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A dream can change everything :)

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:42 AM
I apologize in advance if this is not the appropriate section of the forum to post this thread.

I have been thinking intensely for a while now and i have decided to share a little story with some of you who are interested to listen
This is nothing paranormal or out of the ordinary as many people would expect but a short life-changing experience which happened to me not too long ago which raised even more questions on top of the ones that i already had.

I will start off informing you with little information about myself, i am 20 years old , still young and inexperienced in this vast world. Until recently i have been an ordinary male human being , mostly busy with mundane actions and thoughts . However i have always posed questions about everything , i have never believed what i have been told until i have proven it somehow and accepted the matter in question deep within my heart. The only obstacle i have encountered until now is that the society that we live in today pulls you away from asking too many questions and making your life too busy to be aware of anything else.

Now about the dream in question , many will find it silly but it had a huge impact on me and i would like to know if anyone had any similar experiences and any opinion is welcome , negative or positive. I went to sleep like every other night and i found myself in a rainy city with no inhabitants .. i was walking down the street and it started lightning and i found myself not carying. Until one came towards me , time slowed down and i was able to see it coming towards me in "slow motion" until it finally reached me , seeing a sparkle and everything went white. Now i find myself in total whiteness surrounded by nothing else except white. I had no body and i could not move , all i could do was think. The weird part was that time was somewhat irrelevant , myself having the impression that the dream lasted days instead of the hours actually spent sleeping. So i was there just thinking..and thinking...realizing that i died. It took me a long time accepting that and i wondered where am i , what am i doing there , what is the purpose of it ...what was the purpose of my life and many other questions raised at an accelerating rate. Not being able to find any answers it got to a point where i became bored , i did not know what to do , i was stuck there forever in my mind myself and I in total whiteness. Time passed and passed and eventually something unexpected happened. White turned black and now i found myself in total darkness , i did not understand , i had no clue what was going on and again time passed making it seem like forever , my thoughts racing about wrong and right , about the time i have spent alive , about what have i accomplished. In time my ability to think diminished , as i would forget what i thought before thinking again so i cannot really state what happened during that time as my memory is pretty much gone. Now my memory comes back and i am just a vision , however in front of my eyes there are a majority of people i have ever met in their image as i last seen them. People i have forgotten from grades 1-4 and so on ..and again i was confused ..i did not understand what was going on as they were just standing there , they disappear and i see a forest , many animals and last the earth then i wake up.

I know it does not make much sense but this completely changed my views on so many aspects. It might sound childish but the first thing i did after waking up was going outside , and i grabbed a piece of concrete. The cold harsh surface of the concrete never felt better, for i was able to feel once again. The air seemed better than before ..and it was just as if i was noticing the sunshine for the first time in my life. The trees seemed greener and more beautiful and the cold wind was just as a breeze and i could hear it better than ever. I was alive again , i could feel , smell hear and see.

Now the thought of inexistence was frightening , realizing that the end will come sooner or later and all those things would be gone again for good was inacceptable for a period of time. It took me a very long time to come at peace with it and accepted it fully deep within my heart that the end will come even if i want it or not. Some people will say that religion is the answer but i see it just as a comfort of living knowing that there is something else after , and nothing more. And that might just be lying to myself. Or that my energy will go on , and i agree , however my memories and the person who is typing this at this moment will be gone forever.

This dream changed my view about nature and human life the most. Before i would see people dying , feel bad but not take it too serious . Now thinking that those persons could be me and that they are just as important as me saddens me. Death should not be present other than the one of old age. The nature should not be affected outside the limits of a co-existing life.

My conclusion: We have completely forgotten where we started and who we really are and the most important why we live. My advice is go out and experience as much as you can from the nature around , breathe the fresh air in the morning ( as fresh as it can be), enjoy the sunshine , notice the colors around you , observe the nature and be a part of it , smell the flowers around you , and grab the silliest things you might think of because there will be a day when you will not be able to do so anymore. Remember if you live 60 years lets say , 20 years you sleep another 25 work , 10 will be full of problems and you will find yourself with 5 years of actual lucid living. Love , don't hate and live your life to the fullest respecting this house we call Earth.

I thank you from the deepest point in my heart , for you the ones who took the time of reading my experience and i welcome your input.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Fatality]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:17 AM
An awe inspiring peice of writing you have there. I myself have dreams where i wake up appreciative of life in an ever new perspective.

and even I lose touch with reality sometimes, but by reading this you've awoken that nostalgia of childhood memories and what it felt like to experience life's moments that first time around; from the deepest confines of my heart I thank you for that.


posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:25 AM
Big up for you, I hope you remember that dream forever and that life may continue to sparkle as the dream fades away.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Fatality

your conclusions are not logical so they are of yourself existance roots
as an energy type the way you named it to recognize it objectively right

if life is not fair because everyone dies, so life is not right and you should not keep appreciating it and even more go smell flowers and valorize nature more for itself existance value, that conclusion is the logic of objective subject facing the reality of itself existance worth

but also the conscious is present objectively when meaning its life, and in this can judge objectively life from its means intelligence, and in this frame you draw about life it is obvious that it has no means of intelligence truth that at it basics intelligence always mean absolute positive reality values, and if life is absent totally as it is of any reality certainty value then you must stop considering it life if you mean as a conscious being true objective living one

and for an overall conclusion, the whole situation is terror from what you cant do anything at all and all what do is nothing to mention really, i would suggest to hold tied on someone i trust a lot and plan a kind of suicide like romeo and juliet thing

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:35 AM
A very profound dream indeed which when viewed rightly
has the power to take away the fear of death and to expose
the beautiful illusion of life for what it is

"when there is nothing to get there is also nothing to lose"

Life in all it's glory is such a magnificent blessing

and you do not need eyes to see... you need vision

thank you for sharing

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by xsheep

how can you say things like that, when there is nothing to get then you are yourself since obviously nothing is making you, so you hang on on yourself and of course you dont consider what obviously mean to kill you so there is no way with anywhere

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by imans

why get yourself all hung up... about the story of yourself

when it was you who made the story up

when you understand that little illusion

you get to to play the leading role in your own life

you get to wake up out of the illusion of who you "think" you are

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by xsheep

it is not the story of yourself when obviously it is out of yourself killing you by forcing some illusions of living being the whole existance without any intelligence means nor reality

you dont get to play when you are real, real dont play madam so there is no roles when it is you you dont create yourself and there is no living when obviously life is not, life is absolute positive reality of all different elements together interactions positively freely and each living is only on point element there of his existance base abstraction stands and aspirations enrgies towards absolute life energies source intelligence and reality

which is a lot of things obviously beyond your wills of understandings focus on stories easy see in existance creations false justifications for some pretenses as positive existing yourself one

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:18 AM
and noone move out of anything unless he is moving for something else more true, all your means are to support gods means in using humans as slaves to their fancies in being bodies and daring calling humans cheap actors players,

conscious in void exist as absolute truth exist obviously making absolute positive reality void being alive, so keep nature and god as your gods alone, every point conscious of anything exist for sure and itself energy always one

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:38 AM
Imans..I am having a problem trying to see your point of view here

Not too sure which level you are coming from so if I understand you wrong
Please can you help me by being a little clearer

Personally I do not see god as enslaving ' punishing or the great judge of something that is either good or evil
Oneness means that there is no difference

I am all that I am

yet I am Neither the neither of neither

It is all in the way you look at the bigger picture of it all

When I am close up...... I simply cannot see

I become blinded by the illusion of my own self

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by xsheep

you are insisting on being only yourself when obviously all what you say is about yourself or for,
you dont admit existance outside of you existing so there is no point of any interaction here, it is always all about you

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 11:42 AM
That is very inspiring, one of the coolest dreams I've come across on the internet. Were you able to talk to yourself in the white space? Could you have a sensation of breathing or a heart beat? I know you didn't have arms or legs but was there anything at all you could do other than think?

Your perspective will always change and grow with you, what an amazing and beautiful start to a life of lucidity that dream was. It seems like you will have a very meaningful life, and I mean that in a specific way. You will approach the world with a passion of sorts, and give life meaning. Good luck!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 11:49 AM
Beautiful post fatality! I have always appreciated the simple things in life and nature, ever since I was a child. I always revered the earth and all that it holds. It is my belief that we are merely souls inhabiting a human body and when we die we go on to something different, something better.

There are many fascinating accounts of near death experiences and out of body experiences. We are more than just a physical body. We are a complex and fascinating being.

We live in a very fast paced and chaotic world. It is vital for our well being that we take the time to appreciate all that surrounds us, all that we are and are capable of becoming.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by imans

Imans wrote

"you are insisting on being only yourself when obviously all what you say is about yourself or for,
you dont admit existance outside of you existing so there is no point of any interaction here, it is always all about you "

How can I be one with all
"All that I am"
And yet you ask me to see something other then myself

What is this other ...that you ask me to see ?

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by xsheep

i am not asking you anything, it is a simple fact that you admit, the fact of all of what you are with the denial of truth existance, this is your life
a living is nothing but a free positive move of existing abstraction being energy identity of awarenss true, so that is whole you

what i may ask you is to reduce your steps as living, there are lot of others livings totally on different bases moving and there are opposites to your life sense that are according to me much more right
but to stay objective we could say that your free expression concern you alone and dont say anything out, so just keep it relative to you when you sense your drive to positive move in seeing some threads meaning objective truth as source of all

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 01:25 PM
Because you are only twenty years old, and I am considerably older, I can argue with your point of view and your inescapable dream. I read it all the way through and understand your point and your advice; however, I sincerely believe that you are wrong in your conclusions.

I have been involved in many variety of discussion groups while at the internet and some I happened upon because of personal experiences that have caused me to seek answers to questions as well. I am a firm believer that I can recall past lifetimes, and as such, have spent much time acquiring information about history that I would not otherwise have bothered to learn.

So there is much more to life, and if you are lucky enough to live as long as I, soon will be 71, then come back and discuss what you have learned in the next fifty years of your life. But I agree that the best thing is to absorb nature, learn from nature, and enjoy life and living as best you can. Good luck...Life is a journey and it is an ongoing and ye shall find!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Fatality

Wow makes me feel alittle better. I know the world sucks and there are alot of senics trying to deny the available serenic aspects of the world, but if there were not so many people with huge egos in the world we could actually enjoy this type of viewpoint. I wish I lived way away with nothing but nature, no people, and good food. Life would be as u describe how you felt after your dream. Humanity sucks and has ruined everything and I hate humanity. From the people who rob, kill and steal, to the people who corrupt and force beliefs I hate them all and it destroys my earthly inhabitance.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by appliedconcepts
An awe inspiring peice of writing you have there. I myself have dreams where i wake up appreciative of life in an ever new perspective.

and even I lose touch with reality sometimes, but by reading this you've awoken that nostalgia of childhood memories and what it felt like to experience life's moments that first time around; from the deepest confines of my heart I thank you for that.


Thank you ! I am glad i could help in any way or manner. !

Originally posted by imans

your conclusions are not logical so they are of yourself existance roots
as an energy type the way you named it to recognize it objectively right

if life is not fair because everyone dies, so life is not right and you should not keep appreciating it and even more go smell flowers and valorize nature more for itself existance value, that conclusion is the logic of objective subject facing the reality of itself existance worth

but also the conscious is present objectively when meaning its life, and in this can judge objectively life from its means intelligence, and in this frame you draw about life it is obvious that it has no means of intelligence truth that at it basics intelligence always mean absolute positive reality values, and if life is absent totally as it is of any reality certainty value then you must stop considering it life if you mean as a conscious being true objective living one

and for an overall conclusion, the whole situation is terror from what you cant do anything at all and all what do is nothing to mention really, i would suggest to hold tied on someone i trust a lot and plan a kind of suicide like romeo and juliet thing

My conclusions are not related to my spiritual or energetic side of the story. Like i said , i for one do not believe something untill i have completely acknowledged it and taken it totaly within my heart. There has been no proof presented to me , until this very moment that i have a body after i die. Therefore i might as well enjoy what this material world is offering. Life is not fair? Sure isn't on many levels , most of them human related. Can i do something about it? Human related ..maybe , nature related no. Should i suicide just because the world is not fair? NO WAY. I have been given the chance of living this life/illusion/dream however some would call it and i might as well enjoy the most out of it because there is no further evidence that i will be able to do it again , not with my memories , not with who i am at this very moment.

Originally posted by demoncleaner
Big up for you, I hope you remember that dream forever and that life may continue to sparkle as the dream fades away.

Thank you

Originally posted by xsheep
A very profound dream indeed which when viewed rightly
has the power to take away the fear of death and to expose
the beautiful illusion of life for what it is

"when there is nothing to get there is also nothing to lose"

Life in all it's glory is such a magnificent blessing

and you do not need eyes to see... you need vision

thank you for sharing

Indeed. It makes you accept the material side of you , it's beginning and it's end. Thank you very much for reading

Originally posted by Novise
That is very inspiring, one of the coolest dreams I've come across on the internet. Were you able to talk to yourself in the white space? Could you have a sensation of breathing or a heart beat? I know you didn't have arms or legs but was there anything at all you could do other than think?

Your perspective will always change and grow with you, what an amazing and beautiful start to a life of lucidity that dream was. It seems like you will have a very meaningful life, and I mean that in a specific way. You will approach the world with a passion of sorts, and give life meaning. Good luck!

Thank you!
. To go in more depth of the whole white space thing. It was a vast whiteness , and i could not breathe , hear , speak or feel . The only thing i could do is think , i thought i could move for a while but it was just my wishful thinking , and moving as..floating around i guess. But that was not the case. For me , the most interesting part is time relevant. It felt as if there was no time there.I had so much time thinking about everything , and i am thankful for it because many do not have the opportunity being caught in the mundane society we live in
. Putting the seriousness aside , the next day i kind of wished i had my calculus 3 book with me so i could have studied when i had so much time on my hands haha.

Originally posted by Night Star
Beautiful post fatality! I have always appreciated the simple things in life and nature, ever since I was a child. I always revered the earth and all that it holds. It is my belief that we are merely souls inhabiting a human body and when we die we go on to something different, something better.

There are many fascinating accounts of near death experiences and out of body experiences. We are more than just a physical body. We are a complex and fascinating being.

We live in a very fast paced and chaotic world. It is vital for our well being that we take the time to appreciate all that surrounds us, all that we are and are capable of becoming.

Thank you!I understand that there might be something after. However many people rely on that and since there must be something after they neglect the life they have been offered now. And life is priceless .

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Fatality]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by LiteraryOneTwo
Because you are only twenty years old, and I am considerably older, I can argue with your point of view and your inescapable dream. I read it all the way through and understand your point and your advice; however, I sincerely believe that you are wrong in your conclusions.

I have been involved in many variety of discussion groups while at the internet and some I happened upon because of personal experiences that have caused me to seek answers to questions as well. I am a firm believer that I can recall past lifetimes, and as such, have spent much time acquiring information about history that I would not otherwise have bothered to learn.

So there is much more to life, and if you are lucky enough to live as long as I, soon will be 71, then come back and discuss what you have learned in the next fifty years of your life. But I agree that the best thing is to absorb nature, learn from nature, and enjoy life and living as best you can. Good luck...Life is a journey and it is an ongoing and ye shall find!

Thank you for taking the time to read everything ! I am not necessary saying that it's the end. It might be , it might not be. I am just trying to say that we might as well enjoy everything this universe has to offer , in a caring manner. If i come back later on , extraordinary , of i don't at least i know i experienced most of what is around me.

Originally posted by cbaskins

Wow makes me feel alittle better. I know the world sucks and there are alot of senics trying to deny the available serenic aspects of the world, but if there were not so many people with huge egos in the world we could actually enjoy this type of viewpoint. I wish I lived way away with nothing but nature, no people, and good food. Life would be as u describe how you felt after your dream. Humanity sucks and has ruined everything and I hate humanity. From the people who rob, kill and steal, to the people who corrupt and force beliefs I hate them all and it destroys my earthly inhabitance.

Thank you for reading. From my point of view the biggest 2 factors in humankind downfall are egoism and the obsession of controlling life or nature. Today's society traps you in a reality of war and obedience. You must do this until you are 20 then this till you are 40 then that till you are 60 and you die. And then looking back you will see that you have gained nothing but given everything away. Now turn on the tv and i wonder how can these people kill eachother , why are they fighting over the smallest problems which could be solved immediately if there was no currency available. This planet is ours , not only one countries or a league of nations's. I can't believe that people still die of hunger and of long forgotten dieseases which have been cured tens of years ago.It is sad..try not to be the same and enjoy it as much as you can with everything going on around us.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Fatality

you are really proud of you inventing a whole fake moments of you to abuse the situation that some encounter this time, like i said it is only you there, so why dont you put your insights on another page that would seem more appropriate than metaphyisics and philosophy studies

as a side personnal note young man take this word from me as truth, the only value is the free move true that of course then receive its true interactive respond, and that happen in void so it happen everywhere, and it is never meant anyone nor from anyone it always meaning truth as true moves
so keep your books and your gods on your dark walls wills they only say what you are, a will seeking for existance powers from truth knowledge abuse at any position above, but more particularly you are who would never be true because as i said true move is the first free move before any conditions powers forcing it in shapes, but it is the only energy that lead the individual by itself, and obviously you have nothing of that energy and all of artificial powers that your drives mean it being your sources and ends

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