the time the money rolls in from your endeavors.

i think Mr Wilcox has been going to the Greer school of sensationalism , when that basket full of eggs finally tips over David . so will your career among respectable free thinkers.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Tifozi

people INSIST on keep posting, ALTHOUGH all of his crap has been debunked.

Really..?....can you provide links to all his crap that has been debunked..?....

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:45 PM
David Wilcock has been debunked. Some of the things he talks about hasn’t, but his intentions have been. Look at all his past, talking about disclosure. Never Happens. He keeps moving up the dates. At seminars he thrives on people loving his work. E.G. Telling the audience to say Amen to what he believes in. He knows how to influence people and he’s very good at his job. He does seem like a nice guy. BUT you can obviously tell he’s a snakes oil salesman.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Maddogkull]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:45 PM
Thanks for posting OP, recently read through it and it is very positive.

Sometimes I feel like I've read the same thing before. Similar positive message to many others.

I still don't understand what is the big deal about him people? Where is he 'debunked'?

I can't possibly imagine 'debunking' the man, because he gets his info from so many places.

Especially when a lot of the info he talks about comes through recording his dreams and 'channeled' information.

He just looks for mainstream connections to what his intuition tells him.

I guess I'm just curious as to where the credible, analytical debunking of him is...

Seems to me all the 'debunking' is just personal attacks based on the fact that the man has to make a living somehow.

Those people never seem to read through his several FREE books... I am sure there is enough info on David's site for anyone to debunk his information.

Please, don't debunk people, debunk information.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

i'm sorry but your terribly arrogant.

this site is all about speaking your mind, don't get me wrong.

However, to claim your dog has more credibility than Wilcock, is pretty much just straight out bashing the guy.

truth be told, i think your just in denial, you simply can't accept the truth even if it's staring right at you.

i am sure you are busy doing your very serious work on ufology, or your just some loser on the internet trying to flex his e-muscles.

i couldn't care less though, have fun trying to convince people your right!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:50 PM
another thing Rainfall , on his site 'divine Cosmos' in the comment section on the main page .. there is not one negative comment.. NOT ONE.

not even from a 14 year old Troll .. this makes me think any negative comments get removed .. not a good sign

It reminds me of the home improvement companies... they always have letters at the foot of there advertising.

'Mrs Smith' - of London

Thank you for installing our new heating system, you workmen were quick , professional and courteous, the quality of the work is Outstanding and at a fantastic price! , i will be recommending you to all my friends.

Problem is Mrs Smith didn't write this .. the owner of the company did.

Now i am not saying that Mr Wilcox has written all these himself but whoever is moderating that site sure is picking and choosing to give the appearance of an advertisement.

Like i said before i liked his thoughts and theories , listened to his lectures and interviews .. but even if anything he says has any basis in fact , the disclosure thing is going to be extremely hard to get over..

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel

Remember David disclosure in Nov / Dec guaranteed?

Nope. You remember incorrectly.

Lots of people claimed that he guaranteed disclosure by then, but he never did. it was an ATS myth, created so that people could attack him, which they love to do. As so many are addicted to this kind of negativity, few bother to check the facts about what he actually said, or to take it in context. They prefer the myth, because they'd like to feel they are 'justified' in their passionate hatred.

Simply mentioning Wilcock's name is enough to tap another 'gusher' in the deep well of negativity among some of the ATS membership. As some posters have already noted, Wilcock is essentially very positive in his message, and so he enrages those of the opposite polarity.

Beneath all the bluster and denial, this is the fundamental dynamic that is in operation.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel
another thing Rainfall , on his site 'divine Cosmos' in the comment section on the main page .. there is not one negative comment.. NOT ONE.

Like i said before i liked his thoughts and theories , listened to his lectures and interviews .. but even if anything he says has any basis in fact , the disclosure thing is going to be extremely hard to get over..

Quantum_Squirrel, it sounds to me that you are holding a grudge because disclosure did not happen in Nov.

Don't loose faith, it WILL happen...

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:13 PM
Quantum Squirrel is right though. Look at his site. If he truly respected people’s opinions he would look at what they say, and explain to them his point of view. There’s nothing negative on the site. In a way that’s good, but I honestly think he has no evidence besides his so called "channelling" everything he talks about is based off other sources. You want a solid person to believe in, look at Nassim Haramein. His math actually makes sense,

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:17 PM
Personally I would say the Negative controllers have never been more powerful!

Even now they seem to be ramping up to world war 3!

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by rainfall

So let me get this straight.

You come here and preach the David Wilcock crap, but you DON'T know about his work that is debunked?

You're totally oblivion to the fact that he released SEVERAL dates for "disclosure", and ALL (not some, not a few, not one...ALL) of his dates failed?

I know that some Wilcocks fans here think that his talk about disclosure was a ATS myth, and we are all witch hunting, and that Wilcock is a saint.

Well, wrong again. I find it funny how some people enjoy SO MUCH smoking on the Wilcocks pipe, and get this dreams, and when EVERYTHING ELSE points to a direction, his fans will ALWAYS follow the OTHER path, which is the one he indicates.

It isn't a ATS myth, it's a fact gathered to those who actually use a brain.

I find if funny that people first say "well, if he is a hoax, at least is entertaining", and when someone points that out, "HEY! Give me some proof you arrogant!".

Well, this is just enough proof to show how people believe in Wilcock. Vague, vague, vague ignorance. Period.

Wilcock said that something major was going to happen around November. 27th. Nothing happened. Then, using a commonly used tactic amongst hoaxers (and I can't believe you all fall for that), he says "they tried to shut me up, now its going to happen before Christmas".

And guess what. Nothing happened.

Well, if it looks like a duck, and smells like a duck... You get my point.

I'm sorry, I don't need to post any links. The fact that you don't know this stuff is just a point on itself.

(btw, just go through some pages here on the ATS. the David Wilcock crap is so proliferate, that you'll see something)

reply to post by Dave157

You know how I answer to people like you?

That I rather, 1000 times, be rude, arrogant and have a bad attitude, than LIVING IN IGNORANCE and supporting UFO-whores like Greer and Wilcock that untill now, have brought NOTHING but pain to Ufology.

I'll pick any UFO youtube video, any witness account, ANYTHING about UFO as proof and true, BEFORE giving credit to someone like Wilcock.

[edit on 7/2/10 by Tifozi]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:28 PM

You're not going to be waiting much longer to see some very, very epic changes in the world,

Excellent, wont be waiting much longer...wait, who defines that? people have been waiting for thousands of years...this could mean a hour from now, or 300 years. bah...maybe he will clear this up later...moving on..

The events on the planet are coming together now at an incredible speed. There is abundant evidence that the greatest negative Controllers on the planet are in the final throes of defeat

Events on this planet are coming in at the rate they always comes in...time is a constant and whatnot, earthquakes happen, politicians suck like clockwork, economys boom and bust and boom again (arguably like clockwork) and like ants, when you smash down one controller, another pops in its place...or am I thinking of the head of a hydra...well, whatever, you get the point.

could give us

could? not will? just could...well hell, it could give us free pancakes at the local IHOP also...if your talking could, then its not really a fact..and anyone can speculate...but I digress...lets move on

free energy, gravity control, water cars, incredible healing devices, Stargate teleportation, interstellar travel

Very good news as far as could give us is concerned...however, I would also prefer advanced nanotechnology to all that other stuff...

and even time travel.

Ahh well crap, if they have the ability to time travel, they will simply go back in time when everything started collapsing and alter it to where they dont collapse. oh well, I guess if what you say is true, then it will never happen due to this blasted time machine *shakes fist at HG Wells* moving on...

I don't know precisely when it will be, how long we'll have to go through this endurance test,

No worries, you said wont be waiting me thats about 20 minutes, so...within 20 minutes since you left it up to me..oh, wait..your saying more, good...this should clear it up

I'm hearing from lots of people, including those whose accuracy I trust, who are having dreams portending that a very epic sequence of changes is about to unfold.

Dre...wait...dreams? and hold on...they aren't even your dreams? just people you know and trust having dreams that stuff is going to happen?
I see a flaw here...or not!
my...good...GOD!!!...if true, it *WILL* be epic...we are all going to be out in public with nothing but our underwear on...luckily people wont notice, but still..things are going to get chilly. I know this because I had this dream where I was out in public...nevermind...lets just say that we all need to stock up on very warm undergarments...fair warning! and yes, jacktards...I am trustable...I dont lie or steal, therefore I qualify for being a trustable source

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:29 PM
David Wilcock: Making More Absurd Assumptions to Gather People to this

And Make Money. Good Find Bro.

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