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Obama says turn off the tube

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posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:17 PM

You know, I don't really enjoy Obama and American politics in general, but anyone who disagrees with this statement is just part of the problem. Which is surprising considering it is coming straight from the horses mouth.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:36 PM
Dont think anyone would disagree with this...its pretty self evident and non-partisan...sort of like saying "brush your teeth daily".

If however there are those that disagree, then ya...its time for them to see a therapist...the obamadness has taken over any sense of logic they may have once had.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:49 PM
You have to be joking.

Obama said:

"If everybody here turned off your CNN, your Fox, just turn off the TV, MSNBC, blogs, and just go talk to folks out there, instead of being in this echo chamber where the topic is constantly politics," Obama said, things would be an awful lot better in Washington.

This is just saying everybody should just be a dumb, blind sheep.

Cable news and the internet has been great if you ask me. I'm always for more information for the public.

People can make there own decisions based onthe dictates of their own conscious not the dictates of Obama, Pelosi and Reid or Bush, Hastert and Fisk when the Republicans were in power.

Obama has convinced himself that everyone agrees with his ideology and if people just turned off the TV they would see things his way.

This is why Dictators control the media because they know a public that's less informed is easier to control.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:53 PM
If I may, I strongly recommend those with a deep interest in this subject to ensure they find an opportunity to watch a few very enlightening documentaries:

- Century of the Self
- Manufacturing Consent
- The Politics of Fear

(All are on the web for free at your usual sites for such material. I don't include links because I don't want to derail the thread with multiple videos.)

They demonstrate clearly that the means - motive - and opportunity exist for engendering many of our political, cultural, and social woes, the very same woes that:

A: Keep the same politicians and their families in power
B: Serve to strengthen our political machinery's dependence on
Corporations and corporate media
C: Make the Media Industry richer and more influential than individual
D: Explains why so many people are content to be ignorant and overly
trusting of those who exploit them.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

Cable news is simply in the business of selling a point of view, and programming the viewers. If you honestly think that cable news is keeping you informed of the truth, then you are already programmed and potentially a loss.

Blogs are made by people whom are deeply entrenched into programming their readers to buy into a perception. If you find that @Fishywonker is a credible unbias news source with his blogging of how obama is a secret pagan, then again...your programmed.

Talking to your neighbor, great...reading world news from credible news agencys, great...watching things like cspan (unadvisable unless you have a sleep disorder) will also get you close to a understanding of whats going on.

incidently, I wonder if the series, V, never existed, if there would be theories still about reptilian aliens visiting earth.

people are programmed by the medium they choose. Choose facts over opinions and viewpoints.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:07 PM
On one hand it is sound advice to a lot of people. Disconnect for a bit. Get out and enjoy the human experience. Converse with others. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now, the President telling us we need to disconnect and get out there is a different story. It sounds more like trying to blame all of the media now (not just Fox) for the woes he is experiencing.

If only you folks would just get out there you would see that everyone wants what I want. Sounds kinda narcissistic and naive.

More information is more power. The wider you cast your net in regards to where you receive your information, the better choices and better conclusions you will be able to derive from that information. Limiting yourself to just talking with your local circle of neighbors isn't bad, but it will be just that, limited.

Furthermore, not everyone is going to take heed and do what the President is going to ask. Therefore while you are talking to the local barber shop owner while getting a nice smooth hair cut, he may have been watching/listening to those evil people within the media and his views are skewed to what he has decided he wishes to believe.

Your conversations will forever have the influence of outside stimulus. This is not a bad thing. Accepting everything at face value is the problem and I believe this is the problem that the President is running into.

He wants everyone to accept his view and take on the role of the Government without question. Don't dig deeper and try to figure it out. I know I specifically have referred to President Obama, but this is the goal of all politicians. The less information we have, the more power they retain.

So I say keep those TVs on, visit those blogs and also include normal conversation with others in your repertoire in regards to discussion about issues pertaining to this country. Just remember...moderation in everything is a good thing....

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

I actually think your post is the joke here. You're actually implying there is a cable news program that is informative. Or we just have two completely different definitions of informative.

But yes, we should continue watching news programs that propagate corporate interests to the public with a twist so that the public actually fools itself in believing that it will help them. You are totally right. By doing this, we will no longer be blind sheep.

If you need a talking head to tell you or inform you of decisions made in America are bad or good, I think you should just stop trying.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

I'm going to reply to this only because you misread what Matrix said.

Cable news and the internet has been great if you ask me. I'm always for more information for the public.

Nowhere did Maxtix say it was informative, but merely stated that more information is good. You placed your bias stance into your reply to it and twisted into saying that the implication was there. That is coming to a conclusion based on your views.

Also...Matrix then stated:

People can make there own decisions based onthe dictates of their own conscious not the dictates of Obama, Pelosi and Reid or Bush, Hastert and Fisk when the Republicans were in power.

Sounds to me like Matrix isn't relying solely upon media. Rather Matrix stated it is up to the people to dictate and discern the information they receive and it is their choice on how to handle that information. As I stated in my previous post...more information is more power to the People.

Overall I would say Matrix brings up the rather great point that the President wishes all information was derived from a single point and if it was, then everything in Washington would work as it is supposed to. No more differing ideas, no more opposition to legislation. The president cast a rather large net by including nearly every form of media except for his Fireside chats and YouTube 'town-hall' meetings he presents.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:26 PM
I don't mind (or didn't mind) the news when it was just that...the NEWS.

Now days, you get very little news and a whole lot of opinion from these so called "journalists". Honestly, I could care less what any news anchor's opinion the news and let us decide.

I propose that they should change it from the "News" to the "Opinion"

[edit on 5-2-2010 by Aggie Man]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

You have to be joking.

Yes, I find some Cable News informative and I enjoy the debate on some of the programs.

I also read newspapers to internet blogs and then I form an opinion that's true to the dictates of my own conscious not to you or Obama.

This is what you call mindless sheep.

People can watch Cable News or read a blog and reach their own conclusion and it may differ the show or the news site.

For instance I like the O'Reilly Factor ad I find myself in many cases disagreeing with Bill and agreeing with the guest.

This is the problem with you and what Obama said.

You act as if people listen or watch these shows and then they do whatever the host tells them. People have their own minds and they can reach their own conclusions.

Again, this is why Dictators want to control the flow of information. They want to decide what you believe and what information you will get.

Where do you think many people found out about all the backroom deals on healthcare? Many people saw it on cable news or the internet.

Where do you think people learned about Scooter Libby? They learned about it on Cable news and reading it on the internet.

[edit on 5-2-2010 by Matrix Rising]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

Okay, you seriously must be a time traveler or something, because "You act as if people listen or watch these shows and then they do whatever the host tells them." is completely true this day and age. I guarantee you out of 100 American's who watch some form of cable news daily, maybe 10 actually think for themselves. Maybe. This is a stretch on my part, because I highly doubt even 1/10 even do. But I'm allowing this possibility.

This is also completely ignoring the fact that our media is ALREADY IN THE REIGNS OF DICTATORS. If you think we have sovereignty or choice left in this country, your caught in a web of illusions created to masquerade as sovereignty or choice. Corporations own cable news. If news is reported on these cable news stations, it is because they want it to reported. And coincidentally, both major political parties, if you still distinguish them as two separate parties, are supported by corporate entities. If I need to put two and two together for you, I think I can safely say that this discussion is pointless.

I think you're either highly delusional, thinking that a majority of Americans are still free thinkers and intelligent enough to come to their own conclusions, or you're fearing that "oh noes the uninformative propaganda instilled bull# we call cable news is going to be destroyed by the magical negro". Either way it isn't a great view point, because the former isn't true and the latter won't happen because the cable news is TPTB propaganda arm.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

You really sound silly.

You act if people are too stupid to think for themselves and you are the only pure one left that can discern the truth.

Give me a break.

Is Cable news perfect? No
Are newspapers perfect? No
Is the internet perfect? No
Is Government perfect? HELL NO!!

So, I will listen and read information on the internet, newspapers and cable shows and then reach my own conclusions.

I will not listen to the lies of Obama, Bush or anyone else.

The only reason Obama wants you to turn of these stations is because he thinks your too stupid to think for yourself. The only reason you can be against Obamacare is because your listening to Cable news.

That's a joke.

Obama said on 8 different occasions that health care negotiations will be held on C-Span because he felt Washington wasn't transparent enough. Where were they held? Behind closed doors.

Many leaders don't like to be questioned and they want to control the message but Obama is President of the United States not Cuba.

It's really sad when people have to live under the delusion that people must be sheep if they don't think like them.

People can come to there own conclusions and in most cases it's not monolithic.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
You have to be joking.

Obama said:

"If everybody here turned off your CNN, your Fox, just turn off the TV, MSNBC, blogs, and just go talk to folks out there, instead of being in this echo chamber where the topic is constantly politics," Obama said, things would be an awful lot better in Washington.

This is just saying everybody should just be a dumb, blind sheep.

Cable news and the internet has been great if you ask me. I'm always for more information for the public.

People can make there own decisions based onthe dictates of their own conscious not the dictates of Obama, Pelosi and Reid or Bush, Hastert and Fisk when the Republicans were in power.

Obama has convinced himself that everyone agrees with his ideology and if people just turned off the TV they would see things his way.

This is why Dictators control the media because they know a public that's less informed is easier to control.

More information is a good thing.

More controlled repetitive memorizing propagandized information is a brain-washing thing... the US MSM is a parrot for the congressional military industrial scumplex and offers more mindless static than real 'information' these days... which actually makes this one of the first semi-intelligent things I can recall uttered by the oligarchs hand puppet..

OTOH it makes sense he finds television static more worthy to comment on than the innocent people his 'peace prize' winning decisions are killing daily..

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:08 PM
Did he forget it was the TV that got him elected?

Does anyone need to watch a replay of presidential debates?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by GovtFlu

You can get all kinds of information from different sources.

I watch CNN, FOX and MSNBC. I read everything from the Huffington Post, Drudge, blogs and more. I watch videos from people like Alex Jones, Ron Paul and Peter Schiff.

So, again people are smat enough to make up their own mind. Just because they stop watching cable news, that doesn't mean they will follow Obama's agenda like zombies.

Most people are smart enough to watch FOX or MSNBC and draw their own opinions. Stop acting like everyone is stupid and they can't think for themselves just because they don't agree with you.

People are so convinced that their opinion is the correct one, they think that anyone with an opposing view has to be a mind numb robot.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by GreenBicMan
Did he forget it was the TV that got him elected?

Does anyone need to watch a replay of presidential debates?

Good point.

It was the cable news channels, papers and basically all media except FOX that were kissing his feet.

Obama doesn't want criticism. His whole rant was against FOX but he had to include MSNBC and CNN because when he singled FOX out last time and it backfired and there ratings went through the roof.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

You know you are right. My step father, who is a highly intelligent man and thinks for himself does watch Fox, but also watches and reads other sources.

According to this site he would be vilified and hung if they had their way.

Diversifying your sources in regards to information is a good thing...something most ATSers should do as they spend 99% of their time gathering information from this site solely...

Now tell me...what makes that any different than solely relying upon a single cable news outlet?

The irony is ripe

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

It's pretty cut and dry IMO.

And you are right, any publicity is good publicity, ask Paris or Brit Brit.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:35 PM
I find it pretty funny, obama saying turn off the tube when he's on every other day (it seems)
I rarely watch tv but if he's on I definately turn it off;
can't stand his teleprompting, lieing and hypocracy
In fact, try as I may I haven't heard or seen Anything coming from him that I like.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by GreenBicMan

at the end of the day there will be people who cannot think for them selves and choose to listen / believe all of what cable TV has to offer... and there will be people like our selves who come to sites like ATS and so on to find more info so we can make our own minds up..

same goes for Obama thinking people will listen to him and turn off the box... The mass's will do as they please... the sheep will follow the leader.

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